Continuous Genetic Recording With Self-Targeting CRISPR-Cas in Human Cells

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◥ ple rounds of self-targeted mutagenesis by

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY building a mutation-based toggling reporter
system in which the progressive accumula-
tion of mutations at the stgRNA locus is re-
ported by individual cells toggling between
◥ green and red fluores-
Continuous genetic recording ON OUR WEBSITE

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cent protein expression.
Next, we analyzed the

with self-targeting CRISPR-Cas at http://dx.doi.

sequence-evolution prop-
erties of stgRNAs in order
to devise a sequence-based
in human cells ..................................................

veys information on the duration and/or

recording metric that con-

Samuel D. Perli,* Cheryl H. Cui,* Timothy K. Lu† magnitude of stgRNA activity. We showed
that computationally designed stgRNAs that
contain longer SDSs of length 30, 40, and 70
INTRODUCTION: Technologies that enable expression of stgRNA or Cas9 to biological nucleotides are able to accumulate muta-
the longitudinal tracking and recording of events of interest, one could then record the tions over longer durations of time. We dem-
molecular events into genomic DNA would be duration and/or intensity of such events in onstrated the analog nature of mSCRIBE by
useful for the detailed monitoring of cellular the form of accumulated mutations at the building a tumor necrosis factor–a (TNFa)–

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state in artificial and native contexts. Although stgRNA locus. The recorded information could inducible Cas9 expression system and observing
previous systems have been used to memorize be read by sequencing the stgRNA locus or by graded increases in the recording metric as a
digital information such as the presence or ab- other related strategies. function of increasing TNFa concentration and/or
sence of biological signals, tools for recording duration of exposure in vitro. By designing
analog information such as the duration or RESULTS: We first built a stgRNA by engi- doxycycline and isopropyl-b-Dthiogalactoside-
magnitude of biological activity in human neering a sgRNA-encoding DNA locus to con- inducible stgRNA expression systems, we also
cells are needed. Here, we present Mamma- tain a 5′-NGG-3′ PAM immediately downstream showed inducible, multiplexed recording at
lian Synthetic Cellular Recorders Integrating of the SDS-encoding region. We then vali- two independent DNA loci. Last, we confirmed
Biological Events (mSCRIBE), a memory system dated that the stgRNA could undergo multi- that human cells containing TNFa-responsive
for storing analog biological informa- mSCRIBE units can record lipopoly-
tion in the form of accumulating DNA saccharide (LPS)–induced acute inflam-
mutations in human cells. mSCRIBE mation events over time in mice.
leverages self-targeting guide RNAs
(stgRNAs) that are engineered to di- CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that
rect Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 cleav- sgRNAs can be engineered to func-
age against DNA loci that encode the tion as stgRNAs. By linking stgRNA
stgRNAs, thus accumulating mutations or Cas9 expression to specific biological
at stgRNA loci as a record of stgRNA events of interest—such as the presence
or Cas9 expression. of small molecules, exposure to TNFa,
or LPS-induced inflammation—we val-
RATIONALE: The RNA-guided DNA idated mSCRIBE as an analog mem-
endonuclease Cas9 introduces a double- ory device that records information
stranded break in target DNA containing about the duration and/or magnitude
a 5′-NGG-3′ protospacer-adjacent motif of biological events. Moreover, we dem-
(PAM) and homology to the specificity- onstrated that multiple biological events
determining sequence (SDS) of a small can be simultaneously monitored by
guide RNA (sgRNA). Once a double- using independent stgRNA loci. We
strand break is introduced, the targeted envision that this platform for ge-
DNA can be repaired via error-prone nomically encoded memory in human
DNA repair mechanisms in human cells should be broadly useful for study-
cells. We hypothesized that if a PAM ing biological systems and longitudi-
sequence were introduced in the DNA nal and dynamic events in vitro and
locus encoding the sgRNA, the tran- in situ, such as signaling pathways,
scribed sgRNA would direct Cas9 to gene regulatory networks, and tissue
cleave its own encoding DNA, thus heterogeneity involved in develop-
acting as a stgRNA. After error-prone ment, healthy cell function, and disease
repair, the mutagenized stgRNA locus
should continue to be transcribed and Continuously evolving stgRNAs. The Cas9-stgRNA complex

enact additional rounds of continuous, cleaves the DNA locus from which the stgRNA is transcribed,
self-targeted mutagenesis. Thus, the leading to error-prone DNA repair. Multiple rounds of transcrip- The list of author affiliations is available in the full
stgRNA locus should acquire muta- tion and DNA cleavage can occur, resulting in progressive muta- article online.
tions corresponding to the level of ac- genesis of the DNA encoding the stgRNA. The accumulation of *These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email:
tivity of the Cas9-stgRNA complex. mutations in the stgRNA locus provides a molecular record of Cite this article as S. D. Perli et al., Science 353,
We hypothesized that by linking the cellular events that regulate stgRNA or Cas9 expression. aag0511 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aag0511

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 1115


◥ in mutagenesis of the targeted locus (11, 12). Even

RESEARCH ARTICLE though the DNA locus encoding a normal sgRNA
sequence is perfectly homologous to the sgRNA,
it is not targeted by the standard Cas9-sgRNA
BIOENGINEERING complex because it does not contain a PAM.
To enable continuous encoding of population-

Continuous genetic recording level memory in human cells, we sought to build

a modular memory unit that can be repeatedly
written to generate new sequences and encode
with self-targeting CRISPR-Cas additional information over time. With the stand-
ard CRISPR-Cas system, once a genomic DNA

in human cells target is repaired, resulting in a different DNA

sequence, it is unlikely to be targeted again by
the original sgRNA because the resulting DNA
Samuel D. Perli,1,2,3* Cheryl H. Cui,1,2,4* Timothy K. Lu1,2,3,5† sequence and the sgRNA would lack the neces-
sary sequence homology. We hypothesized that if
The ability to record molecular events in vivo would enable monitoring of signaling the standard sgRNA architecture could be en-
dynamics within cellular niches and critical factors that orchestrate cellular behavior. gineered so that it acted on the same DNA locus
We present a self-contained analog memory device for longitudinal recording of molecular from which the sgRNA is transcribed, rather
stimuli into DNA mutations in human cells. This device consists of a self-targeting guide than a separate sequence elsewhere in the ge-
RNA (stgRNA) that repeatedly directs Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 nuclease activity nome, this would yield a stgRNA that should re-

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toward the DNA that encodes the stgRNA, enabling localized, continuous DNA peatedly target and mutagenize the DNA that
mutagenesis as a function of stgRNA expression. We demonstrate programmable and encodes it. To achieve this, we modified the DNA
multiplexed memory storage in human cells triggered by exogenous inducers or sequence from which the sgRNA is transcribed
inflammation, both in vitro and in vivo. This tool, Mammalian Synthetic Cellular Recorder to include a 5′-NGG-3′ PAM immediately down-
Integrating Biological Events (mSCRIBE), provides a distinct strategy for investigating cell stream of the region encoding the SDS so that
biology in vivo and enables continuous evolution of targeted DNA sequences. the resulting PAM-modified stgRNA would direct

Cas9 endonuclease activity toward the stgRNA’s
ellular behavior is dynamic, responsive, and Cellular Recorders Integrating Biological Events own DNA locus. After a double-strand DNA break
regulated by the integration of multiple (mSCRIBE), an analog memory system that en- is introduced in the SDS-encoding region and
molecular signals. Biological memory devi- ables the recording of cellular events within human repaired via the NHEJ repair pathway, the
ces that can record regulatory events would cell populations in the form of DNA mutations. resulting de novo mutated stgRNA locus should
be useful tools for investigating cellular mSCRIBE uses self-targeting guide RNAs (stgRNAs) continue to be transcribed as a mutated version
behavior over the course of a biological process that direct clustered regularly interspaced short of the original stgRNA and participate in another
and furthering our understanding of signaling dy- palindromic repeats–associated (CRISPR-Cas) ac- cycle of self-targeting mutagenesis. Multiple cycles
namics within cellular niches. Earlier genera- tivity to repeatedly mutagenize the DNA loci that of transcription followed by cleavage and error-
tions of biological memory devices relied on encodes the stgRNAs (7). During the course of review prone repair should occur, resulting in a contin-
digital switching between two or multiple quasi- of this work, systems with similar principles have uous, self-evolving Cas9-stgRNA system (Fig. 1A).
stable states based on active transcription and been proposed (8, 9). Although these systems use We hypothesized that by biologically linking the
translation of proteins (1–3). However, such sys- Cas9 to record information in DNA, they pursue activity of this system with regulatory events of
tems do not maintain their memory after the different applications, such as lineage tracing and interest, mSCRIBE can serve as a memory device
cells are disruptively harvested. Encoding tran- generating barcodes, to specifically tag multiple that records information in the form of DNA
sient cellular events into genomic DNA memory cells simultaneously. In contrast, we use our plat- mutations. We analyzed the sequence evolution
by using DNA recombinases enables the storage form to build memory devices capable of record- dynamics of stgRNAs containing 20-, 30-, and
of heritable biological information even after gene ing analog biological activity into mammalian cells 40-nucleotide SDSs and created a population-
regulation is disrupted (4, 5). The capacity and both in vitro and in vivo. based recording metric that conveys information
scalability of these memory devices are limited The Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 system from about the duration and/or intensity of stgRNA
by the number of orthogonal regulatory elements the CRISPR-Cas family is an effective genome- activity.
(such as transcription factors and recombinases) engineering enzyme that catalyzes double-strand
that can reliably function together. Furthermore, breaks and generates mutations at DNA loci tar- Modifying a sgRNA-expressing
because they are restricted to a small number of geted by a small guide RNA (sgRNA) (11–13). Nor- DNA locus to include a PAM renders
digital states, they cannot record dynamic (ana- mal sgRNAs are composed of a 20-nucleotide (nt) it self-targeting
log) biological information, such as the magnitude specificity determining sequence (SDS), which We built multiple variants of a S. pyogenes sgRNA-
or duration of a cellular event. We recently dem- specifies the DNA sequence to be targeted and encoding DNA sequence with a 5′-GGG-3′ PAM
onstrated a population-based technology for ge- is immediately followed by an 80-nt scaffold located immediately downstream of the region
nomically encoded analog memory in Escherichia sequence, which associates the sgRNA with Cas9. encoding the 20-nt SDS and tested them for their
coli based on dynamic genome editing with ret- In addition to sequence homology with the ability to generate mutations at their own DNA
rons (6). Here, we present Mammalian Synthetic SDS, targeted DNA sequences must possess a locus. Human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T–
protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) (5′-NGG-3′) derived stable cell lines were built to express
Synthetic Biology Group, MIT Synthetic Biology Center, immediately adjacent to their 3′-end in order either the wild-type (WT) or each of the variant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
02139, USA. 2Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT,
to be bound by the Cas9-sgRNA complex and sgRNAs shown in Fig. 1B (table S2, constructs
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 3Department of Electrical cleaved (14). When a double-strand break is 1 to 6, and Materials and methods). Plasmids en-
Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA introduced in the target DNA locus in the ge- coding either spCas9 (table S2, construct 7) or
02139, USA. 4Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and nome, the break is repaired through either ho- monomeric yellow fluorescent protein (mYFP)
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 5Department of
Biological Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
mologous recombination (when a repair template (negative control) driven by the cytomegalovirus
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †Corresponding is provided) or error-prone nonhomologous end promoter (CMVp) were transfected into cells stab-
author. Email: joining (NHEJ) DNA repair mechanisms, resulting ly expressing the depicted sgRNAs, and the sgRNA

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 aag0511-1


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Fig. 1. Continuously evolving stgRNAs. (A) Schematic of the self-targeting ments (380 and 150 bp) in the mod2 sgRNA variant (referred to as stgRNA),
CRISPR-Cas system. The Cas9-stgRNA complex cleaves the DNA from which based on T7 E1 assays. (C) Further analysis of the percentage of mutated
the stgRNA is transcribed, leading to error-prone DNA repair. Multiple rounds sequences via Illumina MiSeq sequencing confirmed that stgRNA can ef-
of transcription and DNA cleavage can occur, resulting in continuous muta- fectively generate mutations at its own DNA locus (two biological replicates
genesis of the DNA encoding the stgRNA.The blue line in the stgRNA schematic were performed). (D) The percentage of sequences containing specific mu-
represents the SDS, and mutations in the stgRNAs are illustrated as red marks. tation types (insertion or deletion) at individual base pair positions out of all
The accumulation of mutations in the stgRNA provides a molecular record of mutated sequences. By aligning each of the Illumina MiSeq reads with the
cellular events that regulate stgRNA or Cas9 expression. (B) Multiple variants original unmutated stgRNA sequence, the base pair positions of insertions and
of sgRNAs were built and tested for inducing mutations at the DNA loci that deletions acquired by the stgRNA locus was calculated. (E) Computationally
encoded them by using T7 E1 assays. Introducing a PAM into the DNA encoding designed stgRNAs with longer SDS (30nt-1, 40nt-1, and 70nt-1) demonstrate
the S. pyogenes sgRNA (black arrows) renders the sgRNA self-targeting, as self-targeting activity based on T7 E1 assays (fig. S1 and table S2, constructs
evidenced by Cas9-dependent cleavage of PCR amplicons into two frag- 1 to 11).

loci were inspected for mutagenesis by using T7 A49 position) of the mod2 sgRNA variant and ing either Cas9 (table S2, construct 7) or mYFP
endonuclease I (T7 E1) assays 4 days after trans- observed robust mutagenesis at the modified driven by the CMV promoter. Genomic DNA was
fection. A straightforward variant sgRNA (mod1) sgRNA locus (Fig. 1B). Additional variant sgRNAs harvested from the cells at either 24 or 96 hours
with guanine substitutions at the U23 and U24 (mod3, mod4, and mod5) did not exhibit notice- after transfection and subjected to targeted poly-
positions did not exhibit any noticeable self- able self-targeting activity. Thus, the mod2 sgRNA merase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the
targeting activity. We speculated that this was due was hereafter referred to and used as the stgRNA region encoding the stgRNAs. The PCR ampli-
to the presence of bulky guanine and adenine architecture. cons were either sequenced with MiSeq or cloned
residues facing each other in the stem region, We further characterized the mutagenesis pat- into E. coli for Sanger sequencing of individual
resulting in a destablized secondary structure. tern of the stgRNA by sequencing the DNA locus bacterial colonies (fig. S1). We found that cells
Thus, we encoded compensatory adenine-to- encoding it. A HEK 293T cell line expressing the transfected with the Cas9-expressing plasmid ex-
cytosine mutations within the stem region (A48, stgRNA was transfected with a plasmid express- hibited enhanced mutation frequencies in the

aag0511-2 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 SCIENCE


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Fig. 2. Tracking repetitive and continuous self-targeting activity at the taining the self-targeting or nonself-targeting MBTR constructs. The white ar-
stgRNA locus. (A) Schematic of MBTR system consisting of a stgRNA in the rows in the microscope images indicate cells that expressed a fluorescent protein
MDR or a regular sgRNA target sequence in the MDR. We illustrate the ex- different from the one they were sorted for 7 days earlier. (E) The genomic DNA
pected fluorescent readouts of the MBTR system based on different indel sizes collected from sorted cells was amplified and cloned into E. coli; the resulting
in the MDR. Correct reading frames of each protein relative to the start codon bacterial colonies were then Sanger sequenced (Materials and methods). A
are indicated in the superscript as F1, F2, and F3. (B) An outline illustrating the sample of Sanger sequences for the different sorted populations is presented
double-sorting experiment that tracks repetitive self-targeting activity by using along with their mutation type, and the correct reading frame annotated. We
the MBTR system (Materials and methods). (C) Microscopy analysis and (D) flow observed a high correspondence between the mutated genotype and the
cytometry data before the first and second sorting of UBCp-Cas9 cells con- observed fluorescent protein expression phenotype (figs. S2 and S3).

stgRNA loci, and those frequencies increased over using high-throughput sequencing, we inspected tions occurring at specific base pair positions. We
time, compared with cells transfected with the the mutated sequences generated by stgRNAs to calculated the percentage of those that contained
control mYFP-expressing plasmid (Fig. 1C). By determine the probability of insertions or dele- insertions or deletions at each base pair position

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 aag0511-3


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Fig. 3. stgRNA sequence evolution analysis. (A) Schematic of the DNA con- row (y) transitioning to a stgRNA sequence variant in each column (x) within
struct used in building barcoded libraries encoding stgRNA loci. A randomized the defined time scale (2 days). Because the non–self-targeting sequence
16-bp barcode was placed immediately downstream of the stgRNA expression variants (which contain mutations in the PAM) do not participate in self-
cassette in order to individually tag UBCp-Cas9 cells that contained integrated targeting action, the y axis only consists of self-targeting stgRNA variants.
stgRNA loci. (B) The 16-day time course involved repeated sampling and pass- The integer index of a stgRNA sequence variant is provided along with a
aging of cells in order to study sequence-evolution characteristics of stgRNA graphical representation of the stgRNA sequence variant, in which a deletion
loci. (C) We lentivirally infected UBCp-Cas9 cells at a MOI ~0.3 so that the do- is illustrated with a blank space, an insertion with a red box, and an unmutated
minant population in infected cells contained single genomic copies of 16-bp- base pair with a gray box. The PAM is shown in green. From left to right on
barcode–tagged stgRNA loci, which should be independently evolving. (D) The the x axis and bottom to top on the y axis, the sequence variants are ar-
raw number of 16-bp barcodes that were associated with any particular 30nt-1 ranged in order of decreasing distance between the mutated region and the
stgRNA sequence variant was plotted on the y axis for three different time points PAM. When the distances are the same, the sequence variants are arranged
(day 2, day 6, and day 14). Each discrete, aligned sequence is identified by an in order of increasing number of deletions. (F) The percent mutated stgRNA
integer index along the x axis. The starting stgRNA sequence is shown as metric is plotted for each of the stgRNAs as a function of time. We observed
index 1. (E) A transition probability matrix for the top 100 most frequent se- a reasonably linear range of performance metric for stgRNAs, especially for
quence variants of the 30nt-1 stgRNA.The color intensity at each (x, y) position the longer SDS containing 30nt-1, 30nt-2, 40nt-1, and 40nt-2 stgRNAs (figs.
in the matrix indicates the likelihood of the stgRNA sequence variant in each S4 to S7).

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Fig. 4. mSCRIBE as an analog memory device in vitro and in vivo. (A) Sche- activity as a function of time and concentrations of TNFa demonstrate the
matic of multiplexed doxycycline and IPTG-inducible stgRNA cassettes within analog nature of mSCRIBE. Inflammation-recording cells were grown in media
human cell populations. By introducing small-molecule–inducible stgRNA ex- containing different amounts of TNFa or no TNFa. Cell samples were collected
pression constructs into UBCp-Cas9 cells that also express TetR and LacI, the at 36-hour–time point intervals for each of the concentrations. Genomic DNA
expression and self-targeting activity of each stgRNA can be independently from the samples was PCR-amplified and sequenced via next-generation se-
regulated by doxycycline and IPTG, respectively. (B) mSCRIBE implements quencing, and the percent mutated stgRNA metric was calculated. (F) Exper-
independently programmable, multiplexed genomic recording in human cells. imental outline for testing mSCRIBE in living mice. Inflammation-recording
Cleavage fragments observed from the T7 E1 assay of mSCRIBE units under cells were implanted in the flank of three cohorts of four mice each. Three
independent regulation by doxycycline (Dox; 500 ng/mL) and IPTG (2 mM) different cohorts of mice were treated with either no LPS, or with one or
are presented. (C) Constructs used to build a HEK 293T–derived clonal NF- two doses of LPS on days 7 and 10. After harvesting the samples on day 13
kBp-Cas9 cell line that expresses Cas9 in response to NF-kB activation. The and PCR-amplifying the genomic DNA followed by next-generation se-
30nt-1 stgRNA construct was placed on a lentiviral backbone that expresses quencing, the percent mutated stgRNA metric was calculated. (G) The per-
EBFP2 constitutively and was introduced in to NF-kBp-Cas9 cells via lentiviral cent mutated stgRNA metric calculated for the three cohorts of four mice is
infections at 0.3 MOI so as to build inflammation-recording cells. (D) T7 E1 presented. The solid bars indicate the mean for each cohort (n = 4 mice in
assay testing for TNFa-inducible stgRNA activity in inflammation-recording each condition), and the error bars indicate the SEM. mSCRIBE demonstrates
cells in vitro. Inflammation-recording cells were grown either in the absence or increasing genomic recording activity with increasing doses of LPS in mice
presence of 1 ng/mL TNFa for 96 hours. (E) Graded increases in recording (figs. S8 to 10).

among all mutated sequences (Fig. 1D). We ob- would be shortened over time with repeated self- 20-nt SDSs might contain undesirable secondary
served higher rates of deletions as compared with targeting activity, ultimately rendering them inef- structures that result in loss of activity. Therefore,
insertions at each nucleotide position. Moreover, fective because of loss of the PAM or shortened we computationally designed stgRNAs that were
an elevated percentage of mutated sequences ex- SDS. To enable multiple cycles of self-targeting predicted to maintain the scaffold fold of sgRNAs
hibited deletions consecutively spanning nucleo- activity, we designed stgRNAs that are made up of without undesirable secondary structures, such
tide positions 13 to 17 for this specific stgRNA longer SDSs. We initially built a cell line express- as stem loops and pseudoknots within the SDS
(20nt-1). We later carried out a more thorough ing a stgRNA containing a randomly chosen 30-nt (Materials and methods). Stable cell lines encod-
analysis into the sequence evolution patterns of SDS (table S2, construct 8) but did not detect ing stgRNAs containing these computationally
stgRNAs. noticeable self-targeting activity when the cell line designed 30-, 40-, and 70-nt SDS (table S2, con-
Given our observation that deletions are pre- was transfected with a plasmid expressing Cas9. structs 9 to 11) were transfected with a plasmid
ferred over insertions, we suspected that stgRNAs We speculated that stgRNAs with longer than expressing Cas9 driven by the CMV promoter. T7

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 aag0511-5


E1 assays of PCR-amplified genomic DNA dem- the cells were RFP+/GFP– or RFP–/GFP+, which infections resulted in ~60,000 successfully trans-
onstrated robust indel formation in the respec- were sorted into Gen1:RFP and Gen1:GFP popu- duced cells per well. For each stgRNA library,
tive stgRNA loci (Fig. 1E). lations, respectively (Fig. 2, C and D), and <0.3% eight cell samples were collected at time points
cells expressed both GFP and RFP. We cultured spaced ~48 hours apart until day 16 (Fig. 3B). All
stgRNA-encoding loci undergo multiple the Gen1:RFP and Gen1:GFP cells for 7 days, samples from eight different time points across
rounds of self-targeted mutagenesis resulting in Gen2R and Gen2G populations, re- the six different libraries were pooled together
We sought to demonstrate that the stgRNA- spectively. We then subjected the Gen2R and and sequenced via NextSeq (Illumina, San Diego,
encoding DNA locus in individual cells undergoes Gen2G populations to a second round of FACS. CA). After aligning the next-generation sequenc-
multiple rounds of self-targeted mutagenesis. To For cells with the stgRNA MBTR, a subpopulation ing reads to reference DNA sequences (Materials
track genomic mutations in single cells over time, of Gen2R cells toggled into being GFP-positive, and methods), 16-bp barcodes that were observed
we developed a mutation-based toggling reporter and similarly, a subpopulation of Gen2G cells across all the time points and the corresponding
(MBTR) system that generates distinct fluores- toggled into being RFP-positive. In contrast, cells upstream stgRNA sequences were identified (fig.
cence outputs based on indel sizes at the stgRNA- containing the non–self-targeting MBTR with S4A). For each of the stgRNA libraries, we found
encoding locus, which was inspired by a design a regular sgRNA maintained their original flu- >104 distinct 16-bp barcoded loci that were ob-
previously described for tracking DNA mutagen- orescence signals with no appreciable toggling served across all of the eight time points (fig.
esis outcomes (15). Downstream of a CMV pro- behavior observed with FACS analysis (Fig. 2, C S4B). The aligned stgRNA sequence variants were
moter and a canonical ATG start codon, we and D). The toggling of fluorescence output ob- represented with words composed of a four-letter
embedded the mutation detection region (MDR), served in UBCp-Cas9 cells transduced with the alphabet: At each base pair position, the stgRNA
which consists of a modified U6 promoter fol- stgRNA MBTR suggests that repeated mutagen- sequence was represented by either M, I, X, or D,
lowed by a stgRNA locus. The MDR was imme- esis, resulting in multiple frameshifts in the MDR, which stand for match, insertion, mismatch, or
diately followed by out-of-frame green (GFP) and occurred at the stgRNA locus within single cells. deletion, respectively (fig. S4, C and D, and Mate-

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red (RFP) fluorescent proteins, which were sepa- We also observed a double-positive cell popula- rials and methods). We identified >1000 distinct
rated by correspondingly out-of-frame “2A self- tion in the self-targeting group, which we believe sequence variants that were observed in any of
cleaving peptides” (P2A and T2A) (Fig. 2A and is mostly likely due to residual fluorescence from the time points and any of the barcoded loci for
table S2, construct 13). Different reading frames one fluorophore not being completely lost be- each stgRNA (fig. S5A and table S1, stgRNA se-
are expected to be in-frame with the start codon, fore the expression of the other fluorophore. To quences). Although some sequence variants are
depending on the size of indels in the MDR. In further corroborate this finding, we sequenced found in common across the stgRNAs, the major-
the starting state (reading frame 1, F1), no fluo- the stgRNA locus in individual cells from post- ity of the sequence variants are specific to each
rescence is expected. In reading frame 2 (F2), sorted populations in both rounds of sorting by stgRNA.
which corresponds to any –1 base pair (bp) frame- cloning PCR amplicons into E. coli and perform- We plotted the number of barcoded loci asso-
shift mutation, an in-frame RFP is translated ing Sanger sequencing on individual bacterial ciated with each sequence variant derived from
along with the T2A self-cleaving peptide, which colonies (Fig. 2E and fig. S3A). We found strong the original 30nt-1 stgRNA for three different
enables release of the functional RFP from the correlations (77 to 100% accuracy) between the time points (Fig. 3D). Although the majority of
upstream nonsense peptide. In reading frame 3 sequenced genotype and observed fluorescence the barcoded loci contained the original unmu-
(F3), which corresponds to any –2 bp frameshift phenotype in all of the sorted cell populations tated stgRNA sequence (index 1) for all three
mutation, GFP is properly expressed downstream (fig. S3B). Together, these results confirmed that time points, we observed that a sequence var-
of an in-frame P2A and followed by a stop codon. repetitive mutagenesis can occur at the stgRNA iant containing an insertion at base pair 29
We confirmed the functionality of this design by locus within single cells. (index 523) and another sequence variant con-
manually building constructs with stgRNA loci taining insertions at base pairs 29 and 30 (index
containing indels of various sizes (0 bp, –1 bp, stgRNAs exhibit characteristic sequence 740) gained major representation by day 14.
and –2 bp corresponding to constructs 13, 14, and evolution patterns We noticed that most of the barcoded stgRNA
15 in table S2, respectively) and introducing them Having established that stgRNA loci are capable loci evolved into just a few major sequence var-
into cells without Cas9. We observed the expected of undergoing multiple rounds of targeted muta- iants and thus sought to determine whether these
correspondence between indel sizes and fluores- genesis, we set out to delineate their sequence specific sequences would dominate across dif-
cence output (fig. S2). evolution patterns over time. We hypothesized ferent experimental conditions. In fig. S5B, we
We subsequently used the MBTR system to that we could infer characteristic properties as- present the top seven most abundant sequence
assess changes in fluorescent gene expression sociated with stgRNA sequence evolution by sim- variants of the 30nt-1 stgRNA observed in three
within cells constitutively expressing Cas9 in or- ultaneously investigating many independently different experiments discussed in this work.
der to track repeated mutagenesis at the stgRNA evolving cell clones, all of which contain an The three experiments were performed with
locus over time. We built a self-targeting MBTR exactly identical stgRNA sequence to start with the 30nt-1 stgRNA encoded and (i) tested in vitro
construct containing a computationally designed (Fig. 3C). We synthesized barcoded plasmid DNA in a HEK 293T–derived cell line (UBCp-Cas9),
27-nt stgRNA driven by a modified U6 promoter libraries in which the stgRNA sequence was main- (ii) tested in vitro in a HEK 293T–derived cell
embedded in the MDR (Fig. 2A and table S2, tained constant while a chemically randomized line in which Cas9 was regulated by the nu-
construct 13). As a control, we built a non–self- 16-bp barcode was placed immediately down- clear factor–kB (NF-kB)–responsive promoter
targeting MBTR construct with a regular sgRNA stream of the stgRNA (Fig. 3A). Six separate DNA (inflammation-recording cells), or (iii) tested
that targets an identical 27-bp DNA sequence libraries were synthesized that encode stgRNAs in vivo in inflammation-recording cells (Figs. 3F
embedded in the MDR (Fig. 2A and table S2, containing six distinct SDSs of different lengths: and 4, E and G, respectively). We found that six
construct 16). We integrated the self-targeting or 20nt-1, 20nt-2, 30nt-1, 30nt-2, 40nt-1, or 40nt-2 sequence variants (including indices 523 and
the non–self-targeting construct [via lentiviral (table S2, constructs 19 to 24). We used a con- 740) were represented in the top seven sequence
transduction at multiplicity of infection (MOI) stitutively expressed blue fluorescent protein, variants for all three different experiments we
~0.3 to ensure that most infected cells contained EBFP2, to confirm a MOI of ~0.3 so that most performed with the 30nt-1 stgRNA. Moreover,
single copies] into the genome of clonally de- of the infected cells should contain single-copy even though we observed >1000 distinct sequence
rived Cas9-expressing HEK 293T cells (hereafter integrants. variants for 30nt-1 stgRNA (fig. S5A and table
called UBCp-Cas9 cells) and analyzed the cells On day 0, lentiviral particles encoding each S1, stgRNA sequences), these top seven most abun-
by means of two rounds of fluorescence-activated of the six stgRNA libraries were used to infect dant sequence variants constituted >85% of
cell sorting (FACS) based on RFP and GFP lev- 200,000 UBCp-Cas9 cells in six separate wells the total sequences represented in each of these
els (Fig. 2B). In both cases, we found ~1 to 5% of of a 24-well plate. At a target MOI of 0.3, the experiments. Thus, we speculate that stgRNA

aag0511-6 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 SCIENCE


activity can result in specific and consistent mu- the 20nt-2 stgRNA, which saturated to ~100% animals. We adapted a well-established acute in-
tations. We also analyzed whether any of stgRNA by 10 days, we observed nonsaturating and flammation model involving repetitive intraperi-
variants might contain direct homology to human steadily increasing responses of the metric for toneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in
genomic DNA. In fig. S5C, we present homology all stgRNAs over the entire 16-day experimen- mice (18). Immune cells that sense LPS release
analysis for the top 100 most frequent 30nt-1 tation period. On the basis of the rate of in- tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa), which is a potent
stgRNA variants. We found that only one of the crease of the percent mutated stgRNA (percent activator of the NF-kB pathway (19). The activa-
top 100 stgRNA variants (35th most frequent mutated stgRNA/time), stgRNAs encoding SDSs tion of the NF-kB pathway plays an important
variant) had perfect homology to genomic DNA of longer length should have a greater capacity role in coordinating responses to inflammation
(an intronic region), whereas most of the variants to maintain a steady increase in the recording (20). To sense the activation of the NF-kB path-
differed from the DNA by at least 2 bp in their metric for longer durations of time and thus way, we built a construct containing a NF-kB–
SDS. Hence, the DNA locus encoding each stgRNA should be more suitable for longer-term record- responsive promoter driving the expression of
variant was the most likely targeted sequence ing applications. the RFP mKate2 (table S2, construct 32) and
for the majority of the 30nt-1 stgRNA variants. We also conducted a time course experiment stably integrated it into HEK 293T cells. We
Given our observation that stgRNAs may have with regular sgRNAs targeting a DNA target observed a >50-fold increase in expression
characteristic sequence evolution patterns, we sequence so as to test their ability to serve as levels when these cells were exposed to TNFa
sought to infer the likelihood of a stgRNA locus memory registers (fig. S7). We used sgRNAs en- in vitro (fig. S9, A, B, and C). Next, we implanted
transitioning from any given sequence variant coding the same 20nt-1, 30nt-2, and 40nt-1 SDSs these cells into the flanks of athymic nude mice
to another variant owing to self-targeted muta- tested in Fig. 3F (table S2, constructs 25 to 27) (female nu/nu). After implanted cells reached a
genesis. We computed such likelihoods in the and found that unlike stgRNA loci, sgRNA target palpable volume, we performed intraperito-
form of a transition probability matrix, which loci quickly saturate the percent mutated sequence neal injection of LPS and observed robust
captures the probability of a sequence variant metric and exhibit restricted linear ranges. mKate2 expression (fig. S9D) and elevated TNFa

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transitioning to any sequence variant within a concentrations in the serum after LPS injection
given time frame (Fig. 3E, fig. S4, and Materials Small-molecule inducible and multiplexed (fig. S9E).
and methods). We found that self-targeting se- memory storage using mSCRIBE We then built a clonal HEK 293T cell line con-
quence variants were generally more likely to We placed stgRNA loci under the control of small- taining an NF-kB–induced Cas9 expression cas-
remain unchanged than be mutagenized across molecule inducers in order to record chemical sette (NF-kBp-Cas9 cells) and infected the cells
the 2-day time period, as indicated by high prob- inputs into genomic memory registers. We de- with lentiviral particles encoding the 30nt-1 stgRNA
abilities along the main diagonal (matrix ele- signed doxycycline-inducible and isopropyl-b-D- at MOI ~0.3. These cells (hereafter referred to as
ments where x = y), as annotated in fig. S6. In thiogalactoside (IPTG)–inducible RNA polymerase inflammation-recording cells) accumulated stgRNA
addition, transition probability values were III (RNAP III) promoters to express stgRNAs, mutations, as detected with the T7 E1 assay, when
found to be typically higher for sequence tran- similar to prior work with short hairpin RNAs induced with TNFa (Fig. 4D). We characterized
sitions below the main diagonal versus for those (Fig. 4A) (16, 17). We engineered the RNAP III the stgRNA memory unit in inflammation-recording
above the main diagonal, implying that se- H1 promoter to contain a Tet-operator, allowing cells by varying the concentration [within patho-
quence variants tend to progressively gain de- for tight repression of promoter activity in the physiologically relevant concentrations (fig. S9E)
letions (fig. S6). Moreover, when compared with presence of the TetR protein, which can be rap- (21)] and duration of exposure to TNFa in vitro
deletion-containing sequence variants, insertion- idly and efficiently relieved by the addition of and determining the percent mutated stgRNA
containing sequence variants tended to have a doxycycline (table S2, construct 29). Similarly, we metric (Fig. 4E). We observed graded increases
very narrow set of sequence variants into which built an IPTG-inducible stgRNA locus by intro- in the percent mutated stgRNA metric as a func-
they were likely to mutagenize. Last, we noticed ducing three LacO sites into the RNAP III U6 tion of time, thus demonstrating that stgRNA-
that the predominant way in which mutated promoter so that LacI can repress transcription based memory can record temporal information
self-targeting sequence variants mutagenize of the stgRNA, which is relieved by the addition on signaling events in human cells. Furthermore,
into non–self-targeting sequence variants is by of IPTG (table S2, construct 30). We first verified higher TNFa concentrations resulted in cells that
losing the PAM and downstream region encod- that doxycycline and IPTG-inducible stgRNAs had higher values for the percent mutated stgRNA
ing the stgRNA handle while keeping the SDS- worked independently when integrated into the metric, indicating that signal magnitude can
encoding region intact. genome of UBCp-Cas9 cells that also express modulate the mSCRIBE memory register in an
Having analyzed the sequence evolution char- TetR and LacI (table S2, construct 28) (fig. S8). analog fashion.
acteristics of stgRNAs, we envisioned that a met- Next, we placed the doxycyline and IPTG-inducible
ric could be computed on the basis of the relative stgRNA loci on to a single lentiviral backbone Recording LPS-inducible inflammation
abundance of stgRNA sequence variants as a (Fig. 4A and table S2, construct 31) and in- in vivo via mSCRIBE
measure of stgRNA activity. Such a metric would tegrated them into the genome of UBCp-Cas9 After characterizing the in vitro time and dosage
enable the use of stgRNAs as intracellular re- cells that also expressed TetR and LacI. The sensitivity of our inflammation-recording cells,
cording devices in a population to store biolog- induction of stgRNA expression by exposure to we implanted them into mice. The implanted
ically relevant, time-dependent information that doxycycline or IPTG led to efficient self-targeting mice were split into three cohorts: no LPS injec-
could be reliably interpreted after the events mutagenesis at the cognate loci as detected with tion over 13 days, an LPS injection on day 7, and
were recorded. From our analysis of stgRNA the T7 E1 assay, whereas lack of exposure to an LPS injection on day 7 followed by another
sequence evolution, we reasoned that novel self- doxycycline or IPTG did not (Fig. 4B and Mate- LPS injection on day 10 (Fig. 4F). The genomic
targeting sequence variants at a given time point rials and methods). Moreover, when cells were DNA of implanted cells was extracted from all
should have arisen from prior self-targeting se- exposed to both doxycycline and IPTG, we de- cohorts on day 13. The stgRNA locus was PCR-
quence variants and not from non–self-targeting tected simultaneous mutation acquisition at amplified and sequenced via next-generation
sequence variants. Thus, we calculated the per- both loci, thus demonstrating inducible and sequencing. We observed a direct correlation
centage of sequences that contain mutations multiplexed molecular recording across the cell between the LPS dosage and the percent mu-
only in the SDS-encoding region among all the populations. tated stgRNA metric, with increasing numbers
sequences that contain an intact PAM, which of LPS injections resulting in increased percent
we call the percent mutated stgRNA, to serve as Recording the activation of the NF-kB mutated stgRNA metric (fig. S5B). Our results
an indicator of stgRNA activity. In Fig. 3F, we pathway via mSCRIBE indicate that stgRNA memory registers can be
plot the percent mutated stgRNA as a function We next sought to build stgRNA memory units used in vivo to record physiologically relevant
of time for the six different stgRNAs. Except for that record signaling events in cells within live biological signals in an analog fashion.

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 aag0511-7


While generating data for Figs. 3F and 4E, each stgRNA cleavage event would result in a the DNA constructs used in this work are
we used PCR to amplify the stgRNA loci from defined mutation, rather than a range of muta- listed in Table S2 and their plasmid maps are
~30,000 cells and then calculated the percent tions. Among NHEJ repair mechanisms, recent available at
mutated stgRNA metric as a readout of genomic studies have identified a more error-prone repair stgRNA.
memory. However, access to tissues or biological pathway, termed alternative NHEJ (aNHEJ). To
samples could be limited in certain in vivo con- enhance the controllability of mutations that T7 Endonuclease I (T7 E1) assay and
texts. To investigate the sensitivity of our stgRNA- arise over time, small-molecule inhibitors of Sanger sequencing
encoded memory when the input biological aNHEJ components, including ligase III and Unless otherwise stated, cells used for T7 E1 as-
material is restricted, we sampled 1:100 dilutions PARP1, could be used (27, 28). The systematic says were grown in 24-well plates with 200,000
of the genomic DNA extracted from the TNFa- engineering and characterization of a larger cells per well. Genomic DNA from respective cell
treated inflammation-recording cells in Fig. 4E library of stgRNA sequences could also help to lines containing stgRNA or the sgRNA loci was
(which corresponds to ~300 cells) in triplicate identify memory registers that are more effi- extracted using the QuickExtract DNA extraction
followed by PCR amplification, sequencing, and cient than the ones tested here. solution (Epicentre). Genomic PCR was performed
calculation of the percent mutated stgRNA met- Moreover, because our system generates a using the KAPA-HiFi polymerase (KAPA biosys-
ric (fig. S10). We found very little deviation be- diverse set of stgRNA variants during the self- tems) using the primers:
tween the percent mutated sgRNA metric between mutagenesis process, it is difficult to predict JP1710 – GCAGAGATCCAGTTTGGGGGGTTC-
samples with ~300 cells versus those from ~30,000 and eliminate potential off-target effects that CGCGCAC and JP1711 – CCCGGTAGAATTCCTC-
cells. We hypothesize that this tight correspon- may arise even if the original stgRNA can be GACGTCTAATGCCAAC at 65°C for 30s and 25s/
dence is due to stgRNA evolution toward very designed for minimal off-target effects. As an cycle extension at 72°C for 29 cycles. Purified
few, dominating sequence variants, as was ob- alternative, we could fuse deactivated Cas9 PCR DNA was then used in the T7 Endonuclease
served in Fig. 3D and fig. S5B. (dCas9) to DNA cleavage domains such as single- I (T7 E1) assays. Specifically, 400 ng of PCR DNA

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chain FokI nucleases (29) so that dCas9 could was used per 20 mL T7 E1 reaction mixture (NEB
Discussion and conclusions be targeted to a specific DNA locus, with cleav- Protocols, M0302). For Sanger sequencing, PCR
In this Research Article, we describe an archi- age occurring away from the dCas9 binding site. amplicons from mutated genomic DNA were
tecture for stgRNAs that can repeatedly direct This way, one can avoid generating variants of cloned in to KpnI/NheI sites of Construct 13 from
Cas9 activity against the DNA loci that encode stgRNAs that might target other sites in the previous work (34) and transformed into E. coli
the stgRNAs. This technology enables the cre- genome while repeated targeting of the DNA (DH5a, NEB). Single colonies of bacteria were
ation of self-contained genomic analog memory locus can occur at locations distal to the dCas9 Sanger sequenced using the Rolling Circle Am-
units in human cell populations. We show that binding site, hence serving as a continuous mem- plification method (Genewiz, Inc).
stgRNAs can be engineered by introducing a ory register. Alternatively, adopting the recently
PAM into the sgRNA sequence and with our described “base-editing” strategy that uses cytidine Cell culture, transfections and
MBTR system validate that mutations accumu- deaminase (30) activity could help to avoid issues lentiviral infections
late repeatedly in stgRNA-encoding loci over time. with using mutagenesis via DNA double-strand Cell culture and transfections were performed
After characterizing the sequence evolution dy- breaks for memory storage. Epigenetic strategies— as described earlier (34). HEK 293T cells (ATCC
namics of stgRNAs, we derived a computational for example, by fusing methyltransferases (31) or CRL- 11268) were purchased from and authenti-
metric that can be used to map the extent of demethylases (32) to dCas9—could also be lever- cated by ATCC. Our cell lines were tested negative
stgRNA mutagenesis in a cell population to the aged for continuous memory storage. Last, in for mycoplasma contamination by the Diagnostic
duration or magnitude of the recorded input addition to recording information, this tech- Laboratory of the Division of Comparative Medi-
signal. Our results demonstrate that the percent nology could be used for lineage tracing in the cine at MIT. Lentiviruses were packaged using the
mutated stgRNA metric increases with the mag- context of organogenesis. Embryonic stem cells FUGw backbone (2) (Addgene #25870) in HEK
nitude and duration of input signals, thus result- containing stgRNAs could be allowed to develop 293T cells. Filtered lentiviruses were used to infect
ing in long-lasting analog memory stored in into a whole organism, and the resulting lineage respective cell lines in the presence of polybrene
the genomic DNA of human cell populations. relationships between multiple cell types could (8 mg/mL). Successful lentiviral integration was
Because the stgRNA loci can be multiplexed be delineated via in situ RNA sequencing (33). confirmed by using lentiviral plasmid constructs
for memory storage and function in vivo, this We show that mSCRIBE, enabled by self-targeting constitutively expressing fluorescent proteins or
approach for analog memory in human cells CRISPR-Cas, is useful for analog memory in mam- antibiotic resistance genes to serve as infection
could be used to map dynamic and combina- malian cells. We anticipate that mSCRIBE will be markers.
torial sets of gene regulatory events without applicable to a broad range of biological settings
the need for continuous cell imaging or de- and should provide insights into signaling dyna- Clonal cell lines and DNA constructs
structive sampling. For example, cellular record- mics and regulatory events in cell populations A lentiviral plasmid construct expressing spCas9,
ers could be used to monitor the spatiotemporal within living animals. codon optimized for expression in human cells
heterogeneity of molecular stimuli that cancer fused to the puromycin resistance gene with a
cells are exposed to within tumor microenviron- Materials and methods P2A linker was built from the taCas9 plasmid
ments (22), such as exposure to hypoxia, pro- Vector construction (34) (table S2, construct 12). The UBCp-Cas9 cell
inflammatory cytokines, and other soluble factors. The vectors used in this study (table S2, construct line was constructed by infecting early passage
One could also track the extent to which specific 12) were constructed using standard molecular HEK 293T cells with high titer lentiviral particles
signaling pathways are activated during disease cloning techniques, including restriction enzyme encoding Construct 12 and selecting for clonal
progression or development, such as the mitogen- digestion, ligation, PCR, and Gibson assembly. populations grown in the presence of puromycin
activated protein kinase (MAPK), Wnt, Sonic Custom oligonucleotides were purchased from (7 mg/mL). The NF-kBp-Cas9 cell line was built by
Hedgehog (SHH), and TGF-b–regulated signal- Integrated DNA Technologies. The vector constructs infecting HEK 293T cells with high titer lenti-
ing pathways (23–26). were transformed into E. coli strain DH5a, and viral particles encoding a NF-kB-responsive Cas9
One limitation of our approach is that the 50 mg/ml of carbenicillin (Teknova) was used to expressing construct (table S2, construct 33).
NHEJ DNA repair mechanism is error-prone, isolate colonies harboring the constructs. DNA was Transduced cells were induced with 1 ng/mL
so it is not easy to precisely control how each extracted and purified using Plasmid Mini or Midi TNFa for three days followed by selection with
stgRNA cleavage event translates into a defined Kits (Qiagen). Sequences of the vector constructs 3 mg/mL puromycin. NF-kBp-Cas9 cells were
mutation, which could result in errors and noise were verified with Genewiz and Quintara Bio’s then clonally isolated in the absence of TNFa.
in interpreting a given memory register. Ideally, DNA sequencing service. Sequences of all of NF-kBp-Cas9 cells were infected with lentivirus

aag0511-8 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 SCIENCE


particles encoding the 30nt-1 stgRNA locus at (Gen2R:RFP, Gen2R:GFP, Gen2G:RFP and Gen2G: code in the immediately preceding time point
0.3 multiplicity of infection (MOI) to build GFP) was collected, PCR amplified and Sanger that had the minimum Hamming distance to the
inflammation-recording cells. Cell lines used to sequenced after bacterial cloning. See Fig. 2 and daughter sequence variant was assigned as the
test stgRNA activity were built by infecting HEK fig. S3. parent. Since the presence of an intact PAM is an
293T cells with lentiviral particles encoding con- absolute requirement for self-targeting capability
structs 1 through 6 (table S2) and selecting for Next-generation sequencing and alignment of stgRNAs, only the sequence variants that con-
successfully transduced cells with 300 mg/mL hy- Genomic DNA from respective cell lines was ex- tained an intact PAM were considered as poten-
gromycin. The cell line used to test inducible and tracted using QuickExtract (Epicenter) and ampli- tial parents. Many parent-daughter associations
multiplexed recording with doxycycline and IPTG fied using sequence specific primers containing were computed across all the barcodes and time
was built by infecting UBCp-Cas9 cells with Illumina adapter sequences P5 – AATGATACGG- points, resulting in an overall count for each spe-
lentiviral particles encoding a DNA construct CGACCACCGAGATCTACAC and P7 – CAAGCA- cific parent-daughter association. Finally, the
that expresses TetR and LacI constitutively (table GAAGACGGCATACGAGAT as primer overhangs. counts were normalized such that the total like-
S2, construct 28) followed by selection with Multiple PCR samples were multiplexed together lihood of transitioning from each parent to all
200 mg/mL zeocin for seven days. and sequenced on a single flow cell using 8 bp possible daughters would sum to one. The Ham-
multiplexing barcodes incorporated via reverse ming distance metric between two sequence var-
Design of longer stgRNAs primers. The barcode library stgRNA samples in iants in the MIXD format was calculated by
Longer stgRNAs were designed using the Vien- Fig. 3 were split into two groups and sequenced assigning a distance score for each base pair
naRNA package (36). Specifically, the RNAfold on the NextSeq platform (resulting in 154 and 178 position. Specifically, if only one of the sequence
software was used to generate SDSs that retain million reads) while the 20nt-1 stgRNA samples variants being compared had an insertion at a
the native structure of the guide RNA handle and in Fig. 1, the regular sgRNA samples in fig. S7, particular base pair position, then the score for
no secondary structures in the SDS encoding TNFa dosage and time course characterization that position is assigned 2. In all other cases, the

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region in the minimum free energy structure. samples in Fig. 4E and the mouse tumor PCR score at a base pair position was assigned 0 if the
samples in Fig. 4G were sequenced on the MiSeq sequence variant letters were identical and 1 if
FACS and microscopy platform (resulting in ~13 million reads per ex- they were not identical. The scores for each base
Before analysis and sorting, cells were suspended periment). Paired end reads were assembled using pair position were summed up and used as the
in PBS with 2% fetal bovine serum. Cells were the PEAR package (37). Optimal sequence align- Hamming distance metric between the two se-
sorted using Beckmann Coulter MoFlo cell sorter. ment was performed by a custom written C++ quence variants. Finally, while assigning parent-
Flow cytometry analysis was performed with code implementing the SS-2 algorithm (38) using daughter associations, unless the parent and the
Becton Dickinson LSRFortessa and FlowJo. Fluo- affine gap costs with a gap opening penalty of 2.5 daughter sequence variants were exactly identical,
rescence microscopy images of cells were ob- and a gap continuation penalty of 0.5 (see Code sequence variants that contain mutations in the
tained by using Thermo Scientific’s EVOS cell availability). The aligned sequences were repre- PAM were not considered as potential parents. The
imager. The cells were directly imaged from sented using a four-letter alphabet in the “MIXD” implementation of the above algorithm using a
tissue culture plates. format where M represents a match, I represents specific barcoded locus is presented in fig. S4. See
an insertion, X represents a mismatch and D Fig. 3E.
Mutation-based toggling reporter represents a deletion. At each base-pair position, While designing an mSCRIBE memory device,
(MBTR)-based cell sorting experiment the sequence aligned base pair is represented by it is important to keep in mind that stgRNA
HEK 293T cells stably expressing Cas9 (UBCp- one of the following letters: ‘M’, ‘I’, ‘X’ or ‘D’ (fig. sequence evolution in its current implementa-
Cas9 cells) were infected with MBTR constructs S4). 27 letter words were used to represent the tion relies on an undirected phenomenon that
at low titer (MOI = 0.3) so that most of the in- 20nt stgRNA sequence variants wherein the 27 can involve potential sources of bias. Over time,
fected cells had a single copy of the construct. In letters correspond to the first 20 bp of the SDS the newly generated stgRNAs could become in-
the self- targeting scenario, a U6 promoter driven encoding region, followed by 3 bp of PAM and active due to severe shortening of their SDS,
stgRNA with a 27 nt SDS is embedded between a 4 bp representing the immediately adjacent 4 bp acquisition of mutations that modify the down-
constitutive human CMV promoter and modi- region encoding the stgRNA handle. Similarly, 37 stream S. pyogenes scaffold required for recog-
fied GFP and RFP reporters. RNAP II mediated and 47 letter words were used to represent the nition by Cas9, introduction of runs of ‘T’ residues
transcription starts upstream of the U6 pro- 30nt and 40nt stgRNA sequence variants. could inactivate the stgRNA due to RNA Pol III
moter. Different sizes of indel formation at the termination, and homologous repair from the sis-
stgRNA locus should result in different peptides Barcoded stgRNA sequence evolution ter chromatid that might result in complete loss of
sequences being translated. When translated in- and transition probabilities the stgRNA locus. There could also be unantici-
frame, two “self-cleaving” 2A peptides, P2A and After sequence alignment, 16 bp barcodes and pated off-target effects because of newly formed
T2A, are designed to cause co-translational “cleav- the stgRNA sequence variants (in the MIXD stgRNAs targeting sites elsewhere in the genome.
age” of the peptides and release functional fluo- format) were extracted. Only the 16 bp barcodes However, as we have observed with the stgRNA
rescent protein from the nonsense peptides, thus that were represented in all of the time points sequences used in this work, stgRNAs tend to
resulting in the appropriate fluorescent signal. were considered for further analysis. We employ progressively gain deletions and hence, we believe
The non-self-targeting construct consists of a U6 the well-established Discrete Time Markov Chain one can minimize such unanticipated affects by
promoter driving expression of a regular sgRNA, (DTMC) analysis to model stgRNA sequence evo- designing stgRNAs that are maximally orthogonal
which targets a sequence corresponding to the lution. Each unique stgRNA sequence variant is to genomic DNA.
sgRNA embedded in the MBTR system as the considered to represent a “state” and the list of
MDR. Five days after the initial infection, gen- stgRNA sequence variants belonging to the same Small-molecule-inducible and
eration 1 (Gen1) cells were sorted into RFP or 16 bp barcode and consecutive time points to multiplexed memory storage
GFP positive populations (Gen1:RFP and Gen1: comprise a DTMC. A maximum likelihood esti- We first built a cell line expressing TetR and
GFP). The genomic DNA was extracted from a mation of the transition probabilities is then LacI by infecting UBCp-Cas9 cells with construct
portion of the sorted cells. The rest of the sorted computed. Specifically, all possible two-wise com- 28, table S2. This cell line was then infected with
cells were allowed to grow to acquire further binations of sequence variants associated with the lentiviral particles encoding the inducible stgRNA
mutations at the stgRNA loci. The cells initially same barcode but consecutive time points were cassette from table S2, constructs 29 to 31, and
sorted for RFP or GFP fluorescence (Gen2R and evaluated for a “parent-daughter” association. For the cells were grown either in the presence or
Gen2G) were sorted again seven days after the every sequence variant in a future time point (a absence of 500 ng/mL doxycycline and/or 2mM
first sort. The genomic DNA of the sorted cells daughter), a sequence variant with the same bar- IPTG. The cells were harvested 96 hours post

SCIENCE 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 aag0511-9


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aag0511-10 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 • VOL 353 ISSUE 6304 SCIENCE

Continuous genetic recording with self-targeting CRISPR-Cas in human cells
Samuel D. Perli, Cheryl H. Cui and Timothy K. Lu

Science 353 (6304), aag0511.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aag0511originally published online August 18, 2016

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