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Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

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Ethnographical and historical accounts for understanding the exploration of T

new lands: The case of Central Western Patagonia, Southernmost South
Luis A. Borreroa, , Amalia Nuevo Delaunayb, César Méndezb

CONICET-Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas, Saavedra 15, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP), Moraleda 16, Coyhaique, Chile


Keywords: Identifying the process of initial exploration of any given area is complex in the sense that it lies in the boundary
Exploration between the absence and presence of reliable anthropogenic evidence. However, how can we be certain that the
Hunter-gatherer ethnography data are in fact the result of exploration and not the result from a low-density archaeological record or other
Human dispersal process that might be mimicking this process? This paper presents selected ethnographical data to shed light on
Pleistocene Holocene transition
regional data that are key to understanding the process of exploration. Information on the human dispersal into
Central Western Patagonia
South America
new lands and on the management of knowledge is presented in the frame of hunter-gatherer territorial orga-
nization, mobility, technology and the use of resources, and then discussed in the context of the archaeological
record of Central Western Patagonia. It is suggested that although low in visibility, exploration is identifiable in
the regional archaeological record. Hunter-gatherers of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition occupied the Andean
fringe, moving out of some eastern occupational node and sacrificing the security of the motherland in exchange
for extending territorial reaches. The study provides solid grounds for discussing a case of exploration with
broader implications for the understanding of the archaeological correlates of exploration of new lands.

1. Introduction evidence from areas to the east at similar latitudes (Fig. 1). In this
paper, we propose expanding the discussion of human dispersals into
The archaeology of the early process of exploration and colonization new lands by resorting to the ethnographic information on mobility of
of the western fringes of Patagonia is attractive because it entails an hunter-gatherer groups faced with circumstances to build expectations
important change in the pace of colonization. The case of Central for understanding the exploration/colonization process of spaces, in-
Western Patagonia (currently the region of Aisén, Chile) is particularly dependently of the timeframe in which these processes occurred. Our
robust because several successive research projects there were focused use of ethnographic information from other areas of the world does not
on the early archaeological record, thereby accumulating a wealth of entail a belief in the direct application of such data, but instead refers to
information that currently can be discussed beyond the description of our conviction that the limited information about the hunter-gatherer
artifacts and contexts. Indeed, evidence for an “initial, low-intensity mobility could illuminate our understanding of the complexities asso-
exploration of an unknown space” is clearly existent for Central ciated with colonizing situations. We think that every archaeological
Western Patagonia (Méndez et al., 2018a: 24-25). Although the evi- case should be sustained based on its own merits, and not because of its
dence from neighboring regions might be absent or not fully compar- similarity to known ethnographic situations. We use Central Western
able in methodological scope, grounds exist to suggest that during the Patagonia to illustrate a defendable archaeological case for the process
Pleistocene Holocene transition, human exploration of the western of exploration/colonization. Patagonia is key to this discussion because
fringes of Patagonia was a generalized process (Civalero and Aschero, it is one of the places to be explored later by humans and because it is
2003; Méndez and Reyes, 2008; Belardi et al., 2010; Martin and one corner of the earth where still some parts remain unexplored or
Borrero, 2017). In fact, data from Central Western Patagonia reveal were incorporated very late, up to historical times.
significant information that is similar in broad aspects but different The exploration of new lands can take many forms, occasionally
because it shows a chronological lag when compared with the earliest involving relatively high numbers of people carrying sophisticated

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.A. Borrero).
Received 22 June 2018; Received in revised form 6 January 2019
0278-4165/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Fig. 1. Map of Patagonia (southernmost South America) with main vegetation biomes and sites from the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.

technology, as in the cases of oceanic dispersals (Kirch, 2010, Walter remained at low population sizes for thousands of years (Goldberg
et al., 2017). The norm, however, is that exploration involves a few et al., 2016). Regional studies in Patagonia showed a constant demo-
people moving into a neighbor area, which most likely was the usual graphic increase, but local populations never approached high densities
case in Patagonia. Humans spread relatively rapidly across America but (Pérez et al., 2016). A combination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

sequences and calibrated radiocarbon dates from Patagonia corrected catastrophe or other conditions leading to dispersal. Rather, dispersal is
for taphonomic biases was used by Pérez et al. (2016) to demonstrate a more likely to be performed by a partiality than by a complete group.
constant demographic increase, with a population size that was rela- Range shifts might or might not be associated with resource depletion,
tively stable during the earlier Early Holocene and with posterior in- but the dispersal of part of a population no doubt alleviates any de-
creases after 7000 cal BP. Archaeologically, these increases through mographic tensions. For that reason, colonizing demes, rather than
time are shown by the higher number of habitats utilized and the di- populations, expanding into new and geographically marginal en-
versity of foods consumed through time. In general terms, since South vironments is the expected outcome of misbalances.
America was not saturated with people at the end of the Pleistocene or Ethnography offers useful examples to understand long-range
during the Holocene, it follows that not all regions were explored at the movements of people. The search for new hunting grounds by the
same time. Within the timeframe of the history of human occupations, Nunamiut or the Chipewyan entailed long distances and long periods
some regions were integrated at the end of the Pleistocene, while others away from their population cores (Binford, 1991; Jarvenpa and
were included very late in time. In Patagonia, for example, regions like Brumbach, 2016). Occasionally, these ventures ended with the ex-
the southern and western archipelagos were incorporated as late as the plorers separated from their population cores, but in some cases, they
middle Holocene (Reyes et al., 2015; San Román et al., 2016) and even ended with their return. Examples of important displacements with
some parts of the continental forests of Central Western Patagonia (e.g. final homecoming to their point of origin are abundant. Such a return
Baker and Pascua basins) have shown no prehistoric archaeological even occurred with the famous 19th Century Inuit “migration” from
record despite being surveyed (Mena et al., 2007). Baffin Land to NW Greenland, which was most likely caused by a social
A relatively abundant literature is related to the early human dis- conflict (Mary-Rouselière, 2008 [1980]). Of course, all these examples
persal in Patagonia (e.g., Orquera, 1987; Borrero, 1999; Miotti and from the Arctic or Subarctic regions can only be used as illustrations of
Salemme, 2003; Méndez, 2013; Prates et al., 2013), part of which is possible alternatives on hunter-gatherers moving across the landscape.
devoted to the exploration of the Western ends of the steppes (e.g., We choose to integrate these sources because they illustrate the varia-
Franco and Borrero, 2003; Borrero, 2004; Belardi et al., 2010; Martin bility of situations that people moving out of familiar grounds faced.
and Borrero, 2017; Méndez et al., 2018a). However, this literature is The velocity of dispersal can be another significant variable. Once
often limited in the treatment of regional data. In selecting the Central again, the Inuit “migration” is instructive here because it shows that
Western Patagonia, we present a more detailed case study of human dispersal can be achieved within an intra-generational timeframe
exploration of the western fringes of Patagonia. (Mary-Rouselière, 2008 [1980]). In contrast, the Chipewyan dispersal
was slower, taking approximately eight generations (Jarvenpa and
2. Ethnographical information on the dispersal into new lands Brumbach, 2016: 13), and was finalized with people installed in a
completely new land. The difference in time between the dispersals of
The social organization of explorers is generally based on open in- the Chipewyan (ca. 50 km/year) and the Inuit (ca. 70–80 km/yr) is that
teracting systems in which information and personnel flux are im- the former had sufficient time to adapt to the new habitat. In contrast,
portant (Whallon et al., 2011). A small colonizing group would not the short-time dispersal of the Inuit showed that people were not au-
number sufficient people to be reproductively viable in the long term, tomatically adapted to the new habitats and resources, even when there
and explorers must interact with their former populations and terri- were local populations exploiting them. Thus, they experienced several
tories to be successful (Wobst, 1974; Ives, 2015). Realistic demographic challenges to their maintenance of subsistence levels. Rockman (2003:
units, or what Ives (2015) calls macrobands, are necessary to sustain 17) calculated that 200–400 years or more is the required timeframe to
the process of exploration. Smaller units of 25–50 individuals, usually become acquainted with a new region. Although we should be open to
referred as “bands” in the literature (Service, 1966), are focused on other timeframes, the limited relevant ethnographic data are con-
subsistence – or, more adequately as observed by Lee (2003), on cordant with such a range. From Port Prince of Wales in the Hudson Bay
sharing – and they are short-lived not only because of constant mem- to the Coppermine River in the coasts of the Arctic, the exploration of
bership change but also due to the feasibility of disappearance Samuel Hearne between 1770 and 1772 accompanied by Chipewyan
(Blundell, 1980). Fluid membership is a highly probable condition for and using aboriginal technology was also used to estimate the velocity
pioneer populations (Peterson, 1979: 113; Blundell, 1980: 109). Dif- of human migration into Scandinavia (Sørensen et al., 2013). However,
ferences from generation to generation in membership are well re- that route was previously known by the Chipewyan (Fuller, 1999),
corded in the literature on hunter-gatherers (Yellen, 1977) and gen- limiting its use as an analog for exploratory movements. What all these
erally are related to changes in group size and home ranges. Through examples show is the importance of previous knowledge and the var-
time, this state of flux becomes a cause for camp disbanding and iation between swift or relatively slow human dispersal. These ex-
eventually for dispersal (Blundell, 1980: 113; Lee, 2003). This process is amples provide alternative ways for understanding human dispersals,
firmly rooted in hunter-gatherer social organization. It has been argued particularly non-direct ways of moving. Because of all these con-
that colonizing societies are often matrilineal (Keegan, 2010), in which siderations, the virtues of a flexible model of dispersal, one that con-
“in-marrying males needed to keep touch with their own social group siders both advances and retractions, are evident. Such a model con-
and return frequently”, but this point is difficult to test archae- siders a non-direct mode of dispersal. People would create a cultural
ologically. In any case, a system that generates an adequate degree of geography in which those located at advance posts would continue
mobility – a requisite for landscape learning – is necessary (Keegan, interacting with those locations “left behind”, thereby consolidating the
2010: 176; Amick, 2017: 131). advance into new land within a supra-generational framework. Ex-
As emphasized by Peter Woodman, “we may never fully appreciate ploring populations, although remaining in small groups, should
the reason for a move to new lands” (Woodman, 2016: 120). The rea- maintain ties to larger units to promote information acquisition and
sons could be multiple and might include historical factors such as flux (Kelly, 2003). This condition makes sense within a metapopula-
misbalances in the diet, diminishing availability of space or other re- tional framework (Hopkinson et al., 2013). It not only inhibits the
sources or social tensions at a nodal area. These reasons are most likely creation of reproductive barriers related to the reduced survival of
negative – push – reasons for searching for second-choice habitats immigrants in foreign habitats, known as “immigrant inviability” (Nosil
(Anthony, 1990). Occasionally, usually under density-dependent con- et al., 2005), but also serves in creating conditions for multiple out-
ditions, the best answer for human demes is fission and the consequent comes, only some of which constitute successful installation into new
dispersal. Renouf (1999) considers them “strategic evacuations” when lands. As explained by Holly (2011), failure could be the result of
referring to a similar phenomenon. Indeed, it is a mistake to think people’s choices – bad decisions – but can also be the result of in-
strictly in terms of community-wide responses to misbalances, adequate ecological conditions. Whether early explorers used risk-

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

averse or risk-prone strategies is an open question. Anderson (2012: digestibility, but occasionally is required to avoid death, as in the case
242) suggested that explorers were not inclined to take risks. However, of the 19th Century Burke-Wills expedition to the central deserts of
people cannot be conservative when exploring (Meltzer, 2009: 235, Australia. The plants that most likely contributed to kill Wills and Burke
Borrero, 2015). Ethnographic observations show that risky enterprises were known and routinely consumed by the local Yandruwandha, with
such as the longest logistical trips or tasks requiring greater mobility are the important difference that the latter were acquainted with the de-
performed by young people, as in the well-known “lover’s camps” toxification process (Cathcart, 2013).
discussed by Binford among the Nunamiut (Binford, 1991: 59). This Animals can also require caution. In 1774, during his travels in the
example and others are backed by neurological studies showing not Pacific, James Cook and his crew were twice exposed to poisonous fish
only that risk taking and venturing away from the nuclear group is a meat. The result was motor paralysis and other symptoms for several
characteristic of young people but also that such behavior is an adap- men, including Cook and the naturalist Johann Forster, and the death of
tive trait (Thompson et al., 2001; Spear, 2007; Dobbs, 2012). In fact, dogs, hogs and a parakeet (Doherty, 2005; Siddall, 2014). Many times,
the mummified remains of the young male recovered from Kwäday Dän European explorers negatively exemplified the difficulties of acquiring
Ts’ínchi in a glacier from British Columbia are consistent with an ex- local subsistence knowledge (review in Borrero, 2011). Knowledge
plorer traveling alone and carrying food and tools designed for his acquisition is a necessary consideration for the dispersal of populations
journey (Beattie et al., 2000). In concordance, studies of early human into new lands, in relation to both the speed of and the geographical
skeletons in North America suggest that these people were risk-takers preferences for such dispersal. Not necessarily reaching the danger le-
(Chatters, 2014). vels related to these examples of toxic foods, sub-optimal resources are
many times among the first products incorporated when arriving in new
3. Knowledge lands. It simply takes time and experience to learn what is best. Food
shortages due to environmental ignorance can contribute to the diffi-
Dispersal of humans into new habitats first requires acquiring geo- culties of settling in a new land.
graphic knowledge. In fact, hunter-gatherers’ decisions when foraging One of the most straightforward means of addressing knowledge in
or changing residences are critically mediated by information (Kelly, archaeological cases of hunter gatherers is by resorting to lithic mate-
1995). Most likely, one critical variable to consider in relation to rials. These are ubiquitous and often survive longer than other mate-
knowledge acquisition and landscape learning is the presence of a re- rials. Archaeological examples for the importance of knowledge can be
sident population, which will influence the rate and success of dispersal obtained from studying quarry sites, caches, and the overall distribution
(Meltzer, 2003). Accordingly, a cultural geography was constructed of lithics in the landscape (Gillespie, 2007, Méndez et al., 2018b).
during dispersal. Places to camp, circulate or hunt were selected, re- Previous analyses of landscape unfamiliarity (Kitchel, 2018) differ
tained and/or discarded. There were areas that facilitated dispersal and significantly from ours, since we do not believe that long distance lithic
areas to be circumvented. Ethnography shows that this knowledge is transport from previously colonized regions or robust toolkit designs
usually fixed with toponyms, which occasionally – but not always are indications of landscape unfamiliarity. We believe that widespread
(Willerslev, 2007) – are incorporated into oral narratives (Aporta, and easy-to-find local or semi-local rocks will be most used during the
2009). Based on ethnographical information, Kelly (2003) has sug- process of exploration (Borrero and Franco, 1997). In fact, long distance
gested that faced with unknown lands, human groups will focus their transport in Patagonia, as indicated by geochemical analysis of obsidian
attention on topographic markers to create mental maps. In this pro- artifacts only starts during the early Holocene, when most regions were
cess, the incorporation of cultural content into natural landscapes is already occupied for at least one or two millennia (Méndez et al., 2012,
expected (Gillespie, 2007). 2018b; Stern, 2018).
There is variation in how knowledge is acquired. For instance, focal A basic distinction needs to be made between the archaeological
resources can prove difficult to incorporate simply because they are not expectations of an exploring versus colonizing population (Borrero,
easy to find. This aspect is also a good reason to consider them costly in 1989-90, 1999; Borrero and Franco, 1997). Basically, explorers do not
comparison with widespread resources, which can be more easily re- necessarily select optimal locations and occupational discontinuity is
cognized and incorporated by recently arrived people. Ubiquitous key expected between the former and posterior occupations. They also must
resources in some areas might accelerate the exploration/colonization deal with uncertainty and will have to resort to trial-and-error tactics,
of new lands as suggested for the coastal landscapes along the western which are often costly. The most visible and widespread lithic and
desert of South America (Salazar et al., 2018). There is also variation in subsistence resources should be utilized, and only minimal evidences of
the acquisition of knowledge related to different classes of resources. distant transport and the behaviors involved with it (high curation,
Knowledge about plants is generally slower in comparison with long-lived designs, evidences of edge rejuvenation, etc.)- should be
knowledge about animals. A process of trial and error is generally expected in the assemblages. Posterior occupations by colonizers should
needed for the reconnaissance of new plants, which occasionally can be display higher site redundancy, a more optimal mapping on resource
extended if detoxification is required. Similar problems arise with some rich landscapes and the use of a wider spectrum of the local resources.
animals, such as poisonous fish or seasonally toxic shellfish, but are What is interesting is that given the small numbers of people indicated
almost nonexistent for mammals. Trial-and-error can be blind or fore- by the size of the early human occupations, it is not likely that ex-
sighted, depending upon previous experience with similar conditions ploration behavior would be swamped by the more abundant coloni-
and materials (Dennett, 2013: 21). The presence and ubiquity of toxic zation record of inhabitants already familiar with their range.
consumables is environmentally dependent and might have been a
major issue in traversing habitats such as the Amazonian or other tro- 4. Geography of Central Western Patagonia, Chile
pical rainforests (Wilson and Dufour, 2002; Roberts and Petraglia,
2015). In South America, plant resource processing in such environ- Central Western Patagonia (Aisén Region, Chile) is located between
ments and even the possibility of “toxic landscapes” have been ac- ca. 43° and 49° S and is a vast region with a diversity of habitats. Its
knowledged (Dillehay, 2012). This short discussion of vegetal and an- geography is dominated by the north-south distribution of the Andes
imal transfers implicates another important contrast, which is between that occupies the westernmost areas and partially submerges into the
healthy and toxic resources. Vegetal transfers most likely involved sea, forming the western archipelagos. East of this mountain range,
foresighted trials. Johns and Kubo present a review of plant detox- ample glacial valleys project with a gentle slope into the extra-Andean
ification processes that highlights the fact that plants requiring this Argentinean pampas. The westerly wind belt brings abundant rain to
treatment are abundant and rich in nutrients (Johns and Kubo, 1988: the abrupt and densely forested western slope, which diminishes to-
82-83). Detoxification can be about improving palatability or ward the leeside, producing a wide forest-steppe ecotone projecting

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

onto the open fluvioglacial landscapes east of the Andes (Luebert and the spring and/or summer, winter bio-indicators at this latitude are less
Pliscoff, 2006; Garreaud, 2009). Andean river valleys, once covered expected to occur, thus enhancing summer season visibility and the
with glaciers until approximately 19,000 cal BP, appeared after pro- need for caution (Belmar et al., 2017: 618). However, we must consider
glacial lakes drained into the Pacific by 13,000 cal BP or later (Bendle that the current pollen distributions for the expected assemblages
et al., 2017; García et al., 2018; Mendelova et al., 2017; Thorndycraft during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition are now located hundreds of
et al., 2019). Available records of pollen sedimentary sequences at an meters above the sites sampled for sedimentary sequences, such as El
altitude of 920 masl in the northern part of Central Western Patagonia Shaman, suggesting an average temperature several degrees lower by
suggest a rise in effective moisture starting in 14,700 cal BP, which led the time the first explorers entered the region. Beyond altitude, we
to the establishment of the forest-steppe ecotone in approximately should also consider the distribution of winter pastures in Central
11,500 cal BP (de Porras et al., 2012). Pollen records at 1000 masl in- Western Patagonia, which currently can be located approximately
dicate higher areas were free of ice by 8200 cal BP (McCulloch et al., 20 km to the east, in places such as the Casa de Piedra Roselló site in
2017). Other regional pollen records within the forest (and thus less Chubut, Argentina (Castro Esnal et al., 2017).
sensitive) are in general agreement with the timing of deglaciation and
the transition into Holocene conditions (Markgraf et al., 2007; Villa- 5. Archaeology of the initial peopling of Central Western
Martínez et al., 2012; de Porras et al., 2014). The interior valleys that Patagonia
cross the Andes in this region are originated at the east of the mountain
range and their headwaters are the areas where the archaeological re- The first human occupations occur well after the process of degla-
cord discussed in this paper has been located. These are relatively ciation was completed (Bendle et al., 2017; García et al., 2018). The
young landscapes that required time to become biologically productive Cueva de la Vieja site in the Ñirehuao valley presents the earliest dated
and suitable for human populations (Méndez et al., 2018a). Given that evidence for the region in 11,760–12,030 cal BP (Fig. 3b) (Méndez
they occur at the lee side of the Andes, this territory represents an et al., 2018a). The El Chueco 1 site in the upper Cisnes river valley was
ecological continuum with the eastern extra-Andean steppe in terms of used initially in 11,240–11,650 cal BP (Reyes et al., 2007; Méndez
floral and faunal communities and the dominance of semiarid to arid et al., 2011, Fig. 3a). These two sites bear basal occupations with only a
environments (Luebert and Pliscoff, 2006, Barberena et al., 2017). handful of artifacts associated with charcoal and/or hearth features.
One relevant biogeographical question is when large mammal spe- These cave sites and the Baño Nuevo 1 site, also in Ñirehuao, yielded
cies began to expand their range into Central Western Patagonia. The evidence for redundant occupations thereafter with slightly more-in-
evidence of large extinct fauna recorded in Baño Nuevo 1 site, dated tensive human use after 10,700 cal BP (Méndez et al., 2016a, 2018a).
between 13,010–13,1501 and 14,280–14,970 cal BP (Mena and The “three sites show a remarkable synchronicity in periods of activity
Stafford, 2006; López-Mendoza and Mena-Larraín, 2011) and in Las and abandonment throughout the Holocene (…) El Chueco 1 and Cueva
Guanacas cave (north of General Carrera-Buenos Aires lake) dated to de la Vieja were initially occupied during the Pleistocene-Holocene
15,740–16,070 cal BP (Labarca et al., 2008), are informative (Table 1). transition, and all three sites show recurrent (and a higher density of)
Several species of extinct and modern animals were recorded at those occupational events during the early Holocene” (Méndez et al., 2018a:
sites. Among the extinct ones, the paleontological record shows My- 27). The remains of 10 individuals were dated in the Baño Nuevo 1 site
lodon darwinii, Macrauchenia patachonica, Hippidion saldiasi, Dusicyon precisely during the early Holocene (Mena et al., 2003; Mena and
avus, Diabolotherium cf. nordenskioldi, Arctotherium sp., camelids and Stafford, 2006). From 8000 cal BP onwards, a series of abandonment
felids (Trejo and Jackson, 1998; Labarca et al., 2008; López-Mendoza phases appear intermingled with “pulse”-like occupational events in
and Mena-Larraín, 2011; Westbury et al., 2017). The faunal remains these sites, thereby demonstrating the discontinuous nature of the
from Baño Nuevo 1 and Las Guanacas show that viable environments human occupation of Central Western Patagonia throughout the Ho-
for humans existed well before their arrival in Central Western Pata- locene (Méndez et al., 2018a). These discontinuities conform with the
gonia (Fig. 2). The variability of such taxa indicates environments si- changes in frequency of charcoal particles in cores taken from El
milar to those from the Última Esperanza region (50°S), from which Shaman Lake, only 6 km distant from the El Chueco 1 site, indicating a
there are much-more-complete faunal assemblages (Borrero et al., correlation between Holocene wildfires and occupational events de-
1997; Villavicencio et al., 2015). tected at the latter (Méndez et al., 2016a). Further south, in the Cha-
Importantly, changes in altitude are notable in Central Western cabuco valley, the earliest dated evidence is that of the Entrada Baker
Patagonia. Increases in altitude are associated with substantial changes rockshelter site, dated at 8310–8780 cal BP (Mena and Jackson, 1991:
in the diversity of habitats and resources (e.g., location of the treeline). 174). Given that research in this area has not been as intense as in the
The number and diversity of resources diminish at higher locations, former, initial arrival dates must be considered preliminary (Mena and
whereas costs for human circulation increase. Therefore, even when Blanco, 2017).
more habitats are within any given foraging radius, their sustainability To understand the broader picture, we can also consider the evi-
is costly and limited, particularly on a seasonal basis at this latitude. dence from other sites located within 80 km of the evidence presented
This situation is particularly true in Central Western Patagonia, where above. The Casa de Piedra Roselló, in Chubut, Argentina (Castro Esnal
winter snow cover leads us to ask to what degree did seasonality con- et al., 2017), is located at the forest-steppe ecotone approximately
dition the colonization of these habitats (Reyes et al., 2006; Méndez and 25 km from the area of Cueva de la Vieja and Baño Nuevo 1. It was
Reyes, 2008). Archaeobotanical and archaeofaunal remains from sites occupied from 8700 to 9010 cal BP and yielded a basal occupation with
between 740 and 940 masl (Baño Nuevo 1 and El Chueco 1, respec- 1 tool along with 191 debitage remains, although subsequent levels
tively) with occupations spanning the Holocene have shown the re- revealed higher artifact densities (Castro Esnal et al., 2017). In addi-
current presence of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) subadults (Méndez et al., tion, 80 km from these two sites, the Alero Dasovich site yielded a basal
2011: 236) and charred seeds and fruits of Berberis sp., Ericaceae, occupation labeled Component 7 dated between 11,960–12,740 and
Fragaria chiloensis and Libertia sp. (Belmar et al., 2017; Méndez et al., 11,250–12,120 cal BP (Aguerre et al., 2017). Contextual information
2018a), which are summer indicators. Given that fruit yield occurs in from these sites and variability in artifact frequencies over time are
similar to those at the earliest levels of the El Chueco 1 and Cueva de la
Vieja sites. Concerning the southern part of Central Western Patagonia,
All radiocarbon ages discussed in this paper were calibrated to a 2-sigma the earliest reliable date in the environs is 10,720–11,2400 cal BP from
range with Calib 7.0.4 (Stuiver et al. 2013), using the ShCal13 curve (Hogg the Casa de Piedra 7 site in Perito Moreno National Park, 80 km to the
et al. 2013) and are expressed in calibrated years before present (cal BP) south of the Entrada Baker rockshelter (Civalero and Aschero, 2003).
rounded to the nearest tenth. However, in the immediate vicinity, basal occupation dates of the

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Table 1
Radiocarbon ages from the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Central Western Patagonia.
Site Dated feature Laboratory code C age (years BP) Dated material Anthropogenic Reference

Cueva de la Vieja Hearth # 13 D-AMS 008982 8413 ± 50 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
Baño Nuevo 1 Associated to individual #3 BETA 90892 8530 ± 160 charred material AAC Velásquez and Mena
Baño Nuevo 1 Vegetal fibers UCIAMS 10099 8695 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Cueva de la Vieja Hearth # 4 BETA 373166 8790 ± 50 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
El Chueco 1 Charcoal concentration UGAMS 6110 8830 ± 30 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2011)
El Chueco 1 Charcoal concentration UGAMS 5843 8830 ± 30 organic sediment AAC Méndez et al. (2011)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 2 CAMS 36633 8850 ± 50 bone collagen AAC Mena et al. (2003)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 2 CAMS 36634 8880 ± 50 bone collagen AAC Mena et al. (2003)
Baño Nuevo 1 Associated to individual # 2 BETA 90889 8890 ± 90 charred material AAC Velásquez and Mena
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 4 CAMS 101894 8945 ± 40 bone collagen AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 3 CAMS 101893 8950 ± 60 bone collagen AAC Velásquez and Mena
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 1 CAMS 79933 8950 ± 50 bone collagen AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 10 UGAMS 5002 8960 ± 40 tooth collagen AAC Reyes et al. (2012)
El Chueco 1 Charcoal/ash concentration UGAMS 5842 8970 ± 30 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2011)
Baño Nuevo 1 Coprolite UCIAMS 10095 8975 ± 20 macrobotanical remains AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 5 UCIAMS 10098 8990 ± 30 bone collagen AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Individual # 7 UGAMS 5927 9020 ± 30 bone collagen AAC Reyes et al. (2012)
Baño Nuevo 1 Hearth UCIAMS 10091 9070 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Associated to individual # 1 CAMS 80532 9070 ± 50 macrobotanical remains AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Wood fragment UCIAMS 10087 9155 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Hearth BETA 90888 9200 ± 80 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Hearth UCIAMS 10093 9245 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Ctenomys sp.) UCIAMS 10103 9260 ± 25 bone collagen AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Cueva de la Vieja Charcoal speckles BETA 317157 9400 ± 40 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
Cueva de la Vieja Charcoal speckles UGAMS 170011 9400 ± 25 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
Baño Nuevo 1 Wood fragment UCIAMS 10097 9435 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Hearth UCIAMS 10094 9530 ± 25 charred material AAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
El Chueco 1 Charcoal speckles BETA 227703 10010 ± 60 charred material AAC Reyes et al. (2007)
Cueva de la Vieja Charcoal speckles D-AMS 005300 10226 ± 43 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
Cueva de la Vieja Hearth # 14 D-AMS 008980 10269 ± 43 charred material AAC Méndez et al. (2018a)
Baño Nuevo 1 Associated to individual # 1 CAMS 71702 11240 ± 40 bone collagen DA Velásquez and Mena
Baño Nuevo 1 Associated to individual # 1 CAMS 72356 11250 ± 50 bone collagen DA Velásquez and Mena
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Mylodon sp.) UCIAMS 10105 11255 ± 30 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Mylodon sp.) UCIAMS 10106 11265 ± 35 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Mylodon sp.) UCIAMS 10104 11410 ± 25 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Mylodon sp.) CAMS 32685 11480 ± 50 bone collagen NAAC Mena et al. (2003)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (ungulate) UCIAMS 10110 12000 ± 35 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Macrauchenia UCIAMS 19491 11665 ± 50 bone collagen NAAC Velásquez and Mena
sp.) (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (ungulate) UCIAMS 10109 12320 ± 30 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Wood fragment UCIAMS 10101 12325 ± 30 macrobotanical remains NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (ungulate) UCIAMS 10111 12400 ± 30 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Baño Nuevo 1 Faunal remains (Mylodon sp.) UCIAMS 10107 12510 ± 30 bone collagen NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)
Cueva Las Guanacas Faunal remains (Equidae) UCIAMS 53544 13275 ± 30 bone collagen NAAC Labarca et al. (2008)
Baño Nuevo 1 Wood fragment UCIAMS 10100 13480 ± 35 macrobotanical remains NAAC Mena and Stafford (2006)

Note: AAC: Associated to anthropogenic context; DA: dubious association; NAAC: not associated to anthropogenic context (paleontological).

Milodón Norte 1 cave at 8630–8990 cal BP and of Cerro Cuadrado 3 at initial exploration took place in the region sometime around 12,000 to
8320–8460 cal BP in the northern coast of Pueyrredón Lake are closer 11,000 cal BP, and that colonizing populations appear during the early
to the initial dates of Entrada Baker, although associated with higher Holocene when the archeological record becomes more frequent and
artifactual densities (Sacchi et al., 2016). sites were redundantly visited. Within this panorama of overall dis-
The first human presence at each of the three earliest sites of Central continuity, below we review specific aspects of the archaeological
Western Patagonia lies stratigraphically over several centimeters of evidence that might shed light on the nature of the exploration process
unconsolidated sediment (Fig. 4), thus suggesting that the basal occu- of a new land.
pations occurred several millennia after glaciers and glacial features
retreated and when sediment particles were made available in the en-
5.1. Features
vironments they occur. Moreover, occupations were restricted to the
inner parts of caves, as indicated by test excavations in the talus slope
Features can be indicative of the time span and planning in the use
outside the El Chueco 1 (5 m2) and Baño Nuevo 1 (2 m2) sites, which
of a locality (Chatters, 1987). All hearth features in the early sites of
resulted in no archaeological evidence (Fig. 3c). All these early sites
Central Western Patagonia are small, and there is no indication of re-
show a very discrete human presence as suggested by low discard rates,
occupation. The earliest feature (#14) at Cueva de la Vieja, an un-
few and small features with low investment and, primarily, dis-
excavated hearth dated to 11,760–12,060 cal BP, points to short-term
continuous occupations. Based on the characteristics of the archae-
use of the site (Méndez et al., 2018a). Immediately above is located
ological record as well as on date distribution, we suggest that the
hearth #13, an excavated feature dated to 9260–9520 cal BP that can

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Fig. 2. Superimposed summed probability plots of anthropogenic ages (grey) and non-anthropogenic and dubiously associated ages (white) from Central Western
Patagonia based on Table 1. The diminishment in the chronological distribution in 9000 cal BP is an artifact of our sample selection.

be interpreted as a longer-lived, more planned bonfire (Fig. 3b). A uncommon in southern Patagonian ethnographic populations but can
somewhat similar picture can be described for the El Chueco 1 site, at be considered the founding population for the northern Patagonia
which no features were recorded in association with the deepest level. B121233 clade (De Saint Pierre et al., 2012; Jackson et al., 2015).
Later, a weak archaeological signature is indicated by the presence of Contemporary human remains have not been directly dated in Pata-
four features, among them small hearths and ash/charcoal concentra- gonia, suggesting differences in the use of caves in a way that was not
tions all independently dated between 9920–10,200 and 9010–9320 cal known in Eastern Patagonia. An exception might be that of the Epullán
BP (Méndez et al., 2011). At Baño Nuevo 1, 3 hearths dated to Grande cave site in Neuquén, in which the remains of an individual
10,250–10,490 and 10,180–10,240 cal BP were also small and surficial were recorded lying directly on the bedrock with an associated age of
(not prehistorically dug out) features, and there is no indication of their 11,180–11,770 cal BP based on charcoal excavated close to them
reuse (Mena and Stafford, 2006, Reyes personal communication). (Crivelli Montero et al., 1996). The human remains from Baño Nuevo 1
inform about people relatively settled during a short period of the early
Holocene, burying their dead in unusual locations and maintaining a
5.2. Human remains broad-spectrum subsistence (see below).

As we will discuss below, we do not expect human burials as evi-

dence for the exploration phase. The earliest human remains in 5.3. Lithics
Patagonia correspond to a 10-individual assemblage excavated in the
Baño Nuevo 1 site from close to the rear and wall of the cave (Reyes Lithic material is the most ubiquitous material in early Patagonian
et al., 2012). Two adult males, one adult female, two adolescent males sites due to differential preservation. In Central Western Patagonia,
and 5 newborns comprise this varied group. Seven of them were di- sites with good age/depth control indicate a marked increase in lithic
rectly dated by AMS on collagen (Mena et al., 2003; Mena and Stafford, deposition when comparing the earliest human presence and the sub-
2006; Reyes et al., 2012; Méndez et al., 2014). A T-test suggests that sequent occupations (Fig. 5). This increase is observable in the number
these dates are statistically indistinguishable and can be averaged at a of lithic classes represented at the sites which suggests not only longer
two-sigma range between 10,180 and 9920 cal BP. Genetically, five of stays, but wider diversity in the activities conducted (Table 2). The
the Baño Nuevo 1 individuals (one with a dubious association with this basal excavated levels at Cueva de la Vieja yielded one bifacial frag-
group) belong to the mtDNA B haplogroup, and one belongs to the ment and three expedient large marginally flaked tools, along with
mtDNA haplogroup C (Reyes et al., 2012). The mtDNA haplogroup B is chipping debris. The small bifacial fragment was manufactured on a

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

stones, is recorded beginning with the onset of the Holocene. This is ca

500 years after the first occupations recorded at Cueva de la Vieja and
at El Chueco 1 (Méndez et al., 2018a). A wider variety of stone raw
materials in the early Holocene covaries with more elaborate tool types
in all sites, for example the occurrence of retouched blades and for-
malized endscrapers (García, 2007; Méndez et al., 2011).
Various behavioral inferences have been made based on the pre-
sence of exotic obsidians from extra-Andean steppes in these sites,
which always occur in very low frequencies. Though obsidian from
Pampa del Asador occurs as early as 12,100 cal BP in the Cerro Tres
Tetas site, this site is located ca. 200 km east from the source (Stern,
2018). The most general of inferences for Central Western Patagonia is
that this tool stone appears only in early Holocene levels, approxi-
mately two millennia after the first human presence and after mobility
routes to key sources were already in use (Méndez et al., 2012). The
first evidence of Pampa del Asador (PDA1 type) obsidian, which ac-
counts for most of the cases, is recorded at levels between 10,700 and
9900 cal BP in Baño Nuevo 1 and in 10,200 cal BP at El Chueco 1. Less
common subtypes (PDA3ab) also occur in Baño Nuevo 1 as early as
10,300 cal BP, suggesting no specific procurement constraints when
choosing between different geochemical subtypes of this source. Re-
markably, early Holocene evidence at the El Chueco 1 site indicates
Pampa del Asador obsidian appears alongside Telsen/Sierra Negra ob-
sidian from Meseta de Somuncura in the same levels (Méndez et al.,
2012). Their co-occurrence implies the superposition of long transport
routes at this time because the Pampa del Asador source is located ca.
370 linear km to the south and Telsen/Sierra Negra is ca. 445 linear km
northeast (Fig. 1), further suggesting mechanisms other than direct
procurement in these broad ranges (Méndez et al., 2018b). Sites in the
vicinity such as Casa de Piedra Roselló have produced obsidian artifacts
in all layers, particularly those levels with higher depositional rates
(Castro Esnal et al., 2017). These high-quality obsidians were superior
to the only local-brittle obsidian from the Cisnes river headwaters area
(Méndez et al., 2012). This Cisnes tool stone appears in the mid-Holo-
cene levels in El Chueco 1, but it has been acknowledged in more-dis-
tant areas as early as the 9400 and 8500 cal BP level of the Cueva de la
Vieja site in Ñirehuao (Méndez et al., 2018b) and in the 8500 cal BP
layers at Casa de Piedra Roselló (Castro Esnal et al., 2017). This evi-
dence indicates that local circuits (< 80 km) of people and goods op-
erated in the north of Central Western Patagonia by the early Holocene.

5.4. Subsistence and diets: faunas, plants and stable isotopes

The case for human and megafauna coexistence and interaction in

Fig. 3. Early sites of Central Western Patagonia: (a) El Chueco 1, general view Central Western Patagonia is not sustained. There is a 900-year time
of the excavations from the rear; (b) the 9260–9520 cal BP excavated hearth gap between the last dated megafauna remains and the first recorded
(#13) at Cueva de la Vieja; and (c) excavations in the talus outside Baño Nuevo human presence (Fig. 2). This pattern is especially evident in the
1 cave. neighboring occupations at the Cerro Casa de Piedra sites, where in-
teraction with megafauna cannot be suggested (Borrero, 2009). In all
siliceous rock which has not been yet recorded among raw materials anthropogenic deposits, guanaco dominates the faunal assemblages, as
available in the Ñirehuao valley. These artifacts were recovered in di- in the case of Baño Nuevo 1 where there is a minimal presence of
rect association with hearth #14, marking the base of the human oc- huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) and other resources, such as canids and
cupation. The most recurrent lithic raw material for this basal deposit is birds (Trejo and Jackson, 1998; Mena et al., 2000; Velásquez and Mena,
mid-to-coarse grained basalt, of which a significant quantity of the 2006; Mena, 2009). There are no faunal remains at El Chueco 1 or at
debris and two of the expedient tools were manufactured. A high pro- Cueva de la Vieja at levels of this age. However, it is remarkable that
portion of cortex and flake thickness but no indication of rejuvenation precisely in the early Holocene levels of the latter, micromorphological
suggests that these tools were short-lived, rapidly discarded, and most thin sections indicate the presence of bone fragments, ca. 5% burnt,
likely used in few activities at this briefly occupied location (Méndez associated with charcoal and lithics (Méndez et al., 2018a). This in-
et al., 2018a). Only one multifunctional coarse-grained andesite tool dication suggests that we should expect potential for prey processing
was recovered for the basal level at El Chueco 1 (Reyes et al., 2007). even in the smallest caves, although such might not be visible through
Attributes shared by these artifacts, such as overall thickness of the traditional excavation methods. In younger, mid-to-late Holocene levels
flakes selected, retouch limited to the edges, and relatively poor raw in El Chueco 1, guanaco largely dominates the assemblages (Méndez
material quality indicate close similarities between the earliest assem- et al., 2011). At Baño Nuevo 1, guanaco also dominates throughout the
blages (Fig. 6). In both sites, and in the early component of Baño Nuevo Holocene deposits, and in the early Holocene component, a few ver-
1, higher raw material diversity, including fine-grained siliceous tool tebral bones of one huemul were recovered (Velásquez and Mena,
2006). This prey appears primarily after the mid-Holocene in the

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Fig. 4. Stratigraphic south cross-section of Cueva de la Vieja site showing stratigraphic units (SU) and the chronological time span represented in SU2, the one with
human occupations.

region, particularly at forest sites (e.g., Mena et al., 2004). was analyzed and indicated evidence of starch and phytoliths (Belmar,
The dominant role of guanaco outlined by faunal remains, however, 2019). Overall, novel data on plant processing and consumption em-
has been contended with the interpretation of diets based on the stable phasize the important role that gathering plant resources might have
isotope information produced by analyses of the human skeletal record had among the earliest people in the region, activity possibly embedded
of the Baño Nuevo 1 site (Reyes et al., 2012). The distance between with performing other tasks (Belmar et al., 2017).
δ15N values of the human sample and local faunal resources indicates
protein in the diet could be better explained by a combination of broad- 6. Discussion
spectrum prey, such as small carnivores and birds, along with the
consumption of guanaco, whereas forest prey (i.e., huemul) made al- Given the human pulses observed by Méndez et al. (2016a, 2018a),
most no contribution (Méndez et al., 2014). This perspective agrees the case of Central Western Patagonia demonstrates that colonization is
with the recurrent finding of various extinct and extant canids in this not necessarily a rapid or continuous event but rather a complex pro-
site, and with the presence of mid-sized birds such as Chloephaga picta, cess involving potential lags or even failures (Méndez, 2013). Initially,
C. poliocephala, and Anas georgica in the early Holocene component there is a time lag of more than 1000 years for the exploration/colo-
(Trejo and Jackson, 1998; Mena, 2009). nization of Central Western Patagonia when comparing the earliest
Plant exploitation of Central Western Patagonia has been only re- dates close to the eastern slope of the Andes (i.e., Aisén, Chile) with
cently discussed (Belmar et al., 2017). Considering that wind may in- those at far eastern, extra-Andean positions (i.e., Santa Cruz, Argentina;
troduce uncharred plant remains into caves, only charred remains and Méndez et al., 2018a). This lag most likely resulted from a ranking of
mainly those recovered from hearths, are considered potential in- the available habitats, in which the eastern steppes of the Deseado
dicators of anthropogenic plant management. Carpological remains Massif (Santa Cruz, Argentina) ranked higher than did the forest-steppe
from the earliest occupations at El Chueco 1 are very few (N = 27), ecotones, most likely ecosystems in early stages of development after
mostly unidentified, and consist of the herbaceous taxa Galium sp. and the ice retreat.
Limiaceae (Belmar et al., 2017). The early Holocene deposits at Cueva The origin of the first explorers of Central Western Patagonia is
de La Vieja (N = 6) yielded herbaceous taxa Amaranthaceae, Lamia- difficult to assess, but the current distribution of earliest occupation
ceae, and Poaceae (Méndez et al., 2018a). The early Holocene carpo- dates in Patagonia and the high visibility of the early archaeological
logical assemblage of Baño Nuevo 1 is far higher in terms of frequency record indicate that the Deseado Massif is a likely source (Fig. 1).
(N = 278) and density, dominated by herbaceous taxa such as Cheno- Dispersal toward the west implied an adaptation to a different topo-
podiaceae, Lamiaceae, and Poaceae and complemented with shrubs graphy, flora, seasonality and precipitation regime. It also implied
such as Berberis sp., Ericaeae and Rubus sp. (Belmar et al., 2017). Taxa changes in the stability of resources, or in what is called limitational
such as Galium sp. and Lamiaceae are currently absent of the immediate knowledge. The range expansion capabilities of potential explorers
environs of the sites, but they are common to steppe plant communities from the Deseado Massif were adequate because essentially the same
(Luebert and Pliscoff, 2006). Remains from plants of extensive dis- resources exploited were implicated along the way. The case of the La
tribution dominate the record, except for Baño Nuevo 1, where plants of Gruta site, located in the southern edge of the Massif, is significant
restricted distribution occur as well; thus, supporting their anthro- because logistical occupations were inferred for the period from
pogenic incorporation into the archaeological record (Belmar et al., 10,850–10,480 cal BP, “a time at which radiation was actively taking
2017). Several of these taxa were potentially used for food and certainly place” (Franco et al., 2012: 161). The ranking of habitats also matters.
as fuel, given its charred occurrence (Belmar et al., 2017; Méndez et al., Circulation between lower quality habitats generally results in longer
2018a). The analyzed remains also suggest the selection of common distances traveled, whereas high-quality habitats resulted in people
taxa throughout the sites, as well as an increased plant use in time settling (Anderson and Gillam, 2000; Amick, 2017: 132). The former is
(Fig. 5). In a recent study, C. Belmar identified the presence of micro- usually solved via long-distance logistical movements (Lovis et al.,
fossils on the edges of most of a subsample of artifacts from the early 2005).
component of Baño Nuevo 1, the most relevant being the presence of A process of (complete-radius) leap-frogging advance is adequate in
phytoliths and starch grains of herbaceous plants and of shrubs Patagonia given the high homogeneity of the eastern habitats, but once
(Belmar, 2019). In the same study, the tooth calculus of four individuals people reached the western fringes, ecological differences were too

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Fig. 5. Graphic summary of the archaeological assemblages of Cueva de la Vieja and El Chueco 1 sites partitioned by chronological components (after Belmar et al.,
2017; Méndez et al., 2016, 2018a).

overwhelming. Glaciers and proglacial lakes had been absent for ap- new lands shows that this process is usually gradual and is most likely
proximately one millennium by the time the first explorers entered the one in which “some former behaviors and institutions are retained long
area, and landscapes experienced major ecological transformations (de after new strategies are developed” (Jarvenpa and Brumbach, 2016:
Porras et al., 2012; García et al., 2018; Mendelova et al., 2017). The 35). However, this process is also one in which new tools responding to
pace of exploration had to change accordingly (e.g., Woodman, 2016), new necessities can be incorporated as people entered new lands, as
and displacement most likely changed into some variant of half-radius observed for example with the earliest ground-edge axes of Sahul
mode, better suited for unknown lands (Binford, 1982). Recently de- (Hiscock et al., 2016) or in the Japanese islands (Takashi, 2012). Large
glaciated areas and periglacial environments are challenging (Borrero, expedient versatile flake tools on local raw materials might have served
2012; Rademaker et al., 2014). Remnants of glacial ice in the moun- a variety of purposes besides prey butchering. Similarly, short-lived
tains, recently drained proglacial lakes and marshes were potential tools on local raw materials have been recorded not only in the basal
inhibitors for the use of sectors of Central Western Patagonia, particu- levels of sites in Central Western Patagonia (Méndez et al., 2011,
larly in the highlands. Andean valleys can be considered geographical 2018a; Nami and Civalero, 2017) but also at eastern potentially con-
dead ends to the dispersal of populations from the east (Borrero, 2004). nected locations such as Alero Dasovich (Aguerre et al., 2017).
The limited ethnographic information concerning movement into Knowledge about the location of places such as sources of specific

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

Table 2
Frequency of lithic classes from the early levels of El Chueco 1 and Cueva de la Vieja sites, partitioned by chronological components (after Méndez et al. 2011,
Sites El Chueco 1 Cueva de la Vieja

Age range (cal BP) 9230-≥7700 10,180–9890 11,500 9390–8470 11,900–10,590

Lithic classes All All All Valid Fragments Valid Fragments
Nodule 0 2 0 5 2 6 0
Core 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Unintentional by-product 0 0 0 2 5 3 4
Hammer stone 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Pebble 0 0 0 4 1 0 0
Core flake 0 4 0 10 5 5 0
Debitage/retouch debris 11 0 1 76 49 33 19
Bifacial thinning flake 0 0 0 11 2 12 2
Retouched flake/blade 0 2 0 0 3 2 1
Scraper 0 1 0 1
Sidescraper 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Bifacial fragment 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Undetermined 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Total 11 9 2 110 70 62 29

Note: Valid pieces include complete and proximal fragments.

Fig. 6. Selected lithic tools from the earliest assemblages of Cueva de la Vieja (a–b) and El Chueco 1 (c); (a) scraper (basalt, same nodule as b), (b) sidescraper (c)
retouched flake with multiple retouched edges (andesite).

raw materials is usually the result of locational learning and is con- occur in the same level but come from widely separated sources, thus
sidered easy to acquire (Rockman, 2009). The local evidence is mostly implying wide ranges, the overlap of different home ranges, or wide-
related to obsidians from different sources (Méndez et al., 2018b). The spread interactions as early as 10,000 cal BP. The presence of exotic
PDA obsidian, being an extensive source (Espinosa and Goñi, 1999; rocks indicates ample knowledge of the territory or visiting people from
Stern, 2018), was most likely discovered relatively easily by hunter- far away. Regardless, this evidence is not concordant with exploration
gatherers first sweeping the region; however, no early dates have been but with a colonization stage in which people – whether for the short or
obtained within the area of its highest occurrence (Goñi et al., 2011). long term – were already settled. Their presence is difficult to explain
Lower-altitude dispersions of chemically undistinguishable obsidian by exchange alone. Deposition of exotic items can also be the result of
from PDA have been argued as potential sources for the earliest ex- fluid band membership, with transient members from distant places
ploitation of this tool stone (Belardi et al., 2006; Franco et al., 2017). As depositing goods in low frequencies (Pallo and Borrero, 2015). This
already mentioned, two obsidian debitage specimens from El Chueco 1 process occurs for all obsidians in the Cisnes valley, given that their

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

proportion is less than 1% of the studied assemblages (Méndez et al., intensity or continuity but rather as punctuated with occasional aban-
2018b). donment periods. This situation differs significantly from other long
Site planning is expected for situations in which territorial organi- sequences recorded in Patagonia, such as the sites from Río Pinturas
zation is already occurring (Chatters, 1987). Features under these and Perito Moreno National Park (Gradin et al., 1979; Civalero and
conditions are expected to show spatial congruence over time Franco, 2003). The difference could simply be functional, but it could
(Wandsnider, 1996; Figuerero Torres, 2000). Site planning should not also be a measure of failure.
be a prominent property of exploration. Hearth features in the early Another case of exploration in this region can be discussed for the
record of Central Western Patagonia are simple, show limited planning first occupations of forests. The few differences present in these new
and were not used over long periods. Thus, evidence points to transient, habitats, with prey such as huemul and pudu (Pudu pudu) and perhaps
short-span occupations, which is further in agreement with the asso- useful plants such as Chusquea, were among the few novelties once
ciated lithic assemblages. people reached the west. None of them appears to have been suffi-
Abandonment of the dead without burial has been suggested as a ciently important to justify a difference leading to significant techno-
possibility for the initial human entry to new lands, thus accounting for logical innovations. The geographic novelties were only open possibi-
the paucity of human remains in the early archaeological record lities. Sites such as Las Quemas rockshelter, Punta del Monte, Las
(Dillehay, 1997). The exploration of new landscapes must have been Guanacas, and Fontana rockshelter all indicate middle Holocene ages
stressful, perhaps with little room for sophisticated mortuary treatment. (Mena, 1983; Mena et al., 2004; Nuevo Delaunay et al., 2013; Méndez
In fact, sophisticated treatment of the dead is remarkably early in South et al., 2016b). The exploration of these new lands was most likely based
America and is no earlier than the mid-Holocene (e.g., Chinchorro on more-redundant and perhaps even more stable occupations to the
Culture; Arriaza and Standen, 2008). Cremation might also have been east of the Andes (Méndez et al., 2016a). As far as we know, the only
an alternative (Dillehay, 1997), but it is a costly procedure that only novelty that could have been significant, access to the coast, was not
rarely is complete, and intense burning will promote bone survival. The attained because there is no evidence for interaction with people from
problem of the disposal of the corpses can be exacerbated in winter the archipelagos (Méndez and Reyes, 2008).
when burial is almost impossible at this latitude. There is supporting
ethnographic evidence for direct abandonment of the dead. For ex- 7. Conclusions
ample, Murdoch (1892) and Nelson (1983 [1899]) observed the
abandonment of bodies in the open under cold conditions. The ex- Archaeological data herein discussed in the frame of historical and
istence of several archaeological cases of human remains without ethnographical selected examples suggest that the late Pleistocene
mortuary treatment is relevant (Lepper, 2014: 16; Reyes et al., 2015) peopling of Central Western Patagonia constitutes a defendable case of
and is most likely an expected deposition mode during exploration and exploration of a new land. Thus, it has wider implications for the un-
early colonization. Interestingly, Baño Nuevo 1 shows that this is not derstanding of the archaeological correlates of exploration as a global
the only mode; early formal burial of the dead occasionally occurs. In process. We introduced the question of whether the record in hand was
fact, Mena and Stafford (2006) have suggested the possibility that the in fact the result of exploration and not the result from a low-density
treatment of the dead in Baño Nuevo 1 does not correspond to the in- archaeological record or other mimicking processes. There are reasons
itial explorers of Central Western Patagonia but rather can be asso- why our answer is that the processes identified in this region reflects
ciated with a later colonizing stage (sensu Borrero, 1989-90), which exploration. Basically, the presence of a low-density archaeological
agrees with current available dates for the valley and the region. record is not an exclusive property of our region but characterizes the
Traditionally, late Pleistocene dispersals have been associated with earliest record of wider Patagonia. Accordingly, the peculiarities ob-
megafauna hunting in both North and South America (Haynes, 1969, served in our region differ from those observed in other regions like the
Araujo et al., 2017). However, an examination of bone frequencies in Deseado Massif or the Pali-Aike Lava Field.
early assemblages of Patagonia favors camelids over extinct taxa The valleys in the eastern fringe of the Andean massif (Central
(Borrero and Franco, 1997). Despite the absence of faunal remains in Western Patagonia) can be considered “dead ends” in the sense that
various sites of Central Western Patagonia, diet reconstruction of the they represent the last available dwelling spaces for demographic cores
Baño Nuevo 1 individuals points toward broad-spectrum diets, in- rooted in the extra-Andean steppes of Patagonia (Borrero, 2004). A full
cluding possibly the consumption of small mammals and birds, which understanding of the initial human presence in these spaces requires
agrees with bone assemblages at the same site (Méndez et al., 2014). data from specific areas that are not yet completely researched. How-
Such a picture is consistent with the idea that broad-spectrum sub- ever, although what we already know of the earliest occupations in-
sistence practices in South America were more common than previously dicates an ephemeral human presence in different places, we still must
noted (Borrero, 2006). assess to what degree does the intensity of the human signal decrease
As previously mentioned, focal resources can be difficult to find. with distance to the source populations, altitude or other key factors. In
Ubiquitous resources, conversely, are easier to locate and thus expected other words, to what extent did the attractiveness of newly available
to be incorporated in exploratory situations. Charred plant remains in lands overcome the eventual difficulties created by increased season-
the sites herein discussed show a dominance of widely distributed ality, lower human density, lack of information or dead ends, inhibiting
herbaceous taxa most likely gathered within an embedded strategy further exploration? In fact, glaciers, abrupt topography, dense forests
(Belmar et al., 2017). Their charred occurrence might be due to survival and deep rivers characteristic of the Andes of Central Western Pata-
factors, but it also suggests that plants were crucial as fuel. Fuel is gonia represented major constraints on the movement of people living
critical in plateaus or under cold conditions, and its management can more permanently to the east. Thus, we should consider hunter-gath-
include planning or innovative solutions (Rhode et al., 2003; Joly et al., erers of the Pleistocene Holocene transition as “stepping through” this
2005; Pasqualini et al., 2016). Climate conditions in recently degla- region, moving out of some eastern occupational node, and most likely
ciated areas of the eastern Andes might have required some degree of sacrificing security in exchange for unoccupied land. Like open and
anticipation or limiting movements on a seasonal basis. attractive terrain, differential distribution of resources creates condi-
In summary, the sequences at El Chueco 1 and Cueva de la Vieja do tions for rapid travel, which was also facilitated by the exploitation of
not display sustained increases in the abundance of artifacts through similar subsistence resources. Such swift traversing is visible in the
time. The same can be expressed by analyzing artifact distribution at archaeological record through indicators attributed to short-span oc-
Casa de Piedra Roselló (Castro Esnal et al., 2017), suggesting that this is cupation of cave sites, namely few lithic artifacts, the exploitation of
indeed a regional pattern. After initial occupations at sites in Central local tool stones, short-lived utensils, and small single-use hearths. It
Western Patagonia, human presence cannot be described as gaining was expected that once the western reaches of Central Patagonia were

L.A. Borrero et al. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54 (2019) 1–16

in sight, human presence was neither massive nor concentrated. Indeed, and Analía Castro Esnal. Claudio Bariggi, Robinson Palma and Freddy
a spatially and temporally discontinuous human signature is indicated, Boldt are acknowledged for granting permissions for our archaeological
which can be considered the most probable result of the relatively research at Estancia Baño Nuevo and Stephanie Buckaert for granting
asymmetrical slow dispersal process. Climate conditions in this region permissions at Estancia Río Cisnes. Paulina Chávez draw Fig. 6.
were most likely harsher than today’s, with glaciers above 1000 masl
still present during the early Holocene (McCulloch et al., 2017), thus in Funding
agreement with the current evidence of these visits occurring during the
summer season in valleys such as Cisnes or Ñirehuao. Also, some cat- This study was funded by CONICYT through FONDECYT grant
astrophic events like glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) exceeding the #1180306, MEC PAI80160111 (Universidad Alberto Hurtado,
release of 140 km3 of freshwater through the Baker river, have been Universidad de Magallanes, Universidad de Tarapacá) and Programa
acknowledged as a major landscape transformation source occurring FONDECYT Regional R17A10002.
during the early Holocene (Thorndycraft et al., 2019). Minimally, dif-
ferences in geography, group size and connectivity with the eastern Conflict of interest
nodes produced variation in the success or failure of human installation
and continuity. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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were exploited, but such was a low-impact trace given their small
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