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Alayna Liskey

Professor Hellmers

ENG 1201

23 March 2020

How does the Trisomy disorder affect a baby and the baby’s parents? Chromosomes are

very important to the human body because they store our genetic information (DNA), in addition

to carrying the instructions to how the body grows and functions. “Trisomy 13 Syndrome is a

rare chromosomal disorder in which all or a portion of chromosome 13 appears three times

(trisomy) rather than twice in cells of the body” (Trisomy 13 Syndrome). This disorder caused

many severe abnormalities, and because it has no cure or avoidable cause, this condition is very

dreadful and emotional. “Trisomy 13 involves multiple abnormalities, many of which are life-

threatening. More than 80% of children with trisomy 13 do not survive past the first month of

life” (Trisomy 13).

Most of the sources relating to Trisomy 13 share the same claims and ideas, however,

“Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome): Types & Diagnosis” states, “There is no known prenatal

treatment that will improve the outcome for a baby with Trisomy 13, but our team can provide a

family with support, education and a safe environment in which to receive their care.” Although,

according to Grant M. Williams, “Patients with cardiac defects may require cardiac surgery to

repair common cardiac abnormalities. Other surgeries may be indicated for common defects

including herniorrhaphy, cleft lip repair, feeding tube placement, or corrective orthopedic

surgeries. Additional treatments may be performed including specialized dietary feeds, seizure

prophylaxis, prophylactic antibiotics for urinary tract infections, and the use of hearing aids.”

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