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Delaney Lewellyn

DECEMBER 2, 2019









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Executive Summary

Under Pressure Swim Blog’s main goal is to be able to give future and present swimmers the

opportunity of improvement of their swim skills and technique by creating a blog based off

Kaatsu band drill videos, directed and catered towards aquatic athletes. The business format is

both text and video formatted, which is unique to many other blogs that are either one or the

other. Upon research there are no current blogs that entail the information of doing drills with

Kaatsu bands on and having this information laid out in an effective, easily understood, layout.

Viewers will also be able to comment or individually email the owner of the blog with any

issues, advice, or drills they wish to see explained. This layout will be able to benefit both the

audience and creator, now that the creator will understand what the audience wants.

Since there are a huge number of swimmers around the world that just seems to be increasing by

the day, the blog is specifically dedicated to target them and help guide them into new training

techniques. Now, viewing the blog will be free with no cost, but once the business starts

running, subscription may start to have a cost. The idea of gaining copyrights for all the hard

work will also be a future idea for the business. For when the blog become more desired and

demanded, people may try to steel the idea or copy the videos onto their own format.

Research states that most blogs don’t get full time pay until after two years of running.

Therefore, the profit coming from this business, at the moment, will mostly be learning. The

learning stretches of this project include video editing, writing improvements, and blog creation.

More knowledge on how a blog work and how to gain followers will be done to make this

business turn out even more successful.

For the first couple of years, the blog will be burning money without receiving anything in

return. The idea of not getting anything in return at first and just helping the swimming
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community is not a discouragement for the business because that was the idea it was made for.

From the cash flow chart, breaking even should happen between 2 ½ to 3 years, considering full

time pay ($32,500 for average bloggers a year) will be earned.

Description of Business

Business Summary

The intent of this project is to create a blog that provides information on how to best utilize

Kaatsu bands to improve swimming techniques. Kaatsu bands are bands that restrict blood flow

in specific places throughout the body. The bands create a safe way to effectively exercise,

rehabilitate, and recover muscles.

The beginning of the business plan has to do with creating a blog and giving it an identity.

Coming up with a name for the blog was quite difficult for the owner because she had to try to

come up with an original and unique name. Along with designing of the blog, the creation of

social media accounts are crucial and how companies get noticed and gain a larger audience. For

this project, the social media accounts that will be used are Instagram and Facebook to promote

the blog. By adding small ten second video clips to both social media pages from a full video on

the actual blog, the hope to prompt curious and interested eyes to go to the full website, gaining

more viewers.

To get ready for the filming portion of the project, the first obstacle that must be completed is

figuring out the dates to film and when to post it. An example would be, to film on Saturday or

Tuesday and post the clips every other Thursday. Along with this, other tools needed are;

underwater cameras, a video camera, and a phone’s camera that will all need to be set up and

adjusted for clarity. After the cameras are all in their right positions, and the director is ready,

filming should start to take place.

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Choosing which drill to do for each video clip is key. The director will have to film the selected

drill multiple times and at different angles to perfectly capture the movement. Knowing what

drill to focus on beforehand, will allow the director more time to figure out how to film, layout,

edit, explain, and add personal experience to the video.

Explaining why and how the drills help improve one’s swim technique, is important in the eyes

of a swimmer. Explaining the drill in its entirety helps the swimmer gain a better understanding

of its importance. This background knowledge of a given drill, helps motivate a swimmer to do

it, and experience their own improvement.

Writing a script that describes what will be explained in a drill video, in a way that people will

understand, is important. The director would not want to narrate a drill video in a way that

would be unclear to the audience. Explaining the drill as if nobody understands what is going

on, is the smartest path to take. When unsure about if the script sounds clear enough, asking a

teacher to look over it is always an option.

The way Under Pressure Swim Blog wants to go about this project, is to share personal

experiences with the audience so that they can understand more about the drills. Explaining how

a person would usually feel after a certain drill on a personal level is an excellent way for

viewers to receive a better understanding. Along with sharing how much one has improved in

skill technique and speed in races, could open the audience's eyes to the new style of training.

Editing videos in a more professional way catches the viewers’ eyes making them realize that

this is serious. The focus point of editing will be to add lighter effects, if needed, but mostly to

add in text and sound. The sound be post or pre-recordings that were completed based on the

script for the drill the video is on. Adding some light background music is also an option to keep
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the audience’s attention. The text on the video will be to point specific things out, or at the

opening to explain what drill will be talked about.

Upon completion of this project, the profit will most likely not be monetary, but the learning

experience gained will be priceless. Learning new components with this project, is exciting.

especially if it has to do with improving certain aspects that the creator has some or minimal

prior knowledge about.

Products or Services

This specific blog is a service-based business. Focusing mainly on creating Kaatsu band drill

videos that can help improve swimmer’s techniques and muscle growth. Under Pressure Swim

Blog’s focus point is to help other swimmers before receiving anything in return.

Mission and Vision

The main goal of Under Pressure Swim Blog is to be able to give future and present swimmers

the opportunity of improvement of their swim skills and technique by creating a blog based off

Kaatsu band drill videos, directed and catered towards aquatic athletes.

Under Pressure Swim Blog will be able to become a helpful resource for swimmers to become

more in sync with their technique once it becomes more known through social media and ads.

Market Opportunity

Even though this project does not help everybody in the world, it benefits the swim community.

Kaatsu bands do exist and are known, but they are not commonly used. This project will show

the swim community a new way to optimally exercise the body to improve stamina, muscle

strength and recovery.

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This specific business is more focused on the learning opportunities than the actual money profit

coming out of it. Blogs do not receive money until the blogs become popular and people have a

desire to keep returning to the page. This wait for advertisements can be months or even years

determining on how the business is portrayed and found out by the world. The owner of this

specific blog wishes to improve their video editing techniques, writing style, and to create a blog

that catches people’s eyes.

Business Model

The business is virtually operated considering it is a blog and most of its components, videos and

text entries, all have to do with technology. Most of the business will be run in California, unless

the creator goes on a trip and takes the business with them. Since the business is virtually

operated this is always an option for last minute deadlines and to stay in touch with the


Intellectual Property

The blog currently does not own any copyrights to any of the footage, photos, names, or logos

used. Once the blog itself becomes more desirable to the swimming community, those options

would be higher up on the list to accomplish. The idea of people stealing the idea and becoming

more successful with it is never fun in the business world. Since the blog is just starting as brand

new, the demand for its content is not yet determined.

Administrative Plan

The project is virtually based, since it is a blog that will contain both text and video footage.

There is only one person working and running this business so far, making it a sole

proprietorship. Volunteers are helping with the filming aspect of the blog, mostly as actors

because they are additional swimmers in the videos. These additional swimmers will not be
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named while posted on the Under Pressure Swim Blog unless they truly wish to be. Since it is a

blog, the only way for this business to receive money is through advertisements. Ads are not

seen on blogs until they a blowing up so the first thing to accomplish is to find ways on how to

make the Under Pressure Swim Blog known.

Overview and Goals of Your Marketing Strategy

Market Analysis

• Target Market: The audience that is being targeted with this blog are swimmers that wish

to improve their swim technique along with lessen muscle pains.

• Competition: From the research conducted for this project, there has not been a business

just like it spotted yet. There are swim tutorial videos and swim companies how their

own websites, but there is no swim blog dedicated just toward Kaatsu bands. From swim

tutorial videos that have been watched, to understand the underwater filming angles

better, they are well made. These videos have views, more than others depending on the

viewers tastes. The one’s that tend to have a higher amount of viewer count are videos

clips that have a more energetic voice explain the drill instead of a dull tone along with a

clear explanation that makes the drill easier to understand. There are only a few videos

from the research conducted that are like this so the creator of Under Pressure Swim Blog

strives to take this upon herself and take it to the next level.

• Market Trends: From watching some of the most popular viewed videos, it was easy to

determine that people become more attracted to visually pleasing videos that contain easy

explanations and music in the background. Under Pressure Swim Blog wants to take

these trends under consideration when editing and filming their video segments.
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• Market Research: So far there has been a lot of research on how a blog needs to be run.

How much blogger usually get paid: an average blogger receives $32,500 a year. How

long does an average blogger work: an average blogger may work 10-15 hours a week

determining on their effort levels. There still needs to be more research done on how to

gain an audience.

• SWOT Analysis: Currently, Under Pressure Swim Blog faces both future and present

pros and cons. The current strengths the blog have are a determined and hardworking

owner along with having the chances to do something that has not yet been done. On the

other hand, the owner falls short with her video editing skills (which will improve

through this business) along with the need for more research to be done. Future threats

for this blog include has copyright issues or being stolen from. On the other hand, this

blog has great opportunities on how it can tun out. The owner is looking for the most

successful product, being able to help other accomplish their goals and dreams.

Marketing Strategy

Little to no profit will be made right away for the blog. Taking that into consideration, the

creator of Under Pressure Swim Blog will use the form of social media to gain a bigger audience

for the blog. Using Facebook and Instagram specifically, the owner wishes to push the

knowledge of the blog to the world. Even with more audience, there is still a slight chance that

the advertisements will pop up on the blog straight away. With this in mind, the creator wishes

to learn new things with the completion of the project.

Customer Service

Since the format of this project is a blog, there will be comment sections or areas where a viewer

can contact the creator individually and privately. None of the private messages would be shared
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outside the customer and creator, comments will be publicly seen. The communication is set up

like this so that the audience can ask for more content that may benefit them as well as give

advice to the owner on how to change some of the factors of running the blog up.

Assessments of Marketing Effectiveness

If any rude or inappropriate comments are shared on the blog, the user at fault with be blocked

from the blog or the comment with be removed. All comments will be recorded and looked over

to make sure the blog stays a friendly and helpful space.

Summary of Financial Needs

Average Blogger Cash Flow

Income (1 year)
Ads ($2 per click and around $32,500
409 million people view

Total Income $32,500

Ads $10,000
Camera $180
Computer $999
Editing Software $100
Extra Purchase Articles $150
Stock Photos $500
Tripod $20
Time Put In $432
Website Subscription $300
Under Water Cameras $632

Total Expenses $13,323

Net Profit/Loss $19,177

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Pro Formula Cash Flow Statement

6 months 1 year 1 ½ years 2 years 2 ½ years 3 years

Ads $157.60 $1,500 $10,000 $32,500 $16,250 $32,500

Total $157.60 $1,500 $10,000 $32,500 $16,250 $32,500


Ads $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000
Camera $180 $180 $180 $180 $180 $180
Compute $999 $999 $999 $999 $999 $999
Copyrigh $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55
Editing $50 $100 $50 $100 $50 $100
Extra $75 $150 $75 $150 $75 $150
d Articles
Stock $350 $500 $350 $500 $350 $500
Tripod $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20
Time Put $216 $432 $216 $432 $216 $432
Website $150 $300 $150 $300 $150 $300
Under $632 $632 $632 $632 $632 $632

Total $7,727 $13,368 $7,727 $13,368 $7,727 $13,368


Net - - - $1,968 $8,523 $19,132

Profit/Lo $7,569.5 $19,437. $17,164.
ss 0 50 50
Supporting Documents

Personal resume

I am a Senior in high school that has a passion for swimming. Not fully
understanding what lies ahead for me in the future (what I wish to choose career
wise), I decided to base this year's Senior CIBACS project on a few of my favorite
hobbies. I love filming and swimming, so doing a project where I can combine the
both of them is fantastic. Even though there will be hardships (like video editing) I
look forward to take this oppurtunity and learn form it.


CIBACS Experience Awards

Edison High School Edison High School
August 2016 - present
Character Award - Justice (2017)
Learned the marketing aspects of a Coach’s Award for Most Improved
business Swimmer (2017)
Leaned about the manufacturing and ABC Award - Pre Calculus (2018)
selling aspect of a business (business Best Website and Product CIBACS
partners) Award (2019)
interned with a drug psychologist and Water polo Coach’s Award for M.V.P.
kindergartne teacher (2019)

Edsion High School Saddleback College
GPA: 3.85 Relevant Classwork: American Sign
Relevant Classwork: 3+ years CIBACS, AB Language 3
Calculus, AP Biology, AP Psychology, 3+ years
Honors: 4 years Varsity water polo player and

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