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Level One and Two:

Decodable Sentences,
Stories, Comprehension
Sheets & Activities
The Bundle

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ee, ea, ey
Sheer Luck

Corey came home after a long day. All he wanted to do was

eat and go to sleep. He fixed himself a meal of beef and beans.
As a treat he had some peaches after he ate his meal. He
was stuffed by the time he went to bed. Corey was in a deep
sleep and having a dream about a wild turkey when a screech
and a crash woke him up.

Corey got out of bed and went outside to see what was going
on. A car down the street squealed off as the door shut
behind him. The car had crashed into a trash bin and it was
laying in the street. Corey went to pick it up and then he said
to himself, “I need to get back to sleep!”

Corey reached for his key in his pocket. That is when he

realized that he was in his pajamas! He had left his key in his
jeans and his jeans were inside the house! He was locked out!
It was dark and much colder than it had been when he went to
bed. It was clear he had a big problem!

Corey did not panic. Corey sat to think. Did he have a spare
key? No. Could he go down the chimney? No. Could he stick a
pin in the keyhole? No. Then Corey had a brainstorm. Maybe
he had left the basement unlocked. Last week he had been
cleaning the basement and he was forgetful about locking up
at times. He wished that he had been forgetful when he went
out tonight!

Corey went to the back to check the basement. It was sheer

luck! It was unlocked! He went back up to bed and slept like a
log after that!
All Roads Lead to Reading © 2017
Name _____________________ Date _______________

Sheer Luck
Complete the sentences using the words below.
screech sleep cleaning clear key

1. Corey had been ___________ the basement last week.

2. He had left his ____________ in his jeans.
3. It was ____________ that he had a big problem!
4. A ____________ woke Corey up.
5. All Corey wanted to do was eat and ____________ .
Answer the questions with a complete sentence.

1. What does Corey want to do when he gets home? ___________



2. What wakes Corey up? ______________________________



3. Why do you think Corey may have forgotten his key? ________


All Roads Lead to Reading © 2017

Print out the cards on cardstock, laminate and cut out. Lay the picture
cards face down on one side and the words cards face down on the
opposite side. Play as a memory game. Students can keep matches and
the student with the most matches at the end wins.

Another option is to put all the word cards in a pile face down. Lay the
picture cards out face up. Have students take turns pulling a card off
the word pile, reading it and then choosing the correct picture card to

A third option is to hand out all the word cards equally. Have students
practice reading the word cards and leave them face up in front of them.
You show the picture cards one by one and students must hold up the
word card that matches the picture and read it if they have it.
donkey hockey key money

turkey monkey jersey trolley

tea leaf read eat

leak beach meat ear

feet tree peek queen

seed three sleep feed

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