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The Venous System

• Systemic veins
• Portal veins
• Pulmonary veins
Systemic Veins
• Sinus venosus
receives deoxygenated blood from the different parts
of the body
(lift the apex of the heart, thin regular sac)
Systemic Veins
• Precava (Anterior vena cava)
big veins originating from the anterior right and left
border of the sinus venosus
▪ External jugular vein
▪ Innominate vein
▪ Subclavian vein
Systemic Veins
▪ External jugular vein
medial most branch of the precava
➢ Lingual vein
collects blood from the tongue, hyoid and floor of the mouth
➢ Maxillary or Mandibular vein
collects blood from the jaws and thyroid glands
Systemic Veins
▪ Innominate vein
lateral to the first external jugular vein
➢ Internal jugular vein
collects blood from the interior of the skull
➢ Subscapular vein
collects blood from the shoulder and forelimbs
Systemic Veins
▪ Subclavian vein
outermost branch
➢ Brachial vein
collects blood from the forelimbs
➢ Musculocutaneous vein
1. Cutaneous vein (smaller)
collects blood from the skin of the dorsal and ventrolaleral
body wall
2. Muscular vein (bigger)
collects blood from the muscles of the same region
Systemic Veins
• Postcava
large unpaired vein located on the posterior end of
sinus venosus
▪ Hepatic veins
▪ Lumbar veins
▪ Renal veins
▪ Spermatic veins
▪ Ovarian veins
Systemic Veins
• Hepatic veins
found at the region of the Liver, it branches into left
and right
Systemic Veins
• Renal veins
found at the region of the Kidneys
• Spermatic veins
from the testes for males
• Ovarian veins (female)
from the ovaries for females
***Both spermatic and ovarian veins may be connected to
renal veins or directly connected to the post cava.
Systemic Veins
• Lumbar veins
collect blood from the dorsal region of the body
Portal Veins
• Hepatic portal System
▪ Hepatic portal vein
▪ Gastric veins
▪ Pancreatic vein
▪ Splenic vein
▪ Intestinal vein
• Renal portal system
▪ Renal portal veins
▪ Dorsolumbar vein
▪ Oviducal vein
▪ Femoral vein
▪ Medial sciatic vein
▪ Pelvic veins
▪ Anterior abdominal vein
▪ Vesticular vein
Hepatic Portal System
▪ Hepatic portal vein
gently deflect the left lobe of the liver & lightly scratching the substance of
pancreas to expose it.
carries blood and nutrients from the stomach, spleen, intestines and gall
bladder to the liver.
▪ Gastric veins
connected to the Hepatic portal vein; coming from the stomach
▪ Pancreatic vein
from the pancreas
▪ Splenic vein
from the spleen
▪ Intestinal veins
from the small and large intestines
Renal Portal System
▪ Renal portal veins
located on the lateral margin of each kidney
carrying blood from some of the posterior parts of the body to the kidneys
▪ Dorsolumbar vein
collecting blood from the dorsal body wall
▪ Oviducal vein
from the oviduct
▪ Femoral vein
collects blood from the anterior and dorsal side of the thigh
▪ Sciatic vein
collects blood from the posterior side of the thigh
Renal Portal System
▪ Pelvic veins
connected to the left and right femoral veins which unites
together and becomes connected to the anterior abdominal
▪ Anterior abdominal vein
located beneath the linea alba; follow this vein upward &
notice it directly enters the substance of liver/becomes
connected to the hepatic portal vein
formed by the union of two pelvic vein and vesicular vein.
▪ Vesicular vein
collects blood from the urinary bladder, small vein
Pulmonary Veins
• Pulmonary veins
Best seen by carefully removing the membrane connecting
pericardial sac with the upper portion of the lungs.
Gently deflect the heart on the side and notice that
pulmonary veins enter the left autrium

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