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NAMA : Yufita Fitrianti

NPM : 1814201110081

Grammar :
Fill in the following sentences with the appropriate tenses
1. Surgeons (performs/are performing/perform) operations
right now
2. A midwife (delivers/delivering/delivering) babies
3. A paramedic (responds/is responding/respond) to an
4. (do you work/does you work/have yoou working) in a
5 I (want/wanting/wants) to qualify as a pediatrician
6 I like (to working/working/work) in hospital
7 Andine (has undergone/is undergoing/undergoes) the
therapy twice

the answer :

1. Operations right now (performs)Surgeons

2. a midwife helps the patient (delivers) baby
3. A paramedic ( is responding) to an emergency
4. (Do you work) in a hospital
5. I (want) to qualify as a pediatrican
6. I like (work) in hospital
7. Andine (has undergone) the therapy twice
Vocabulary :

Complete the following sentences with the words in the list!

1. This hospital only hires well ( Nursing officers) staff
2. ( Qualified )Often work in administration
3. Not many students can do a ( part time)job while studying
4. This new work is (Challenging)for me
5. I am a psychiatric nurse. My job deals with ( medical ) in mental health
6. All aplicants must send a CV when try ...( Apply for a job )

- Human Resources & Recruiting = Sumber Daya Manusia & Perekrutan

- Volunteer = Suka relawan
- Nephrologist = Ahli nefrologis
- Oncologist = Ahli oncologi
- Endocrinologist = Ahli endokrinologi
- Fellow = sesama
- Gastroenterologist = Ahli gastroenterologi

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