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The Swiss Army

Knife of Options Analytics
Finally, a solution to the most vexing problems of options kets. It is nowadays really a complex of
multiple, interconnected problems, all of
pricing and fitting. which contribute to the sizable barriers
to entry that exist for derivatives markets

these days, and arguably make the op-
ola Dynamics provides most challenging markets in a sensible, Hoogland, and Misha Fomytskyi, have tions market significantly less efficient
analytics for options trad- arbitrage-free, and robust manner. Intui- a combined 50+ years of experience in and useful than it could be.
ing and risk management, tive, parametric vol curves are the cru- trading and modeling listed vanillas, Recall that implied volatility surfaces
as well as portfolio, PnL, cial ingredient in allowing efficient signal as well as flow and exotic derivatives in (and borrow cost curves) are the stan-
and scenario analysis. Since research. The accurate spot-vol dynamics all asset classes, at firms like Goldman dard concepts used to summarize the
its founding in New York in 2016, it available as part of the library gives bet- Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Getco. Timo- vanilla options market in an intuitive and
has quickly established itself as the only ter Greeks and more realistic scenarios, thy Klassen designed the ‘new VIX’ for compact manner. They provide the fun-
third-party vendor to provide top-tier among other benefits. the CBOE in 2003 (when at Goldman). damental building blocks for trading and
market-maker-quality valuations for As a battle-tested easy-to-integrate risk-managing vanillas (listed and OTC),
vanillas and vol derivatives. Its vol fitter solution in C++11 (with wrappers for Py- as well as the foundation for flow and
is generally acknowledged to be the best thon, Java, and C#) for any platform, it is The pricing and fitting exotic products modeling and trading.
in the industry, and its American option available at a fraction of the cost it would problem Here is a list of the main subprob-
pricer (with proper handling of cash take to build and maintain a comparable A fundamental problem that Vola Dy- lems:
dividends, etc.) is probably the fastest system in-house (if possible at all), there- namics solves for its clients is what is Cash dividend modeling [1]: Sur-
available anywhere. by eliminating one of the big barriers to often called the ‘volatility surface-fitting prising as this may sound, even to some
Vola’s analytics library produces entry in both the listed options market problem.’ It is one of the holy-grail prob- professionals, half a century after Black–
easy-to-use, tradable, real-time volatility and derivatives markets more generally. lems of quantitative finance, especially, Scholes there is no agreement on how
curves and surfaces, that can match the The founders, Timothy Klassen, Jiri but not exclusively, in the equity mar- to handle cash dividends, even in the

6 magazine

context of vanilla options! Different divi- Many firms have given up on the use of many other listed markets from becom- fast and robust fitting algorithms
dend models will give rise to (potentially parametric curves, since they could not ing transparent and efficient in the first for these curves.
very) different implied volatilities – one design any that match the market for place.) Even the largest market partici- 3. A s part of these algorithms, it is
of the main reasons why every (equity) liquid options. This approach is possible, pants have struggled to build and main- crucial to transfer information
options trading team speaks a somewhat but parametric curves have a number of tain the infrastructure necessary to deal from liquid to less liquid options,
different dialect of the Black–Scholes significant advantages in practice. with the increased complexity in model- to eliminate calendar and butterfly
language. No-arbitrage: Finding a vol surface ing and engineering. All this has led to a arbitrage, all while staying consis-
Borrow costs: To have proper put- (theos) without butterfly and calendar dramatic increase in the barriers to entry tent with the market bid-asks, if
call-parity, stock and ETF options have arbitrage that is ‘closest’ to the observed for (listed) options market makers, and possible.
to be priced with a term-dependent bor- implied volatilities (market options derivative desks more generally. 4. Th
 e algorithms involved take a
row cost. There is no way to get up-to- prices) is, to repeat, one of the holy-grail Another general problem facing the Bayesian approach (as in probabi-
date and useful borrow cost information problems for practitioners and academics financial industry these days is the com- listic robotics) of always updating
directly, so borrow costs have to be im- alike. [Note that the existence of an arbi- petition for quantitative talent. Even the ‘error bars’ around each of the
plied in real time (or at least daily, using trage-free vol surface is equivalent to the most famous banks and hedge funds, let quantities being calibrated, be they
intraday data) from the options market existence of a local vol surface, which is alone smaller trading firms, have trouble borrow costs or volatility surface
itself, just like implied vols. still an important starting point for many hiring good PhDs in the face of compe- parameters. This is important for
Vol curves: None of the curves dis- problems in the pricing and hedging of tition from big tech. And hiring is not robustness.
cussed in the public domain (SABR, SVI, light and heavy exotics.] Even the big enough – the quants have to stay for the 5. C rucially, the algorithms involved
SSVI, two parabolic or cubic polynomi- banks struggle to produce arbitrage-free long term to be able to design and main- at all stages have a notion of what
als joined at-the-money (ATM), etc.) can vol surfaces that match the market for tain the increasingly complex algorithms makes financial sense, whether it
actually fit vol skews of liquid underliers/ their flow and structured products desk in and analytics libraries used in finance to- be put-call-parity, no-arbitrage, or
terms, like SPX, SPY, E-mini futures, an efficient, robust, and timely manner. day (even for trading shops that can rely spot-vol dynamics. The notion of
QQQ, AAPL, AMZN, etc., in a bias-free The speed, scale, and spread race; on decades of accumulated institutional error bars allows the algorithms to
manner. One of the reasons is that vol complexity; and changes in market knowledge, there are typically teams of find the proper compromise, when
curve shapes these days include many structure: The last decade has seen 15–30 people maintaining the required needed, between enforcing these
with negative curvature around ATM. important changes in listed options infrastructure). Related to this, budgets constraints versus matching the
This started around 2005, with the now markets around the world, following the are not as lavish as they used to be in market data as literally as possible.
(in-)famous W-shaped vol curves of big US lead. The penny pilot, the adoption finance, so just being able to pay a quant
tech names around earnings, then spread of high-frequency technology, the listing team up to the task is increasingly diffi- As alluded to above, another impor-
to US indices, and is now also present of many more individual instruments cult. Hence, it is not surprising that many tant building block that permeates the
in most global index vol curves (KOSPI, (weeklies, mid-weeklies, smaller strike market participants are now interested in Vola Dynamics library is a simple and
NKY, HSI, etc.) for shorter maturities. increments, options on new underliers outsourcing these kinds of problems. accurate spot-vol dynamics – that is, a
Most recently (2019), vol curve shapes like leveraged and inverse ETFs, VIX-re- simple parametrization of how a vol sur-
have become even stranger, with super- lated products), the proliferation of ex- The solution face moves when the underlier moves. In
liquid names like SPX having features changes, order types, fee schedules, and The founders of Vola Dynamics have most cases, it requires just one number
variously described as being due to the trading protocols (e.g., auctions) have been thinking about the problems out- (the ‘vol sensitivity’, a.k.a. Bergomi’s
‘Trump put’ and such. Such shapes are led to a reduction in bid-ask spreads lined above for almost two decades, and ‘SSR’) to realistically describe the behav-
simply an expression of the bimodal (or for liquid instruments. At the same have had the good fortune to be able to ior of the full parametric vol surface for
higher-modal) expected underlier distri- time, more recently, market-making refine solutions to these problems mul- any underlier move.
butions around future events with poten- requirements have largely disappeared, tiple times.
tially very different outcomes, of which and spreads for some of the less liquid For the hardest part of the volatil- The highlights of the current offer-
in the current global environment there options have widened. The market for ity surface-fitting problem, the steps ing of the Vola Dynamics library can be
is no end in sight. The ‘funky’ shapes these options has become less efficient involved are: summarized as:
seen in equity vol curves for a while because market makers do not have to 1. The design of a family of intuitive,
should therefore become a common fea- show a two-sided market anymore to nested volatility curves that can • Super-fast, robust, bias- and arbi-
ture also for other asset classes (and cre- trade – they can, for example, effectively fit all the vol skew shapes seen in trage-free calibration of parametric
ate serious friction with simple curves/ internalize their options flow via auc- the market while making butterfly volatility surfaces for all vanilla
models like SABR, the Vanna–Volga tions, at least in the US. (The prevalence arbitrage (practically) impossible. options under any market condi-
method, etc., that are often used there). of, for example, RFQs has prevented 2. The design and tuning of super- tions, thereby providing top-tier

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Figure 1: Volatility curve fit for the first monthly expiry on the 15:30:00 ET Figure 2: As in Figure 1, but fitting the same input data to the SSVI/S3 curve
snapshot of 2019-08-26, plotted in normalized strike (NS) space, with the
recommended curve type. The input market-implied vols are shown in green

Figure 3: The implied ‘total variances’ (w) of the fit in Figure 1, as a function of
market-maker-quality valuation ity derivatives. log-strike-over-forward (LKF), for all SPX terms on this snapshot
and Greeks. Even on the level of • Well-designed APIs (in C++11,
fitting one snapshot of the market Python, and Java; soon also C#)
are the fits extremely stable (e.g., to allow easy integration into any
no ‘floppy wings’). There is also a valuation and risk infrastructure.
‘temporal filtering’ mode to use
information from past fits (without The library’s functionality is con-
introducing a lag). stantly growing. The latest addition, for
• Super-fast, consistent pricing, and example, is a ‘VIX module’ that provides,
hedging of volatility derivatives among other features, an analytic beta of
with vanillas under the same spot- VIX futures prices with respect to SPX
vol dynamics assumptions. moves.
• A simple, universal, and empiri- There are many concrete examples
cally accurate implementation of at of how the Vola
spot-vol dynamics. This leads to fitter produces sensible volatility surfaces
extra benefits, including: in difficult situations. Here, we just show
• Smart Greeks like ‘skew delta’ two examples – one involving SPX, the
and ‘skew gamma’ (a big deal other AMZN.
these days – for example, for Let’s start with SPX on 2019-08-26,
SPX calls, as will be discussed a market up-day (Monday), after the
elsewhere). big down-day of 2019-08-23 (Friday). A
• Easy and realistic scenario gen- typical fit is shown in Figure 1.
eration for vanillas and volatil- There are days with even ‘funkier’

8 magazine

Figure 4: Volatility curves for the first ten expiries of AMZN on the
2018-04-26, 15:45:00 ET snapshot, just before earnings are released, as a Serving a wide variety of market participants
function of normalized strike (NS)
Vola Dynamics’ clients include a large variety of firms, both small and large,
from sophisticated prop shops, market makers, and banks to the biggest
hedge funds. They trade equity, futures, and index options across all geogra-
phies, as well as vol derivatives. (And some clients are not trading firms, but
entities that have to value a large universe of options reliably and accurately
every day.) Clients have traded off Vola valuations, even during challenging
market conditions around Brexit, the US and French elections, and the Febru-
ary 2018 ‘Volmageddon’.
The response to the Vola library has been enthusiastic, from day one, as
expressed in some client quotes:

“Your vol curves work like magic.”

“Impressive library, vastly superior to any other vendor product.”

“Modern options market making is incredibly competitive. Automated

volatility curves are critical and Vola provides the most reliable and flexible curves
in the business. Vola support is also top-notch; you have access to a level of quant
knowledge that would be hard to hire.”

“We’ve reviewed a few vendors and none came close to the performance and
fitting quality we’ve seen with your library. In some instances [of other ven-
dors], there were serious gaps between what was advertised and what we’ve
seen, in terms of readiness and fitting quality.”
curves for SPX (e.g., 2019-08-23), but fundamental problem that they do not
note that even here the first monthly allow one to match, even in principle,
expiry has negative curvature around the qualitative shapes often seen in the The massively negative curvature in cant risk of outright failure. Numerous
ATM, and quite a steep (positive cur- market these days, like negative ATM the first term is close to, but does not vendors have previously tried to solve
vature) ‘knee’ around NS = 1 in the call curvature. In practice, this is the differ- cross, the lower bound on the curvature this problem. The Vola analytics library
wing. Just how strange these shapes are, ence between a tradeable fitted curve coming from the no-ATM-butterfly- finally provides all the basic building
perhaps only becomes clear when we fit and a useless one. arbitrage condition (see section 3 in [2] blocks that serious options and deriva-
the data with simpler curves. In Figure To conclude this example, Figure 3 for details on this bound). Again, it is tives market participants – whether new
2, for example, we show the fit with the shows the so-called total variance plot, not trivial to produce an arbitrage-free or established – need to build and grow
well-known SSVI (a.k.a. S3) curve, a useful, for example, to assess the pres- volatility surface that matches the market their business.
three-parameter curve. ence or absence of calendar arbitrage. extremely well in a situation such as this. More information is available at
Even though we’re trying to fit only a The lines for the almost 40 terms do
much smaller range with the S3 curve – not intersect, showing that there is no Conclusion
about NS = –2.5 to +2.3, rather than –10 calendar arbitrage in the fits (although Virtually all market participants need
to +2.4 (meaning all data) — the quality not proven by this plot, there is also no some combination of speed, scale, ac- REFERENCES
of the fit is of the order of 100× worse, butterfly arbitrage). This is quite difficult curacy, and robustness in their options [1] Klassen, T.R. 2015. Pricing vanilla op-
by standard statistical metrics, e.g., the to achieve, as any practitioner who has valuations, but had nowhere to turn for tions with cash dividends. Vola Dynamics
reduced chi-square. SABR, another worked on these problems knows. a solution. Every serious market partici- White Paper.
[2] Klassen, T.R. 2016. Necessary and suf-
three-parameter curve, is even worse, In Figure 4, we show some volatil- pant had to develop their own in-house
ficient no-arbitrage conditions for the
and SVI (a.k.a. ‘S5’), a five-parameter ity curves for Amazon (AMZN) shortly solution, with the encompassing op-
SSVI/S3 volatility curve. Vola Dynamics
curve, is only slightly better (in the call before the earnings announcement after portunity cost, large actual upfront and White Paper.
wing). All of these curves suffer from the the close on 2018-04-26. maintenance costs, as well as a signifi-

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