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Chapter 1: What the Future Holds

Outside of my small California apartment the sun is illuminating the world

around me, but all I feel is gloom. Within the span of 24 hours, I went from getting

promoted to head marketer, to being out of a job. When will this nightmare

subside? No one ever expects life to be turned upside down by a world pandemic.

It’s not that I don’t have enough to support my twin girls, Graycen and Maisy, for

now. However, being a single mom with her income cut off and a nanny that can no

longer work, I definitely have my hands full.

My extensive days of work often turned into late nights stressing over tasks

at home. Shouldn’t I be grateful to receive a break? As happy as I am to be spending

quality time with my children, I have not proved to be an excellent substitute to

their normal classroom time. My lack of teaching expertise isn’t the only issue; the

girls would much rather traipse around in the yard, chasing butterflies and creating

worlds in their imagination. As the days begin to blur, I begin to question when my

life will change again. When will things be back to normal? And is that normal still



All I can think about is my feet. My tired sore feet. My shifts are longer and

more intense than ever. I used to love my job, and I still do. But I hate living in fear

that I may be infecting the people I care about every time I return home. As I stare

at my reflection, I barely recognize myself anymore. My eyes sag with tiredness.

Lines cut across my face as a reminder of my day. My ears are red and raw. I am

mentally and physically exhausted.

Despite these trials, I try to remember why I fell in love with nursing in the

first place. I spend my days helping those who can’t help themselves. The drive to

work each day is a reminder of this passion. Each morning, as the sun rises in the

Los Angeles sky, I remember all of my blessings- my roommate Luca who keeps me

strong even on my worst days, and our elderly neighbors, Joe and Christine, who are

full of life and laughter. Now, as I lay down in bed preparing for another strenuous

shift my thoughts weigh me down. Will this ever get easier? What untold stories

does my future hold?


Go, go, and go. That is my life. Most days, I don’t even have time to catch my

breath. This quarantine is the escape I’ve desperately needed from my daily life as a

social worker here in LA. I have officially devoted my time to bettering myself. After

all, what better time to do so? I started meditating as of yesterday morning, and so

far, I’ve had little luck. Every time I sit down and begin to relax, floods of ideas,

issues, and thoughts enter my mind and I feel utterly overwhelmed. Panic consumes

me. I can’t breathe. In these moments, I have to remind myself it is okay.

It is okay that I have limited progress, because this quarantine is about the

little growths. I have time. It is okay that the littlest things upset me, because I can

work through them for as long as I need. I feel terrible that this virus is hurting

people, but the truth is I needed this break-mentally, physically, spiritually. This

break will lead me to a better future- a healthier future. This break was necessary,
before the real world broke me. Will I heal myself in time? Or will my life return to

chaos too soon?

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