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Activity 1 – Understand the importance of sanitation within the housekeeping department.

1. Define what is sanitation. When is a linen considered sanitary as compared to being

Sanitation refers to maintenance of healthy and hygienic conditions that is free

from disease-causing organisms. It means that sanitation is a process of keeping places
free from dirt, infection, disease by removing waste in every corner of a place, by means
of washing hands, etc. A linen such as bed sheets, towels, pillow cases, napkins, hand
towels and etc is considered sanitary if that linen is found without spot and if that linen
are properly stored and collected and carried to the required place in a hotel. And a linen
will be considered sanitary as compared to being clean when it always maintained its
cleanliness and fragrant like a linen will always be replaced by another or new one.

2. Explain the importance of sanitation within the housekeeping department and hotel as a

Sanitation is really important to all especially in business industry such as hotel

industry where the standard of sanitation is extremely high. We all know that in every
hotel business has its housekeeping department and that housekeeping department is
responsible in maintaining the overall cleanliness of the entire hotel at all times. Sanitation
is important in a sense that it provides safety for all like for the guest and the staffs of the
hotel. Effective and proper sanitation can prevent workplace illnesses and protect the
work forces basic safety and heath. In hotel terminology the meaning of sanitation is
prevention, protection and destruction of harmful bacteria which contaminate in various
ways. In hotel as a whole, proper sanitation will make the guest more comfortable, safe
from diseases while staying in their hotel, and will always have positive feedback when it
comes to their provided services.

3. In any event that the guest complains about an unsanitary guestroom, how will a room
attendant address the issue? Expound your answer.

One of most common guest problem that a hotel may hear is about rooms which
are not clean enough. While this may be common with lower end hotels, it also happens
with high end properties as well. Often times we hear that guest say that the bathroom
isn’t up to par, the shower is dirty or there are hairs in the sink or in the bed. The worst
may happen though if guests finds bugs in a guestroom. We can never avoid the guests
complain about somethings but we can do something in order to avoid it to happen

Furthermore, if the guest complains about an unsanitary guestroom the room

attendant must stay calm and listen carefully to what the guest has to say and let them
finish. The room attendant can also ask questions in a caring and concerned manner.
Then, apologize without blaming and fix the situation immediately. Always respect and
be honest and think to put yourself in their shoes. Another is that the best way is to move
the guest to a room that the room attendant personally looked over for a cleanliness.
And if the guest is not contented with what the room attendant do, the room attendant
can find someone to help who can solve it quickly. He or she can ask for help to address
the issue immediately.

Activity 2 – Illustrate and Explain prevention of contamination and disease.

1. Explain how microorganisms multiply?

Binary Fission in Bacteria

Microorganisms multiply through binary fission or splitting into two cells like bacteria.
In the first step, the bacteria starts as just one cell. Next, in order to become two cells, the
bacterium starts to replicate all of the internal parts of the cell – the mechanics of the cells
that we talked about earlier, the cytoplasm, ribosomes and DNA. Then, with all the internal
parts of the cell complete, the internal parts of the cells divide completely. The cell now just
has to complete the production of the outer elements. Lastly, with all the internal parts of the
cell complete, the internal parts of the cells divide completely.The cell now just has to
complete the production of the outer elements. And with that, the process continues.

2. How will you prevent growth of these microorganisms? Cite some ways.

Microorganisms can be prevented or controlled by means of physical agents and

chemical agents. This physical agents include such methods of control as high or low,
desiccation, osmotic pressure, radiation, and filtration. And through chemical agents like the
use of disinfectants, antiseptics, antibiotics, and chemotherapeutic antimicrobial chemicals.
Through this, it can either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms. Say for example by
sterilization, this is a process of destroying all living organisms and viruses. Another is by
sanitizing, wherein it reduces the numbers bacteria. Added to it, by use of antibiotics
wherein it is a product produced by one microorganism that inhibits and kill other
microorganisms. Then, by using also of cidal soap which is an natural antibacterial soap
that also kill microorganisms. Also by using of antiseptics, it is also a substance that stops
and slows down the growth of microorganisms.

SUMMATIVE TEST. Essay format.

1. As a room attendant, how will you administer pest control activity even without the help
of a pest control technician, without compromising the health of the guests and staff as
well as your own?
In every hotel industry particularly in the guest rooms there are pest that you can
see such as cockroaches, ants, bed bugs and etc and you can find them in bathrooms,
ceiling fixtures, mattresses, headboards, and even under carpets. As a room attendant, I
have the responsibility and duty in order to control the growth of pest. I have the
responsibility to maintain and regularly check the guest rooms and maintain its
cleanliness at all times. Hence, as a room attendant I can administer pest control activity
without the help of pest control technician by keeping an eye out for potential hiding
places like buckling wallpaper or carpet or other conditions that may attract pests. And I
can ask for help in some housekeeping staff to prevent it immediately. Thus, I can also
remove headboards and inspect behind them for the bed bugs every time that the room
doesn’t been occupied. And I will also eliminate food debris and excess moisture
wherever possible during through room cleanings. I can also control pest by inspecting
for tiny, rust colored stains indicative of bed bugs on mattress tags and seams and under
seat cushions during regular cleaning. Meaning in order to control the pest, as a room
attendant, I must be observant on the place especially in the guest rooms where the
guests are resting or in the rooms where I am assigned. However, if ever that these
procedures are not enough and still there are pest that are roaming around. I can
already use pesticides and apply methods such as spraying, misting and fogging to
control various pest and disease carriers. I can spray in every corner where I can see
pests or where I think they are staying or hiding. By using these I can kill and manage
the population of pest. But it is best advice if we will maintain cleanliness rather than
using pesticides since sometimes using pesticides can harm the health of the people
that surrounds it. Human exposure to pesticides has caused poisonings and etc. That is
why if ever I will use pesticides I will make sure that there were no guest in that room, or
the room is empty and not occupied by someone. All in all, we should not always depend
on the pest control technician because we can always take an action and can do some
procedures on how we can handle this kind of situations. We can always make a way to
resolve this kind of issue. Furthermore, as a room attendant it is my responsibility for
always cleaning the rooms, always change the linens, cleaning bathrooms and other
surfaces that the pest can stay and settle down and responsibility in order to prevent and
control the growth of pests.


Instructions. Explain your answers to the given situations.

1. What measures would you undertake to prevent proliferation of insects? Explain your

The best way to control a proliferation of insect is to prevent it from happening. There
are different kind of insects that includes mosquito, beetle, ant, fly and etc. Once insects
increased its population, action should be taken. There are ways on how to prevent and
control the proliferation of insects. First, through Physical Barriers such as netting over small
fruits and screening in greenhouses can prevent insects that cause crop loss, and mulch
can inhibit weed germination beneath desirable plants. Physical barriers are important in
termite, house fly, and rodent control. Another, is through Chemical Control such as using
pesticides to kill and prevent the growing population of insects. Furthermore, say for
example there are mosquitoes in your place and everyday it becomes more and more , to
control it, you should include impounding water and ditching, and draining swampy mosquito
breeding areas or with the use of pesticides sprayer.

In general if these strategies are not enough to control the increasing population of
insects, there are also some ways on how to handle this kind of issue. Like to block the
entry points of the insects. Eliminating entry points for insects will help keep them out of your
establishment. This could include patching holes in walls and keeping doors closed as often
as possible. In addition to this, inspecting food shipments for signs of insects can help keep
insects out of your establishment. Another, is that eliminate sources of food, water, and
shelter pests are always on the hunt for food, water, and shelter. Some common ways to
keep food and shelter from insects include: storing food away from walls. sealing workplace
equipment to the floor, maintaining a sanitary work environment by cleaning and sanitizing
preparation areas immediately after use, disposing of trash carefully and regularly, and
keeping dumpster areas clean.

2. Create your own waste and refuse management in accordance to hotel standards.

Hotel Waste and Refuse Management


Guest Rooms Kitchen ( Food and Conference Rooms Common Areas

Beverages Spaces) and Event Spaces (Lobby, Pool, etc )


Door to door
Junkyard/ Bins

Biodegradable Non-Biodegradable Recyclable



Landfill Open Burning Recycling

The flow chat shows the Hotel waste and refuse management. The housekeeper
s or anyone who is responsible and assigned for collecting the trash will go to different
areas in the hotel such as in guestrooms , kitchen, conference rooms and event spaces,
and in the common areas like in lobby, pool, and etc. Once they already in that different
areas they will stored the trash. After storing they will collect the trash, its either in door
to door like in the guestrooms which has been occupied by the guests or by just getting
the trash that is already in trash bins. Furthermore, once the collection of trash is done,
they will segregate it by biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recycle which is very
important process for having a proper waste management. Then, if the collection and
segregation is done, it will be transported or a junk track will be there to collect it and
they will disposed it through landfill, open burning or by recycling.

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