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Reading is a demanded skill that should be mastered by students. With reading, students can
gain much information. In fact, the reading comprehension of many students is still low, worrying,
unsatisfactory, and far from the expectation. Students are reluctant to read due the fact that texts are
difficult to understand. This condition leads the teachers to apply some teaching techniques in reading

The Division of Palawan through the Curriculum Implementation Division- Learning

Resources Management Section (CID-LRMS) headed by Mr. Rodgie S. Demalinao, Education Program
Supervisor/LRMS Manager redesigned the reading intervention which is entitled Basa Palaweno –
Palawan Reading Inventory and Assessment (BP- PRIA). It is an informal reading intervention tool
purposely to assess the progress of the Learners’ reading ability.

This tool assessing the oral reading ability of our pupils from grade 3 to grade 6 in elementary
and grade 11 to 12 for secondary. This Intervention really helpful to the teachers to assess and improve
the reading ability of the learners.


The district of Bataraza I conducted the Orientation-Workshop on the Utilization of BP-

PRIA Tools for all Grade 3 to 12 Learners last August 13-15, 2018 at Bataraza National
High School Function Hall and the participants are the school head, School ICT
coordinator, English and Filipino Reading Coordinator. This was followed by the School
Orientation and workshop in Implementing the BP- PRIA tool on the advisers from grade
III to VI last August 24, 2018 at Lupak Elementary School. Right after the orientation, the
advisers conducted the oral reading assessment started last September 10, 2018 up to
September 20, 2018. On January 21 up to January 30, 2019 the advisers of grade 3 to 6
continued the post test on oral reading assessment.

Post Test in Filipino ANALYSIS


19% 15% Frustration




 0% (0 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are non-reader

 15%% (11 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are struggling reader
 0% (0 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are frustrating reader
 47.65% (47 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are instructional reader
 20% (14 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are independent reader

Post Test in English



25 23



10 9
Non- Reader Frustration Stuggling Instructional Independent



 8.33% (6 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are non-reader

 48.61% (35 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are frustrating reader
 0% (0 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are struggling reader
 31.94% (23 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are instructional reader
 12.5% (9 out of 72 pupils) from grade 3 to 6 are independent reader



Title: Basa Ko, Gaya Mo / Dikta Ko, Sulat Mo

This is a kind of intervention in which the teacher read first then the children will read
after, when they can read it repeatedly and independently with the less supervision of the
teacher, each of them will be given an illustration board, chalk and eraser. They will be going to
write on the board given to them what the teacher will dictate. This is repeatedly done until
almost all of them can have the right answer.

We made the BP-PRIA intervention last month of October, I choose the “Basa
Ko, Gaya Mo-Dikta Ko, Sulat Mo Intervention”. This kind of intervention fits the abilities of
our learners who fall in the non-reader level and frustration level.
We repeatedly done this during our remedial class in the afternoon. There are 18
from grade 3 and 6 learners from grade 4.
In this intervention, the teacher presents the “ABAKADA” little by little, let
them see it written on the board/manila paper (ex.: a e i o u) and then the teacher sounds it out
or read it, then they will repeat what has been said by the teacher. After repeating it for about 30
minute, they will be given a mini-board, chalk, and eraser. It must be a 1:1 ratio. With these, the
teacher dictates a word and they write it on their mini-board. They will raise their answers when
the time is up. This activity is like a game to them that diverts boredness and trigger their brains
to start functioning and thinking. The result of what they had learned that they will be retained
longer to their memories.


TITLE: One - on – One Instruction

One- on- one intervention happens between the teacher and the student. This can be
done during a free time or if the rest of the class is having an activity/ seatwork. Aside from
other interventions done, it is necessary to conduct a one- on- one instruction especially to those
who have really difficulty in reading. Through this, we can monitor the progress and
weaknesses of the learners. This intervention can help you identify what particular kind and
level of reading texts you will be given to that student.

TITLE : Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring refers to students working in pairs to help one another learn material or
practice an academic task. Peer tutoring works best when students of different ability levels
work together. During a peer tutoring assignment, it is common for the teacher to have
students switch roles partway through, so the tutor becomes the tutee. Since explaining a
concept to another person helps extend one's own learning, this practice gives both students
the opportunity to better understand the material being studied.

TITLE: My Word: Read and Define You


This intervention happens between pupils and learners where the teachers show a word written
on the flashcards, the pupils will read it by group and individually after that they will define the word
being read if they can’t define it the teacher will show different word or sentence where they can choose
the correct definition of the word. For better understanding it can be translated into Tagalog or to their
native language.


Different intervention used for the learners that have different ability of learning and level of
reading. Those interventions are One-on-one Instruction, Peer Tutoring and My Word: Read and
Define You. After the pretest of BP-PRIA we administer the proposed intervention to 31 pupils from
grade 5 and grade 6. Started on October 2018 every one in the afternoon and time of remedial class.
We administer the one-on-one instruction for those learners who cannot recognize words in
English completely and peer tutoring for some learners that belong to independent, instructional and
frustration. The learners who are in independent level teach their schoolmates who are in the frustration
My word: Read and Define Me administer before the class in English and in Remedial Class
where the teacher shows a word in flashcards and the pupils will read and define the word, if they can’t
define it, the teacher will show different words or sentence where they can choose the correct definition
and be corrected after. The word can be translated in Tagalog or in their native language for better


1.Native Language

Pala’wan language greatly affect to the reading ability of the learners especially in
pronunciation. So, most of them had mispronunciation. Because of their language, the way they
speak and pronounce a word is somehow different from the usual pronunciation in Filipino
language. It is a common problem in an IP’s community because their language exposure is
based on their culture.

2. Word Recognition

The common problem encountered during the implementation was the difficulty in word
recognition. Some students have trouble in recognizing the alphabet, which leads to difficulty in
word recognition, even the First step in Reading(Filipino).

3. Poor Comprehension

Pupils have limited vocabulary, Can’t understand most of the English word that result in
poor comprehension.

4. Word end in –ng for Filipino

Most of the pupils have difficulty in reading for those words end in –ng. Also confused
to those words end in –n, -ng and 3 letters word they omit the last letter.

5. Absenteeism

The distance of the learner’s home from the school affect the attendance of the pupils.

After the analysis of the following data. Therefore, I recommend that the adviser will
continue the suitable intervention for the non-reader and struggling reader.

Prepared by:

School Reading Coordinator

Noted by:

School Head

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