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College life means a new level to learn and discover things which were not met in

the high school curriculum. It is a preparation for every student to be a professional in the

future. Entering college serves as a challenge for freshmen students as they will meet

their new learning environment. For them, many possible consequences are waiting as

they will start their new school life.

During the first days, weeks and months of school days, the emotional, social,

psychological, and even physical state are in the process of preparation as freshmen

students’ college life starts. Socio cultural changes are occurring especially in deciding

the program they will take, following their new school’s norms and conduct, social

interaction with co-students and instructors, new lifestyle of studying their lessons,

creating their homework, activities or projects, level of self-confidence and proper time

management. In connection to these changes, there are possible issues like culture shock,

fear, stress, nervousness, deviance, or even anxiety are expected for them to encounter as

part of a college life basis. Many of the freshmen students may find these issues as

challenging, while others may take it easy. Coping up with these changes can be done by

them immediately or gradually depending on every situation they may be within.

This study will give emphasis on the environmental adaptation of the college

students during their freshman year as they will meet their socio cultural changes. The

researchers aimed to determine what mechanisms they would use in order to cope up with

them. This will also let the researchers discover if the freshmen’s zone of proximal

development has reached according to the issues they will encounter.

The researchers have a genuine interest in conducting this research as it will help

them to gain more knowledge as psychology majors. It will also serve as a guide for the

researchers for them to use this study for future educational purposes. Lastly, it will help

to disseminate information to other students who are coping up also in their new


Background of the Study

The researcher’s study is based on Batangas State University-Balayan Campus for

them to have a closer look and out of view of the research. This is just to have certain

comparisons on this specific time they are researching on. The university consists of

many freshman students that possess different kinds of personality, characteristics and

opinions that shall give them comparisons to form and support their study. By making

Batangas State University- Balayan as the basis of the study, it allows them to weigh on

conclusions; the vastness of the population & opinions of the respondents will affect the

reality of their perception, whether what side of the study they would agree on. On this

research, the researchers had observed many things that will be a great source of ideas for

our research which involves our learning and experiences. From here the researchers can

infer that freshman students have different means and ways of coping up in the beginning

of their college life.


Setting of the Study

The researchers chose to make at survey at Batangas State University - Balayan

Campus. The University started its operation on the year 1994, offering non-degree

courses in the Technical-Vocational Education. It is located at Balayan 4213, Batangas. It

has three (3) buildings. Offering a four programs in Bachelor’s Degree and two Certificate


Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex?

1.2 Age?

2. What is the perception on the College Cultural Adaptation of Freshmen Students?

3. What is the perception on the College Cultural Adaptation of Freshmen Students

when grouped according to:

1.1 Sex?

1.2 Age?

Significance of the Study

Batangas State University, Balayan – This study will give Batangas State University,

Balayan information on how do freshmen students will come up with the changes in their

college life.

Dean of Colleges –It will help in improving, managing and maintaining the proper

behavior of students in the university.

Professors – It will help and guide the students to come up with the changes in their new


Researchers – It will measure the abilities of researchers’ social interaction skills and

serve as a reference for them as psychology majors.

Future Researchers – It will serve as a future reference in investigation of the given


Respondents – It will give them guidance and awareness on how will they are going to

come up with college culture changes.

Scope and Limitation

The research entitled, “A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University, Balayan, Batangas: An

Assessment”was based on Batangas State University Balayan, Batangas. It discussed

how the freshmen students coped up in the different culture encountered upon entering

the tertiary level of education. It aimed to determine what are the socio cultural changes

that are experienced by the freshen students of the said institution. The study was limited

on the different areas a freshmen student might get difficulty on coping with it. A self-

conducted questionnaire was formed by the researchers to have their research on their

easiest view. The research was conducted and covered form the month of November

2015 to March 2016.




Foreign Literature

The successful cultural adaptation of career services and global education

involves a consistent personalization of information. As a consequence of our very small

community, the distribution of information (regardless of how specifically relevant it

might be to just one population) often involves mass e-mails and generalized advertising

to all students. Given the constant influx of information such unstructured marketing

habits create, our students have learned to filter for those things that apply specifically to

them and disregard the rest. As such, it didn’t take long to recognize that if we were to

successfully obtain and maintain the attention and interest of our students, we’d need to

evolve our marketing and programming efforts to target subgroups and specific interest

areas on campus.

By devoting more energy toward getting to know our students and then adapting

our services to accommodate their interests, our offices have not only begun to engage

our diverse student body more effectively, but we have also been able to convince

students of our multifaceted relevance, which, in turn, has led to many more students

making use of our services in general.

While this has been just one of what will certainly be many steps in the

process of integrating career services and global education more permanently into our

university’s culture, its success has informed the nature of our other outreach efforts in a

fundamental way and gradually initiated a culture shift in the use of our services on



Local Literature

According to Barbara M. Posadas who wrote the book entitled “The Filipino

Americans”, she told that “Education has always been immensely important to Filipinos.”

This book directly states about the cultural adaptation of Filipino Americans as they

migrated to United States to study in college. In relation to this study, freshmen students

must adapt to their new learning environment no matter how hard it is to do the task

because education brings honor for every student’s family. Honor brought by higher

education is a part Filipino culture and values and it is a very big deal to every family’s

member. Though socio cultural changes are coming to freshmen student’s way, they must

know on what coping mechanisms they would use in order to be comfortable in the new

environment. After the adjustment, a good result may come out which can lead them to


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Below is the paradigm of the conceptual framework of the study that

utilized system approach with input, process and output as framework for evaluation.


*Profile of the *Formulation of A Study About The

respondents questionnaires College Culture
* College Culture Adaptation Of Freshman
*Validation of
adaptation Students Of Batangas
State University Balayan,
*Approval of Batangas: An
questionnaires Assessment

*Distribution of

* Retrieval of

*Tallying of data

* Statistical treatment
of data

*Analysis and
interpretation of data

Figure 2.1: Paradigm of Conceptual Framework

Frame 1 This includes the profile of the respondents and college culture adaptation.

Frame 2 The formulation of questionnaires, validation of questionnaires, approval

of questionnaires, distribution of questionnaires, retrieval of questionnaires, tallying of

data, statistical treatment of data, and analysis and interpretation of data.

Frame 3 The output of the research is the study about the college culture of

adaptation of freshman students of Batangas State University Balayan, Batangas: An



This study was conducted to verify the following hypothesis as stated:


1. Freshmen students of Batangas State University, Balayan had a hard time in

coping up with the college cultures they had encountered.

Definition of Terms

For clarification, the following terms are used operationally used in this study

Adaptation – The process of changing to fit some purpose or situation .


Affective aspect – your feelings,values, and attitudes. (page 1, General


Cognitive aspect – how you think. (page 1, General Psychology)

Culture – Consists of shared beliefs, values, knowledge, skills, structured

relationships, ways of doing things (customs), socialization practices, and symbol system

(such as spoken and written language). (page 172,Theories Of Developmental


Culture shock - a feeling of confusion, doubt, or nervousness caused by being in

a place(such as a foreign country) that is very different from what you are used to.


Deviance-different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct.


Perception –the ability to understand or notice something. (Merriam-Webster)


Psychomotor aspect- your skills and of course, also those of your fellowmen.

(page 1, General Psychology)

Scaffolding- is a temporary framework that is put up for support and access to

meaning and taken away as needed when the child secures control of success with a task.


Stress – a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life,

work, etc



Research Design

Researchers described and identified the adaptation that freshman students do in

the beginning of their college life. The descriptive-survey method of research was used.

With this method, it will lead us to a better comprehension of the study. A descriptive

research like this is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain better understanding of

a topic, and come up with transparency of tabulation of the results. According to Isaac

(1981), its purpose is to systematically describe the facts and characteristics of a given

population or area of interest factually and accurately. The descriptive method is

designed to gather information about the college culture adaptation as perceived by the

respondents. (Isaac, S. (1981) Handbook in research and evaluation. San Diego: Edit’s


Statistical Method

In getting the sample size, the researchers used the Slovin’s formula which

written as:

n= N/ (1+Ne2 )


 n = Number of Samples

 N = Total Population

 e = Error Tolerance/ Margin of Error

To determine the percentage of the answer of the respondents from the questions, given

formula was used:

P= *100

 P = Percentage

 F = Frequency

 NR = No. of Respondents

To determine the ranking of the perceived college culture adaptations to the students, the

researchers used the Likert Scale. This is a psychometric scale commonly involve in

research that employs questionnaires.

Formula for the weighted mean:

∑ wx

x = Represents the item value

w = Represents the weight associated with x

Figure 37-PointLikert Scale


Scale Value Range Verbal Interpretation

7 6.22-7.08 Very Untrue of Me
6 5.35-6.21 Untrue of Me
5 4.48-5.34 Somewhat Untrue of Me
4 3.61-4.47 Neutral
3 2.74-3.60 Somewhat True of Me
2 1.87-2.73 True of Me
1 1.00-1.86 Very True of Me

Supplies and Materials Used

 Letter- Permission or approval to conduct survey

 Survey Questionnaires- Important materials to complete the study

 Reference Book - For reference and guiding the research paper

 Laptop – For encoding and editing the research paper

 Flash Drives – For storage, retrieving and transferring of data

 Camera – For the documentation as proof of surveying

 Clear Book. For keeping the documents free from dirt or any crease.

 Ball Pens – For answering the questionnaire/survey forms.


The instruments used by the researchers on this study are a survey questionnaire

used to gather the data needed for the said study. It is two-paper paged questionnaires that

contained 10 questions relying on the topic of the research. It wasbe given to the

respondents form Batangas State University, Balayan Campus that took a very big part on

this research.


The researchers brainstormed and chose the best three (3) topics to make the

thesis title and presented it to the Professor and he chose the best title. Second they

selected the place where they conducted a survey and who are the target respondents.

Next, theyproceededand make a test questionnaire based on the likertscale.They prepared

the questionnaires to be used for the said study. And lastly they decided to conduct our

survey in BatState- U Balayan Campus.

Data Gathering Techniques

The data for this research were collected by the use of survey questionnaire. The

survey was created by using simple questions for the convenience of the respondent. The

questionnaire consisted of 10 questions regarding on the socio cultural changes. 7-point

likert scale was used to determine if the respondent reflects or do not reflects him in a

statement. After the instructor validated the questions, these were distributed to

138freshmen students of Batangas State University-Balayan. The researchers assured the

confidentiality of the survey sheet. Participants were given time to respond for a few

minutes and the researchers collected it after answering


Data Processing Method

The data that was needed for the research are collected and gathered through the

means of survey questionnaires. Questions thatwere answerable by the means of a 7-point

Likert Scale were provided to the respondents by the researchers. The questions

contained different forms of culture adaptations a freshman might encounter. Through the

means of the survey questionnaire, the researchers wereable to know what could be the

possible answer to the study undergoing.




In this chapter, the researchers presents the gathered data through graphs and

tables and also it includes the textual form of the graphs and tables to make the readers

understand the presented data.

Figure 4.1.1 - Demographic profile of the respondents according to age

Age Target Respondents Actual Respondents

16 31 31
17 57 57

18 36 34

19 13 13

20 5 2

21 3 1

Total 150 138

The table shows that the total target respondents are 150 and the total of actual

respondents are 138.


1.45% 2.17%




Figure 4.2.1 – Demographic profile of the respondents according to gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 66 47%

Male 74 53%

Total 140 100%



53% Female

The Graph shows that 53% of the respondents are male students and the remaining

47% are female students.

Table 4.1.2 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college culture

adaptation of 16 years old freshmen students of Batangas State University –

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University –

Mean Interpretation
Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 3.26 Somewhat Untrue

program. of Me

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 2.71 Somewhat Untrue

university. of Me

3. It was hard for you to follow the 4.48 Somewhat Untrue

university’s rules and regulations. of Me

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4.29 Neutral

5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.23 Somewhat True of

professors. Me

6. It was difficult for you to do your 4.26 Neutral

homework, activities and projects given by

your professors.

7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 3.45 Somewhat True of

class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early Me

classes, short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 4.06 Neutral

studying your lessons.

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.23 Somewhat True of

recitations. Me

10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 2.94 Somewhat True of

once. Me

Combined Weighted Mean 3.59 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 16 years old respondents find it

somewhat hard in coping up with the following college culture statements: (You felt shy

when you talked to your professors, You find it hard in adjusting with your class schedule

(e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long vacant times), You felt nervous in answering

during class recitations, It was hard for you to do many activities at once.) Lastly, it

shows that they neither had a hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with college


Table 4.1.3 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college culture

adaptation of16 years old male freshmen students of Batangas State University –

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Weighted Verbal

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment Mean Interpretation

1. You had confusion when you chose your 4.12 Neutral

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 2.94 Somewhat True of

university. Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s 6.65 Very Untrue of Me

rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4.59 Somewhat Untrue

of Me
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.29 Somewhat True of

professors. Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your

homework, activities and projects given by 3.29 Neutral

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 4.35 Neutral

class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early

classes, short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 3.70 Neutral

studying your lessons.

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.53 Somewhat True of

recitations. Me
10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 3.12 Somewhat True of

once. Me
Combined Weighted Mean 3.96 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 16 years old respondents find it

somewhat hard in coping up with the following college culture statements: (You felt shy

when you talked to your professors, You find it hard in adjusting with your class schedule

(e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long vacant times), You felt nervous in answering

during class recitations, It was hard for you to do many activities at once.). Second,

majority of the respondents also says that they neither had a hard time nor easy time

(neutral) in coping up with the following college culture statements: (You had confusion

when you chose your program, It was difficult for you to do your homework, activities

and projects given by your professors, You find it hard in adjusting with your class

schedule, You have difficulties in reviewing or studying your lessons.) Lastly, it shows

that they neither had a hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with college


Table 4.1.4 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college culture

adaptation of 16 years old female freshmen students of Batangas State University –

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Weighted Verbal

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment Mean Interpretation

1. You had confusion when you chose your 4.36 Neutral


2. You felt nervous on your first day at the

university. 4.21 Neutral

3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s

rules and regulations. 4.36 Neutral

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 3.93 Neutral
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.14 Somewhat True of

professors. Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your 4.14 Neutral

homework, activities and projects given by

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your class 2.93 Somewhat True of

schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, Me

short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 4.14 Neutral

studying your lessons.

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.21 Somewhat True of

recitations. Me
10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 2.71 True of Me

Combined Weighted Mean 3.72 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 16 years old female respondents says

that they neither had a hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with the following

college culture statements: (You had confusion when you chose your program, You felt

nervous on your first day at the university, It was hard for you to follow the university’s

rules and regulations, It was uneasy for you to make new friends, It was difficult for you

to do your homework, activities and projects given by your professors, You have

difficulties in reviewing or studying your lessons.) Lastly, it shows that they neither had a

hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with college cultures.

Table 4.1.8 – The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college culture

adaptation of 18 years old freshmen students of Batangas State University –

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University Mean Interpretation

– Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 3.59 Neutral

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 3.53 Somewhat True

university. of Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s 4.41 Neutral

rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4.32 Neutral
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.74 Neutral

6. It was difficult for you to do your homework, 3.97 Neutral

activities and projects given by your

7. You find it hard in adjusting with your class 3.68 Neutral

schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes,

short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or studying 4.15 Neutral

your lessons.
9. You felt nervous in answering during class 4.29 Neutral

10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 3.03 Somewhat True

once. of Me

Combined Weighted Mean 3.87 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 18 years old respondents says that

they neither had a hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with the following

college culture statements: (You had confusion when you chose your program, It was

hard for you to follow the university’s rules and regulations, It was uneasy for you to

make new friends, You felt shy when you talked to your professors, It was difficult for

you to do your homework, activities and projects given by your professors, You find it

hard in adjusting with your class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long

vacant times), You have difficulties in reviewing or studying your lessons, You felt

nervous in answering during class recitations,) Lastly, it shows that they neither had a

hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with college cultures.

Table 4.1.9 – The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college culture

adaptation of 18 year old male freshmen students of Batangas State University –

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University Mean Interpretation

– Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment


1. You had confusion when you chose your 3.76 Neutral

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 3.90 Neutral

3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s 4.24 Neutral

rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4.52 Somewhat

Untrue of Me
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 4.14 Neutral

6. It was difficult for you to do your homework, 3.81 Neutral

activities and projects given by your

7. You find it hard in adjusting with your class 4.19 Neutral

schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes,

short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or studying 4.24 Neutral

your lessons.
9. You felt nervous in answering during class 4.67 Somewhat

recitations Untrue of Me
10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 3.10 Somewhat True

once. of Me
Combined Weighted Mean 4.06 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 18 years old male respondents says

that they neither had a hard time or easy time (neutral) in coping up with the following

college culture statements: (You had confusion when you chose your program, You felt

nervous on your first day at the university, It was hard for you to follow the university’s

rules and regulations, You felt shy when you talked to your professors, It was difficult for

you to do your homework, activities and projects given by your professors, You find it

hard in adjusting with your class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long

vacant times), You have difficulties in reviewing or studying your lessons.) Lastly, it

shows that they neither had a hard time nor easy time (neutral) in coping up with college


Table 4.1.10 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of18 years old female freshmen students of Batangas State

University – Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Weighted Verbal

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment Mean Interpretation

1. You had confusion when you chose your 2.85 Somewhat True of

program. Me
2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 3 Somewhat True of

university. Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the 4.54 Very Untrue of Me

university’s rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4 Neutral
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.15 Somewhat True of

professors. Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your 4.08

homework, activities and projects given by Neutral

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 2.85

class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early Somewhat True of


classes, short/long vacant times) Me

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 4 Neutral

studying your lessons.

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.69 Neutral

10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 3 Somewhat True of

once. Me
Combined Weighted Mean 3.52 Somewhat True of


This presentation shows that majority of all 18 years old female students find it

somewhat hard in coping up with following college culture statements: (You had

confusion when you chose your program, You felt nervous on your first day at the

university, You felt shy when you talked to your professors, You find it hard in adjusting

with your class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long vacant times), It

was hard for you to do many activities at once.) Lastly, the respondents say it was

somewhat true that they had a hard time in coping up with college cultures.

Table 4.1.11 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of19 years oldfreshmen students of Batangas State University-

Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Mean Interpretation

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment


1. You had confusion when you chose your program 3 Somewhat True

of Me
2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 2.85 Somewhat True

university. of Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s rules 4.08 Neutral

and regulations.
4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 3.54 Somewhat True

of Me
5.You felt shy when you talked to your professors. 3.62 Neutral

6. It was difficult for you to do your homework, 4.62 Somewhat

activities and projects given by your professors. Untrue of Me

7. You find it hard in adjusting with your class 2.38 True of Me

schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, short/long

vacant times)
8 You have difficulties in reviewing or studying your 4.38 Neutral

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.08 Somewhat Tue

recitations. of Me
10. It was hard for you to do many activities at once. 2.62 True of Me

Combined Weighted Mean 3.42 Somewhat

True of Me

The presentation above shows that majority of the 19 year old freshmen students

find it somewhat hard in coping up with the following college culture statements: (You

had a confusion when you chose your program, You felt nervous on your first day at the

university, It was uneasy for you to make new friends and you felt nervous in answering

during class recitations). Lastly, it shows that the respondents say it was somewhat hard

to come up with college cultures.

Table 4.1.12 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of19 years old male freshmen students of Batangas State

University- Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Mean Interpretation

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 3.80 Neutral

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 3.40 Somewhat True

university. of Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the university’s 4 Neutral

rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4 Neutral
5.You felt shy when you talked to your professors. 3.5 Somewhat True

of Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your homework, 4.8 Somewhat

activities and projects given by your professors. Untrue of Me

7. You find it hard in adjusting with your class 3.6 Somewhat True

schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early classes, of Me

short/long vacant times)

8 You have difficulties in reviewing or studying 4 Neutral

your lessons

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 3.8 Neutral

10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 2.80 Somewhat True

once. of Me
Combined Weighted Mean 3.77 Neutral

The presentation above shows that majority of the respondents find it neither hard

nor easy(neutral) in coping up with the following college culture statements: (You had a

confusion when you chose your program, It was hard for you to follow the university’s

rules and regulations, It was uneasy for you to make new friends, You have difficulties in

reviewing or studying your lessons and you felt nervous in answering during class

recitations.) Lastly, it shows that the respondents neither had a hard time nor easy time in

coping up with the college cultures.

Table 4.1.13 – The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of 19 year old female freshmen students of Batangas State

University – Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University Mean Interpretation

– Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 2.5 True of Me

2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 2.5 True of Me

3. It was hard for you to follow the 4.13 Neutral

university’s rules and regulations.


4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 3 Somewhat True

of Me
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 3.13 Somewhat True

professors. of Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your 4.75 Somewhat

homework, activities and projects given by Untrue of Me

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 1.63 Very True of Me

class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early

classes, short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 4.63 Somewhat

studying your lessons. Untrue of Me

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 2.63 True of Me

10. It was hard for you to do many activities 2.63 True of Me

at once.
Combined Weighted Mean 3.15 Somewhat True

of Me

This presentation shows that majority of all 19 years old female respondents says

it was somewhat true that they had a hard time in coping up with the following college

culture statements: (You had confusion when you chose your program, You felt nervous

on your first day at the university, You felt nervous in answering during class recitations,

It was hard for you to do many activities at once.) Lastly, it shows that it was somewhat

true that they had a hard time in coping up with college cultures

Table 4.1.14 – The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of 20 years old male freshmen students of Batangas State

University – Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University Mean Interpretation

– Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 3.5 Somewhat True

program. of Me
2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 4.5 Somewhat
Untrue of Me
3. It was hard for you to follow the 4.5 Somewhat
Untrue of Me
university’s rules and regulations.
4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 4.5 Somewhat

Untrue of Me
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 6.5 Very Untrue of
6. It was difficult for you to do your 4.5 Somewhat
Untrue of Me
homework, activities and projects given by

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 4.5 Somewhat
Untrue of Me
class schedule. (e.g. late dismissal, early

classes, short/long vacant times)

8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 4 Neutral

studying your lessons.

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 4.5 Somewhat

recitations Untrue of Me
10. It was hard for you to do many activities 2.5 True of Me

at once.
Combined Weighted Mean 4.35 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 20 years old male respondents says it

was somewhat untrue that they had a hard time in coping up with the following college

culture statements: (You felt nervous on your first day at the university, It was hard for

you to follow the university’s rules and regulations, You felt shy when you talked to your

professors, It was difficult for you to do your homework, activities and projects given by

your professors, You find it hard in adjusting with your class schedule. (e.g. late

dismissal, early classes, short/long vacant times), You felt nervous in answering during

class recitations) Lastly, it shows that they neither had a hard time nor easy time in

coping up with college cultures.

Table 4.1.15 - The weighted mean and the verbal interpretation of the college

culture adaptation of21years old female freshmen students of Batangas State

University – Balayan, Batangas

A Study about the College Culture Adaptation of Weighted Verbal

Freshmen Students of Batangas State University – Mean Interpretation

Balayan, Batangas: An Assessment

1. You had confusion when you chose your 5.33 Somewhat Untrue

program. of Me
2. You felt nervous on your first day at the 4 Neutral

3. It was hard for you to follow the 1 Very True of Me

university’s rules and regulations.

4. It was uneasy for you to make new friends. 6 Untrue of Me
5. You felt shy when you talked to your 5 Somewhat Untrue

professors. of Me
6. It was difficult for you to do your 4 Neutral

homework, activities and projects given by

your professors.
7. You find it hard in adjusting with your 3.33 Somewhat True of

class schedule. Me
8. You have difficulties in reviewing or 5.33 Somewhat Untrue

studying your lessons. of Me

9. You felt nervous in answering during class 4.33 Neutral

10. It was hard for you to do many activities at 4.67 Somewhat Untrue

once. of Me
Combined Weighted Mean 4.30 Neutral

This presentation shows that majority of all 21 years old female respondents says

it was somewhat untrue that they had a hard time in coping up with the following college

culture statements: (You had confusion when you chose your program, You felt shy when

you talked to your professors,You have difficulties in reviewing or studying your lessons,

It was hard for you to do many activities at once.) Lastly, it shows that they neither had a

hard time nor easy time in coping up with college cultures.

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