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1) Fight Bad Breath

Brushing your teeth swishing with minty mouthwash won’t always help get rid of bad
breath. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, helps get to the root of the problem by
killing the germs that cause bad breath.

Make sure to use what’s known as “food grade” hydrogen peroxide when you put
anything in your mouth!

2) Whiten Teeth

Want whiter teeth without having to buy expensive whitening strips? Well, one side
benefits of using hydrogen peroxide to kill bad breath germs is whiter teeth! The
peroxide acts like a bleaching agent, so don’t be shy about using it as both a
mouthwash and tooth brightener.

Again, be sure to only use FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide, which can be found
online, for anything you take in orally.

3) DIY Toothpaste

If you don’t like using commercial toothpaste and all the unnatural ingredients that
come with it, then DIY it! Make a natural paste by mixing together baking soda,
hydrogen peroxide, and coconut oil.

6) Banish That Toothache

The pain from a really bad toothache can bring a grown man down to his knees! If
pain over the counter pain relievers aren’t doing the trick, try swishing your mouth
with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to hold it in your mouth for a few minutes to help
kill the bacteria before you spit it out.

7) DIY Deodorant

Remember that toothpaste recipe where you mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda?
Well, that same exact paste can also be used as a under your arms to ward of pit stank.

8) Whiten Fingernails

The same bleaching action that works on teeth and fabrics can also do wonders to
whiten your nails. Soak a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide, and then dab that onto
your nails.

10) Make A Detox Bath

Feeling icky from all the germs going around? Give yourself a detox bath by adding a
cup and a half of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to the water. And while you’re at
it, add some Epsom salt to soothe sore muscles.

According to Dr. Ernst, you should only do this once a month for “detoxification and
oxygenation purposes.”

45) Brighten Floors

If your floors are looking a little bit dingy, look no further than hydrogen peroxide to
make it look sparkly new. All you have to do is mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide
with a gallon of hot water, and then start mopping!

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