International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 14 2017, 379-385

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 14 2017, 379-385

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


R.Hariprasanth1, R.Hariharan 2
UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
BIST, Bharath University, BIHER, Chennai-73.
Asst.Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
BIST, Bharath University, BIHER, Chennai-73.

Abstract: The heat pipe is a simple device that can recently, with heat density of electronic components
quickly transfer heat from one point to another point. continually increasing, there is a growing interest in
The performance of a heat transfer rate in heat pipe is using heat pipes for transferring and spreading heat in
good with very low heat input. Experimental study conjunction with cooling these components.[8-12]
was carried out for optimizing the fluid inventory in a
heat pipe. A heat pipe with 15 mm, 20mm and 25mm Description of the present work
inner diameter, 600 mm length using copper metal
Venting/ Charging Processes And Screen Mesh Wick
screens with stainless steel wick was constructed
Fill Calculations
tested with variable filling ratio of distillation water
One area which is addressed would be the fluid
as working fluid for different thermal loads to assess
charge for screen mesh heat pipes. Whilst reviewing
the performance of heat pipe. The amount of
existing literature as well as preliminary test results, it
distillation water was varied depending on the
was found that the calculation of the amount of working
relationship proposed in the present work.
fluid for screen mesh heat pipes as well as failure modes
Experiments are conducted using heat pipe at various
during the venting or charging process (despite their
inclination angle, heat input with different flow rate.
paramount importance on the overall heat pipe
The thermal resistance, thermal efficiency overall
performance) have largely been neglected. This work
heat transfer coefficients are computed and that
was seen as too significant in terms of the impact on the
values are optimized by the Response Surface
aim to investigate the effects of bends on screen mesh
Methodology (RSM)[1-7].
wick heat pipes to remain unsolved. Therefore, as a first
step calculation software has been developed which
1. Introduction
allows the calculation of the fluid charge for screen mesh
heat pipes whilst being able to compensate for venting
“A heat pipe is an evaporative- condensation device losses and cater for different venting temperatures which
for transferring heat in which latent heat of influence the amount of fluid charge required inside the
vaporization is exploited to transport heat over long heat pipe.[16-20] However the software did not only
distances with a corresponding small temperature compensate for losses and process temperature
gradient. The heat transport is realized by means of differences, it also allowed the calculation of the fluid
evaporating a liquid in the heat inlet region (called the charge for each heat pipe type based on the screen wick
evaporator) and subsequently condensing the vapour parameters. It indicated that significant improvements
in a heat rejection region (called the condenser). could be made over previous methods using tables and
Closed circulation of the working fluid is maintained the amount of experimentation and time for proving
by capillary action and/ or bulk forces. The heat pipe certain fill levels has been reduced to a great degree, as
was originally invented by Gaugler of the General well as improving the first time process yield. Based on
Motors Corporation in 1944, but did not truly garner the new calculation software
any significant attention within the heat transfer the design process for screen mesh wick heat pipes could
community until the space program resurrected the be accelerated and made more precise.
concept in the early 1960’s. Early development of
terrestrial applications of heat pipes proceeded Investigations of Performance Issues based on Screen
slowly; however due to the high cost of energy, the Mesh Wick Geometries
industrial community has begun to appreciate the Most people within the heat pipe community still
significance of heat pipes in energy savings and believe that screen mesh heat pipes cannot be used for
design improvements in various applications. Most applications where gravitational support or at least

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

horizontal operation can be ensured. An investigation Wrapped screen wick structure with two layers of 60
into a mathematical model for the capillary or lifting mesh size was used in the heat pipe. The experiments
height is presented and from there it can be shown were conducted for various heat inputs (40, 50 and 60W)
that screen mesh heat pipes can be used for and for various inclinations of heat pipe to the horizontal
applications that do not depend on the gravitational (15o, 30o and 45o). The flow rate of water in condenser
support. The mathematical model also indicates the section is kept at constant (0.06, 0.08 and 0.10 kg/min).
actual limitations of the screen mesh wick heat pipe.
Apart from the experimental validation, additional Fundamental working principles of heat pipes
literature resources have been used as a background The operation of a heat pipe is easily understood by
source to discuss novel aspects to the statement and using a cylindrical geometry.The components of a heat
support the two different opinions prior to conducting pipe are a sealed container (pipe wall and end caps), a
the practical experimentations. wick structure, and a small amount of working fluid
which is in equilibrium with its own vapour. The length
Bent Heat Pipe Performance Trials of the heat pipe is divided into three parts: evaporator
The developed fill calculation software was section adiabatic (transport) section and condenser
used for the manufacturing of the bending test section. A heat pipe may have multiple heat sources or
samples. These samples were then used to conduct sinks with or without adiabatic section depending on
research into the field of heat pipe bending. Whilst specific application and design. Heat applied to the
bends occur in most industrial heat pipe applications, evaporator section by an external source is conducted
they have been neglected by the scientific through the pipe and wick structure, where it vapourizes
community. Only one source (Quick Cool Heat the working fluid. The resulting vapour pressure drives
Transfer GmbH, 2008) was found stating that bends the vapour through the adiabatic section to the
in heat pipes do have negative effects on condenser, where the vapour condenses, releasing its
performance. In order to investigate the effects of latent heat of vapourization to the provided heat sink.
bends on the overall heat pipe performance, detailed The capillary pressure created by the menisci in the wick
experimentation investigating multiple bend angles pumps the condenser fluid back to the evaporator
has been carried out. Based on the results, an equation section. Therefore, the heat pipe can continuously
for the performance losses has been derived and can transport the latent heat of vapourization from the
now be used to assess the performance losses of heat evaporator to the condenser section. This process will
pipes of a similar type but with different bend angles. continue as long as there is a sufficient capillary pressure
The use of this performance reduction equation, to drive the condensate back to the evaporator[25-27].
whilst linked to the straight heat pipe performance
allows adjustments to heat pipe designs accordingly
and avoids the risk of prototype failure in the
application. This does not only help to reduce costs
during the development process of heat pipe based
cooling solutions, but it further reduces the time for
the development of such solutions[21-24].
Multiple Freeze Thaw Cycling of Screen Mesh Heat
Furthermore, the developed software also
gave the capability of solving freeze thaw issues of
screen mesh wick heat pipes where destructive
mechanisms linked to excess working fluid caused the
heat pipe container to change its shape and created a Figure 1. Working of Heat pipe
risk of losing the vacuum inside the heat pipe through
mechanical breakage. For the visualisation of the The menisci at the liquid-vapour interface are
freeze thaw related phenomena, X-ray imaging highly curved in the evaporator section due to the fact
technology was used and presented a novel way of that the liquid recedes into the pores of the wick. On the
showing the phenomena occurring inside the heat other hand, during the condensation process the menisci
pipes. Being able to resolve these issues and avoid in the condenser section are nearly flat. A capillary
these phenomena allows the successful application of pressure exists at the liquid-vapour interface due to the
screen mesh heat pipes into areas which previously surface tension of the working fluid and the curved
would have required a different type of heat pipe or structure of the interface. The difference in the curvature
technology altogether. of the menisci along the liquid-vapour interface causes
In this work, heat pipe of copper container the capillary pressure to change along the pipe. This
with stainless steel wick material and DI water as well capillary pressure gradient circulates the fluid against the
as copper DI as working fluids have been analyzed.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

liquid and vapour pressure losses, and adverse body from one place to another without any external work.
forces such as gravity[28-30]. This reduces the cost of the equipment.
In this work, the heat pipes are
fabricated and tested under different diameters, angle of
inclinations, flow rates and different heat inputs. [20-25]
The computed values of the thermal efficiency,
thermal resistance and overall heat transfer coefficient
are entered in the software design matrix. The response
surface methodology is used to develop the empirical
relationship between the experimental variables and the
responses that are thermal efficiency. A regression
analysis is carried out to develop a best fit the model to
the experimental data, which are used to generate
response surface plots. The table 6.1 shows that the
design matrix. The table 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 shows the
Figure 2(a). Liquid - vapour interface analysis of variance (ANOVA) for thermal efficiency,
thermal resistance and overall heat transfer coefficient.
Components of heat pipe The values of “Prob>F” less than 0.05 indicates model
There are three basic components of a heat terms are significant. For the present case heat pipe
pipe are: diameter (A), heat input (B), angle of inclination (C) and
(i) The working fluid flow rate of water in the condenser (D). The predicted
(ii) The container equations for thermal efficiency, thermal resistance and
(iii) The wick or capillary structure overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat pipe are given
2. Experimental Design Thermal Efficiency = -255.24925 + 20.44637 *
RSM is an efficient statistical tool for optimization of Diameter + 2.72042 * Heat Input + 0.066922 * Angle
multiple variables. In order to describe the response of Inclination + 60.96667 * FlowRate - 0.022050 *
surfaces, a three level, four-variable Box Behnken Diameter * Heat Input + 0.030500 * Diameter * Angle of
design was adopted in this study. The four Inclination + 5.35000 * Diameter * Flow Rate - 4.00000
independent variables and their levels for the 29 E-004 * Heat Input * AngleofInclination - 7.01250 *
experiments in the Box Behnken study are shown in Heat Input * Flow Rate + 0.51667 * Angle of Inclination
Table 1. Four input parameters like diameter (A), * Flow Rate - 0.51360 Diameter2 -0.012599 * HeatInput2
heat input (B), angle of inclination (C) and flow rate - 8.70519E-003 * Angle of Inclination2 + 1165.83333 *
of water in the condenser (D) over the output Flow Rate2
response of thermal efficiency of the heat pipe, Thermal Resistance = 15.82459 - 1.11684 *
thermal resistance of the heat pipe and overall heat Diameter - 0.063351 * Heat Input - 0.023775 * Angle of
transfer coefficient of the heat pipe. Inclination + 4.09258 * Flow Rate + 1.83500E-004 *
Diameter * Heat Input + 1.06200E-003 * Diameter *
Table 1. Process Parameters Angle of Inclination - 0.86000 * Diameter * Flow Rate -
Level 2.77778E-006 * Heat Input * Angle of Inclination +
-1 0 +1 0.12375 * Heat Input * Flow Rate + 0.10708 * Angle of
Inclination * Flow Rate + 0.026334 * Diameter2 +
Diameter, mm 15 20 25 3.08425E-004 * Heat Input2 - 1.31233E-004 * Angle of
Inclination2 + 8.57500 * Flow Rate2.
Heat Input, W 40 50 60 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient = -5979.76350
Angle of + 757.12634 * Diameter + 41.85151* Heat Input +
Inclination, deg 15 30 45 15.51961 * Angle of Inclination - 10472.78938 * Flow
Flow Rate, Rate - 0.33177 * Diameter * Heat Input - 0.85321 *
kg/min 0.06 0.08 0.10 Diameter * Angle of Inclination + 792.74021* Diameter
* Flow Rate + 0.17355 * Heat Input * Angle of
Inclination - 72.48154 * Heat Input * Flow Rate -
Design matrix 181.47229 * Angle of Inclination * Flow Rate -
21.90103 * Diameter2 - 0.070539 * Heat Input2 + 0.17656
Heat pipes are found their applications from * Angle of Inclination2 + 40794.25098 * Flow Rate2.
domestic appliance to space craft industries. No
external power is required i.e. the uses of compressor,
motors are not required. Hence heat is transported

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 4. Variations of experimental and predicted values

of overall heat transfer coefficient

The working fluid in this analysis is De-Ionized

De water.
Fig 5
show that the variation of heat pipe thermal efficiency
with heat pipe container diameter, heat input
i to the
evaporator section, angle of inclination and flow rate of
water in the condenser

Figure 5. Effect of diameter and heat input on thermal

The thermal resistance (R) of the heat pipe is
defined as ratio of the temperature difference between
the evaporator and the condenser to the heat supplied in
the evaporator.[26] From the figures 6, it is clear that the
thermal resistance of heat pipe decreases with increase
with the heat input and inclination angle of the heat pipe.
The thermal resistance
esistance value is minimum at higher heat
input and that value is minimum at 15o to 30o inclination
of the heat pipe. The thermal resistances condense
quickly to its minimum value when the heat load is
increased for all conditions.

Figure 2(b). Vapour and Liquid pressure distribution

Figures 3 are normal plot of residuals for thermal

efficiency, thermal resistance and overall heat transfer
coefficient respectively. Figures 4 are variations of
experimental and predicted values for thermal
efficiency, thermal resistance and overall heat transfer
coefficient respectively.

Figure 6. Effect of diameter

iameter and heat input on thermal

Fig 7 shows that the variation of overall heat

transfer coefficient (U) with diameter, heat input, angle
Figure 3. Normal plot of residuals for thermal
of inclination and flow rates. The value of U increases

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

with heat input due to higher transfer at the

aporator section. Increasing the value of angle of
inclination the heat transfer coefficient increases, it
will be maximum at the angle of 45o. The optimum
value of diameter is 20 mm.

Figure 8. Optimization plot

From the experimental results the following

points are arrived.Heat pipe performance depends on the
heat pipe diameter, angle of inclination, heat input and
flow rate. The effect of flow rate is less importance than
other three.
The proposed model will be useful to predict the thermal
efficiency of heat pipe with an error of ±1 %.The heat
Figure 7. Effect of diameter and angle of inclination pipes are ability to transfer more amount of heat with
on overall heat transfer coefficient very small temperature difference between the source
and the sink. The RSM is effective tool to optimize the
heat pipe operating parameters.
3. Conclusion The wick temperatures at adiabatic regime are
The experiments on the heat pipe are almost uniformm for all the experiments.The heat transfer
conducted based on the response surface coefficient in the condenser section is high when the
methodology. The figure 10 shows the optimization flow rate of cooling fluid is low. The variation of super
plot generated by the RSM with a desirability of heat temperature is almost linear irrespective of heat
0.999. It shows that the optimum value of the thermal input, angle of inclination and flow rate of cooling
efficiency is 41.886%, thermal resistance is 1.14167 medium.
K/W and overall heat transfer coefficient is 2718.13 The trial results reveal that the heat pipe
W/m2K. When the diameter 20 mm, heat input 60 W, efficiency gets reduced when the heat pipe is kept in
at 44.52o inclination, and flow rate 0.06 kg/min. In vertical direction. The gravitational forces which assist
order to confirm the optimization zation result the the flow of working fluid back to the evaporator may
experiment is conducted with 60 W heat input at 45o accelerate the process which may y hinder the heat transfer
inclination of the heat pipe with flow rate o f0.06 process at the condenser end and the fluid might have
kg/min in a 20 mm heat pipe diameter. The thermal returned to the evaporator section with higher
efficiency of the heat pipe is found as 42.12%, temperature end.
thermal resistance as 1.1345 K/W and overall heat
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