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Rochester College General Lesson Plan Grade Level Subject Area Discipline) | Teacher Candidate Name [Date of Lesson Kindergarter/ELA _ | Adrianna Nickel 12/04/18 Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound f each consonant. “In this lesson the students wil take their leter-sound knowledge to find pictures in magazines that have the same letter sound as their assigned letters. Learning Outcomes (ntasc 4. Content Knowledge) In this lesson students will Continue to use their letter-sound knowledge -Connect letter sounds to pictures -Use letter-sound connections to find pictures that start with specific letters ‘Assessment Summary (nTAS¢ 6. Assessinent) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: The teacher circulates the room and checks the progress of each table. During this time they can draw attention to any pictures that are not under the correct letters, Then the teacher can stop and talk about letter sounds and what the picture is and what the first sound is SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: About halfway through the lesson the teacher can start to spend a few minutes with each student and ask them what a specific letter is, the sound it makes and then what the picture under itis. Prerequisite Relationships to New Learning (nTAsc : Leaner Development, nTASC 2: Learning Dierences) The students will need to know all the letters of the alphabet and the letter sounds. Flexibility and Responsiveness to Students’ Learning Needs (tase 2. Learning Diterences) This lesson can be adjusted for: 1) Students who don't have the prerequisite of being able to identify the letters and the letter sounds can focus more on that. The teacher can assign that student one specific letter and go over the letter and the letter sound with them. That letter can then be their responsibility so they don’t have to take on multiple letters at once. 2) For students who do not understand the assignment the teacher could model the assignment for them. ‘They could tell the student, "We are going to ook through this magazine and find pictures that start with these letters and sounds.” The teacher can then choose one specific letter and do it with the student so they get an idea of how to do it, Instructional Procedures (nTASC 2. Learning Diferences; InTASC 6, Assessment; INTASC 7. Planning for Instruction: InTASC 8, Instructional Strategies) Teacher Input The teacher will start the lesson at the carpet with the class. At the carpet the teacher can discuss how they have been working with letters and letter sounds. Then explain that today they will be using their letters and letter sounds to find pictures that start with specific letters. After the activity is started the teacher can Circulate and check in on the students. Towards the end of the lesson the teacher can pause the students and point out things that are going well he ‘To make sure all of the students understand the teacher can circulate and watch the students complete the activity. The teacher can also ask them questions about specific pictures or letters, Essential Question 1) What letter is this and what sound does it make? pee 7) What letters make more than one sound? |2) What are the letters? |3) What are the sounds for the letters? | | | Conte tions 1) Whatletters do you have at your table? 2) What sounds do your letters make? 3) What are some of the pictures you have chose? Guided Practice ‘The students will work together at their tables to find pictures in magazines for the specific letters they were assigned. | Closure |The teacher can circulate and observe the students doing the activity. By circulating the teacher will be able ‘0 identify which student knows how to do the lesson and what students, ifany, need additional help. | net ice For independent practice the teacher could tell the class to look at different book they have at home and try to find cifferent starting letters using the sounds of some of the pictures Lesson Timeline (Summary of Instruction) (TASC 8. instructional Strategies) Start of the Lesson I-Lesson Activities End of Lesson Activities | The teacher will gather the class at the carpet. There they will discuss letters and letter sounds and how | they have been working with them |in many different areas. After that | the teacher can do a video that goes over the letters and letter | sounds to get them fresh in the ‘their seats to get started. Half way through the lesson the teacher can stop the class and mention things that they noticed different students doing and what they like. Also at this time a | challenge can be given to the | students. The teacher can | challenge them the stretch and lasses mind. Introduce the lesson | pull the sounds in the words of the activity and send the class back to | pictures they put on their paper. Lesson Materials, and Supplies ¢ntasc 2.Learing Oiterences) Ask the students to clean up their tables and put the scissors and glue away and throw any scraps in the trash. Have them put their magazines on the back table and leave their big paper on their tables and meet back at the carpet. At this time the class can | discuss the activity and what they | liked and didn't like about it. The time can be wrapped up with a story. | Materials needed for this lesson: -Big White Paper -Marker |-Scissors -Glue -Magazines Video ‘Additional Information Required by Individual Course Instructor: Specialized Pedagogy (InTaSC 2. Learning | Strategies) ‘Special Needs and For special needs students they would focus on only one letter and the teacher or another student could | assist them as well. For gifted and talented students they could have multiple letters to do with not a lot of assistance from the teacher, These students could also help students who are struggling.

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