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Problem Sleepiness


Everyone feels sleepy at times. However,
when sleepiness interferes with daily rou- Sleepiness can be due to the body’s natural
tines and activities, or reduces the ability to daily sleep-wake cycles, inadequate sleep,
function, it is called “problem sleepiness.” sleep disorders, or certain drugs.
A person can be sleepy without realizing it.
For example, a person may not feel sleepy Sleep- W ake Cycle
during activities such as talking and listen-
Each day there are two periods when the
ing to music at a party, but the same person
body experiences a natural tendency toward
can fall asleep while driving home afterward.
sleepiness: during the late night hours
You may have problem sleepiness if you: (generally between midnight and 7 a.m.)
■ consisten tly do no t get enough sleep, or and again during the midafternoon (gener-
get poor qualit y sleep; ally between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.). If people
are awake during these times, they have a
■ f all asleep w hile driving;
higher risk of falling asleep unintentionally,
struggle t o stay a w ake w hen inactive, such

especially if they haven’t been getting
as w hen w atching television or readin g;
enough sleep.
■ have dif f icult y paying at ten tion or concen-
trating at w ork, scho ol, or home; Inadeq uate Sleep
have perf ormance problems at w ork or

The amount of sleep needed each night
scho ol;
varies among people. Each person needs a
■ are o f ten t old b y o t hers t hat y o u are particular amount of sleep in order to be
sleep y; fully alert throughout the day. Research
■ have dif f icult y remembering; has shown that when healthy adults are
■ have slo w ed responses;
allowed to sleep unrestricted, the average
time slept is 8 to 8.5 hours. Some people
■ have dif f icult y con trolling y our emo tions;
need more than that to avoid problem
sleepiness; others need less.
■ must take naps on most days.
If a person does not get enough sleep, even
on one night, a “sleep debt” begins to
build and increases until enough sleep is

N A T I O N A L H E A R T , L U N G , A N D B L O O D I N S T I T U T E
obtained. Problem sleepiness occurs M edical Con ditions / Dru gs PR O BLE M SLEEPINESS A N D
as the debt accumulates. Many peo- A D O LESCENTS
Certain medical conditions and
ple do not get enough sleep during
drugs, including prescription med-
the work week and then sleep longer Many U.S. high school and college
ications, can also disrupt sleep and
on the weekends or days off to students have signs of problem
cause problem sleepiness. Examples
reduce their sleep debt. If too much sleepiness, such as:
sleep has been lost, sleeping in on ■ dif f icult y get ting u p f or school;
Chronic illnesses such as ast hma,
the weekend may not completely ■

co ngestive heart f ailure, rheuma- f alling asleep at sch ool; and / or

reverse the effects of not getting ■

t oid art hritis, or an y o t her chroni-

enough sleep during the week. ■ struggling t o stay a w ake w hile
cally pain f ul disorder; doin g home w ork.

Sleep Disorders ■ Some medications t o treat hig h

The need for sleep may be 9 hours
blood pressure, some heart medica-
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, or more per night as a person goes
tions, and ast hma medications such
narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, through adolescence. At the same
as t heoph ylline;
and insomnia can cause problem time, many teens begin to show a
sleepiness. Sleep apnea is a serious dis- ■ A lcohol—A lt hough some people preference for a later bed time,
order in which a person’s breathing is use alco hol t o help t hemselves f all which may be due to a biological
interrupted during sleep, causing the asleep, it causes sleep disrup tio n change. Teens tend to stay up later
individual to awaken many times d uring t he nigh t, w hich can lead t o but have to get up early for school,
during the night and experience problem sleepiness during t he day. resulting in their getting much less
problem sleepiness during the day. A lcohol is also a sedating dru g t hat sleep than they need.
can, even in small amoun ts, make a
People with narcolepsy have excessive Many factors contribute to problem
sleep y person much more sleep y
sleepiness during the day, even after sleepiness in teens and young adults,
and at greater risk f or car crashes
sleeping enough at night. They may but the main causes are not getting
and perf ormance problems;
fall asleep at inappropriate times and enough sleep and irregular sleep
places. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) ■ Caf f eine— W het her consumed in
schedules. Some of the factors that
causes a person to experience co f f ee, tea, so f t drinks, or medica-
influence adolescent sleep include:
unpleasant sensations in the legs, tions, caf f eine makes it harder f or
■ social activities w it h peers t hat
often described as creeping, crawling, man y people t o f all asleep and stay
lead t o later bed times;
pulling, or painful. These sensations asleep. Caff eine stays in t he bod y
home w ork t o be done in t he
frequently occur in the evening, f or ab ou t 3 t o 7 ho urs, so even ■

making it difficult for people with w hen taken earlier in t he day it

RLS to fall asleep, leading to problem can cause problems w it h sleep at ■ early w ake-up times due t o early

sleepiness during the day. Insomnia is nigh t; and school start times;

the perception of poor-quality sleep ■ Nico tine from cigaret tes or a skin ■ paren ts being less in v olved in set-
due to difficulty falling asleep, wak- patch is a stimulan t an d makes it ting and en f orcing bed times; and
ing up during the night with difficul- harder t o f all asleep an d stay ■ emplo ymen t, sports, or o t her
ty returning to sleep, waking up too asleep. extracurricular activities t hat
early in the morning, or unrefreshing decrease t he time available f or
sleep. Any of these sleep disorders sleep.
can cause problem sleepiness. See
page 4 for information on how to
order fact sheets about the above
sleep disorders.

Teens and young adults who do not completely adjusts to nighttime
get enough sleep are at risk for activity and daytime sleep, even
problems such as: in those who work permanent
■ au t omobile crashes; night shifts.
■ p o or perf ormance in school and In addition to the sleep-wake system,
p o or grades; environmental factors can influence
■ depressed mo ods; and sleepiness in shift workers. Because
our society is strongly day-oriented,
■ pro blems w it h peer an d ad ult
shift workers who try to sleep during
the day are often interrupted by
Many adolescents have part-time noise, light, telephones, family
jobs in addition to their classes and members, and other distractions. In
other activities. High school stu- contrast, the nighttime sleep of day
dents who work more than 20 hours workers is largely protected by social
per week have more problem sleepi- customs that keep noises and inter-
ness and may use more caffeine, ruptions to a minimum.
nicotine, and alcohol than those
Problem sleepiness in shift workers
who work less than 20 hours per
may result in:
week or not at all.
■ increased risk f or au t omobile
crashes, especially w hile driving
home af ter t he nigh t shif t;
SHIFT W O RK A ND ■ decreased qualit y o f lif e;
■ decreased productivit y (nig h t w ork
perf ormance may be slo w er and
About 20 million Americans (20 to
less accurate t han day perf or-
25 percent of workers) perform shift
mance); and / or
work. Most shift workers get less
sleep over 24 hours than day work- ■ increased risk o f acciden ts and

ers. Sleep loss is greatest for night injuries at w ork.

shift workers, those who work early

morning shifts, and female shift
workers with children at home. W H A T C A N HELP?
About 60 to 70 percent of shift
workers have difficulty sleeping Sleep—There Is No Su bstit u te!
and/or problem sleepiness.
Many people simply do not allow
The human sleep-wake system is enough time for sleep on a regular
designed to prepare the body and basis. A first step may be to evalu-
mind for sleep at night and wakeful- ate daily activities and sleep-wake
ness during the day. These natural patterns to determine how much
rhythms make it difficult to sleep sleep is obtained. If you are consis-
during daylight hours and to stay tently getting less than 8 hours of
awake during the night hours, even sleep per night, more sleep may be
in people who are well rested. It is needed. A good approach is to
possible that the human body never gradually move to an earlier bed-

time. For example, if an extra hour If Yo u’re Sleep y—D on’t Drive! WHERE TO
of sleep is needed, try going to bed GET M ORE
A person who is sleepy and drives is
15 minutes earlier each night for INFOR M ATION
at high risk for an automobile crash.
four nights and then keep the last For additional in f ormation on
Planning ahead may help reduce sleep and sleep disorders,
bedtime. This method will increase
that risk. For example, the follow- co n tact the f ollo win g o ffices
the amount of time in bed without o f the Natio nal Heart, Lu n g,
ing tips may help when planning a
causing a sudden change in sched- and Blo od Institu te o f the
long distance car trip: Natio nal Institu tes o f Health:
ule. However, if work or family
Get a good nig h t’s sleep bef ore ■ National Center on Sleep
schedules do not permit the earlier ■
Disorders Research
bedtime, a 30- to 60-minute daily (NCSDR)
nap may help. ■ Av oid driving bet w een midnigh t The NCSDR su p ports research,
and 7 a.m. scien tist trainin g, dissemina-
tio n o f health in f ormatio n,
M edications / Drugs ■ Change drivers o f ten t o allo w f or and o ther activities o n sleep
rest perio ds. and sleep disorders. The
In general, medications do not help NCSDR also co ordinates sleep
problem sleepiness, and some make ■ Sched ule freq uen t breaks. research activities with o ther
Federal agencies and with
it worse. Caffeine can reduce sleepi- p u blic an d n o npro fit organi-
ness and increase alertness, but only zatio ns.
If you are a shift worker, the follow-
temporarily. It can also cause prob- Natio nal Cen ter on Sleep
ing may help:
lem sleepiness to become worse by Disorders Research
decreasing t he amo un t o f nigh t Natio nal Institu tes o f Health
interrupting sleep. ■
Tw o Rockledge Cen tre
w ork;
Suite 7024
While alcohol may shorten the time 6701 Rockled ge Drive,
■ increasin g t he t o tal amoun t o f
it takes to fall asleep, it can disrupt MSC 7920
sleep b y ad ding naps and len g t h-
sleep later in the night, and there- Bethesda, M D 20892-7920
ening t he amoun t o f time allo t ted (301) 435-0199
fore add to the problem sleepiness. (301) 480-3451 (f ax)
f or sleep;
Medications may be prescribed for ■ National Heart, Lung, and
■ increasin g t he in tensit y o f ligh t Blood Institute
patients in certain situations. For at w ork; Information Center
example, the short-term use of The In f ormation Cen ter
■ having a predictable schedule o f
sleeping pills has been shown to be acquires, analyzes, promo tes,
nigh t shif ts; main tains, and disseminates
helpful in patients diagnosed with
eliminating soun d and ligh t in t he
programmatic an d ed ucation-
acute insomnia. Long-term use of ■
al in f ormatio n related to
bedroom d urin g day time sleep;
sleep medication is recommended sleep and sleep disorders.
Write f or a list o f available
only for the treatment of specific ■ using caff eine (only during t he
pu blicatio ns or to order
sleep disorders. f irst part o f t he shif t) t o promo te additio nal copies o f this
alert ness at nigh t; or f act sheet.

■ possibly using prescrip tion sleep-

NHLBI In f ormation Cen ter
in g pills t o help day time sleep on P. O . Box 30105
an occasio nal basis (check w it h Bethesda, M D 20824-0105
(301) 251-1222
y our doct or).
(301) 251-1223 (f ax)
h ttp://w w w.n
nhlbi/n hlbi.h tm

U . S. D E P A RT M E N T O F H E A LT H
If you think you are getting enough sleep, but still f eel A N D H U M A N SE R V I C E S
sleepy during the day, check w ith your doctor to be sure
your sleepiness is not due to a sleep disorder. Pu b lic H e a l t h Se rvice

N a t i o n a l Inst i t u t es o f H e a l t h

N a t i o n a l H e a r t , Lu n g , a n d Bl o o d Inst i t u t e

NIH Pu b lica t i o n N o . 97-4071

Se p t e m b e r 1997

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