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Adrianna Nickel Professor K. McLean ECS 4623- Identifying and Serving the At-Risk Child Friday, March 6, 2020 Supplemental Five Day Unit Lesson Plan In my supplemental five day unit lesson plan | chose to focus on english language arts and the empty and full concepts. The topic | chose for my english language arts focus was the alphabet. The following is an outline including brief descriptions of what is being done in each lesson. Day One: This lesson is a starting lesson for a unit on the alphabet. This unit can be used at the end of the year for a reminder of all of the alphabet activities and letters learned that year. This lesson will also introduce and discuss the concepts of empty and full Day Two: In this lesson the children will work on a craft where they fill up the top of the coconut tree with letters. This will help them work more hands on with the alphabet and continue to work with the concepts of full and empty. Day Three: This lesson children will get the opportunity to continue to practice their letter knowledge and empty/full knowledge while getting the opportunity to be active. This activity will use large motor muscles. Day Four: In this lesson children will use small motor skills to search through a sensory bin to find letters. Upon finding a letter the child will identify the letter and the letter sound. Day Five: This lesson will be a fun way to conclude the week that was spent on identifying letters of the alphabet and their letter sounds as well as empty/full concepts. In this lesson the children will play ABC Bingo. They will have to identify the letter on their board and put a chip on it filling their board to get a bingo. By the end of the week the children should be able to identify multiple letters and letter sounds. They should also be able to explain and identify the differences between empty and full. They should have an idea as to how they know if something is empty or full as well Rochester University Lesson Plan Template eins Lesson Title Teacher Candidate Name Date Chicka-out Our ABC's Adrianna Nickel This lesson is a starting lesson for a recap unit on the alphabet. This unit can be used at the end of the year for a reminder of all of the alphabet activities and letters learned that year. This lesson will also discuss empty and full. Subject Area English Language Arts and Empty/Full ei aan Preschool Higher Order Thinking Skills (Revised Bloom's) Remembering: What letter did you get? What letter sound does that letter make? Analyzing: How is this different than before? (In regards to empty/full concepts.) Evaluating: imate Time Needed How do you know that it is empty or full? Roughly 20 minutes (time based for a small class, larger class sizes may take longer) Common Core Standards andior State of Michigan GLCEs and/or HSCEs High Scope Standards: Alphabetic Knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds, Cooperative Play: Children engage in cooperative play. Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their ‘small muscles. Student Objectives/Lea the alphabet from memory (with others in the group). | Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question | What letter did you pull out? | Unit Questions What letter is this? What sound does this letter make? What letter | comes next (if applicable)? Where is this letter at in the alphabet? What is full? What is empty? Is this empty or full? How do we know the difference between empty and full? Content Questions | What letter did you pull out? What is empty? What is full? ‘Assessment Summary | will assess the children in a few different ways. First, when they pull their letter out, which will be similar to one on one time with them. | will be able to see if they can identify the letter that they got. This will tell me a lot about where they are individually with letters. The other way that | will be assessing the children is when they sing the Alphabet Song. While this may be more difficult | will be able to listen for the voices | don't hear. | will also be able to assess what | do hear and if itis accurate. If there are too many children off | will incorporate the Alphabet ‘Song into our moming meeting time. Lesson Timeline Start ofthe Lesson | _‘Mid-Lesson Activities, | Seen ae ae ee S| Start the lesson off by saying After reading the story ‘After everyone got to try the that the class has learned a _ introduce the activity. Tne __activity discuss empty and lot this year about the activity also has a song/poem ull. After have the pot placed alphabet, Introduce the book, that accompanies it that is__into the center of the circle. “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” | listed below in the procedures | Close with the alphabet song and how the book deals with | part. The teacher will model___and collecting the letters the the alphabet.” Talk about the | how the activity goes and then children have back into the book and ask the children if allow each child to try the pot. After singing dismiss to a any of them have ever read _| activity themselves. different activity the book. Talk about how the | book also has @ song like patter to it. Read the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin Jr. and John | Prerequisite Skills, The children will need to have knowiedge of the letters of the alphabet Instructi Procedures 4) Discuss what the class has leamed with the alphabet. 2) Introduce the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault. 3) Read the book to the class. 4) Introduce the following poem “Bippity boppity brew, Let's make alphabet stew. Choose a letter from the pot and tell us all what you got. (pause here to allow for children to say the letter they got) Stir the pot once again, then pass it on to a friend.” 5) Introduce the activity that goes with this poem. The teacher should mode! how they stir the pot while everyone is Saying the first two lines of the poem. Then they should show how to choose a letter and say the letter name they got. Next, while the final two lines are being said the teacher shows how they give the pot one more stir and how they would pass the pot on to their friend. The teacher should also explain that the children should keep the letter that they have to that it is individualized for them and there is no duplicates. Also discuss how the pot is _ full of letters. Explain that full means there is a lot of something taking up lots of space. 6) Have the children rearrange themselves into a circle. This allows for all children to see each other as well as the teacher to see all children. This also allows them to get up and move for a moment which breaks the length of time sitting up into more manageable time chunks. 7) Allow the children to try this activity themselves. The teacher should lead the poem encouraging the children to join in as well. The teacher should also encourage children who are struggling with their letter and give them hints towards the correct answer without giving the answer straight away. 8) Ask the children if the pot is still as full or has as much in it as before. Ask them if the pot would be full or empty if you were to take all of the remaining letters out. (Actually do this as a visual representation). 8) After all the children have tried the activity and the empty/full exercise has been completed have the pot placed in the center of the circle and sing the Alphabet Song and collect letters back from children. ‘Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction All children should be encouraged to complete the activity, | however, here are some situations and differentiation techniques that can be used for the lesson’ 41)If a child does not want to stir the pot and wants to go right to picking a letter allow them to skip this step and just pick a letter. Special Needs Student 2)If a child does not want to pick a letter and just wants to stir the pot allow them to stir the pot and then the child or the teacher can pick a letter and the class can identify the letter together. 3)If a child does not want to stir the pot, pick a letter and say the letter name allow them to pass the pot on. 4)If a child does not want to sing the song they do not have to, If a child is advanced the teacher can also ask them what sound the letter makes or where that letter is in the alphabet: beginning, middle or end. If they do not know or do not remember itis ok because it is beyond the lessons objectives, Gifted/Talented Student “Technology - Hardware (Check off all equipment needed) 0 Camera ~~ Laser Disk a VCR Gl Computer (s) O Printer 0 Video Camera Digital Camera ts Video Conferencing Equipment 1 DVD Player 1 Interactive Responders Internet Connection 1 Television u Other- Technology ~ Software (Check off all software needed) 1 Database/Spreadshoot o Image Processing a Web Page Development 1 Desktop Publishing 1 Inlemet Web Browser 0 Word Processing «1 E-mail Sofware 1 Multimedia 10 Smart notebook sofware «a Eneyclopedia on CD-ROM 1 Other- Printed Materials “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault Large white paper with poem wrote on it for display | -Large bowv/pot for passing letters Supplies, | -Spoon for stirring | -Letters (Magnetic letters work great!) | Tiiemet Resources ‘| Nowe esowees needed Other Resources | No other resources needed. Rochester University Lesson Plan Template anzns "| Teacher Candidate Name ABC CoconutTree Adrianna Nickel Lesson Summary In this lesson the children will work on a craft where they fil up the top of the coconut tree with letters, This will help them work more hands on with the alphabet and continue to work with the concepts of full and empty. ‘Subject Area Grade Level | Preschool er Order Thinking Skills (Revised Bloom's) Remembering: What letter did you get? What letter sound does that letter make? Analyzing: How is this different than before? (In regards to empty/full concepts.) Approximately 30 minutes Common Core Standards and/or State of Michi High Scope Standards: | Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds \ppreciating the arts: Children appreciate the creative arts | Student ObjectivesiLearning Outcomes ‘Students will continue to work withthe alphabet. The teacher will introduce letter sounds and have the children repeat the sounds. They will also continue to work with the empty/full concepts. Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question | What letter is this? Unit Questions _| What letter is this? What sound does this letter make? What letter | comes next (if applicable)? Where is this letter at in the alphabet? What is full? What is empty? Is this empty or full? How do we know the difference between empty and full? ; ees | Content Questions What letter is this? Can you repeat the letter sound? Is your tree empty . or full of letters? What is different about your tree now than when you | started? | ‘Assessment Summary | will assess the children by seeing what their answers are to the questions. First about the letters and to see if they mirror the letter sound. Next, | will assess their knowiedge of empty ‘and full based on if they accurately say ifthe try is empty or full of letters. eee Start of the Lesson | Mid-Lesson Activities | “At the beginning of the lesson "During the activity, the ‘At the end of the lesson the the teacher will start by doing children will add alphabet _ children should be asked if ‘flash cards with the whole —_ stickers to their tree. During _ the their tree is now empty or + | class. During this time the this time they should identify full. They can also be asked teacher will Say the letter the letter and the letter sound _ what is different with their tree sound after the the letter is (if they recall). The teacher. _ now than when they first identified. They will then ask | can help with letter sounds. _ started. the children to repeat the letter sound with them. Next they will model the activity for the children. The teacher will | include that their tree is empty | and that they have to fill itup with letters. Finally, the | children will work on the activity with the teacher. Prerequisite Skills Prior knowledge that the children should have include: the alphabet and relative idea to what empty and full mean. Instructional Procedures 1) The teacher should start the lesson off by doing alphabet flash cards for identification. The teacher should also tell the letter sounds and have the children repeat the sounds. (The entire alphabet should not be done. The teacher should pick 5-10 cards at a time to do letters and letter sounds with) 2) The teacher should model the activity with the tree and stickers. They should use sentences such as “The tree is empty so we need to fill it up with letters.” Then model taking a sticker, saying the letter name and the sound that the letter makes. 3) Now itis the children’s turn to try the activity. 4) They should be encouraged to identify the letter name and sound (if they remember, the teacher can help with letter sounds) and then put them on the tree. 5) Once the stickers are on the tree the children can color the tree if they would like to. 6) After they are completed, ask the children if their tree is empty or full. Also ask them what is different now than before they started ee — _ essceienentad ‘Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Al children should be encouraged to complete the activity in its entirety, but here a few differentiation options for children’ 1) Ifa child does not remember the letter sounds the teacher should help them in saying the sounds. ‘Special Needs Student 2) if a child does not want to use the stickers they can write the letters on the tree. 3) Ifa child does not want to color they do not have to. 4) Ifa child wants to color first they can color before using | stickers or writing letters on the tree. For a child who is more advanced, or gifted, the teacher can have Gifted/Talented Student them identify all of the sounds as well as write at least a few of the letters [Technology — Hardware (Check offal ‘Ocaner ataserD6k CU VER “computer ae = video Camera | 2 Dia! Camera 1 Projection System 1 Video Conferencing Equipment G DVD Player a Scanner 1 Interactive Responders sTlevson 2 oner- Technology ~ Software (Check off all software needed) G DatebselSpreadseet 0 magoProessing a Web Pago Deveopert « Destop Publishing ‘(nme Web Baw’) c Wd Processing «Emel sonare < Matiedia «Sma notebook stare [sop on coo ORT -Ceteente priate | Alphabet flashcards | | Stickers | | Pencils ‘Supplies | Crayons | | Colored pencils | | -Markers a | Internet Resources Print out of a coconut tree (if you are not creating your own) ‘other Res Resources | LNo other resources needed, Rochester University Lesson Plan Template Lesson Title [Teacher Candidate Name _| Date | Bean Bag ABCs | Adrianna Nickel 03/06/2020 ‘Lesson ‘summary This lesson children will get the opportunity to continue to practice their letter knowledge and empty/full knowledge while getting the opportunity to be active. This activity will use large motor muscles. | Higher Order Thinking SI Remembering: What letier did you get? What letter sound does that letter make? | (Revised Bloom's) Analyzing: How is this different than before? (In regards to empty/full concepts.) Evaluating: How do you know that itis. [Approximate Time Needed for Lesson | Approximately 20 minutes Core Standards and/or State of ope Standards: GLCEs andlor HSCES il Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their | “large muscles. Body awareness: Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space. Children will continue to practice letters, but will now also practice the letter sounds. They will also discuss how they know the box or bin is full or empty. Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions __| What letter is this? What sound does this letter make? What letter comes next (if applicable)? Where is ths letter atin the alphabet? What is full? What is empty? Is this empty or full? How do we know the difference between empty and full? Content Questions | What does this letter say? Is the box or bin full or empty? How do you know that it is full or empty? ‘Assessment Summa | what they say the | will assess the children in a few different ways. First, | will assess them letter and sound is when they grab a new bean bag. At the end of the activity | will also assess them on what they answer for if the box is full or empty and how they know that. Lesson Timeline 1 | eI At the beginning of the lesson | The teacher should then allow After the children have gotten the teacher should model the the children to try the activity. to try this activity the teacher activity. They should show the |The teacher can make groups _ shoul recall their attention. class how to pick a bean bag, of children to cut back on the At this time the teacher identify the letter and sound. amount of box or bins should as if the box or bin is and how to throw itin the box needed. The teacher then —_full or empty. They should | or bin filling their box or bin circulates the room and asks _ also ask how they know that up. children what the letter and they are full or empty. letter sound is on the bean | bag that they have. | “Prerequisite Skills “The prior knowledge that children will need to have for this activity is of the alphabet and the letter sounds. 1) The teacher models the activity. They show how to pick a letter, identify the letter and the letter sound. Finally, the teacher should model how to throw the bean bag properly. 2) After the teacher models the activity itis the children turn to try 3) The children can be in groups of 2-4 around the box or bin and they all should get the opportunity to try the activity. 4) The teacher circulates the room at this time asking and listening to what the children have to say for letters and letter sounds. 5) After about 10 minutes the teacher can recall the class and as empty/full questions. These questions can include: Is the box or bin full or empty? How do you know that itis fullor empty? | Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction | All children should be encouraged to participate in the activity in| | “its entirety, however, here are a few differentiations that can be : | added: | | Special Needs Student 1) Different types of balls (large light puffy balls, styrofoam balls, | | etc) | |2) Different sized boxes or bins | | | | | ‘While the following things worked for special needs differentiation | they could also work for gifted and talent children. These things include: | Gifled"Talented Student +) Different types of balls (large light puffy balls, styrofoam balls, | | etc.) | 2) Different sized boxes or bins | Technology — Hardware (Check off all equipment needed) ‘ooirmaes) rea car ae arcane on — eo 5 Internet Connection 8 Other | 1 Database/Spreadshe 12 Image Processing a Web Page Development © Desktop Publishing | 1 Internet Web Browser © E-mail Sofware 2 Mutimedtia 1 Smart notebook software | © Encyclopedia on CD-ROM 3 Other Printed Materials -Alphabet letters “Scissors |

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