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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction 01

Chapter 2- Process Description 06

Chapter 3 – Performance Evaluation and improvements 08

Chapter 4 – Summary of Recommendations 36

Appendices 37

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Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Academic programme

Initiative of this project is an academic activity under the course CP 514 Sustainability for
Process Industry work camp done at second year Chemical and Process Engineering
undergraduate level. In this activity students are involved in a two-week work camp and self-
learn concepts and practices of materials, energy and water audits in an industrial
environment with minimal assistance from their academic and industrial mentors. Intended
learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course are listed below.

At the completion of the course, the student will be able to

1. Plan and collect data necessary for materials, energy and water audits in an industry
and carry out the said audits.
2. Investigate and identify the causes of industrial problems in relation to materials,
energy, environmental and occupational health and safety issues.
3. Propose solutions to industrial problems in relation to materials, energy, environmental
and safety issues by carrying out relevant technical and economical analysis.
4. Plan and execute teamwork to achieve goals in a resource-limited and time-limited
real-life situation.
5. Adopt holistic approach to problem identification and problem solving.
6. Effectively communicate technical information via oral presentations.
7. Effectively express themselves via technical reports.
8. Self-learn new concepts and practices.

1.2 Organization

This study has been carried out in Kandy Plastics (pvt) Ltd, Pallekale. This mainly produces
plastic bags from pellets of Polypropylene (PP), High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE), Low
Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Bi Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP), Linear Low Density
Polyethylene (LLDPE) and Medium Low Density Polyethylene (MLDPE) through an
extrusion process. The rolls are sent through printing, cutting, sealing and punching machines
depending on the final product requirement.

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Kandy Plastics (pvt) Ltd, Pallekale that started in 1978 at present has an overall production
rate of 514,000 kg of plastic bags/annum. Its total work force at present is around 50 and the
organization chart is given in Figure 1.1.General information about the factory is given in
Table 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Organization Chart

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Table 1.1: General Information

Name of the Kandy Plastic (Pvt) Ltd

Company and the IDB Industrial estate,
Address Pallekele, Kundasale.
Telephone +948124211750 Fax
Year of
Sole Limited
Joint Multi- (Please
Ownership Proprieto √ Liability
Venture national specify
r Company

Type of Activity Manufacturing √ Service Other (Please Specify)

Sector Private
Size of the Facility Small Medium √ Large
Industrial Process
Extrusion, Printing, Cutting, Sealing
514,000 kg
Production /
Current of plastic Full Capacity -
Service Capacity
Market Export Local √ Mix

CP Team members Second Year Chemical and Process Engineering Undergraduates (E/13 batch)

1.3 Scope

In this particular study students planned as a team to organize and carry out material and
energy audits and other required studies to identify the causes of problems in relation to
energy, environmental, material and safety issues and propose solutions to enhance resource
productivity, material sustainability and occupational health and safety by carrying out
technical and economic analysis of plausible solutions.

According to the schedule given in Table 1.2, students carried out a walk-through audit to get
an overall idea about the production facility. In that they got familiarized with the factory
layout, process flow, unit operations and energy sources and raw material details. After the
walk-through audit students identified frequently operating equipment and measurements to
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be taken. The operations where students carried out the detailed audit are highlighted in the
factory layout in Figure 1.2.

Table 1.2: Activity schedule

Day Activity
1 Sunday Preparations for walk-through audits of materials, energy and water for a
chosen industry.
2 Monday Collection of preliminary data such as monthly electricity & water bills,
walk-through audits (in three groups with a time delay doing the same)
Expectations: process flow diagram according to CP format;
identification of available sources of data; tentative identification and
qualitative assessment of energy, environmental and safety issues.
3 Tuesday Finalizing material flow sheeting; Planning for quantitative assessment;
material and energy balances
Expectations: Logistic planning for the quantitative assessment
4 Wednesday Collecting data at the site related to materials flow (including water) and
energy flow (thermal and electricity); Interpreting data; Expectations:
complete sets of data for material and energy balances at individual
process steps
5 Thursday Analyzing data; preparation of mass and energy balances; identification
of the causes of the problems in relation to materials (including water),
energy, environmental and safety issues.
6 Friday Visit to the industry for missing data; Finalizing mass and energy
balances; brain storming session for solutions; technical and economic
Expectations: Complete energy and material balances for individual
process steps
7 Saturday Feasibility evaluation of options
Expectations: List of feasible options and their ranking
8 Sunday Preliminary presentation
9 Monday Collective learning by presentations to peers and experts for feedback;
evaluation by VIVA
10 Tuesday Preparation of report and presentations
11 Wednesday Group presentation

12 Thursday Final report submission; evaluation of final report in the presence of

students; submission of corrected final report.
13 Friday Outing and award ceremony.

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Figure 1.2: Factory Layout (Studied sections are highlighted)

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Chapter 2 - Process description
2.1 Product portfolio

The main product of the Kandy Plastics Pvt. Ltd is plastic bags made of LDPE, HDPE, PP,
LLDP, MLDP and BOPP. The bags are manufactured in different sizes in the range of 2.5- 19
inches in width according to the customer-requirements.

2.2 Factory Layout plan

The factory mainly consists of seven production lines. In order to facilitate these production lines
there are five separate operational areas such as storage, extruding, gusseting, printing and
cutting and sealing. The descriptive factory layout diagram provided by Kandy Plastics Pvt. Ltd
is shown in the figure 2.1. The above mentioned operational areas are highlighted in yellow
colour and the components of a processing line are elaborated in the legend.

Cutting &





Figure 2.1: Factory layout diagram

2.3 Process Description

The process of making plastic bags as per the customer-requirement commences from mixing
one of the raw materials (PP, HDPE , LDPE ,LLDPE, MLDPE and BOPP) with relevant

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chemicals and coloring additives in a mixer. The mixture is then dried if necessary. Next the
dried mixture is fed into the extruder. In the extruder, the feed is melted at high temperatures
depending on the type of the raw material used. The temperature varies from 130-200 0 C. The
melted mixture is then extruded through a compressed air flow to form a film with required
width. The formed film is cooled by using an air flow or water. The produced film is then
transferred to the gusseting, printing, sealing and cutting sections respectively. Finally the
finished products are packed and stored in the product storage. The general process flow diagram
is shown in the figure 2.2.










Finished product

Figure 2.2: General process flow diagram

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Chapter 3: Performance Evaluations and Improvements
3.1 Energy Consumption for Each Process

Overall electrical energy consumption in the factory was monitored on 21st of October 2016 for analyzing
the energy consumption breakdown by different operations as shown in Table 3.1.1.

Table 3.1.: Energy consumption breakdown by

machine type.

Machine Energy consumption

per day (kWh)

Extruder 849.21

Compressor 98.40

Gusseting 8.41

Cutting and sealing 538.20

Printer 30.80

Light 56.64

Total 1,581.66

3.1.1 Electricity

The overall electricity consumption patter during the measurement period is give in Figure 3.1Electricity
is taken as the main form of energy. The data given below in Table 3.3 is from electricity bills from April
2015 to March 2016.

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Table 3.2: Monthly electrical energy consumption and production

Month Total Total Energy/(kWh) Specific Energy


Apr-15 29,650.45 29,112 1.018

May-15 30,648.30 18,068 1.696

Jun-15 44,944.20 22,831 1.969

Jul-15 40,773.95 30,646 1.330

Aug-15 30,248.35 25,949 1.166

Sep-15 42,568.35 24,671 1.725

Oct-15 45,197.10 23,587 1.916

Nov-15 39,703.90 27,727 1.432

Dec-15 44,048.30 28,903 1.524

Jan-16 53,902.20 27,313 1.973

Feb-16 52,434.15 34,700 1.511

Mar-16 59,481.90 32,348 1.839

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Figure 3.1: Total electricity consumption profile

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Table 3.3: Annual Raw Materials Consumption, Production and Energy Details of Kandy Plastic (Pvt.) Ltd

Item Unit Period (12 Months: April 2015 to March 2016)

April May Jun. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

Raw Materials:
kg 30262.67 31311.85 45813.25 41674.08 30904.00 43458.25 45918.25 40828.43 44652.55 54407.75 52434.15 59950.78
Main raw materials

Other raw materials

From national
supply litre

From own source m3


Electricity (peak) kWh

Electricity (day) kWh 16859 10861 13608 18269 15728 14751 14222 16549 17289 15920 20298 18443
Electricity (off
peak) kWh 7722 4286 5696 7518 6242 6030 5591 6742 7103 7007 9251 8778

Electricity (Max.
demand) kVA 113 88 97 97 83 89 85 97 105 99 102 92

Fuel (furnace) oil litre

Main product output kg 29,650.4 30,648.3 44,944.2 40,773.9 30,248.35 42,568.35 45,197.1 39,703.9 44,048.3 53,902.2 52,434.15 59,481.9
5 5

Solid waste kg 612.22 663.55 869.05 900.13 655.65 889.90 721.02 1,124.5 604.25 505.55 0.00 468.88

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Annual Specific Energy Consumption was plotted as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3.2: Monthly variation of specific energy consumption

Observing the graph it could be seen that the trend is increasing. Therefore, the specific energy
consumption for making a product has increased over the period of time and a detailed study should
be carried out where the specific energy consumption has been increased.

3.1.2. Suggestions for Improvements

The Table 4 shows some improvements that can be done.

Table 3.4: Strategies for potential improvement opportunities in energy consumption

No. Aspect Potential Improvements

1 Operate the generator during Shutting down the main power supply from the grid and
peak hours. running the generator at full capacity could lead to
sufficient savings. The amount is Rs. 38,010 per month if
this is carried out (Specific calculation is given in the

2 Using the generator at highest Using the generator at the highest peak range is not
peak range profitable but it is suggested. Full charge from using the
electricity is Rs. 582,415.4 per month and full charge from
using generator is Rs. 655,719.72. Therefore, there’s a loss
of Rs. 73,303.78. (Specific calculation is given in the

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3 Operating cutting and sealing Using the cutting and sealing machine during the off-peak
machine in off-peak period period to reduce the cost from this method is Rs. 1718.75
per month. This is only applicable for cutting machine
number 6. This night shift is also a solution for increasing
the cutting rate according to extruding rate (Specific
calculation is given in the Appendix).

3.1.3. Materials

The raw materials are the considered form of material auditing done in this cleaner production
assessment. The following data are extracted from bills from the industry from April 2015 to March

Table 3.5: Actual specific consumption of raw materials

Month Total Production Raw Materials Specific Material Consumption /

Used (kg)
/(kg) (kg Product/kg Raw Materials)

April 29650.45 30262.67 1.020648

May 30648.30 31311.85 1.021650

June 44944.20 45813.25 1.019336

July 40773.95 41674.08 1.022076

August 30248.35 30904.00 1.021676

Sep 42568.35 43458.25 1.020905

Oct 45197.10 45918.25 1.015956

Nov 39703.90 40828.43 1.028323

Dec 44048.30 44652.55 1.013718

Jan 53902.20 54407.75 1.009379

Feb 52434.15 52434.15 1.000000

March 59481.90 59950.78 1.007883

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Figure 3.3: Actual specific consumption vs. months

From the figure we cannot see a significant trend but the trend is decreasing. Therefore, the waste has

3.1.4. Suggestions for Improvements

The Table 6 shows some improvements that can be done.

Table 3.1.6: Strategies for potential improvement opportunities in materials consumption

No. Aspect Potential Improvements

1 Proper housekeeping and The total material wastage is 8,014 kg per year, which is
recording materials calculated up to Rs. 576,030 of loss of revenue. This is a
huge loss considering the price of LDPE, HDPE and PP
prices. From proper housekeeping and recording materials
this wastage can be reduced.

3.1.5 Factory Lighting System

Since the factory operations are carried out in a confined space, artificial lighting is provided
throughout the production period. Light intensity values at different places inside the factory were
measured on 19.10.2016 between 10 a.m-12a.m. The positions of working and burnt light bulbs are
indicated in Figure 4.

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 Dead bulbs
o Active bulbs

Figure 3.4: Current status of the lighting system in the factory

The existing light intensity values were measured at different operational area and were compared
with recommended data (see Table 3.7).

Table 3.7: Comparison of Existing and Recommended Light Intensities in Industrial


Place Existing light intensity Recommended light

values (LUX) intensity value (LUX)1

Storage (Product and Raw Material) 60 20

Extruder 85 300

Printer 300 500

Cutting and sealing 100 750

Source: 1 (The Lighting Hand Book,>lichthandbuch)

The energy consumption for lighting was estimated as follows (see Table 8):

Table 3.8: Calculation of Electrcial Energy Savings from Rearranging Ligthing

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Bulb type Number of lights switch on

6.30 p.m.-10.30 10.30 p.m.-5.30 5.30 a.m.-6.30 p.m.

p.m. (Peak) a.m. (off peak) (day)

40W fluorescent 46 46 21

20W fluorescent 10 10 10

5W LED 1 1 1

18W LED 10 10 10

15W CFL 9 9 9

Total energy consumption per 283.2 495.6 530.4


Cost for tariffs/Rs 5805.6 3394.86 5834.4

Total cost per month/Rs 15,034.86

Key Performance Indicators

The performance of lighting system is estimated as follows

Total power consumption for lighting per month = 1309.2 kWh

Total production per month = 42.8 MT

Lighting requirement per MT of production = 30.59 kWh/MT

Total cost for lighting per month = 15,034.86 LKR

Total production per month = 42.8 MT

Lighting requirement per MT of production = 351.28 LKR/MT

3.1.6 Suggestions for Improvements

Table 3.9: Improvement opportunities for lighting in the factory

No. Aspect Potential Improvements

1 Improve house-keeping The total material wastage is 8,014.73 kg per year, which
practices (regularly clean light is calculated up to Rs. 576,030.00 of loss of revenue. This

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bulbs, replace burnt bulbs with is a huge loss considering the price of LDPE, HDPE and
efficient light fittings) PP prices. From proper housekeeping and recording
materials this wastage can be reduced.

2 Daylight enhancement Substitute 7% of the roof area 0f the new factory building
(see Figure X2) by polycarbonate transparent sheets in
order to achieve electricity saving of Rs 1940.40 per month
(a specimen calculation is given in Appendix aa).

3 Improve lighting efficiency Replace inefficient fluoresce light fittings in the new
factory building by high efficient LED light fittings would
save Rs 6,335.58 per month.

4 Reduce light requirement By using spot lights for selected working tables, the overall
lighting requirement can be reduced. However, a detailed
investigation is required.

Daylight Enhancement

Figure 5 shows the daylight harnessing

configuration reduced electrical energy

The payback period of this improving (Compare

Figure 4 for daylight enhancement and Figure 5
Improve lighting efficiency) is less than 8
months (please see the prediction in Appendix).

Figure 3.5: Daylight harnessing plan

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Calculation for determine required transparent sheets (Polycarbonate sheets)

 Required light intensity value = I(lux)

 Area of the working place = Aw( )
 Area of the required transparent sheet = At( )
 Percentage of the luminance coming through the = 80%
Polycarbonate sheet
Average luminance of the sunlight = 20000 lux

20000 × (80/100) × At =I × Aw

Using above equation area of required polycarbonate sheet (At) can be calculated.

Table 3.1.10:
Unit Required light Area of the working Area of the
intensity place(Aw )/ Polycarbonate
values/lux sheet (At )/ Cost/Rs

Extruder 300 252.05 10.08 7560.00

Cutting and 750 252.05 25.2 18900.00


Total cost 26,460.00

Table 3.1.11: Cost for improvement (Daylight Enhancement and Improve Lighting

Item Amount Price per unit/Rs Cost/Rs

Transparent sheet / 3 750 26,460.00
9W LED 5 899 4,495.00
18W LED 18 1250 22,500.00
Total installation cost 5,000.00
Total cost/Rs 58,455.00

After above improvements the monthly energy consumption and cost lighting is given by Table X5
approximately 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Time period all LED lights can be switch off. Therefore day
time hours reduce 13 to 6 for all LED lights.

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Table 3.1.12: Electrical energy savings from rearranging lighting system

Number of lights switch on

Type of light 6.30 p.m.-10.30 10.30 p.m.-5.30 5.30 a.m.-6.30
p.m. (Peak) a.m. (off peak) p.m. (day)
40W fluorescent 23 23 0
20W fluorescent 10 10 10
5W LED 1 1 1
9W LED 5 5 5
18W LED 28 28 28
15W CFL 9 9 9
Total energy /consumption
per month/kWh 101.28 370.44 194.97
Cost for tariffs 2076.24 2537.514 2144.67
Total cost per month/Rs

Payback Period Calculations

Total Cost for modifications Rs = 58455.00

Profit for a month Rs = 15034.86 -6758.42

= 8275.58

Payback period = 58455.00/8275.58

= 7.06

= Approximately 7 months

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3.1.5 Compressed Air Flow System

Air Compressor is used in Industrial Applications for supplying compressed air for air consuming
equipment and for the equipment which need continuous air log for the relevant purpose. In this
factory a dynamic air compressor is used that increase the air velocity which is then converted to
increased pressure at the outlet.

Considering the specifications under 482574 serial numbers, the air compressor withstands for 11 bars
of maximum pressure and 50 Celsius maximum temperature. The receiver capacity is 500L.

The Air compressor in the factory operates between 7.5 - 5.5 bar pressure range and maximum
temperature of 86 C at both loading and unloading situations. Compressed Air Delivery

Compressed air delivery over the factory is considered under two conditions.

 Equipment shutting off mode

Average rate of compress air delivery(Q) = 0.01909*60*15

= 17.721 m3/day

Rate of wastage of compressed air due to leakage = 0.1063 m3/day

 Equipment operating mode

Average rateof compressed air delivery = 1.0845*60*9

= 585.63 m3/day

Total rate of air consumtion by the equipment = 0.07005*60*9

= 37.827 m3/day

Rate of wastage of compressed air due to leakge = 210.82 m3/day

Rate of wastage from the tubes connecting from main air= 585.63 – 210.82 – 37.827

line to the equipment = 336.98 m3/day

Power comsumpion rate

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Power comsumption of compressed air system was analysed at the time the while the
equipment was operated and idle. All the caluclations below were done for a day.

 Shutting off Mode I

Peak time:
Total energy consumed = 16.75kWh
Expenditure = Rs. 16.75*20.5
= Rs. 343.38
Off- Peak time:
Total energy consumed = 28.32 kWh
Expenditure = 6.85*28.32
= Rs. 194
Day time:
Total energy consumed = 14.13 kWh
Expenditure = 14.13*11
= Rs.155.52

Total Expenditure for Operating = Rs. 692.90/day

Air Compressor

 Shutting off Mode II

In this mode Peak- and Off-Peak- categories are not considered.

Day- Total energy consumed = 2.904 kWh

Expenditure = 2.904*11

= Rs.23.03

 Operating Mode I
In this mode Peak- and Off-Peak- categories are not considered.
Day- Total energy consumed = 18.48 kWh

Expenditure = 18.48*11

= Rs.203.28

 Operating Mode II

In this mode Peak- and Off-Peak- categories are not considered.

Day- Total energy consumed = 18.48 kWh

Expenditure = 18.48*11

= Rs.203.28

Total Expenditure for operating Air Compressor = Rs.406.50

Total Ependiture for Power Consumption Air = Rs.1,122.50

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Compressor per day

Total Ependiture for Power Consumption Air = Rs.36,675.00

Compressor per month

Expenditure for transfering 1 m3 of Compressed air = Rs. 0.068

3.1.6 Suggessions For Improvements in Compressed Air Utilisation

According to the observations and calculations, a bigger part of cost wastes for air leakages.

When air consuming machines are operating,

Total volume of air leakage per day = 547.98 m3/day

Expenditure for Transferring = Rs. 0.068

1 m3 of Compressed air
Money, can be saved per month = Rs. 1,117.50

Money, can be saved per year = Rs. 13,410.00

# Annually this much of money can be saved by properly reparing the compressed air
flow system.

While observing the pressure readings of air compressure system, in several ocations the
pressure inside raised up exceeding the maximum level.It causes to have Air compressure
inside damages and the pressure drop at the moment is not suitable for the compressed air
flow. It is compulsory requirement to observe and maintain properly the Compressed air flow

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3.1.7 Safety Dow Fire and Explosion Index for Kandy Plastics (Pvt) Ltd.

Dow fire and explosion index was developed by Dow Chemical Company as a hazard classification
guide and published by American Institute of Chemical Engineers. This is the leading hazard index
identified by process industry which serves as a guide to the selection of fire protection methods.

The primary purpose of Dow F&EI is to provide key information to evaluate the overall risk from fire
and explosion and to identify severity and loss from incidents in effective and efficient manner.

Six general process hazards and twelve special process hazards are considered under Dow F&EI. A
numerical value for F&EI is calculated based on the properties of materials used and the nature of the
process. Based on the value obtained for F&EI, the degree of fire and explosion hazard is determined.
Greater the F&EI, greater the fire hazard of the process. The degree of hazard with respective to the
F&EI is mentioned in table 3.1.13.

Table 3.13: Assessment of Hazard

Fire and explosion index range Degree of Hazard

1 – 60 Light

61 – 96 Moderate

97 – 127 Intermediate

128 – 158 Heavy

>159 Severe Calculation of Dow F&EI Index

The F&EI is performed considering polyethylene as the material as it is the mostly used raw material
for Table 3.x.x: Dow Fire and Explosion Index Calculation for Kandy Plastics (Pvt) Ltd.

The application of Dow Fire & Explosions Inde for the Kandy Plastics (Pvt) Ltd is illustrated in Table
xx. The Fire & Explosion Index for Kandy Plastics (Pvt) Ltd is 119 which is in the range 97 – 127.
Therefore, according to Dow Fire & Explosion Index, the degree of fire and explosion hazard is

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Location Date Process Unit Bldg

Kandy Plastics (Pvt) Ltd. 27/10/2016

Prepared by Approved by Review ed by Review ed by

Materials in Unit

State of Operation Basic Materials for Material Factor

__ Design __Start Up ___ Norm al Operation __Shutdow n Polyethelene

Material Factor (See Table 1 or Appendices A or B) Note Requirem ents w hen unit tem perature over 140 F (60 C) 10
Penalty Factor Range Penalty Factor Used
1. General Process Hazards
(for no penalty factor use 0.00)
Base Factor 1.00 1.00
A. Exothermic Chemical Reactions 0.30 to 1.25 0.00
B. Endothermic Chemical Processes 0.20 to 0.40 0.50
C. Material Handling and Transfer 0.25 to 1.05 0.50
D. Enclosed or Indoor Process Units 0.25 to 0.90 0.50
E. Access 0.20 to 0.35 0.30
F. Drainage and Spill Control 0.25 to 0.50 0.25
General Process Hazards Factor (F1 = Sum of 1A through 1F + Base Factor) 3.05
Penalty Factor Range Penalty Factor Used
2. Special Process Hazards
(for no penalty factor use 0.00)
Base Factor 1.00 1.00
A. Toxic Materials 0.20 to 0.80 0.40
B. Sub-Atmospheric Pressure (<500 mm Hg) 0.50 0.00
C. Operation In or Near Flammable Range (__ Inerted) (__ Not Inerted)
1. Tank Farms Storage Flammable Liquids 0.50 0.00
2. Process Upset or Purge Failure 0.30 0.00
3. Always in Flammable Range 0.80 0.00
D. Dust Explosion (See Table 3) 0.25 to 2.00 0.00
Operating Pressure 7 psig
E. Pressure (See Figure 2)
Relief Setting 50 psig 0.00
F. Low Temperature 0.20 to 0.30
G. Quantity of Flammable / Quantity lbs
Unstable Material E BTU 1.00
1. Liquids or Gases in Process (See Figure 3) 0.00
2. Liquids or Gases in Storage (See Figure 4) 0.00
3. Combustible Solids in Storage, Dust in Process (See Figure 5) 0.80
H. Corrosion and Erosion 0.10 to 0.75 0.10
I. Leakage - Joints and Packing 0.10 to 1.50 0.10
J. Use of Fired Equipment (See Figure 6) 0.00
K. Hot Oil Heat Exchange System (See Table 5) 0.15 to 1.15 0.00
L. Rotating Equipment 0.50 0.50
Special Process Hazards Factor (F2 = Sum of 2A through 2L + Base Factor) 3.90
Process Unit Hazards Factor (F1 x F2) = F3 11.90
Fire and Explosion Index (F3 x Material Factor = Fire & Explosion Index) 119

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3.2 – Performance of individual unit operations

3.2.1 - Dryer

Drying process is used to remove moisture in Calcium Carbonate. – Material and energy balance

The following estimation was performed when “Kesara Alu Hunu” packing bags were
manufactured. The calculated data are shown in Table 3.12.

Inputs Outputs

Table 3.12: Material and energy balance for dryer

Materials in Material out

CaCO3 (kg) 771.6 Dried CaCO3 N/A


Energy in Energy out

Electricity 178.2 Heat loss 22.4

(kWh) (kWh)

Useful 155.8

Total energy 178.2

(kWh)– Key performance indicators

Energy consumption per day = 155.8 kWh – Suggestions for improvements

Prevent heat losses by insulating cylinder surface

Significant heat losses (approximately 22.4 kWh/day) were observed from surfaces drying
chamber. A part of this waste energy may be saved by insulating the drying chamber.
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3.2.2 - Mixer

The mixer is used to mix major raw materials, coloring agents and CaCO3 homogeneously
before sending to the extruders. Table 3.13 and 3.14 demonstrate the summarized material
and energy balances for different raw materials used in two different mixers. – Material and energy balance

Inputs Outputs

Table 3.13: Material and energy balance for mixer 1

Materials in Material out

CaCO3 (kg) 771.6 Mixture (kg) 1929

HDPE (kg) 1157.4

Total (kg) 1929

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 45.5 Useful energy 45.5

(kWh) (kWh)

Table 3.14: Material and energy balance for mixer 2

Materials in Material out

LDPE (kg) 43.1 Mixed raw 224.98

material (kg)
LDPE(Jumbo) 172.41

Anti block (kg) 1.72

Master Batch 7.75


Total (kg) 224.98

Energy in Energy out

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Electricity 28 Useful energy 28
(kWh) (kWh) – Key performance indicators

Energy consumption per day (mixer 1) = 45.5 kWh

Energy consumption per day (mixer 2) = 28.0 kWh – Suggestions for improvements

A safety barrier is recommended for the rotating mixer.

3.2.3 –Extruder

Extrusion is a high-volume manufacturing process in which raw plastic is melted and formed
into a continuous profile. The molten polymer is then forced into a die, which shapes the
polymer into a pipe that hardens during cooling. Three different extruders are considered in
this study. The respective material and energy balances are shown in Table 3.15, 3.16 and
3.17. – Material and energy balance

Inputs Outputs

Table 3.15: Material and energy balance for extruder 1

Materials in Material out

Poly propylene 282.8 Poly 279.4

(kg) propylene
Bags (kg)

Waste (kg) 3.4

Total (kg) 282.8

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 547.2 Measurable 31.3

(kWh) Heat loss
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Useful 515.9

Total energy 547.2


Table 3.16: Material and energy balance for extruder 2

Materials in Material out

CaCO3 (kg) 481.44 Bags (kg) 1186.32

HDPE (kg) 722.16 Waste (kg) 18.26

Total (kg) 1203.6 Total (kg) 1203.6

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 1092 Measurable N/A

(kWh) Heat loss

Useful N/A

Total energy N/A


Table 3.17: Material and energy balance for extruder 3

Materials in Material out

Mixed raw 225 Bags (kg) 225

materials (kg)

Energy in Energy out

Main motor 84.28 Measurable N/A

(kWh) Heat loss

Air Blower 89.66 Useful energy N/A


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Heater 1 (kWh) 12.50 (kWh)

Heater 2 (kWh) 2.41

Heater 3 (kWh) N/A

Heater 4 (kWh) 10.69

Take up motor 35.15


Winding 26.89

Corona N/A
Treatment(kWh) – Suggestions for improvements

 Insulate the die and extruder surface

0.6 kW can be saved if the die and extruder surfaces are insulated. The respective
cost saving per year is Rs 55 900 (Refer Appendix A for further calculations).

 Stop operating blower and heater at the same time

In zone 2, both the blower and the heater are operating at the same time. If this can be fixed,
Rs.460.00 can be saved per day (Refer Appendix B for further calculations)

3.2.4 - Printing

Printing is one of the main sections in manufacturing plastic bags. After extrusion, the
extruded plastic film rolls are sent to the printing section. Printing is carried out as per the
requirements of the customers.

In printing the major raw materials are ink and solvents. Different kinds of solvents are mixed
with each other to make the final solvent which is used to put in to the printer. This mixing
determines the quality of the final solvent. Materials and energy balances are carried out for
functioning two printers (Table 3.18 and 3.19). – Material and energy balance

Inputs Outputs

Table 3.18: Material and energy balance for printer 1

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Materials in Material out

Ink (kg) N/A Printed bags 1278


Solvents (kg) N/A Waste (kg) N/A

Bags (kg) 1260

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 30 Useful energy 30

(kWh) (kWh)

Table 3.19: Material and energy balance for printer 2

Materials in Material out

Ink (kg) 0.092 Printed bags 18.125


Solvents (kg) 0.033 Waste (kg) N/A

Bags (kg) 18

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 16 Useful N/A

(kWh) energy
(kWh) – Key performance indicators

Energy consumption per day (printer 1) = 30 kWh

Energy consumption per day (printer 2) = 16 kWh – Suggestions for improvements

 Close the lids of ink input tanks to avoid unnecessary evaporation of solvents.
 Provide personnel protective equipment (PPE) to employees and aware them about
the risk of exposure.
 Define a standard formula for mixing of ink and solvents.
 Develop preventive and routine maintenance plan for each machine.

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3.2.5 - Gusseting

A gusset is a triangular insert, as in the seam of the bag running along the sides of the bags.
This is done to increase the strength and to expand the size of the bag. To perform material
and energy balance it was assumed that the gusseting machine is running for 5 hours. The
summarized material and energy balance is shown in Table 3.20. – Material and energy balance

Inputs Outputs

Table 3.20: Material and energy balance for printer 1

Materials in Material out

Bags (kg) 1376 Gussetted 1376

bags (kg)

Compressed 0.043 Waste air 0.043

air (kg) (kg)

Total (kg) 1376.043

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 17 Useful 17
(kWh) energy
(kWh) – Key performance indicators

Energy consumption per day = 17 kWh

3.2.6 Cutting and sealing machine

Gusseted and printed bags are then sealed and cut. The overall material and energy balances
for 3 cutting and sealing machines are shown in Table 3.21, 3.22 and 3.23.

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Table 3.21: Material and energy balance for cutting and sealing 1

Materials in Material out

Bags (kg) 100. 8 Final product 98.08


Waste (kg) 2.72

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 22.22 Useful 19.42

(kWh) energy

Heat loss 2.8


Table 3.22: Material and energy balance for cutting and sealing 2

Materials in Material out

Bags (kg) 594.5 Final product 590


Waste (kg) 4.5

Energy in Energy out

Electricity 8.36 Useful 6.91

(kWh) energy

Heat loss 1.45


Table 3.23: Material and energy balance for cutting and sealing 3
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Materials in Material out

Bags (kg) 222.67 Final product 222.67


Punched waste 2.31


Rejected waste 0.25

Energy in Energy out

Electricity N/A Useful N/A

(kWh) energy
(kWh) – Key performance indicators

Energy consumption per day = 6.91 kWh – Suggestions for improvements

 Heat losses can be reduced by insulating the sealing knife. The total saving is
Rs.770 per month.
 Use night shift to operate cutting and sealing machine. The total saving is Rs.
1720 per month.
 Continuous heating of manual sealer - Collect the bags which are not correctly
sealed and seal at once a day/batch
 No operating procedure for manual sealer - Incentives for the production
 Over usage of packing material - Provide packing material in several sizes
 No proper alignment (9) - Guide/mark for the alignment
 Continuous heating of manual sealer - Use the large manual sealer to seal
several bags once
 Heat loss from sealer surfaces - Increase the insulation thickness
 No operating procedure for manual sealer - Incentives for the production
 Inability to collect punched waste - sucking system to collect waste

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 Material loss at roll change-over(Roller size not optimized to minimize
material and energy losses) - Optimizing the roller size w.r.t. energy consumption
and material loss
 No operating procedure for different product - Develop a matrix of sealing
temperature, sealing time for each type of bag

Table 3.24 shows the top recommendations from the material and energy audit,
while Table 3.25 presents the other Recommendations that needs further analysis.

Table 3.24: Top Recommendations from the material and energy audit

Recommendation Total Annual Implementation Simple payback

Savings (Rs/Year) Cost (Rs.) period (Years)

Replacing the manual 463,250 N/A -

sealing machine with a

Obtain power from 456,120 0 Immediate

generator during CEB
peak hours

Replace the v belt in 78,000 43,500 0.6

extruder 4 with a
synchronous belt

Operating cutting and 228,000 0*extra labor cost -

sealing machines at both not calculated
day shift and off peak

Properly insulate the 55,900 8,000 0.2

extruder PP Joy

Using transparent sheets 99,300 58,455 0.7

to the roof and replacing
bulbs with LED bulbs

Prevention of leaks in the 13,410 0 Immediate

compressed air system

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Table 3.25: Other Recommendations that needs further analysis

Recommendation Benefit

Material Energy Saved Occupational

Productivity health and
Increased safety

Using water based ink for printing (technical √ √

feasibility needs further analysis : Ink cost
saved for a 15,000 kg batch is Rs 14,685)

Extruder 4 main motor takes a higher √

current than the rated current. It needs to be
repaired or replaced. Need thorough

Heaters in the extruder machines need to be √ √

properly insulated.

One heating coil in the dryer 1 is burnt. It √

needs to be repaired. To reduce heat loss it
needs proper insulation

Reduce cost of wastes (for example, current √

cost of wastes, PP Rs. 29240/year, HDPE

Proper housekeeping (Separate storage for √ √ √

Raw material, intermediate products and
final product)

In extruders and dryers recommended √

conditions are not maintained (eg. Cooling
water temperature recommended is 15 0C
but 25 0c water used.

Proper material ratios are not used √

Factory floor needs to be maintained to √

avoid accidents

A proper production plan √ √

A proper equipment routine maintenance √ √ √


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Chapter 4 - Summary of Recommendations

Overall Performance

1. The organization has a commendable performance in terms of material efficiency which

is evident from very small quantity of waste generation from process. In addition, the
energy use pattern and the overall power factor indicate acceptable level of performance,
except that the use of generator during the peak hours could be profitable. However, it
was observed that the data management and monitoring of performance require some
improvements. As such, following actions are recommended.
a. Keep monthly records of individual raw material quantities used, quantities of
different products manufactured (mass and number of bags from each product),
amount of waste generated, quantity of electricity and fuel used, downtimes of each
machines due to breakdowns.
b. Maintain a computerized inventory management system
c. Use the power from the in-house generator during the peak time tariff hours
d. Monitor the following key performance indicators and compare with benchmarks in
this area.
i. Specific energy consumption in kWh/ton (or length) of products
ii. Specific material consumptions for each product (kg of raw material per kg of
iii. Number of hours of downtime of each machine and ensure a preventive
maintenance system is implemented at least for critical equipment.

2. An analysis on the fire safety indicated that the company falls into medium risk category.
It is highly recommend that the company pay due attention on safety issues. Following
suggestions would improve the safety performance of the organization.
a. Plan a proper layout for the plant and store raw materials, intermediate products, and
finished products in dedicated areas
b. Improve the electrical wiring system
c. Implement a proper safety management program
d. Conduct awareness programs for workers on safety
e. Implement 5S or any other housekeeping improvement system

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Process level performance

Raw material drying

 Optimize the drying process in terms of time and temperature requirement, keeping
in mind that the deviation from equipment manufacturer’s recommendation may
affect the quality of products.

 Reduce the risk of an accident due to the rotating mixer by constructing a fence or
other appropriate physical barrier around the unit

 Prevent the material loss during transferring to the feeding hopper and ensuring
complete transfer from bags
 Insulate the extruder mold to reduce the heat loss
 Replace V-belts in extruder motors with synchronous belts
 Investigate the motor performance of extruder 4 as it much higher current than the
rated value

 Consider the possibility of use of water based inks for printers instead of solvent
based ones
 Install a solvent vapor collection system to improve the air quality in the area
Cutting and sealing

 Consider operating cutting and sealing machines at both day shift and off peak shift
 Avoid the use of manual sealer as much as possible by optimally employing the
available machineries
Compressed Air System

 Prevent the leaks in the system

 Assess the possibility of reducing the compressor pressure by investigating the
pressure requirements of individual machines. If only a few machines require high
pressure, use of pressure booster can be an option.

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