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Original Investigation

Effect of a Task-Oriented Rehabilitation Program

on Upper Extremity Recovery Following Motor Stroke
The ICARE Randomized Clinical Trial
Carolee J. Winstein, PhD; Steven L. Wolf, PhD; Alexander W. Dromerick, MD; Christianne J. Lane, PhD; Monica A. Nelsen, DPT; Rebecca Lewthwaite, PhD;
Steven Yong Cen, PhD; Stanley P. Azen, PhD; for the Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Arm Rehabilitation Evaluation (ICARE) Investigative Team

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IMPORTANCE Clinical trials suggest that higher doses of task-oriented training are superior to
current clinical practice for patients with stroke with upper extremity motor deficits.

OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy of a structured, task-oriented motor training program vs

usual and customary occupational therapy (UCC) during stroke rehabilitation.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Phase 3, pragmatic, single-blind randomized trial among
361 participants with moderate motor impairment recruited from 7 US hospitals over 44
months, treated in the outpatient setting from June 2009 to March 2014.

INTERVENTIONS Structured, task-oriented upper extremity training (Accelerated Skill

Acquisition Program [ASAP]; n = 119); dose-equivalent occupational therapy (DEUCC; n = 120); or
monitoring-only occupational therapy (UCC; n = 122). The DEUCC group was prescribed 30 one-
hour sessions over 10 weeks; the UCC group was only monitored, without specification of dose.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was 12-month change in
log-transformed Wolf Motor Function Test time score (WMFT, consisting of a mean of 15 timed
arm movements and hand dexterity tasks). Secondary outcomes were change in WMFT time
score (minimal clinically important difference [MCID] = 19 seconds) and proportion of patients
improving ⱖ25 points on the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) hand function score (MCID = 17.8 points).

RESULTS Among the 361 randomized patients (mean age, 60.7 years; 56% men; 42% African
American; mean time since stroke onset, 46 days), 304 (84%) completed the 12-month primary
outcome assessment; in intention-to-treat analysis, mean group change scores (log WMFT,
baseline to 12 months) were, for the ASAP group, 2.2 to 1.4 (difference, 0.82); DEUCC group, 2.0
to 1.2 (difference, 0.84); and UCC group, 2.1 to 1.4 (difference, 0.75), with no significant between-
group differences (ASAP vs DEUCC: 0.14; 95% CI, −0.05 to 0.33; P = .16; ASAP vs UCC: −0.01;
95% CI, −0.22 to 0.21; P = .94; and DEUCC vs UCC: −0.14; 95% CI, −0.32 to 0.05; P = .15).
Secondary outcomes for the ASAP group were WMFT change score, −8.8 seconds, and improved
SIS, 73%; DEUCC group, WMFT, −8.1 seconds, and SIS, 72%; and UCC group, WMFT, −7.2 seconds,
and SIS, 69%, with no significant pairwise between-group differences (ASAP vs DEUCC: WMFT,
1.8 seconds; 95% CI, −0.8 to 4.5 seconds; P = .18; improved SIS, 1%; 95% CI, −12% to 13%; P = .54;
ASAP vs UCC: WMFT, −0.6 seconds, 95% CI, −3.8 to 2.6 seconds; P = .72; improved SIS, 4%; 95%
CI, −9% to 16%; P = .48; and DEUCC vs UCC: WMFT, −2.1 seconds; 95% CI, −4.5 to 0.3 seconds;
P = .08; improved SIS, 3%; 95% CI, −9% to 15%; P = .22). A total of 168 serious adverse events Author Affiliations: University of
Southern California, Los Angeles
occurred in 109 participants, resulting in 8 patients withdrawing from the study. (Winstein, Lane, Nelsen, Lewthwaite,
Cen, Azen); Emory University,
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among patients with motor stroke and primarily moderate Atlanta, Georgia (Wolf); MedStar
National Rehabilitation Hospital,
upper extremity impairment, use of a structured, task-oriented rehabilitation program did not
Washington, DC (Dromerick).
significantly improve motor function or recovery beyond either an equivalent or a lower dose of
Group Information: The ICARE
UCC upper extremity rehabilitation. These findings do not support superiority of this program Investigative Team members are
among patients with motor stroke and primarily moderate upper extremity impairment. listed at the end of this article.
Corresponding Author: Carolee J.
TRIAL REGISTRATION Identifier: NCT00871715 Winstein, PhD, University of Southern
California, 1540 Alcazar St, CHP 155,
Los Angeles, CA 90033
JAMA. 2016;315(6):571-581. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.0276 (

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Research Original Investigation Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke

linicians providing care for patients with stroke lack evi- from a blinded statistician. The statistical analysis plan
dence for determining the best type and amount of mo- (Supplement 1) was developed and sample size estimations
tor therapy during outpatient rehabilitation. Notwith- were performed during proposal development and approved
standing the considerable resources devoted to stroke by the data and safety monitoring board and the sponsor.
rehabilitation care, a recent Cochrane review of interven-
tions for improving upper limb function after stroke con- Study Population, Screening, and Randomization
cluded that high-quality evidence for the superiority of any cur- Patients with moderate upper extremity motor impairment
rent routinely practiced intervention is absent, including the who demonstrated at least minimal initiation of hand and fin-
amount and content of motor training.1 ger extension and who could participate in an intense but dis-
Two large rehabilitation trials performed in the long- tributed rehabilitation program were recruited. To preclude se-
term phase of stroke, after initial rehabilitation had been vere cognitive and sensory impairments, the National Institutes
completed, suggested that intensive, high-repetition, task- of Health Stroke Scale subscale scores for neglect and sen-
oriented training was superior to usual care for improving sory impairment were used, thus allowing focus on upper ex-
upper extremity motor tremity motor recovery. Per sponsor mandate, race and eth-
ASAP Accelerated Skill Acquisition outcomes.2,3 With reha- nicity were self-selected from categories determined in 1997
bilitation training imple- by the US Office of Management and Budget.
DEUCC dose-equivalent usual and mented after spontaneous Participants were recruited from 7 sites, predominantly
customary care
recovery, improvements during inpatient rehabilitation. Early in recruitment, the ran-
SIS Stroke Impact Scale
can be attributed more domization window was amended from 30 to 90 days to 14 to
UCC usual and customary care directly to the training. 106 days after stroke, enabling randomization 16 days earlier
UEFM upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Even though the rehabili- and necessitating a 16-day extension to retain the stratifica-
WMFT Wolf Motor Function Test t at i o n i nt e r ve nt i o n s tion midpoint. Full eligibility criteria are provided in eTable 1
differed in these studies in Supplement 2. An abbreviated list of inclusion criteria in-
(constraint-induced movement therapy3 and robot-assisted cludes age older than 21 years; ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke
training2), both incorporated the same principles of high move- meeting World Health Organization criteria6; upper extrem-
ment repetitions and structured task-oriented practice. ity hemiparesis; voluntary finger extension; no more than 6
Despite this evidence and expert opinion that more practice outpatient occupational therapy sessions; and absence of trau-
enhances recovery, these findings have not been incorpo- matic or nonvascular brain injury and subarachnoid or pri-
rated into clinical practice when patients with stroke actually mary intraventricular hemorrhage. Participants were random-
receive rehabilitation therapy. Typical outpatient treatment ized into 1 of 3 treatment groups. Intervention was completed
sessions last 36 minutes, during which patients engage in an within 16 weeks of randomization. A stratified block random-
average of only 12 purposeful actions within an otherwise ization scheme within sites balanced assignment by motor se-
unstructured treatment session.4 verity and time from stroke onset. The biostatistician per-
The goal of the Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Arm Re- formed randomization using hybrid block sizes of 3 or 6,
habilitation Evaluation (ICARE) was to test the efficacy of the depending on anticipated sample size within each site. Once
same task-oriented approaches during the outpatient phase of a participant provided informed consent and the baseline as-
rehabilitation, which typically begins within a month after sessment was completed, the study site requested random-
stroke occurrence. ICARE compared 2 different treatment strat- ization; the data manager confirmed eligibility and the site team
egies (intensive, high-repetition, task-oriented training vs un- leader was notified of the assignment.
structured occupational therapy at 2 different doses: 30 hours
vs a lower-dose, observation-only control) among patients un- Treatment Interventions
dergoing outpatient rehabilitation for moderate arm motor An overview of the interventions in each treatment group is
impairment after stroke. shown in eTable 2 in Supplement 2. The investigational inter-
vention, a structured, task-oriented upper extremity motor
training program, termed the Accelerated Skill Acquisition Pro-
gram (ASAP), is a best-practice synthesis implementing neu-
Methods roscientific evidence regarding motor training approaches and
Study Oversight and Trial Design schedules. This program is principle based, impairment
A motor rehabilitation trial precludes double-blinding; par- focused,7 task specific,3 intense,4 engaging, collaborative,
ticipants were aware of their group assignment. The protocol self-directed,8,9 and patient centered10; it has been previ-
and design for this phase 3, parallel, 3-group, single-blind, ran- ously described and feasibility tested.5,8,9,11-14 The ASAP in-
domized clinical trial are provided in Supplement 1 and were tervention included an initial evaluation and 30 one-hour treat-
detailed in the ICARE methods article.5 Following institu- ment sessions (3 times per week for 10 weeks). A constraint
tional review board approvals at each site, participants pro- or mitt worn on the less affected hand was available but not
vided written informed consent. A data and safety monitor- mandated. Purposeful and skilled movement execution was
ing board and medical monitor provided independent emphasized. Support for patients’ control or autonomy was
oversight. Study biostatisticians with full access to deidenti- provided by choices of specific tasks to be practiced, collab-
fied data managed the statistical analyses with consultation orative problem solving to identify and address movement

572 JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 (Reprinted)

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Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke Original Investigation Research

needs, and encouragement of self-direction in extending prac- tribution assumptions were assessed and data transforma-
tice to community contexts.5,8 tions made as necessary. All analyses were performed using
The monitoring-only usual and customary care (UCC) and the intention-to-treat principle, comparing outcomes by as-
dose-equivalent usual and customary care (DEUCC) therapy signed group. Data were analyzed for patterns of missing data;
groups received outpatient occupational therapy based on because no pattern was found, Markov chain Monte Carlo im-
usual and customary practice as determined by the therapist(s), putation was used to account for missing data from loss to
local practices, payer guidelines, and participant prefer- follow-up or missed evaluations at end of study. Complete case
ences. These groups differed only by the number of sessions analyses were also performed, although there were no differ-
of outpatient therapy. For the DEUCC group, study-related ences in results, so we report the planned intention-to-treat
treatment prescribed 30 hours of outpatient therapy. Treat- results with multiple imputation herein. Changes from base-
ment adherence for the dose-equivalent groups was set at 27 line in continuous outcomes were analyzed using analysis-of-
hours or more. The UCC group was only monitored, without covariance models adjusting for baseline values and stratifi-
specification of dose. cation factors (site, severity, time since onset). For the primary
To prevent contamination of treatment across groups, at outcome, a 2-sided P < .05 was used to indicate a difference
each site, the DEUCC and UCC therapies were delivered by dif- between the ASAP intervention and DEUCC therapy. To ad-
ferent clinicians situated in separate locations from the inves- just for multiple comparisons in secondary aims (DEUCC vs
tigational intervention. The ASAP Manual of Procedures was em- UCC and ASAP vs UCC), a 2-sided P < .025 was used. Per the
bargoed during the trial5; it included a formal standardization protocol, the proportion of participants who improved 25
process. All ASAP therapists signed nondisclosure agreements. points or more on the SIS hand subscale, that which exceeds
a clinically important change20 and would represent at least a
Outcome Assessment full category of difficulty improvement (eg, from “very diffi-
Participants were assessed at baseline (prerandomization), post- cult” to “somewhat difficult”), was also examined. This
intervention (end of therapy), 6 months, and 12 months (end outcome was evaluated using logistic regression models.
of study) after randomization by clinicians masked to treat- Analyses were performed using SAS software, version 9.3
ment assignment and standardized in administration of pri- (SAS Institute Inc). In addition to data checks before analy-
mary and secondary outcome assessments.5 A 12-month change ses, residuals for the total group and by group were examined
in the log-transformed Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) time to ensure that model assumptions were met. Besides means
score was the primary outcome. The WMFT time score is a mean and confidence intervals, effect size (Cohen d) was computed
of 15 hierarchically arranged timed arm movements and hand to determine the magnitude of effects. This effect size was cal-
dexterity tasks.15-18 If a task could not be completed in 2 min- culated as the between-group difference in outcome variable
utes (ie, 120 seconds), a time score of 121 seconds was as- mean divided by the common standard deviation of the out-
signed. A log transformation is used to accommodate for the come variable21; confidence intervals for d were estimated as
nonnormality in the raw time score. described by computing the 95% confidence intervals for the
Secondary outcomes included the 12-month change in noncentrality distribution from the t test of group differences.22
WMFT time score (minimum clinically important difference, 19 Sample size calculations were performed during ICARE
seconds faster, 16% of the range on the dominant side and un- proposal development to ensure sufficient power to detect a
known on the nondominant side19) and improvement in par- difference in log-transformed WMFT at 12 months between the
ticipant-reported Stroke Impact Scale (SIS), version 3.0, hand ASAP and DEUCC groups at a significance level of .05 and 80%
subscale score (percentage with improvement ≥25 points). Be- power. Given the population being recruited and the rela-
cause the SIS hand function range is 0 to 100 points, partici- tively short duration of time from stroke occurrence to enroll-
pants with SIS hand function scores of 75 or higher at baseline ment in ICARE, the primary outcome group differences were
(n = 15) were excluded from this analysis. The minimal detect- expected to be between those found in EXCITE 3 and
able change and minimal clinically important difference for the VECTORS.23 EXCITE resulted in d = 0.50 for log-transformed
SIS hand function subscale are 25.9 points and 17.8 points, WMFT between the high-functioning and the delayed inter-
respectively.20 The primary end point was the end of study (12 vention (control) groups and d = 0.63 between the low-
months after randomization; mean, 13.5 months after stroke), functioning and the delayed intervention groups. For EXCITE,
while end of therapy (16 weeks after randomization; mean, ap- there was a 26% change in the control group (from baseline to
proximately 22 weeks after stroke) was a secondary end point. 1 year) for the primary outcome. VECTORS resulted in a smaller
Patients (or their designated representatives or care- effect between the high-dose and control groups (d = 0.20) for
givers) were contacted by monthly telephone calls to review the Action Research Arm Test,24 although the variance of the
health status, health care utilization, medications, and ad- effect was higher for VECTORS (inpatient acute) than EXCITE
verse events. Adverse events were reported regarding 3 inde- (outpatient subacute). For VECTORS, there was a 77% change
pendent characteristics: expectedness, relation to study, and in the control group (from baseline to 90 days) for the Action
severity.5 Research Arm Test.
For ICARE, the DEUCC group was estimated to demon-
Statistical Analysis strate a proportional recovery of approximately 50% on the
Baseline characteristics and outcomes, attrition, adherence, primary outcome (midway between the 26% in EXCITE and
and adverse events were compared across groups. Data dis- the 77% in VECTORS); thus, the effect size for power was set (Reprinted) JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 573

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Research Original Investigation Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke

Figure 1. Participant Flow in the ICARE Trial

11 051 Individuals assessed for eligibility

10 690 Excluded
9219 Did not meet inclusion criteria
4863 Clinician judgment
954 Language barrier
2155 No stroke
88 Dementia ASAP indicates Accelerated
87 Upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Skill Acquisition Program;
motor score >58 DEUCC, dose-equivalent usual and
1072 Other reasons customary care; UCC,
645 Declined
monitoring-only usual and customary
826 Other reasons
care. Reasons for exclusion are not
exclusive. Adherence in the ASAP and
DEUCC was defined as 27 hours or
361 Randomized
more of prescribed treatment; there
was no adherence data collected for
the UCC group. The study was
119 Randomized to receive ASAP 120 Randomized to receive DEUCC 122 Randomized to receive UCC
94 Adherent to therapy 89 Adherent to therapy designed with an estimated a priori
25 Not adherent to therapy 31 Not adherent to therapy attrition rate of 25%; actual attrition
rates by group were considerably
lower, ranging from 9% to 16% across
13 Did not complete study 11 Did not complete study 22 Did not complete study groups. Attrition rate of withdrawal
6 Withdrew 10 Withdrew 15 Withdrew
across groups was not statistically
6 Medical condition 1 Lost to follow-up 2 Medical condition
1 Lost to follow-up 5 Lost to follow-up significant (P = .24). Evaluable data at
12 months ranged from 79% to 88%;
for intention-to-treat analyses,
119 Included in intention-to- 120 Included in intention-to- 122 Included in intention-to- multiple imputation models were
treat analysis treat analysis treat analysis
used to estimate end-of-study data
for primary analyses.

at d = 0.42. With this effect, using a 2-sided t test with a extremity Fugl-Meyer (UEFM) motor score too high (11.3%),
type I error of .05 and 80% power, at least 90 patients per and clinician’s best judgment (10.9%). See Figure 1 for
group would need to be evaluable. With an expected attri- participant flow through the study.
tion rate of 25%, 120 patients per group was the planned Table 1 summarizes baseline characteristics. Mean age
sample size. The secondary outcome measure was the suc- of the participants was 60.7 (SD, 12.5) years; 56% were men
cess rate in the SIS hand subscale score, defined as the pro- and 42% were Afric an Americ an. The 2 largest sites
portion of patients with a change of 25 points or higher out (Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, DC) were urban Stroke
of 100 on the normalized SIS hand at end of study. Given Belt hospitals. 26 At randomization, the mean number of
the estimates for SIS hand function subscale change from days since stroke was 45.8 (SD, 22.4). Eighty-three percent
acute (VECTORS, 46% [n = 13]), postacute (Kansas City experienced an ischemic stroke without hemorrhagic con-
home-based exercise study,25 35% [n = 71]), and subacute version; 43% affected the left hemisphere; 48% affected the
(EXCITE, 24% [n = 86]) control data, if the DEUCC group right hemisphere; and 7% affected the brain stem. The
success rate was greater than in EXCITE, less than in stroke affected the dominant upper extremity in 49% of the
VECTORS, and comparable with that of the Kansas City sample. Sixty-eight percent of participants underwent inpa-
study, then ICARE was powered sufficiently to detect a tient rehabilitation and 18% were referred directly from
minimum of 21% difference between groups. acute care. Fifty-seven percent were in the less severe
(UEFM score ≥36), early-onset (<60 days) stratum, with 19%
in the next most common stratum of more severe (UEFM
score <36), early onset. A median National Institutes of
Results Health Stroke Scale score of 4 (interquartile range, 2-5) was
Study Participants and Baseline Characteristics consistent with a study population with primarily motor
From June 2009 through February 2013, 11 051 patients hemiparesis without substantial cognitive or sensory
were screened. Given the need for participants to remain in impairment. The overall mean UEFM motor impairment
the trial, the most frequent reason for exclusion at chart score of 41.6 (95% CI, 40.7-42.6) for the entire sample was
screening was the clinician’s best judgment about the likeli- in the moderately severe range of 21 to 50; 78% were within
hood of the patient completing the study (44%), which this range at baseline and 21% were classified with mild
included consideration of social instability, inability to impairment (>50). The baseline mean WMFT time score was
travel for study-related procedures, and concomitant ill- 14.9 (95% CI, 12.9-16.8) seconds. Twenty-nine percent of
ness. The second most frequent reason for exclusion was no participants had received some outpatient occupational
diagnosis of stroke (19.5%). During clinical screening, other therapy prior to randomization, though none received more
exclusions included possible dementia (11.4%), upper than 6 hours.

574 JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 (Reprinted)

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Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke Original Investigation Research

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Groupa

Characteristics (N = 361) (n = 119) (n = 120) (n = 122)
Age, mean (SD), y 60.7 (12.5) 60.9 (13.7) 59.9 (10.5) 61.1 (13.1)
Sex, No. (%)
Male 203 (56.2) 64 (53.8) 67 (55.8) 72 (59.0)
Female 158 (43.8) 55 (46.2) 53 (44.2) 50 (41.0)
Race, No. (%)
American Indian, Aleutian, or Eskimo 5 (1.4) 4 (3.5) 1 (0.8) 0
Asian 19 (5.3) 9 (7.8) 7 (5.8) 3 (2.5)
Pacific Islander 7 (2.0) 3 (2.6) 1 (0.8) 3 (2.5)
African American 151 (42.4) 47 (40.9) 50 (41.7) 54 (44.6)
White 124 (34.8) 38 (33.0) 43 (35.8) 43 (35.5)
Other 50 (14.0) 14 (12.2) 18 (15.0) 18 (14.9)
Ethnicity, No. (%)b
Hispanic/Latino 36 (10.1) 9 (7.8) 14 (11.7) 13 (10.8)
Non-Hispanic/Latino 320 (89.9) 107 (92.2) 106 (88.3) 107 (89.2)
Education, No. (%)
Less than high school 8 (2.2) 4 (3.4) 2 (1.7) 2 (1.7)
Some high school 26 (7.2) 6 (5.0) 12 (10.0) 8 (6.6)
Completed high school 72 (20.0) 24 (20.2) 21 (17.5) 27 (22.3)
Some college 130 (36.1) 42 (35.3) 42 (35.0) 46 (38.0)
Completed bachelor’s degree 71 (19.7) 22 (18.5) 26 (21.7) 23 (19.0)
Completed master’s degree 33 (9.2) 15 (12.6) 11 (9.2) 7 (5.8)
Completed doctoral degree 20 (5.6) 6 (5.0) 6 (5.0) 8 (6.6)
Referral source, No. (%)
Inpatient rehabilitation 247 (68.4) 80 (67.2) 79 (65.8) 88 (72.1)
Outpatient 16 (4.4) 6 (5.0) 5 (4.2) 5 (4.1)
Acute care 66 (18.3) 21 (17.6) 26 (21.7) 19 (15.6)
Transitional day program 7 (1.9) 3 (2.5) 2 (1.7) 2 (1.6)
Open referral 24 (6.6) 9 (7.6) 7 (5.8) 8 (6.6)
Other 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.8) 0
Language, No. (%)
English 357 (98.9) 117 (98.3) 119 (99.2) 121 (99.2)
Spanish 4 (1.1) 2 (1.7) 1 (0.8) 1 (0.8)
Time from stroke to randomization, 45.8 (22.4) 45.2 (20.3) 45.0 (22.8) 47.0 (23.9)
mean (SD), d
Stroke type, No. (%)
Ischemic without hemorrhagic conversion 299 (83.3) 100 (84.0) 98 (82.4) 101 (83.5)
Ischemic with hemorrhagic conversion 11 (3.1) 3 (2.5) 4 (3.4) 4 (3.3)
Intraparenchymal hemorrhagic 43 (12.0) 16 (13.4) 12 (10.1) 15 (12.4)
Other 6 (1.7) 0 5 (4.2) 1 (0.8)
Stroke location, No. (%)
Right hemisphere 173 (47.9) 57 (47.9) 56 (46.7) 60 (49.2)
Left hemisphere 154 (42.7) 49 (41.2) 55 (45.8) 50 (41.0)
Cerebellum 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.8) 0
Brain stem 25 (6.9) 11 (9.2) 5 (4.2) 9 (7.4)
Other 8 (2.2) 2 (1.7) 3 (2.5) 3 (2.5)
Side of hemiparesis, No. (%)
Right 168 (46.5) 51 (42.9) 60 (50) 57 (46.7)
Left 193 (53.5) 68 (57.1) 60 (50) 65 (53.3)

(continued) (Reprinted) JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 575

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Research Original Investigation Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Groupa (continued)

Total ASAP DEUCC UCC Abbreviations: ASAP, Accelerated
Characteristics (N = 361) (n = 119) (n = 120) (n = 122)
Skill Acquisition Program;
Stroke severity, mean (SD) DEUCC, dose-equivalent usual
Baseline upper extremity Fugl-Meyer 41.6 (9.4) 41.7 (9.5) 41.5 (9.2) 41.6 (9.5) and customary care;
motor scorec UCC, monitoring-only usual and
customary care.
National Institutes of Health Stroke 3.6 (1.8) 3.6 (2.0) 3.4 (1.7) 3.7 (1.7)
Scale score Percentages may not add to 100%
Strata, No. (%) d due to rounding.
Ethnicity was determined by
Low severity, early onset 205 (56.8) 68 (57.1) 70 (58.3) 67 (54.9)
self-report; decline to report was
Low severity, late onset 50 (13.9) 16 (13.5) 16 (13.3) 18 (14.8) removed from the comparison of
High severity, early onset 70 (19.4) 23 (19.3) 22 (18.3) 25 (20.5) ethnicity.
Upper extremity Fugl-Meyer motor
High severity, late onset 36 (10.0) 12 (10.1) 12 (10.0) 12 (9.8)
score range, 19-58 (low severity,
Concordance, No. (%)e ⱖ36; high severity, <36).
Concordant 176 (48.8) 55 (46.2) 64 (53.3) 57 (46.7) Stroke onset range, 14 to 106 days
(early onset, <60 days; late onset,
Discordant 185 (51.2) 64 (53.8) 56 (46.7) 65 (53.3)
>59 days).
Prerandomization occupational therapy, 105 (29.1) 34 (28.6) 29 (24.2) 42 (34.4) e
Concordant: the paretic limb is the
No. (%)
dominant limb; discordant: the
Amount of prerandomization occupational 3.8 (3.0) 4.4 (3.1) 3.3 (2.3) 3.7 (3.4) paretic limb is the nondominant
therapy, mean (SD), h limb.

Attrition Rate and Treatment Adherence CI, −0.30 to 0.21) for the primary pairwise comparison of ASAP
A total of 304 patients (84%) completed the 12-month evalu- vs DEUCC; for the secondary pairwise comparisons, d = −0.01
ation (87% in the ASAP, 88% in the DEUCC, and 79% in the UCC (95% CI, −0.26 to 0.24) for DEUCC vs UCC and d = −0.10 (95%
groups; P = .09 for difference in primary end-point attrition). CI, −0.15 to 0.36) for ASAP vs UCC (see eTable 3 in Supplement
Treatment adherence for the dose-equivalent groups, de- 2 for end-of-therapy and end-of study pairwise group com-
fined as completion of at least 27 treatment hours, was com- parison effect sizes).
parable across the groups at 79% for the ASAP intervention and
74% for DEUCC participants. The mean number of treatment Secondary Outcomes
visits per week in the ASAP group was 2.4 (95% CI, 2.3-2.5) vs For all participants, the baseline mean WMFT time score was
2.1 (95% CI, 2.0-2.2) in the DEUCC group. The mean number 14.9 (95% CI, 12.9-16.8) seconds. At the end of the study, the
of hours of treatment received was 28.3 (95% CI, 27.1-29.5) and mean time score had improved to 6.8 (95% CI, 5.3-8.3) sec-
26.7 (95% CI, 25.3-28.1) for the ASAP and DEUCC groups, re- onds but was still slower than the age-matched normative mean
spectively. In the UCC group, 81% (99/122) reported receiving time of 1.3 seconds,18 indicating persistent motor impair-
some upper extremity therapy; the mean treatment time per ment. All groups showed comparable improvements in WMFT
week was 1.7 hours (95% CI, 1.5-1.9 hours). The UCC group com- times of 7 to 8 seconds, adjusted for baseline and covariates;
pleted a mean of 11.2 (95% CI, 9.5-12.9) total hours of treat- by group, WMFT mean times improved; ie, for ASAP, 8.8 sec-
ment that varied widely (range, 0-46 hours; see the eFigure onds, for DEUCC, 8.1 seconds, and for UCC, 7.2 seconds. Be-
in Supplement 2 for details). Monitoring of health and ad- tween-group changes were not significantly different: for ASAP
verse events via monthly telephone calls was comparable vs DEUCC, the mean difference was 1.81 (95% CI, −0.83 to 4.45)
across groups. There was an overall 54% improvement in mean seconds (P = .18); for ASAP vs UCC, −0.59 (95% CI, −3.77 to 2.60)
motor performance as measured by the WMFT time score, and seconds (P = .72); and for DEUCC vs UCC, −2.12 (95% CI, −4.52
71% (215/302) of participants met or exceeded a meaningful to 0.27) seconds (P = .08).
change in the SIS hand subscale score (≥25 points at the pri- Hand function improvement of more than 25 points on the
mary end point). In 7 (0.8%) of the 898 follow-up evaluation SIS subscale at the end of the study was 73% (72/99) in the ASAP
sessions, the assessor was unblinded to group assignment. group, 72% (75/104) in the DEUCC group, and 69% (68/99) in
the UCC group; none of the group pairwise comparisons were
Primary Outcome significant (P>.21) (Table 2). Differences in mean changes were
At the end of the study, the mean times for lnWMFT were as 0.6 (95% CI, −6.4 to 6.5; P = .99) for ASAP vs DEUCC, 2.6 (−3.8
follows: for ASAP, 1.4; DEUCC, 1.2; and UCC, 1.3 (Table 2 and to 9.0; P = .42) for ASAP vs UCC, and 2.1 (95% CI, −4.0 to 8.3;
Figure 2). The differences in lnWMFT change between groups P = .49) for DEUCC vs UCC. Thirty-six percent of participants
at the end of the study (12 months) were small (eTable 3 in had less than complete recovery (<100 points), despite im-
Supplement 2): for ASAP vs DEUCC, the mean difference was provement beyond a clinically meaningful amount (mean, 36
0.14 (95% CI, −0.05 to 0.33; P = .16); for ASAP vs UCC,−0.01 points; 95% CI, 34-40 points) by the end of the study.
(95% CI, −0.22 to 0.21; P = .94); and for DEUCC vs UCC, −0.14
(95% CI, −0.32 to 0.05; P = .15); in raw seconds, these differ- Safety
ences ranged from 0.5 to 2 seconds. Associated effect sizes of There were no significant differences across groups in num-
group pair differences were small. The Cohen d was 0.15 (95% ber of serious adverse events whether on or off site, ex-

576 JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 (Reprinted)

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Table 2. Outcomes at Baseline and End-of-Study by Groupa

ASAP (n=119) DEUCC (n=120) UCC (n=122) Between-Group Comparisons
No. of No. of No. of
Participants Outcome Participants Outcome Participants Outcome Mean (95% CI) P Value Mean (95% CI) P Value Mean (95% CI) P Value
Log Wolf Motor Function Test
time, mean (95% CI), s
Baseline 119 2.2 120 2.0 122 2.1
(2.0 to 2.4) (1.8 to 2.2) (1.9 to 2.3)
End of study 104 1.4 104 1.2 96 1.3
(1.2 to 1.6) (1.0 to 1.3) (1.1 to 1.5)
Change from baseline 104 −0.8 104 −0.9 96 −0.8 0.14 .16 −0.01 .94 −0.14 .15
(−1.0 to −0.6) (−1.0 to −0.7) (−1.0 to −0.6) (−0.05 to 0.33) (−0.22 to 0.21) (−0.32 to 0.05)
Wolf Motor Function Test

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time, sb
Mean (95% CI)
Baseline 119 16.6 120 12.9 122 15.1
(13.2 to 20.0) (9.6 to 16.3) (11.8 to 18.4)
End of study 104 7.8 104 5.0 96 7.7
Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke

(4.9 to 10.7) (3.2 to 6.7) (4.7 to 10.7)

Change from baseline 104 −8.1 104 −8.7 96 −7.5 1.81 .18 −0.59 .72 −2.12 .08
(−11.7 to −4.5) (−11.6 to −5.8) (−10.5 to −4.6) (−0.83 to 4.45) (−3.77 to 2.60) (−4.52 to 0.27)
Median (interquartile range)
Baseline 119 6.9 120 5.2 122 7.3
(3.4 to 22.2) (3.5 to 13.7) (3.1 to 16.5)
End of study 104 2.8 104 2.7 96 2.6
(2.0 to 4.7) (2.0 to 4.0) (1.9 to 4.5)
Change from baseline 104 −3.1 104 −2.2 96 −2.4
(−12.8 to −0.9) (−11.2 to −1.04) (−9.4 to −0.6)
Stroke Impact Scale hand
function subscale score,
mean (95% CI)c
Baseline 119 31.1 120 32.8 122 28.2
(26.6 to 35.7) (28.7 to 36.9) (24.2 to 32.3)
End of study 105 68.2 107 68.7 101 66.4

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

(62.7 to 73.7) (63.9 to 73.6) (61.0 to 71.7)
Change from baseline 105 37.6 107 35.7 101 37.1 0.6 .99 2.6 .42 2.1 .49
(31.7 to 43.5) (30.4 to 40.9) (32.2 to 42.1) (−6.4 to 6.5) (−3.8 to 9.0) (−4.0 to 8.3)
Improved ≥25 points, 99d 72 (72.7) 104d 75 (72.1) 99d 68 (68.7) 1 .54 4 .48 3 .22
No. (%) with outcome (−12 to 13) (−9 to 16) (−9 to 15)
Abbreviations: ASAP, Accelerated Skill Acquisition Program; DEUCC, dose-equivalent usual and customary care; Because of skew in the Wolf Motor Function Test at baseline and end-of-study, both means and medians are
UCC, monitoring-only usual and customary care. reported; median Wolf Motor Function Test scores are presented for descriptive purposes only.
a c
For the primary outcome (ASAP vs DEUCC), α = .05; for the secondary outcomes (ASAP vs UCC and DEUCC vs Participants whose baseline Stroke Impact Scale score was >75 (n = 15) were excluded from these analyses.
UCC), α = .025. The end of the study was the primary end point and occurred 12 months after randomization. d
Denominators for outcome data.
P values for group comparisons of change from baseline to end of study were derived from the imputed
intention-to-treat model; imputed data are in eTable 3 in Supplement 2.

(Reprinted) JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6

Original Investigation Research

Research Original Investigation Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke

Figure 2. Longitudinal Changes in Unadjusted Imputed Mean Scores Across Months for the Primary and Secondary Outcomes

Log WMFT Time Score WMFT Time Score SIS Hand Function Score
2.5 25 80
Mean Log WMFT Time Score, s

Mean SIS Hand Function Score

Mean WMFT Time Score, s
UCC 60

0.5 0 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Months Months

Primary outcome, log-transformed Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) time monitoring-only usual and customary care (UCC) group. Timing of each
score (left) and secondary outcomes, WMFT time score (center) and assessment after randomization was as follows: 0 months = baseline;
patient-reported Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) hand function subscale score (right). 4 months = end of therapy; 6 months = follow-up; and 12 months = end of
N=119 in the Accelerated Skill Acquisition Program (ASAP) group; n = 120 in the study. Statistical analyses were performed on the imputed intention-to-treat
dose-equivalent usual and customary care (DEUCC) group; and n = 122 in the data set. Error bars represent 95% CIs.

pected, or study related, when either treating each event as nity participation), other stroke-related impairments such as
separate or accounting for repeated observations within indi- walking,27 other stroke populations, or rehabilitation time
viduals (all P>.40). There were 168 serious adverse events in- points earlier or later following stroke than those studied here.
volving 109 participants; the most common were hospitaliza- Moreover, the lack of difference between dose groups may be
tion (n = 143; 85% of adverse events; 25% of randomized a measurement artifact. Although the mean dose of therapy
participants) and recurrent stroke (n = 42; 25% of adverse for the DEUCC group was more than twice that of the UCC
events; 9% of randomized participants). Two of the serious group, the latter group had considerable variation in actual dose
events were deemed related to the intervention, one from (ie, a range of 0-46 hours). Thus, mean differences may mis-
hypertension and the other from a wrist fracture. represent the actual differences between groups. This vari-
ability in the observation-only group was not unexpected and
was suggested by pretrial survey data (Supplement 1). Post hoc
exploratory analysis found no systematic relationship be-
Discussion tween dose of usual therapy and magnitude of change in WMFT
Among participants with primarily moderate upper extrem- time scores, similar to results from secondary outcomes of the
ity motor impairment after stroke, there were no group dif- EXCITE trial, 28 even though variability in dose across
ferences in upper extremity motor performance at 12 months patients was much lower in EXCITE than in ICARE.
after randomization with a structured, task-oriented motor The ICARE results support the necessity of well-
training program compared with UCC occupational therapy designed dose-response studies of motor training at key
during outpatient rehabilitation. Specifically, the structured, clinical time points after stroke, including the periods of
task-oriented motor therapy was not superior to usual outpa- inpatient and outpatient care and the long-term period
tient occupational therapy for the same number of hours, show- beyond a year after stroke. Different physiological and psy-
ing no benefit for an evidence-based, intensive, restorative chological responses to rehabilitation training might occur
therapy program. In addition, there was no advantage to pro- at different times after stroke onset,29 raising the possibility
viding more than twice the mean dose (mean, 27 hours) of that dosing and timing are not independent factors in stroke
therapy compared with the average 11 hours received by the rehabilitation intervention trials. This observation could
observation-only group, showing that substantially more explain why trials conducted early after stroke (eg, AVERT30
therapy time was not associated with additional motor resto- and VECTORS23) found undesirable effects of more inten-
ration. With payer pressures on reducing inpatient rehabilita- sive interventions, whereas the EXCITE trial,3 conducted
tion, outpatient rehabilitation may be of greater importance later after stroke, found a positive effect. ICARE, timed in
for patients with stroke. The findings from this study provide between, found no dose effect. This time window hypoth-
important new guidance to clinicians who must choose the best esis provides a plausible explanation for why the results
treatment for patients with stroke. The results suggest that from ICARE are consistent with previous studies of therapy
usual and customary community-based therapy, provided dur- dosing that did not find large dose effects31,32 but also are
ing the typical outpatient rehabilitation time window by li- inconsistent with other findings in which a high dose of
censed therapists, improves upper extremity motor function task-oriented training, as in EXCITE, was shown to be more
and that more than doubling the dose of therapy does not lead effective compared with the control group when the dose of
to meaningful differences in motor outcomes. outpatient therapy varied considerably. Future trials in
However, these results cannot be assumed to generalize rehabilitation should use designs and methods that con-
to other outcomes (eg, health-related quality of life, commu- sider the natural recovery transpiring during the early

578 JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 (Reprinted)

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Task-Oriented Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Motor Stroke Original Investigation Research

period after stroke33 as well as the degree of neurological ber of hours delivered over a shorter period) might have been
severity and disability. more effective. Time on task was not measured in this study,
The data pertaining to dose of rehabilitation therapy may and information about the content of usual therapy was lim-
be important to policy makers and may be useful to estimate ited and dependent on site-specific clinical documentation and
the cost and expected effect of aftercare in the outpatient set- procedural billing codes (eg, Current Procedural Terminology
ting. Future neurorehabilitation trials should include physi- codes); these choices were necessary for study completion.
ological and psychosocial domains and use designs that di- Third, the use of standard care as a control group in this
rectly test hypothesized mechanisms of action. 34 This pragmatic trial imposes limitations, particularly when test-
consideration may include choosing primary outcomes that are ing a nonpharmacological intervention. Usual outpatient
sensitive to participation and quality of life and are consis- upper extremity therapy may have evolved over time to re-
tent with patient-centered aspects of health care reform.35 semble the investigational intervention, by following evidence-
ICARE has several limitations related to the disadvan- based guidelines. Continuing education, increased attention
tages that are typical of pragmatic trials of patient-centered to practice guidelines,39,40 awareness of the ongoing ICARE
treatment decisions. Several consequences resulted from trial, 41 and site (partner or affiliate of nearby academic
choosing an experimental treatment in the context of current medical center) may have influenced usual care practices. This
practice. limitation is inherent to pragmatic trial designs; for ICARE, both
First, spontaneous recovery may have been greater than usual therapy groups represented a relatively high standard
any treatment effect. Within 6 to 10 weeks after stroke, time of outpatient practice.
from stroke occurrence is independently associated with spon-
taneous recovery of impairments and activities, explaining 16%
to 42% of the observed improvements.33 Previous upper ex-
tremity stroke rehabilitation trials (ie, EXCITE and VA
Robotics)2,3 were performed later after stroke occurrence, af- Among patients with motor stroke and primarily moderate up-
ter the early recovery had plateaued and when rehabilitation per extremity impairment, the use of a structured, task-
is typically no longer prescribed. oriented rehabilitation program, compared with an equiva-
Second, differences in the dose of rehabilitation therapy in lent dose of customary occupational therapy or with usual and
the ICARE trial may have been insufficient despite being con- customary occupational therapy, did not significantly im-
siderably more than what was reported previously4 and con- prove motor function or recovery after 12 months. These find-
sistent with reports of modified schedules of constraint- ings do not support superiority of this task-oriented rehabili-
induced movement therapy that were shown to be effective.36-38 tation program for patients with motor stroke and moderate
A different treatment schedule (for example, the same num- upper extremity impairment.

ARTICLE INFORMATION and Human Development (grant U01NS056256). coinvestigator, study psychologist; Brent Liu,
Author Contributions: Dr Winstein had full access Each author received support from this grant neuroanatomical and imaging database director;
to all of the data in the study and takes during the conduct of the study. Ximing Wang, neuroanatomical and imaging data
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders provided manager; Kevin Ma, neuroanatomical and imaging
accuracy of the data analysis. input and oversight related to the design and data manager; David Russak, WMFT quality
Study concept and design: Winstein, Wolf, conduct of the study, as well as collection, assurance; Nhi Dang, WMFT quality assurance;
Dromerick, Nelsen, Lewthwaite. management, analysis, and interpretation of the Katie Wongthipkongka, WMFT quality assurance;
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All data. Preparation, review, and approval of the Yanshu Hou, WMFT quality assurance; Sue Duff,
authors. manuscript and decision to submit the manuscript T32 fellow; Richard Nelson, webmaster (public
Drafting of the manuscript: Winstein, Wolf, for publication were solely the responsibility of the site). Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia: Steven L.
Dromerick, Lane, Nelsen, Lewthwaite, Cen. authors. Wolf, co–principal investigator; Sarah Blanton, site
Critical revision of the manuscript for important team leader, ASAP therapist; David Burke, Physician
Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily investigator; Susan Murphy, research assistant;
intellectual content: Winstein, Wolf, Dromerick, represent the official views of the National
Lane, Nelsen, Lewthwaite, Azen. Aimee Reiss, blinded evaluator; Marsha Bidgood,
Institutes of Health. blinded evaluator; Lois Wolf, ASAP therapist; Gina
Statistical analysis: Lane, Cen, Azen.
Obtained funding: Winstein, Wolf, Dromerick, Azen. Members of the ICARE Investigative Team: Holecek, usual care therapist; Megan Hite, usual
Administrative, technical, or material support: University of Southern California, Administrative care therapist; Melissa Tober, usual care therapist;
Winstein, Wolf, Dromerick, Lane, Nelsen, Coordinating Center, Los Angeles, California: Sara Zeforino, usual care therapist. National
Lewthwaite, Cen. Carolee J. Winstein, principal investigator; Monica Rehabilitation Hospital and Georgetown University,
Study supervision: Winstein, Wolf, Dromerick, A. Nelsen, program director, SIS standardization Washington, DC: Alexander W. Dromerick,
Nelsen. assessor; Jennifer Bandich, financial manager; co–principal investigator, physician investigator;
Shannon Massimo, project assistant; Michelle Matthew A. Edwardson, neuroanatomical and
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have Haines, project assistant; Patricia Hatchett, project imaging analyst (NINDS-StrokeNet fellow);
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for manager, ASAP therapist (pilot and proposal Kathaleen Brady, site team leader (August 2012-
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and phases); Veronica T. Rowe, WMFT standardization 2015), ASAP therapist; Rahsaan Holley, site team
none were reported. assessor, WMFT FAS rater; Claire McLean, blinded leader (August 2009–August 2012), ASAP
Funding/Support: The ICARE trial was funded evaluator; Arlene Yang, blinded evaluator, WMFT therapist; Lori Monroe, site team leader (August
jointly by the National Institutes of Health, the FAS rater; Rachel Tabak, blinded evaluator; Kristin 2008–August 2009); Matthew Elrod, ASAP
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and McNealus, Blinded Evaluator; Veronica Strickland, therapist (pilot and proposal phases); Kate
Stroke (primary), and the National Center for Blinded Evaluator; Julie Y. Kasayama, WMFT FAS Burdekin, research assistant; Siena Quitania,
Medical Rehabilitation Research of the Eunice Rater; Rebecca Lewthwaite, Co-Investigator, ASAP research assistant; Sara Loftin, research assistant;
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health standardization assessor; Burl Wagenheim, Margot Gianetti, research assistant; Rebecca (Reprinted) JAMA February 9, 2016 Volume 315, Number 6 579

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