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Dibawah ini merupakan contoh untuk presenting product dalam bahasa Inggris.

Step by Step yang baik menurut 

tatacara promosi yang baik. Berikut hal-hal yang harus ada ketika kita promosi  yaitu:
1. Bagaimana tampilan produk/ karakteristik produk (Komposisi)
2. Cara menggunakan produk
3. Harga produk
4. Dimana produk dijual
5. Kelebihan dan kekurangan produk.


I work at UD. TERANG. I work at the company in the office administration section.
a company engaged in plantations (secondary plants).

UD. TERANG is a small company that is a supplier of secondary food ingredients that
cooperates with large companies such as PT. SIDO MUNCUL and PT. INDOFOOD in fulfilling
palawija production materials to PT. SIDO MUNCUL and PT. INDOFOOD.

 Good Morning everyone!. It’s a pleasure to be here with you today in this beautiful morning.

Before I begin, Let me tell you a little about My self. I’m Novi Wulandari usually call me Novi.
I came From Semarang. I’am Twenty (20) years old . I studied on the campus university Islamic
sultan agung semarang.

Thank you  very much to come here. Introduce my self, my name is Arika from December House Production.   I stay
in here for promotion my product. I have one product, its Bolu kukus. This is a famous FOOD, you can found
everywhere. But, my Bolu kukus different with other.
You can give value if you taste.
My product, off course delicious, health and halal. Ingredients of  Bolu kukus is Egg, tapioca, baking powder, sugar,
water, and chocolate flavor without preservative. So, this is healthy The taste not sweeteest, but standart for us. The
stucture for this cake, off course soft.
Specials for my product is the price very cheap. Just 750 for one picis. And, if you buy my product 5 picis, you get

six.  Means one bonusses for five.  And applicable to multiplication.  Exsample, if you buy 30 picis, you  will get
6 bonusses. And, specialy my product is cheaper be compared universal price, it 1000. So, when you become seller
and sell again this product with price 100, you get big profit. Now,  lets buy this product and get profit.
So, to sum up this product you can call to my number. And this is the brosure, you can see my number in here. And
my house production make some product, like pan cake, brownis , etc. You can see on the brosure.
Finally the conclude this presentation for bolu kukus is delicous and with buy my product you have a profit. So, lets
buy this product!
Thanks you!  

Selamat pagi semuanya!

Terima kasih banyak untuk datang ke sini. Perkenalkan diri saya, nama saya Arika dari
December House Production. Saya tinggal di sini untuk mempromosikan produk saya. Saya
punya satu produk, Bolu kukus-nya. Ini adalah MAKANAN yang terkenal, bisa kamu temukan
di mana-mana. Tapi, kukus Bolu saya berbeda dengan yang lain.
Anda bisa memberi nilai jika mau.
Produk saya, tentunya enak, sehat dan halal. Bahan dari Bolu kukus adalah Telur, tapioka,
baking powder, gula, air, dan rasa cokelat tanpa bahan pengawet. Jadi, ini sehat. Rasanya
bukan yang paling manis, tetapi standar bagi kita. Struktur untuk kue ini, tentu saja lembut.
Spesial untuk produk saya adalah harga yang sangat murah. Hanya 750 untuk satu picis.
Dan, jika Anda membeli produk saya 5 picis, Anda mendapat enam. Berarti satu bonus
untuk lima. Dan berlaku untuk multiplikasi. Contohnya, jika Anda membeli 30 picis, Anda
akan mendapatkan 6 bonus. Dan, khususnya produk saya lebih murah dibandingkan harga
universal, 1000. Jadi, ketika Anda menjadi penjual dan menjual lagi produk ini dengan harga
100, Anda mendapat untung besar. Sekarang, ayo beli produk ini dan dapatkan untung.
Jadi, untuk meringkas produk ini Anda dapat menelepon ke nomor saya. Dan ini brosure,
Anda dapat melihat nomor saya di sini. Dan produksi rumah saya membuat beberapa
produk, seperti kue pan, brownis, dll. Anda bisa lihat di brosure.
Akhirnya kesimpulan presentasi ini untuk bolu kukus adalah delicous dan dengan membeli
produk saya Anda mendapat untung. Jadi, ayo beli produk ini!

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Good morning everybody. Thank you for coming to my
presentation today. My name is Anggara Prabowo. As you know I am the marketing manager
of Media Nusantara Group, which is based in Bandar Lampung…
Good Morning everyone!. It’s a pleasure to be
here with you today in this beautiful morning.

Before I begin, Let me tell you a little about My

self. I’m Novi Wulandari usually call me Novi. I
came From Semarang. I’am Twenty (20) years old .
I studied on the campus university Islamic sultan
agung semarang.

here I will introduce famous bakery products in

Semarang, namely virgin bakery bakery. This bread
is a famous bread in the city of Semarang. But, this
bread is different from the others.
You can give value if you want.
This product, of course tasty, healthy and halal.
Ingredients from fresh bread are eggs, tapioca,
baking powder, sugar, water, and natural flavorings
without preservatives. So, this is healthy. The taste is
not the sweetest, but the standard for us. The
structure for this cake, of course soft.

The price of this product is a very cheap price. Only

13,000 (thirteen thousand rupiah) for one picis.
This product can be found in several outlets such as:

Jalan Parang Kusuma Raya No. 18

jalan pamularsih no. 46 semarang
Jalan Diponegoro ungaran

for reservations you can directly call the number

listed on the product packaging
in virgin bakery there are also many variants of
various kinds of cakes and puddings with various
kinds of flavors

Finally the conclusion of this presentation for virgin

bakery bread is delicous and won't regret buying it.
So, let's buy this product! feel the sensation of taste
and affordable prices
Thank you!

Wasalamualaikum wr.wb
disini saya akan menjelaskan produk roti yang terkenal di semarang yaitu roti virgin bakery.

di sini saya punya satu produk,roti tawar dari virgin bakery. mungkin roti tawar bisa kamu
temukan di mana-mana. Tapi, roti tawar buatan dari virgin bakery berbeda dengan yang lain.


Anda bisa memberi nilai jika mau.

Produk ini, tentunya enak, sehat dan halal. Bahan dari roti tawar adalah

Telur, tapioka, baking powder, gula, air, dan bahan pengawet alami. Jadi, ini sehat. Rasanya
dijamin enak dan gurih .Struktur untuk roti tawar ini, tentu saja lembut.

untuk harga roti tawar produk virgin bakery sangatlah murah. Hanya lima belas ribu rupiah
(15.000) untuk satu pak dengan berat tiga ratus lima puluh gram (350 gr).

kalian bisa membeli roti virgin bakery di semua outlet yang ada di :

jalan parang kusuma raya no.18

jalan pamularsih no. 46A

jalan diponegoro 297 Ungaran

jadi, apabila ingin memesannya kalian bisa telepon dibagian kemasan yang sudah tertera jelas
no.telepon untuk delivery

roti virgin bakery bisa dipesan untuk semua acara, seperti acara keluarga, acara perpisahan, acara
meeting dan seterusnya

Dan produksi roti virgin bakery membuat beberapa produk, seperti kue pan, brownis, dll. Anda
bisa lihat di brosure.

Sekian penjelasan mengenai produk virgin bakery, semoga anda bisa mencoba dan bisa menjadi
relevan produk roti yang mungkin bisa anda pilih, saya yakin anda tidak akan menyesal membeli
produk dari virgin bakery. jadi, ayo beli produk ini !

terimakasih !

here I will explain the famous bakery products in Semarang, namely virgin bakery bread.

here I have one product, fresh bread from virgin bakery. maybe you can find fresh bread
everywhere. But, artificial bread from virgin bakery is different from the others.

You can give value if you want.

This product, of course tasty, healthy and halal. The ingredients of fresh bread are
Eggs, tapioca, baking powder, sugar, water, and natural preservatives. So, this is healthy. It feels
guaranteed to be tasty and savory. The structure for this white bread is, of course, soft.
 for the price of white bread virgin bakery products are very cheap. Only fifteen thousand rupiah
(15,000) for one pack weighing three hundred fifty grams (350 gr).

You can buy virgin bakery bread at all outlets in:

 Jalan Parang Kusuma Raya No. 18
jalan pamularsih no. 46A
jalan diponegoro 297 Ungaran

so, if you want to order it, you can call in the packaging section that has been clearly stated on
the telephone number for delivery

virgin bakery bread can be ordered for all events, such as family events, farewell events,
meetings and so on
 And the production of virgin bakery bread makes several products, such as pan cakes, brownies,
etc. You can see it in brosure.

So many explanations about virgin bakery products, I hope you can try and can be relevant bread
products that you might choose, I'm sure you won't regret buying products from virgin bakery.
so, let's buy this product!
thank you !

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