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Question ideas for Employee of

the Month Spotlight Interview

This is a random list of potential questions you could ask to interview an
Employee of the Month.

 What do you like most about

Company Related [hospital name]?
 Before working at [hospital  What drew you to [hospital
name], what was the most name] originally? And how has
unusual or interesting job [hospital name] changed since?
you’ve ever had?
 What has been your favorite
 How did you first learn about project at [hospital name]?
[hospital name]?
 What have you gained from
 How do you balance your working at [hospital name]?
career at [hospital name] and
 What is on your wish list for
the next 10 years with [hospital
 How has [hospital name] name]?
helped you in your career
 What is the favorite part about
working for [hospital name]?
 If you could pick one theme for
 What is your proudest moment
[hospital name] to turn into a
at [hospital name]?
book about the company, what
would it be?  What is your role at [hospital
 If you could switch your job
with anyone else within  Do you have an office
[hospital name], whose job nickname? What is it?
would you want?  Do you recall any embarrassing
 What advice do you have for moment at work?
prospective [hospital name]  How do you define success?
candidates?  If you could change one thing
 What are 3 words to describe about working here, what
[hospital name]? would it be?
 What do you find the most  If you could do another job for
challenging at [hospital name]? just one day, what would it be?

Provided courtesy of Healthcare Inspirations

(877) 646-5877
 What advice would you give to  If you could meet anyone in
recent new hires? the world dead or alive who
 What are three career lessons would it be and why?
you’ve learned thus far?  If you could only drink one
 What are your hopes for our beer for the rest of your life,
industry? what would it be?
 What aspect of your role do  If you could witness any
you enjoy the most? historical event, what would
 What do you like most about you want to see?
your job?  If you had to eat one meal,
every day for the rest of your
life, what would it be?
Miscellaneous  If you were an animal what
 Any favorite line from a movie? would you be?
 Any random facts you could  If you were on death row, what
share with us? would your last meal be?
 Are you messy or organized?  If you were stuck on an island
 Best vacation you’ve been to? what three things would you
 Describe what you were like at bring?
age 10.  If you were to write a book
 Do you have a favorite about yourself, what would
newspaper, blog? you name it?
 Do you have a favorite quote?  If you were to write a self-help
book, what would the topic
 Favorite travel spot?
 If given a chance, who would
 If your house was burning
you like to be for a day?
down, what is the one non-
 If Hollywood made a movie living thing you would save?
about your life, who would you
 Least favorite Food?
like to see cast as you?
 Motto or personal mantra?
 If you could be anyone from
any time period who would it  People would be surprised if
be and why? they knew:
 If you could interview one  Tell us a little about yourself.
person (dead or alive) who  Tell us a little bit about your
would it be? family.
 Tell us something about
yourself that would surprise us.

Provided courtesy of Healthcare Inspirations

(877) 646-5877
 Tell us something about your  What is the best book you have
family that might surprise us. ever read?
 Tell us three things most  What is the first concert you
people don’t know about you… attended?
 Three words to best describe  What is the first thing you
you: would buy if you won the
 Top three life highlights? lottery?
 What are your three most  What is the greatest challenge
overused words/phrases? you have had to overcome in
 What book did you read last? your life thus far?
 What books are at your  What is the last joke you
bedside? recall?
 What celebrity do people think  What is the most important
you look like? thing you have learned in the
last five years?
 What children’s character can
you relate with most? And  What is the one thing you
why? cannot resist?
 What did you want to be when  What is the one thing, you
growing up? can’t live without?
 What do you always want to  What is the weirdest job
try and never did? you’ve ever had?
 What do you like to do in your  What is the weirdest thing
spare time? you’ve ever eaten?
 What do you like to do on your  What is the worst thing you did
days off? as a kid?
 What does a typical day look  What is your biggest pet
like for you? peeve?
 What does true leadership
mean to you?
 What else do you do for fun?  What is your family like?
 What has been the most  What is your favorite childhood
important innovation you have memory?
witnessed in your lifetime?  What is your favorite meal?
 What is an ability you wish you  What is your favorite movie
had? and book?
 What is on your bucket list?  What is your favorite number
and why?

Provided courtesy of Healthcare Inspirations

(877) 646-5877
 What is your favorite sport?  Where do you see yourself in 5
 What is your favorite thing to years?
do in the wonderful city of [city  Where is the best place you’ve
name]? traveled to and why?
 What is your favorite thing to  Where is your favorite place to
do? eat?
 What is your greatest fear?  Where is your hometown?
 What is your hidden talent?  Where would you like to go on
 What is your personal a dream vacation?
philosophy?  Where would you like to travel
 What kinds of hobbies and to?
interests do you have outside  Which cartoon character would
of work? you most like to switch lives
 What music is on your with?
iPhone/Android phone?  Which one would you want
 What one food do you wish most – flying cars, robot
had zero calories? housekeepers, or moon cities?
 What phobias do you have?  You’d like to be famous for?
 What places have you lived in?  You’re happiest when?
 What TV show/movie are you
ashamed to admit you love?
 What was your favorite book,
toy, or outfit as a child?
 What would be the title of your
 What would people never
guess you do in your role?
 What would you do (for a
career) if you weren’t doing
 What would you like to be
famous for?
 What would you most like to
tell yourself at age 13?
 When was the last time you
laughed so hard you cried?

Provided courtesy of Healthcare Inspirations

(877) 646-5877

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