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Movie Face /off

Director  John Woo

Producers  David Permut,
Who is (are) the protagonist(s)? John travolta
Who is (are) the antagonist(s)? Nicolas cage
Chronological time of the movie 1997
plot Beginning:
The tape began by showing FBI
The tape began by showing FBI agent agent Sean Archer (Travolta), while
Sean Archer (Travolta), while playing playing in an amusement park with his
in an amusement park with his young young son, unaware that the
son, unaware that the dangerous dangerous terrorist Castor Troy
terrorist Castor Troy (Cage) was (Cage) was aiming a high-precision
aiming a high-precision rifle at him, rifle at him, planning to assassinate
planning to assassinate him. . When him
Castor fired the shot, the bullet hit Knot:
Archer, but unfortunately the project The secret project, Tito Biondi (Robert
went on and on, also hitting the boy, Wisdom) and Dr. Hollis Miller (CCH
killing him on the spot. Archer Pounder), made it known to Agent
survived the attack and, traumatized Archer that it is possible through an
by the death of his son and in the operation to borrow the face and
following 6 years, only dedicated make some minimal adjustments to
himself to chasing the criminal Castor the body, such as the abdomen,
Troy to capture him. Including the voice, to impersonate
Castor Troy, enter him in the
maximum security prison, in order to
obtain the information that will lead
them to the location of the bomb.
Ending :
after surgery and recovering his face,
he returns to his wife and daughter,
with the son of castor who accepts
this new family, like his and they see
his lost son and little brother

Link of a trailer

S1. That when we do something
What did you learn about the wrong, at any moment justice reaches
movie? us. It also teaches me that there is
also time to love and forgive and
receive rewards.
S2. That by obtaining material things
or as many say POWER, you cannot
pass over anyone and not attempt
against their lives
How did the film make you feel? S1. I felt very excited and with a lot of
S2. Too bad because for one to
obtain personal benefits, one cannot
think of ending lives, which is how I
achieve my goal or my benefits.
S1 As a psychologist in training, I
How does the movie relate to the would have to do an intervention with
academic program you are the Archer family with grief therapy,
studying? since the three members are very

S2. As a food engineer, I can't find

the relationship of the film with this
program, it deals with psychological
mental problems due to what
happened in Sean Archer's family
Another ending for the movie I wish that the son of beaver Troy, his
could be… mother had not died.
That Sean Archer's son was not dead,
nor was the mother of Beaver Troy's

Trama: Esta cinta nos habla de un criminal que por matar a un agente del FBI
hiriéndolo y matando al hijo, cuando el agente se recupera se dedica a buscar
al criminal y en su afán de saber el plan que tenía el criminal hacen un cambio
de cara y el criminal obliga al médico a que le colocara el rostro del agente del

Comienzo: el comienzo de la película fue mostrando al agente del FBI jugando

con su hijo en un parque donde el criminal le disparo hiriéndolo y a su vez
matando al hijo

Nudo: para descubrir don se encontraba la bomba le proponen al agente que

hiciera un cambio de rostro con el criminal y de vos para ingresar a la cárcel y
descubrir donde se encuentra la bomba

Final: el criminal muere, el agente recupera su rostro y se quedan con el hijo

del criminal que se quedó sin familia

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