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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Day #7: Arm Workout


• 5 weeks after injury

• The injury is still constantly throbbing, which is normal for this kind of situation. The

causes of pain are mostly the same as the previous: too much pressure to the area, holding

items that are heavy, and pushing or pulling items too hard.

• The straightening of my elbow has gotten increasingly better. I can’t keep is straight on

my own yet, but I’m able to force it straight now unlike before.


• All three of the rounds are done at the air pressure 200.

• The pain in the first round is almost nonexistent now, probably due to getting used to it

and the lack of the extension/flex drill. On the other hand, the other two rounds still

cause small amounts of throbbing pain. The second round is easier, and the throbbing is

barely noticeable, but by the third round, my muscles are screaming for a break and

release. Knowing that I’m fine to keep going is that the pain I receive is only throbbing

not sharp, which is normal when trying to recover muscles from an injury.

Pain Levels from 1-10:

• Round 1: 1

• Round 2: 1

• Round 3: 3

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