A Doherty Power Amplifier Design Method For Improved Efficiency and Linearity

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A Doherty Power Amplifier Design Method for

Improved Efficiency and Linearity
William Hallberg, Student Member, IEEE, Mustafa Özen, Member, IEEE, David Gustafsson,
Koen Buisman, Member, IEEE, and Christian Fager, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— A novel Doherty power amplifier (PA) design ideal Doherty PA. The Doherty PA consists of two transistors,
method enabling high efficiency and high linearity simultaneously where both the transistors mutually modulate each other to
is proposed. The output combiner network is treated as a black obtain the maximum efficiency at the maximum power, and at
box, and its parameters, together with the input phase delay,
are solved based on given transistor characteristics and design a γ dB backed-off power level. Consequently, the individual
requirements. This opens for new PA solutions with noncon- transistors’ gain response will be nonlinear. However, when
ventional Doherty behavior. The increased design space enables the outputs of the two transistors are combined, the over-
new tradeoffs in Doherty PA designs, including solutions with all Doherty PA circuit will, for ideal transistors, present a
both high efficiency and high linearity simultaneously. A method completely linear gain response. However, in practice, it is
utilizing the new design space is developed. For verification,
a 20-W 2.14-GHz symmetrical gallium nitride high electron difficult to achieve an ideal gain response due to transistor
mobility transistors Doherty PA is fabricated and measured. nonlinearities and parasitics. The nonlinearities and parasitics
The PA obtains an average power added efficiency of 40% of real transistors will also cause phase distortion in the
and an adjacent power leakage ratio of −41 dBc without any Doherty PA. In the low power region, where only the main
linearization for an 8.6-dB peak to average power ratio transistor is conducting, the phase distortion of the Doherty
10-MHz-long term evolution signal, at an average output power
of 35.5 dBm. PA follows the phase distortion of a single-ended PA. In the
high power region, where both transistors are conducting, the
Index Terms— AM/AM, AM/PM, Doherty power ampli-
fier (DPA), energy efficiency, gallium nitride (GaN), high Doherty PA will present severe phase distortion. In this region,
electron mobility transistors, long term evolution (LTE), power the load modulation will cause a dominating phase distortion
amplifier (PA). due to the Miller effect [4]–[6].
Nonlinear gain and phase responses result in unwanted
I. I NTRODUCTION spectral regrowth and in-band distortion for modulated signals.
One method of addressing this problem is to cancel intermod-
M AINTAINING high efficiency over a large output
power range is a required attribute for power ampli-
fiers (PAs) transmitting signals with high peak to average
ulation products by having the intermodulation products from
the main transistor add up with the intermodulation products
power ratios (PAPRs). High efficiency at both maximum from the auxiliary transistor at the load destructively [7]–[9].
and backed-off power levels can be achieved by dynamically Third- and fifth-order intermodulation (IM3 and IM5) can-
modulating the load impedance of the transistor. The Doherty cellation at the load of the Doherty PA can be achieved by
PA is a common architecture based on this principle [1]–[3]. optimizing the biases of the main and auxiliary transistors.
Modulating the load for a single transistor will cause a The optimum bias levels for intermodulation cancellation
nonlinear gain response. However, this is not a problem for the at the load do not necessarily coincide with the best bias
levels for efficiency. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that
Manuscript received June 29, 2016; revised September 22, 2016; accepted intermodulation cancellation at the load can be accomplished
October 8, 2016. This work was carried out under the Energy Efficient Milime- in an N-way Doherty PA, where the extra auxiliary transistors
ter Wave Transmitters (EMIL) project financed by the Swedish Governmental
Agency of Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Ericsson AB, and the Chalmers increase the design space [10], [11]. An N-way Doherty PA
University of Technology. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the does, however, increase both the complexity and circuit size.
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, Intermodulation distortion can also, to some extent, be reduced
May 22–27, 2016.
W. Hallberg, K. Buisman, and C. Fager are with the Department of by optimizing the baseband terminations for a single transis-
Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, tor [12], [13], and therefore possibly also for a Doherty PA.
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden (e-mail: wilhal@chalmers.se; buisman@ Another method of reducing spectral regrowth is naturally
chalmers.se; christian.fager@chalmers.se).
M. Özen is with the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, to improve the linearity of the gain and phase responses of the
Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Doherty PA. In [4] it was shown that the phase distortion of
and also with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Doherty PA can be reduced by source mismatching. This
University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 USA
(e-mail: mustafa.ozen@chalmers.se). will obviously reduce the gain of the PA. Since the Doherty
D. Gustafsson is with Ericsson AB, SE-417 56 Gothenburg, Sweden (e-mail: PA suffers from severe gain reduction due to the input power
david.a.gustafsson@ericsson.com). splitter, lowering the gain even further is unwanted.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. For a conventional Doherty PA [14]–[16], the phase of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2617882 the load termination voltage is only dependent on the phase of
0018-9480 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


the main transistor current [5]. Thus, it is not possible to adapt

the complex auxiliary transistor current to improve the Doherty
PA phase linearity. However, by modifying the Doherty PA
operation, it is possible to improve the phase linearity by
means of the auxiliary transistor. In [17] and [18], it was shown
that treating the output combiner network as a black box and
solving its parameters, together with the input phase delay,
for given boundary conditions opens up the possibility to find
new Doherty PA solutions with current profiles deviating from
the conventional design. Among these, some have a lower
maximum auxiliary transistor drain current compared to the
conventional case for a given γ . These new solutions will
Fig. 1. Generalized black-box representation of the output combiner network
hereafter be referred to as current scaled Doherty PA solutions. of the Doherty PA. The black-box combiner can be represented by a reciprocal
Hallberg et al. [19] recently showed that these current scaled two-port network Z with the load termination inside (left) or a lossless and
solutions enable improved phase linearity of the Doherty PA. reciprocal three-port network Ẑ with the third port terminated with a resistive
load (right).
It was shown that the inherent nonlinear phase response of
the current scaled Doherty PA can be utilized to counteract
the inherent nonlinear phase distortion due to the Miller effect
where γ is the predetermined backed-off power level where
and transistor nonlinearities. It was also shown that a linear
the second efficiency peak will occur. The black-box method
gain response can be obtained simultaneously.
presented in [17] and [18] demonstrates that the main and
In this extended paper, the novel design method of finding
auxiliary current ratio can be completely separated from γ .
new current scaled Doherty PA solutions that simultane-
ously provide low AM/PM and AM/AM distortion, and high
efficiency is explained thoroughly. In particular, the theory of Ia,i,Pmax = rc Im,i,Pmax (2)
current scaling is expanded by further analysis on ideal tran-
sistors. In the methodology, the different steps are presented where rc is an arbitrary current ratio. It is reasonable to
in a design flowchart and, in more detail, new tradeoffs are assume that the fundamental intrinsic drain voltage swing is
presented. Furthermore, more experimental investigations of equal at maximum power for the main transistor and for the
the gallium nitride (GaN) transistor PA circuit prototype are auxiliary transistor. This makes it possible to directly transform
presented. the current relationship in (2) into a relationship of powers.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the analysis The intrinsic power ratio can be approximated as equal to the
and derivation of the black-box output combiner network are extrinsic power ratio
presented. In Section III, the linearity and efficiency of the Pa,Pmax = rc Pm,Pmax . (3)
current scaled Doherty PA are studied. The novel design
method is presented on a general level in Section IV and The first step in the black-box method is to represent
the method is applied on GaN transistors in Section V. The the output combiner of the Doherty PA as a reciprocal
resulting current scaled Doherty PA solution is fabricated and two-port network with the load termination inside (see Fig. 1).
the measurement results are presented in Section VI. Finally, This lossy and reciprocal two-port network must have the
the conclusions of this paper are presented in Section VII. possibility to be converted into a lossless and reciprocal three-
II. O UTPUT C OMBINER N ETWORK port network with the third port terminated with a resistive
load. This will be discussed in more detail later in this section.
In this section, the method of treating the output combiner If the conventional Doherty current relationship is fulfilled, and
network of the Doherty PA as a black-box combiner is if output parasitics are compensated for, the solution to the
presented. Treating the output combiner as a black box vastly reciprocal two-port network will be the conventional quarter-
increases the design space of the Doherty PA by allowing new wave transformer combiner network. Ergo, the conventional
current ratios for a given γ . In [17] and [18], the extended Doherty PA is a subset of the current scaled Doherty PA
design space is explored in terms of finding the maximum continuum of solutions.
efficiency of two symmetrical transistors. In [19], another The two-port output combiner network parameters Z are
subset of the design space was explored to find solutions with found from
both high efficiency and high linearity. In [19], the formulation
of the derivation of the black-box combiner parameters was Z 11 + Z 12 α1 = Z L ,m,Pmax (4)
adapted to match the needs of the novel design method. The Z 22 + Z 12 /α1 = Z L ,a,Pmax (5)
adapted formulation is included and expanded below.
Z 11 + Z 12 α2 = Z L ,m,Pbo (6)
In the conventional Doherty PA design, the maximum
fundamental intrinsic auxiliary transistor drain current Ia,i,Pmax Z 22 + Z 12 /α2 = −Z OFF,a (7)
relates to the maximum fundamental intrinsic main transistor where Z L are the load impedances for the main (m) and
drain current Im,i,Pmax , according to [15], [16] auxiliary (a) transistors at maximum output power (Pmax )

Ia,i,Pmax = ( γ − 1)Im,i,Pmax (1) and at a predetermined output power back-off (OPBO) – Pbo .
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Z OFF,a is the output impedance of the auxiliary transistor when both transistors at both the power levels are related by
it is turned OFF, i.e., at the power level Pbo and levels below.
Pmax = γ Pbo . (13)
Z OFF,a can be approximated as a static value and can be
obtained from S-parameters. The parameters α1 and α2 are The auxiliary transistor should be turned OFF at the backed-off
defined as power level, thus the equation above can be expanded to

Ia,Pmax {Z L ,m,Pmax }Pa,Pmax − j θ Pm,Pmax + Pa,Pmax = γ Pm,Pbo . (14)
α1 = = e (8)
Im,Pmax {Z L ,a,Pmax }Pm,Pmax The input powers will be related to each other in the following
Ia,Pbo Z 12 section, when the gain response is discussed.
α2 = =− (9)
Im,Pbo Z OFF,a + Z 22 There are many ways of realizing the lossy and reciprocal
two-port network or the equivalent lossless and reciprocal
where Im and Ia are the fundamental output currents of three-port network. In [18], the realization the two-port
the main and auxiliary transistors, respectively; Pm and Pa network mentioned above is described in detail. In [20],
are the output powers of the main and auxiliary transistors, one method of realizing an arbitrary three-port network is
respectively; and θ is the phase offset between the output presented. This concludes the discussion about the output
currents of the two transistors. It is important to mention combiner and it is now possible to analyze the linearity and
that the analysis above can be done either intrinsically or efficiency of the current scaled Doherty PA.
extrinsically. Because the output combiner can be solved in
terms of extrinsic load impedances, many possible solutions III. L INEARITY AND E FFICIENCY OF A
to the Doherty PA can quickly be completely evaluated directly C URRENT S CALED D OHERTY PA
from load–pull data.
The conversion from a lossy and reciprocal two-port In this section, the linearity and efficiency of a Doherty PA
with an arbitrary main and auxiliary transistor current ratio for
network Z to a lossless and reciprocal three-port network Ẑ
a given γ will be analyzed. First, the phase response will be
with the third port terminated with a resistive load results in an
underdetermined system of equations where Ẑ 33 can assume discussed, and after that, the gain response will be discussed.
Finally, the behavior of current scaled Doherty PAs will be
any imaginary value. The imaginary value of Ẑ 33 will only
studied for ideal transistors.
result in a static phase difference for the voltage Vl across Rl .
The voltage across the load termination Vl of the three-port
In Appendix B, the remaining three-port network parameters
combiner can be expressed as
are derived in terms of the two-port network parameters Z,
Ẑ 33 and the load termination Rl . The conversion from Vl = Ẑ 31 Im + Ẑ 32 Ia + Ẑ 33 Il (15)
two- to three-port representation imposes the following
constraint [18]: where
Il = − . (16)
{Z 12 }2 = {Z 11 }{Z 22 }. (10) Rl
This allows the phase offset between the output currents of The three-port parameter Ẑ 33 is an arbitrary imaginary value
the two transistors, i.e., θ , to be determined with four possible and can for simplicity be set to zero. The voltage across the
solutions. The solutions of θ have the following form: load termination can be expressed in terms of the two-port
 network parameters (see Appendix B)
θ= (11) Vl  Ẑ =0 = ± j Rl {Z 11}Im ± j Rl {Z 22 }Ia (17)
±(π − θx ). 33

where the four solutions come from the four different choices
When solving the two-port combiner parameters, all the of θ in (11). This equation is significantly simplified for
equations above come down to three equations with three a conventional Doherty PA, since Z 22 = 0 after parasitic
unknowns. The two-port output combiner network parame- compensation. Thus, the phase of the load termination voltage
ters are functions of Z L ,m,Pmax , Z L ,a,Pmax , Z L ,m,Pbo , Z OFF,a , for a conventional Doherty PA is only dependent on the phase
Pm,Pmax and Pa,Pmax , which are all found from either measure- main transistor current, which agrees well with [5]. For current
ments or simulations. The solutions to the two-port network scaled Doherty PAs, {Z 22 } = 0 [18]. As a result, the phase
parameters can be found in Appendix A. of the load termination voltage is a function of the complex
Due to parasitics, a real transistor will shift the phase from main and auxiliary transistor currents, and the output combiner
the input to the output. This phase shift will depend on the network itself. The black-box combiner synthesis is derived
bias, transistor size, power level, and terminations. Therefore, from the transistor characteristics at two distinct power levels.
the physical input phase delay ϕin must be set to fulfill Thus, we define, from here on, phase distortion as the phase
α1 = −ϕin − ϕa,Pmax + ϕm,Pmax = −θ (12) difference between these levels
 Vl = Vl,Pmax − Vl,Pbo . (18)
where ϕm and ϕa represent the main and auxiliary transistor
phase shifts, respectively. This is a suitable metric of phase distortion, since it is
The output combiner parameters are functions of load between these two power levels that the loads of the tran-
impedances at two power levels. The total output power from sistors are modulated and thus present the most severe phase
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


distortion [4]–[6]. The added complexity of the phase response

of the current scaled Doherty PA opens up the possibility of
both increasing and reducing the Doherty PA phase distortion
in the high power region compared with the conventional
case. Equation (17) suggests that this reduction or increase is
dependent on rc , θ and complex transistor load impedances.
To ensure maximum linearity, the gain of the Doherty PA
at maximum power G Pmax is set equal to the gain of the
predetermined OPBO level G Pbo giving
Pin,max = γ Pin,bo (19)
which can be expanded to
Pin,m,Pmax + Pin,a,Pmax = γ (Pin,m,Pbo + Pin,a,Pbo ). (20)
Enforcing equal gain at these power levels will reduce the
efficiency when the main and auxiliary transistor current ratio
is scaled. The reduction of efficiency is however not so
significant, as is shown below.
With (17) and the condition (20), it is now possible
to study the behavior of current scaled Doherty PAs with
ideal transistors. The behavior is calculated by solving the
output combiner parameters in the previous section, and with
equations describing the ideal transistors from [18]. Since
complex transistor load impedances affect the phase response
of current scaled Doherty PAs, the load terminations of the
main transistor are defined as
Z L ,m,Pmax = R L ,m,Pmax + j X L ,m,Pmax (21)
Z L ,m,Pbo = R L ,m,Pbo + j X L ,m,Pbo . (22)
The load termination of the auxiliary transistor is maintained
purely resistive, since a reactive part does not affect the
gain and phase responses. In order to add a reactive part Fig. 2. (a) Drain efficiency, (b) phase response, and (c) normalized gain
versus output power for the Doherty PA. The plots compare γ = 8 dB
to the main transistor load termination at maximum power, Doherty PAs consisting of two ideal transistors with different current ratios rc
the transistor must be underutilized. This gives and different utilization factors Um . Case A is a fully utilized conventional
Doherty PA. Case B maintains the conventional rc but is underutilized and
R L ,m,Pmax = Um Ropt,class−B (23) reactively terminated. Case C is fully utilized but is current scaled and
reactively terminated.
where 0 ≤ Um ≤ 1 is a utilization parameter and Ropt,class−B
is the conventional class-B optimum load termination. If the TABLE I
maximum voltage swing should be maintained, the reactive D IFFERENT C ASES FOR I DEAL D OHERTY PAs
part must be selected as

X L ,m,Pmax = Ropt,class−B 1 − Um2 . (24)
Consequently, the main transistor load termination at the
backed-off power level is selected as
R L ,m,Pbo = Um Ropt,class−B(1 + rc ) (25) phase distortion of 30°. Case C is fully utilized but is current

scaled—and reactively terminated—such that it also presents
X L ,m,Pbo = Ropt,class−B γ − (1 + rc )2 Um2 . (26)
an inherent phase distortion of 30°. The phase distortion of
In Fig. 2, the efficiency, phase, and gain responses are plotted Cases B and C will be positive or negative depending on the
versus the output power for three different cases. The cases choice of θ . The absolute value of the inherent phase distortion
are γ = 8 dB Doherty PAs consisting of two ideal transistors, is naturally dependent on how much the current ratio is scaled,
with different current ratios rc and different utilizations Um or how much the transistor is underutilized. It is also possible
summarized in Table I. to control the phase distortion by combining current scaling
For γ = 8, rc = 1.51 corresponds to the conventional cur- and underutilization.
rent ratio. Case A is a fully utilized conventional Doherty PA. In Fig. 2, it can be seen that solving the output combiner
Case B maintains the conventional rc but is underutilized— parameters for an inherent phase distortion will cause a very
and reactively terminated—such that it presents an inherent weak nonlinear behavior of the gain response. It can also be
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


seen that these solutions have lower efficiency compared to

the conventional case, i.e., Case A. Underutilizing, as is done
in Case B, lowers the efficiency a bit, whereas the efficiency
reduction from current scaling, as is done in Case C, is not so
These results indicate that it may be possible to counteract
the phase distortion caused by the load modulation in the
Doherty PA with real transistors by proper choice of rc , Um , θ ,
and complex transistor load terminations, while maintaining
a linear gain response and high efficiency. In the following
section, a design method utilizing current scaling and complex
load terminations is developed to demonstrate that it is possible
to achieve high efficiency and high linearity simultaneously.


The results in Section III showed that designing a Doherty
PA according to the equations in Section II gives the possibility
to control the AM/PM in the high power region by varying
the amount of current scaling and complex load terminations.
In this section, a design method based on these findings, is
developed for a new tradeoff between high efficiency and high
linearity. The design method is explained on a general level
in this section and is demonstrated on real transistors in the
following section. The method can be utilized for any back-
off level γ , any device periphery ratio, and any input power
split ratio due to the freedom of the output combiner network
derivation described in Section II. Fig. 3. Doherty PA design method enabling a good tradeoff between PAE
First, the device periphery ratio is selected. A vast number and linearity.
of ratios are possible since the transistor current ratio can be
controlled by transistor utilization. After the device periphery the Doherty PA linearity behavior becomes much more
ratio is determined, there follows a design method summarized complex [see (17)].
in Fig. 3. Below follows a detailed explanation of each step. Step 3: Select the input power split ratio. The split ratio will
Step 1: Select the total maximum output power Pmax of to some extent determine the output power ratio between the
the Doherty PA. If Pmax is selected as the maximum possible, main and auxiliary transistors, but due to gain compression of
i.e., full utilization of both transistors, Z L ,m,Pmax and Z L ,a,Pmax the transistors, many power ratios are still possible. Since the
will have only one solution. The exact value of the maximum black-box combiner can be solved for any input power split
possible Pmax is affected by many factors in the design ratio, a good compromise between small signal gain loss and
method, but a rough estimation is sufficient at this step. If Pmax flexibility of output power ratios has to be found.
is selected slightly below the maximum possible value, both Step 4: Find the main transistor back-off load impedance
Z L ,m,Pmax and Z L ,a,Pmax will have circles of solutions in the Z L ,m,Pbo . The possible impedances will be on the output
Smith chart, making it possible to tune the phase distortion. power circle with a power γ backed-off from Pmax [see (14)].
In addition, a slightly lower Pmax also leads to many different Selecting this impedance will be a tradeoff between efficiency,
ways of combining the maximum output powers from the main gain, and gain compression. The gain compression at this
and auxiliary transistors [see (13) and (14)]. These different backed-off power level will limit the total linearity of the
possible combinations correspond to different current ratios Doherty in the low power region, i.e., before the auxiliary
[see (3)]. In sum, a slightly lower Pmax than the maximum transistor turns ON. The load termination at this power level
possible leads to a great amount of different Doherty PA will also affect the phase distortion in the high power region.
solutions, making it possible to select a tradeoff between However, it will be shown later that enough degrees of freedom
efficiency and phase linearity. exist to tune the phase distortion in the high power region
Step 2: Select the bias level for the main transistor. The with only the load terminations at maximum power. Selecting
selection of the class-B—or class-AB—bias of the main this impedance and choosing between the different tradeoffs
transistor is a tradeoff between small signal gain, gain will of course be dependent on system linearity and efficiency
compression, phase linearity, and efficiency. The bias for best requirements. It is also important to mention that the power
gain linearity is not necessarily the same as the bias for best added efficiency (PAE) at the power level Pbo , i.e., PAE Pbo ,
phase linearity. The bias level of the main transistor is very is very critical for the average PAE for modulated signals.
crucial for the linearity in the low power region, i.e., power Step 5: Select the class-C bias of the auxiliary transistor.
levels below where the auxiliary transistor is turned ON. In the It is selected such that the auxiliary transistor turns OFF at the
high power region, when the auxiliary transistor is conducting, desired backed-off power level Pbo .
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Step 6: Select Pm,Pmax and Pa,Pmax . In order to find the load from Cree and printed circuit boards using Rogers 4350B
impedances at maximum power, a combination of Pm,Pmax and substrate. The load impedances are found from load–pull sim-
Pa,Pmax that fulfills (14) has to be selected. Since the maximum ulations using the nonlinear transistor model provided by the
output power of the Doherty PA Pmax has been selected as vendor. Many different combinations of output powers from
slightly lower than the maximum possible Pmax , many com- the main and auxiliary transistors, and many combinations
binations of Pm,Pmax and Pa,Pmax are possible. The different of load impedances are studied. Below follows the evalua-
possible combinations of Pm,Pmax and Pa,Pmax correspond to tion of some of the possible combinations of output powers
different current ratios [see (3)]. and impedances. Lastly, a solution with a good compromise
Step 7: Find combinations of Z L ,m,Pmax and Z L ,a,Pmax . between efficiency and linearity is selected.
These two impedances will determine the PAE at Pmax , Before the load–pull simulations are performed, the main
i.e, PAE Pmax , which is less critical for the average PAE for and auxiliary transistors are stabilized. The second harmonic
modulated signals. Therefore, the combination of Z L ,m,Pmax terminations at the inputs and outputs of the two transistors
and Z L ,a,Pmax can be selected relative freely. Note that each are selected for a good compromise between efficiency and
power level, e.g., Pm,Pmax , comes with a circle of impedances transistor linearity. The second harmonics are terminated such
in the Smith chart, resulting in many possible combinations that they are not affected by the combiner network or the input
of Z L ,m,Pmax and Z L ,a,Pmax . networks.
All combinations of Z L ,m,Pmax and Z L ,a,Pmax are swept Below follows a brief description of Steps 1–5 of the design
for all possible combinations of Pm,Pmax and Pa,Pmax , and method (see Fig. 3). Steps 6 and 7 will be discussed in
the solution with the best tradeoff is selected based on the more detail later in this section. First, the main transistor is
following. biased at −3.0 V, which provides a good tradeoff between
1) PAE Pmax —the Doherty PA PAE at maximum output linear amplitude and linear phase responses of the main
power. This is dependent on the PAE of the main and transistor before the auxiliary transistor turns ON. The load
of the auxiliary transistors at their respective maximum impedance for the main transistor at back-off is selected as
output powers. Z L ,m,Pbo = 23.2 + j 27.3. The corresponding output power is
2) PAE Pbo —the Doherty PAE at the backed-off power level. 35.3 dBm when the input power is 18 dBm. Thus the maxi-
This is dependent on the PAE of the main transistor at mum Doherty PA output power will be 43.3 dBm [see (14)],
its backed-off power level and the gain loss in the input which is reasonable for these transistors. The Doherty PA
power splitter. It is also dependent on the power loss is designed with a symmetrical input power split and con-
in the auxiliary transistor output impedance when it is jugate matched inputs to maximize the gain. The load–pull
turned OFF, which in turn is dependent on the choice of simulations at maximum power are consequently performed
all load impedances. at Pin,m,Pmax = Pin,a,Pmax = 26 dBm. The auxiliary transistor
3)  Vl —the phase distortion in the high power region, is biased at −6.0 V, which makes the transistor turn OFF at
i.e., where the auxiliary transistor is conducting Pin,m = Pin,a = 18 dBm.
[see (17) and (18)]. The next step is to determine a suitable power combination,
What is considered the best tradeoff is of course dependent i.e., combinations of the maximum output powers from the
on the system requirements. If a good solution is not found, the main and auxiliary transistors that add up to a total of
first option is to look at another combination of impedances 43.3 dBm [see (14)]. In the following two sections, two
at Pmax . If still no good solution is found, the second option different power combinations are evaluated.
is to change the combination of maximum output powers
from the main and auxiliary transistors, which opens up new A. Power Combination 1
combinations of impedances. The final option is to change the
The first evaluated combination of maximum output powers
input power split ratio, which yields new maximum output
from the main and auxiliary transistors is
power combinations that in turn result in new impedance
combinations. When a satisfactory solution is found, the output Pm,Pmax = 41.9 dBm and Pa,Pmax = 37.7 dBm.
combiner network parameters are derived by the method
described in Section II. The corresponding impedances are presented in Fig. 4. The
In sum, the proposed design method will maximize the PA main transistor is fully utilized and has therefore only one
linearity by enforcing equal gain and minimum phase differ- corresponding impedance. The auxiliary transistor is slightly
ence at maximum and the backed-off power levels. At the same underutilized and has a big circle of impedances that corre-
time, the efficiency is high through the choice of impedances spond to the wanted output power. Eight impedances in this
and the analytical combiner design method employed. circle are numbered for further evaluation.
The Doherty PA PAE at maximum output power PAE Pmax
and the phase distortion versus the numbered load impedances
V. D OHERTY PA P ROTOTYPE of the auxiliary transistor are presented in Fig. 5. Naturally,
The method presented above is evaluated with a γ = 8 dB the PAE follows the load–pull data according to the combined
Doherty PA prototype designed for a center frequency of contribution from the main and auxiliary transistors. The
2.14 GHz. The PA is implemented using two 15-W bare phase distortion seems to have a negligible dependence of the
die GaN high electron mobility transistors (CGH60015D) auxiliary impedance.
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Fig. 6. Magnitude of the fundamental voltage |Va,Pbo | at the output of

auxiliary transistor at the power level Pbo and the corresponding dissipated
power Pdis versus the possible load impedances of the auxiliary transistor for
Power combination 1.

Fig. 4. Load impedances of (a) main transistor and (b) auxiliary transistor
that yield Power combination 1. Eight impedances in the constant power circle
for the auxiliary transistor have been numbered 1–8.

Fig. 5. Phase distortion and the Doherty PAE at the maximum output power
PAE Pmax versus the numbered load impedances of the auxiliary transistor for Fig. 7. Load impedances of (a) main transistor and (b) auxiliary transistor
Power combination 1. that yield Power combination 2. Eight impedances in the constant power circle
for the main transistor have been numbered 1–8 and eight impedances in the
constant power circle for the auxiliary transistor have been numbered 1–8.

The magnitude of the voltage swing at the output of the

auxiliary transistor at the backed-off power level and corre-
B. Power Combination 2
sponding dissipated power in Z OFF,a = 1.7 − j 66  versus
the numbered auxiliary impedances are presented in Fig. 6. Since the main transistor was fully utilized in the previous
It can be seen that some solutions yield a very high voltage power combination, the only option for change is to reduce
swing at the output of the auxiliary transistor. If this voltage the maximum output power from the main transistor and
swing is too high, the assumption of the auxiliary transistor to increase the maximum output power from the auxiliary
being turned OFF will no longer be valid. In addition, if this transistor. It will be shown below that reducing the maximum
voltage swing exceeds the maximum possible voltage swing, output power from the main transistor by roughly 1 dB is
the waveform will compress. For the worst case scenario, sufficient for finding completely new solutions.
i.e., auxiliary impedance Z a5 , the power loss causes a five The second evaluated combination of maximum output
percentage points degradation of the back-off efficiency, while powers from the main and auxiliary transistors is
this effect is negligible if Z a1 or Z a8 is chosen. Pm,Pmax = 41.0 dBm and Pa,Pmax = 39.6 dBm.
None of the possible impedance combinations yield a
satisfactory solution regarding PAE, phase distortion, and This new power combination corresponds to a new current
power dissipation at back-off. Thus, a new power combination ratio compared to the previous combination [see (3)]. The
shall be evaluated. corresponding impedances are plotted in Fig. 7. Since the main
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 8. Phase distortion and the Doherty PAE at the maximum output
power PAE Pmax versus the possible load impedances of the main tran-
sistor Z L ,m,Pmax and possible load impedances of the auxiliary transistor
Z L ,a,Pmax .

Fig. 10. Doherty PA gain, phase response, and PAE for CW simulations
with ideal input and output networks at 2.14 GHz, for Z m6 with Z a3 or Z a6 .
Vertical lines have been plotted at Pmax = 43.3 dBm and Pbo = 35.3 dBm,
i.e., 8-dB OPBO.

varies from 6 to 15 V, which means that the dissipated power

is negligible.

C. Design Evaluation
Based on PAE, phase distortion, and auxiliary transis-
tor power dissipation in back-off, two combinations of
Fig. 9. Magnitude of the fundamental voltage |Va,Pbo | at the output impedances are interesting to evaluate further as follows.
of auxiliary transistor at the power level Pbo and the corresponding 1) Z m6 = 22.9 + j 10.4  with Z a3 = 13.2 + j 13.4 .
dissipated power Pdis versus the possible load impedances of the main
transistor Z L ,m,Pmax and possible load impedances of the auxiliary 2) Z m6 = 22.9 + j 10.4  with Z a6 = 11.4 + j 29.8 .
transistor Z L ,a,Pmax . The two combinations are evaluated with full Doherty PA
simulations in Fig. 10. Vertical lines have been plotted at
transistor is no longer fully utilized, a circle of impedances Pmax = 43.3 dBm and Pbo = 35.3 dBm (8-dB OPBO).
now yields the wanted output power. Consequently, the auxil- In these simulations, the input networks and the output com-
iary transistor is more utilized, resulting in a smaller circle of biner network are ideal. For both the cases, the full Doherty
impedances compared to the previous case. Eight impedances PA simulations agree very well with the load–pull data. The
for the main transistor (Z m1 –Z m8 ) and eight impedances for minor differences come from the small signal approximation
the auxiliary transistor (Z a1–Z a8) are numbered for further of Z a,OFF . In the region where the auxiliary transistor starts
evaluation. to conduct, Z a,OFF will not be static any more. Thus, the
The Doherty PA PAE at maximum output power PAE Pmax small signal approximation Z a,OFF will introduce errors in the
and the phase distortion are plotted as contours versus the output combiner parameters. However, this does not affect
numbered load impedances of the main and auxiliary tran- the Doherty PA performance significantly, as can be seen
sistors in Fig. 8. Again, it is noted that the phase distortion in Fig. 10. The power level where the auxiliary transistor
seems to have a very weak dependence on the auxiliary turns ON is not only dependent on the gate bias, but also
impedance. Thus, all choices of the auxiliary load impedance on the leakage from the main transistor that will pass the
while Z L ,m,Pmax = Z m6 give low phase distortion—a low feedback capacitance of the auxiliary transistor to the gate
phase distortion region—but with varying PAE Pmax . of the auxiliary transistor. How the leakage will affect the
The magnitude of the voltage swing at the output of the turn ON power level is dependent on both the phase and
auxiliary transistor at the backed-off power level and cor- magnitude of that leaked current. Post-tuning the gate bias
responding dissipated power in Z OFF,a versus the numbered of the auxiliary transistor could correct the Doherty behavior
main and auxiliary impedances are presented in Fig. 9. The at the backed-off power level, but will at the same time
voltage swing varies between 7 and 31 V, corresponding to introduce an error in the Doherty behavior at maximum power.
0.01–0.19 W of dissipated power in the auxiliary transistor at For Z a6 , the turn ON power level has been shifted such that
back-off. In the low phase distortion region, the voltage swing the auxiliary turns on at a higher power level than indented,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 11. Normalized phase responses for CW simulations with ideal input
and output networks at 2.14 GHz for solutions Z m6 and Z a3 . The phases are
plotted for the fundamental drain currents of the main and auxiliary transistors,
for the voltage across the load, and for the voltage across the load when the
phase difference between the main and auxiliary currents is set to the static
value θ .


Fig. 12. Photograph of the fabricated PA. The transistors are soldered to a

while for Z a3 , the leakage has not affected the turn ON power
level noticeably. Although the turn ON power has not shifted transistor currents are combined. In other words, the effect
for Z a3 , the auxiliary transistor is not completely off at the from the phase responses of the transistors has been removed.
indented backed-off power level (Pbo = 35.3 dBm) and draws It can be seen that an inherently nonlinear phase response
some dc current. This lowers the Doherty PAE at this power resulting from current scaling and complex load terminations
level compared to the load–pull data. It can also be noted that is achieved, and that this inherently nonlinear response cancels
the two different solutions present different behavior for power the nonlinear phase response due to the Miller effect and
levels between Pbo and Pmax . The design method does not transistor nonlinearities. Based on this solution, the output
predict the Doherty PA behavior between these power levels. combiner network parameters are derived from the equa-
However, it can be seen in Fig. 10 that the Doherty behavior tions in Section II and synthesized according to the method
at Pbo and Pmax is very close to the prediction, i.e., similar described in [18]. From this, a prototype Doherty PA is
phases and similar gain at these power levels. For both the fabricated.
solutions, the simulated static AM/AM and AM/PM responses
are applied to an 8.6 dB PAPR long term evolution (LTE) VI. M EASUREMENT R ESULTS
signal, resulting in an adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) of In Fig. 12, a photograph of the fabricated prototype is
−41.2 dBc for Z m6 and Z a3, and −37.2 dBc for Z m6 and Z a6, presented. A corresponding schematic of the output of the
when the maximum output power is 43.3 dBm. The gain circuit can be seen in Fig. 13. The second harmonic output
compression at back-off is larger for Z m6 and Z a6 , than for terminations have been absorbed into the combiner network.
Z m6 and Z a3 , which results in a more prominent back-off Below, measurement results are presented for continuous wave
efficiency peak, but at the cost of linearity. (CW) signals and modulated signals. Lastly, the measurement
The impedance combination Z m6 and Z a3 is selected for the results are compared with state state-of-the-art Doherty PAs.
Doherty PA prototype. All impedances with the corresponding
power and PAE are presented in Table II. The phase difference
that yields this performance is θ = −83°. For this selected A. CW Measurements
solution, different phase responses are plotted in Fig. 11. In Fig. 14, the performance for a 2.14-GHz CW signal is
Again, the input networks and the output combiner network presented and compared with cut-ready simulations. A vendor-
are ideal. Phases are plotted for the fundamental drain currents model is used for the transistors while models from the
of the main and auxiliary transistors, for the voltage across Modelithics LCR library are used to simulate the lumped
the load, and for the voltage across the load when the phase element components. All the transmission lines are EM sim-
difference between the main and auxiliary currents is set to ulated using Keysight Momentum. The transistor is biased
the static value θ ,  Vl,comb .  Vl,comb demonstrates the phase at VGG,m = −2.93 V, VGG,a = −5.70 V and VDD,m =
distortion resulting only from how the main and auxiliary VDD,a = 28 V. In Fig. 14, vertical lines have been plotted
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 13. Schematic of the output network of the fabricated PA.

Fig. 15. Measured and simulated S-parameters for the Doherty PA.


is: for small signals 10.6 dB, at the back-off power level
G Pbo = 9.2 dB, and at maximum power G Pmax = 8.5 dB.
This means that the gain of the Doherty PA is compressed
1.4 dB in the low power region and that the gain is compressed
0.7 dB in the high power region. The phase of the Doherty PA
is compressed 1.0° in the low power region and the phase is
compressed 5.2° in the high power region. The measured PA
presents PAE Pmax = 51% and PAE Pbo = 39%.
Fig. 14. Doherty PA gain, phase response, and PAE for CW measurements
and for cut-ready simulations at 2.14 GHz. Vertical lines have been plotted Measured and simulated S-parameters for the PA with a
at Pmax = 43 dBm and Pbo = 35 dBm, i.e., 8-dB OPBO. slightly tuned input phase delay are presented in Fig. 15.
The measured S11 presents a good match around the center
frequency. However, the isolation of the Wilkinson splitter
at Pmax = 43 dBm and Pbo = 35 dBm, i.e., 8-dB OPBO. prevents potential transistor mismatch to be observed at
The line at Pmax marks the indented maximum power level. the PA input. Simulated and measured S12 agree well. The
After this power level, the main transistor is severely com- measured S21 follows the simulations well except for an
pressed and starts to draw gate current. In the simulations, the offset in magnitude. The measured output matching is not as
main transistor is pushed further than the measurements. The good as the simulations.
gain response agrees well with the simulations, except for an Recently, we performed load– and source–pull measure-
offset of −3.7 dB. The measured phase response is almost as ments on a similar GaN transistor and observed discrepancies
good as in the simulations. The measured PAE is a slightly between simulations and measurements [21]. More specifi-
lower than in the simulations. The input phase delay of the cally, we observed that the output impedances differ slightly,
prototype Doherty PA has been tuned slightly to compensate but the discrepancies between the simulated and measured
for the perceived model inaccuracies. The measured gain input impedances are more substantial, especially when the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 16. Normalized power spectral density for a 10-MHz 8.6-dB PAPR Fig. 17. AM/AM and AM/PM for a 10-MHz 8.6-dB PAPR LTE signal
LTE signal at 2.14 GHz with and without digital predistortion. at 2.14 GHz.

transistor is operating in class-C. We therefore believe that

the transistor model inaccuracies are the main cause of the
discrepancies between measurements and simulations in this
paper. It is also interesting to mention that [20] reported similar
discrepancies between measurements and simulations as in
this paper for similar GaN transistors. Despite the discrepan-
cies, the fabricated PA prototype in this paper presents good
efficiency and linearity, which is expected from the novel
Fig. 18. Average PAE and ACPR versus average output power.
B. Modulated Measurements
The prototype PA is also evaluated with a 10-MHz
8.6-dB PAPR LTE signal at 2.14 GHz. To match the behavior AM/AM and AM/PM for the signal without linearization is
in the CW measurements, the bias levels were tuned to presented in Fig. 17. It can be observed that the PA presents
VGG,m = −2.83 V, VGG,a = −5.10 V. Similar shifts in linear responses for the modulated signal with the same trends
bias levels are seen in [22] and [23]. Normalized power as in the CW measurements. For the modulated signal without
spectral densities, with and without digital predistortion (DPD) linearization, the average PAE and the ACPR are plotted versus
linearization, are presented in Fig. 16. The PA presents an average output power in Fig. 18. It can be seen that the
average PAE of 40% and a raw ACPR of −40.8 dBc at ACPR sweet spot is very close to the indented operational
an average output power Pavg = 35.5 dBm. After apply- power level. This could be attributed to the intended flat gain
ing a memoryless table-based DPD running at three times and phase responses in the Doherty region resulting from the
the signal bandwidth, i.e., 30 MHz, the PA presents an design method. Modulated measurements were also performed
ACPR = −47.8 dBc at Pavg = 35.4 dBm. The corresponding for different instantaneous bandwidths for the 8.6-dB PAPR
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


LTE signal. The ACPR with and without the mentioned DPD A PPENDIX A
is summarized in Table III. For the presented three cases, the S OLUTIONS TO THE T WO -P ORT C OMBINER PARAMETERS
average output power is roughly 35.4 dBm and the average In Section II, the output combiner parameters are derived
PAE is 40%. It can be seen that the memoryless DPD becomes for a lossy and reciprocal two-port network in terms of the
less effective as the signal bandwidth increases. transistor load terminations. These two-port network parame-
ters have the following solutions:
C. Comparison With State of the Art 
Z 11 = α12 Z L ,m,Pbo (Z L ,a,Pmax + Z OFF,a ) + Z L ,m,Pmax
The performance of the prototype Doherty PA is sum- 
(Z L ,m,Pmax − Z L ,m,Pbo )) C0 (27)
marized and compared with other similar GaN Doherty
PAs in Table IV. The Doherty PA in [24] is a three-way Z 12 = Z 21 = (α1 (Z L ,a,Pmax + Z OFF,a )

Doherty PA, whereas the rest are two-way. It should also (Z L ,m,Pmax − Z L ,m,Pbo )) C0 (28)
be mentioned that [24] requires three individually controlled 
Z 22 = α12 Z L ,a,Pmax (Z L ,a,Pmax + Z OFF,a ) − Z OFF,a
inputs. The Doherty PA in [9] is a dual-band MMIC PA whose 
best performing band is included in the table. [23] presents (Z L ,m,Pmax − Z L ,m,Pbo ) C0 (29)
an ultrabroadband MMIC Doherty PA (5.8–8.8 GHz) with an where
ACPR without DPD at 7 GHz that is very similar to what is
reported in this paper. The amplitude and phase responses vary C0 = α12 (Z L ,a,Pmax + Z OFF,a ) + (Z L ,m,Pmax − Z L ,m,Pbo ).
across the band, and it is not shown why a linear amplitude (30)
response coincides with low phase distortion at 7 GHz, which
is not the center frequency. The Doherty PAs in [17] and [18] A PPENDIX B
utilize a similar technology and a very similar design method T WO - TO T HREE -P ORT C ONVERSION
as in this paper. The design method in [17] and [18]
In Section II, the output combiner parameters are derived for
solves a black-box combiner network solely for high effi-
a lossy and reciprocal two-port network. It must be possible to
ciency. Thus, comparing this work with [17] and [18] gives
convert this two-port combiner into a lossless and reciprocal
a good understanding of the tradeoffs between efficiency
three-port combiner with the third port terminated with a resis-
and linearity. The Doherty PA in [25] utilizes complex load
tive load. Below follows the derivation of the three-port net-
combining for a tradeoff between efficiency and linearity.
work parameters in terms of the two-port network parameters.
The distinct efficiency and linearity of the prototype PA
The two- and three-port network parameters are denoted by
in this paper demonstrate the benefits of the presented novel
Ẑ i j and by Z i j , respectively. Terminating the third port of the
design method.
three-port network with a resistive load Rl will result in a
two-port network. The Z -parameters of this two-port network
VII. C ONCLUSION expressed in terms of the three-port network parameters can be
Treating the output combiner network of the Doherty PA as found in [18]. The lossless and reciprocal three-port network
a black box and solving its parameters, together with the input parameters can be written in terms of the two-port network
phase delay, based on given boundary conditions, opens up parameters and the load resistance Rl according to
the possibility to find new solutions. These new solutions have 
deviating current profiles compared with the conventional Ẑ 31 = ± j {Z 11 }/C1 (31)

Doherty PA current profiles, in other words current scaled Ẑ 32 = ± j {Z 22 }/C1 (32)
Doherty PA solutions. Current scaling together with complex 2
Ẑ 31
load terminations results in an inherent nonlinear phase Ẑ 11 = Z 11 + (33)
response, which can be utilized to counteract inherent Ẑ 33 + Rl
Doherty PA phase distortion due to the Miller effect and Ẑ 31 Ẑ 32
Ẑ 12 = Z 12 + (34)
transistor nonlinearities. The increased design space of the Ẑ 33 + Rl
current scaled Doherty PA has enabled a novel design method 2
Ẑ 32
providing a new tradeoff between efficiency and linearity. All Ẑ 22 = Z 22 + (35)
the steps in the design method have first been described for Ẑ 33 + Rl
the generic case, and then applied for a specific GaN Doherty where
PA design. Since the design method treats the output combiner Rl
network as a black box, all possible solutions in the design C1 = (36)
Rl2 + | Ẑ 33|2
space can be fully evaluated remarkably fast. The proposed
design method has been experimentally verified by a prototype and where the roots must be selected such that
PA presenting excellent efficiency and highly linear AM/AM −sgn( Ẑ 31 Ẑ 32 ) = sgn({Z 12}). (37)
and AM/PM responses. The novel design method manifests
the Doherty PA’s position in applications demanding The three-port parameters include six unknowns and
high efficiency and high linearity—completely without are given by only five equations. The equation system is
predistortion or with low-complexity predistorters, which is a underdetermined and has infinitely many solutions. Thus the
stringent requirement of future wireless infrastructures. parameter Ẑ 33 can adopt any arbitrary purely imaginary value.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


The purely imaginary value of Ẑ 33 will determine a static [18] M. Özen, K. Andersson, and C. Fager, “Symmetrical Doherty power
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT effects on GaN HEMT based Doherty PA load-pull ratios,” in Proc.
Integr. Nonlinear Microw. Millim.-Wave Circuits Workshop (INMMiC),
The authors would like to thank Modelithics, Inc., Tampa, Oct. 2015, pp. 1–3.
FL, USA, for the use of Modelithics models utilized under the [23] D. Gustafsson, J. C. Cahuana, D. Kuylenstierna, I. Angelov, and
C. Fager, “A GaN MMIC modified Doherty PA with large bandwidth and
University License Program. The authors would also like to reconfigurable efficiency,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 62,
thank Dr. K. Andersson, Ericsson AB, for fruitful discussions. no. 12, pp. 3006–3016, Dec. 2014.
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Topical Conf. Power Amplif. Wireless Radio Appl., Jan. 2014, pp. 7–9. William Hallberg (S’13) received the B.Sc. degree
[5] L. C. Nunes, P. M. Cabral, and J. C. Pedro, “AM/PM distortion in GaN in engineering physics and the M.Sc. degree in elec-
Doherty power amplifiers,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., trical engineering from the Chalmers University of
Jun. 2014, pp. 1–4. Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2012 and 2014,
[6] L. Piazzon et al., “Effect of load modulation on phase distortion respectively, where he is currently pursuing the
in Doherty power amplifiers,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., Ph.D. degree
vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 505–507, Jul. 2014. In 2014, he joined the Microwave Electronics
[7] Y. Yang, J. Yi, Y. Y. Woo, and B. Kim, “Optimum design for linearity Laboratory, Chalmers University of Technology.
and efficiency of a microwave Doherty amplifier using a new load His current research interests include highly efficient
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[8] Y. Cho, D. Kang, J. Kim, K. Moon, B. Park, and B. Kim, “Linear
Doherty power amplifier with an enhanced back-off efficiency mode
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[9] S. Jee, Y. Park, Y. Cho, J. Lee, S. Kim, and B. Kim, “A highly linear degree in electrical engineering from Ankara Univer-
dual-band Doherty power amplifier for femto-cell base stations,” in IEEE sity, Ankara, Turkey, in 2006, and the M.Sc. degree
MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., May 2015, pp. 1–4. in microwave engineering and the Ph.D. degree from
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amplifier with optimized linearity,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., Sweden, in 2010 and 2014, respectively.
vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 986–993, Mar. 2003. He is currently a Joint Post-Doctoral Researcher
[11] I. Kim et al., “Highly linear three-way Doherty amplifier with uneven with the Chalmers University of Technology and the
power drive for repeater system,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., University of California at San Diego, San Diego,
vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 176–178, Apr. 2006. CA, USA. His current research interests include high
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intermodulation,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 51, no. 3, tion, and the design of millimeter-wave SiGe/Si front-ends.
pp. 1045–1051, Mar. 2003. Dr. Özen was a recipient of the 2011 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Wireless
[13] A. K. Manjanna, M. Marchetti, K. Buisman, M. Spirito, M. J. Pelk, and and Microwave Technology Conference and the International Post-Doctoral
L. C. N. de Vreede, “Device characterization for LTE applications with Fellowship from the Swedish Research Council in 2016.
wideband baseband, fundamental and harmonic impedance control,” in
Proc. 43rd Eur. Microw. Conf., Oct. 2013, pp. 255–258.
[14] W. H. Doherty, “A new high efficiency power amplifier for modulated David Gustafsson received the M.Sc. degree in
waves,” Proc. Inst. Radio Eng., vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1163–1182, Sep. 1935. engineering physics and the Ph.D. degree from the
[15] F. H. Raab, “Efficiency of Doherty RF power-amplifier systems,” IEEE Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg,
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[16] M. Iwamoto, A. Williams, P.-F. Chen, A. G. Metzger, L. E. Larson, In 2014, he joined Ericsson Research, Gothenburg,
and P. M. Asbeck, “An extended Doherty amplifier with high efficiency where he is currently involved in gallium nitride
over a wide power range,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 49, monolithic microwave integrated circuits and
no. 12, pp. 2472–2479, Dec. 2001. millimeter-wave 5G front-ends.
[17] M. Özen and C. Fager, “Symmetrical Doherty amplifier with high Dr. Gustafsson was a recipient of the 2013
efficiency over large output power dynamic range,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2014, pp. 1–4. Graduate Fellowship.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Koen Buisman (S’05–M’09) received the M.Sc. and Christian Fager (S’98–M’03–SM’15) received the
Ph.D. degrees in microelectronics from the Delft M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer-
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, ing and microwave electronics from the Chalmers
in 2004 and 2011, respectively. University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in
From 2004 to 2014, he was with the Delft Insti- 1998 and 2003, respectively.
tute of Microsystems and Nanoelectronics, Delft He is currently a Professor with the Microwave
University of Technology. In 2014, he joined the Electronics Laboratory, Chalmers University of
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Technology. He has authored or co-authored over
Sweden, where he is currently an Assistant Professor 100 papers in international journals and conferences.
with the Microwave Electronics Laboratory, Depart- His current research interests include the design and
ment of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. He has modeling of linear and energy efficient transmitters
authored or co-authored over 45 refereed journal and conference papers. for future wireless systems.
He holds two patents. His current research interests include varactors for Dr. Fager was a recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at the
RF adaptivity, nonlinear device characterization, and technology optimization IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium in 2002. He is currently
for wireless systems. an Associate Editor for IEEE Microwave Magazine.

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