L Have A Dream: Isabella Solarte Andrade

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Moral leader of history where he wants to show that libertad. is for the
whole nation, free from slavery where there is no racial injustice
leaving calro the idiology that god believes us equal, with the hope and
faith that the nation can be transformed with brotherhood. Working

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1) this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to

millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of
withering injustice

2) men, yes black men as well as White men, would be guaranteed the
´´unalienable rights of ´´ life, liberty an d the pursuit of happiness

3) And so, we’ ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us
upon demand the riche of freedom and the security of justice
4) l have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the
true meaning of its creed: ´´we hold these truths to be self – evident,
that all men are created equal

5) but one hundred years later, the negro still is not free

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My personal opinión Martin Luther King is a great example for the help
of humanity, it is clear that all human beings are equal regardless of
skin color, their struggle is marked in society, because today is
reflected respect for the other, respect for their differences, their
beliefs. It is worth dreaming of faith and hope to make our society a
better one. Of it l have a great teaching to appreciate freedom, all
today we are fortunate that they take us into account to make certain
decisions where equiality is important t olive in harmony and

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