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Rapid conversion of an oceanic spreading center

to a subduction zone inferred from
high-precision geochronology
Timothy E. Keenana, John Encarnacióna,1, Robert Buchwaldtb, Dan Fernandezc, James Mattinsond,
Christine Rasoazanamparanye, and P. Benjamin Luetkemeyera
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108; bDepartment of Earth and Environment, Boston University,
Boston, MA 02215; cSchlumberger-WesternGeco, Geosolutions-Interpretation, Houston, TX 77042; dDepartment of Earth Science, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106; and eDepartment of Geology and Environmental Earth Science, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056

Edited by W. G. Ernst, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 11, 2016 (received for review June 20, 2016)

Where and how subduction zones initiate is a fundamental tectonic buoyant. Interestingly, some numerical models predict that despite
problem, yet there are few well-constrained geologic tests that the buoyancy of the plate and the ridge push force, the forces re-
address the tectonic settings and dynamics of the process. Numerical quired to initiate underthrusting within the young, thin lithosphere
modeling has shown that oceanic spreading centers are some of the of a spreading center are lower than within older, thicker litho-
weakest parts of the plate tectonic system [Gurnis M, Hall C, Lavier L sphere, which requires increasingly larger forces to cause down-
(2004) Geochem Geophys Geosys 5:Q07001], but previous studies bending of the stronger plate (1). Self-sustained subduction, driven
have not favored them for subduction initiation because of the pos- by a plate’s negative buoyancy, might eventually be achieved after
itive buoyancy of young lithosphere. Instead, other weak zones, initiation at a spreading center, if forced convergence is sustained
such as fracture zones, have been invoked. Because these models until older, denser lithosphere finally enters the trench.
differ in terms of the ages of crust that are juxtaposed at the site of Well-constrained geologic tests of the aforementioned models
subduction initiation, they can be tested by dating the protoliths of are necessary to carry the debate forward. Because transform faults,
metamorphosed oceanic crust that is formed by underthrusting at fracture zones, and continental margins juxtapose lithosphere of
the beginning of subduction and comparing that age with the age different ages, whereas plates of equal and approximately zero age
of the overlying lithosphere and the timing of subduction initiation are adjacent at spreading centers, determining where subduction
itself. In the western Philippines, we find that oceanic crust was less
has initiated may be possible by comparing the ages of the un-


than ∼1 My old when it was underthrust and metamorphosed at the

derthrust and overriding lithosphere at the time of subduction
onset of subduction in Palawan, Philippines, implying forced sub-
initiation, in relation to the time of subduction initiation itself.
duction initiation at a spreading center. This result shows that young
The timing of subduction initiation in some paleo-subduction
and positively buoyant, but weak, lithosphere was the preferred site
zones may be determined by constraining the timing of high tem-
for subduction nucleation despite the proximity of other potential
weak zones with older, denser lithosphere and that plate motion
perature metamorphism—associated with the initiation of sub-
rapidly changed from divergence to convergence.
duction—of the uppermost portions (i.e., the crust) of the initial
subducted plate. This metamorphic material may be transferred to
(or “welded”) and preserved underneath the mantle peridotite
subduction initiation | tectonics | geochronology | Philippines | ophiolite hanging wall of the nascent subduction zone forearc of the upper
plate as heat from the overlying mantle, and the resulting ductile
S ubduction is the major driver of plate motion (1), and pro-
cesses at subduction zones are largely responsible for the
growth and evolution of continents through accretion, collision,
shearing, progressively propagates down into the cold underthrust

and magmatism. Despite its importance, the process of subduction Significance

initiation is still debated partly because evidence from the early
stages of subduction is often obscured by later deformation and Subduction, the process by which tectonic plates sink into the
magmatism. The lack of geologic constraints on how subduction mantle, is a fundamental tectonic process on Earth, yet the
zones initiate remains a significant void in our understanding of question of where and how new subduction zones form remains
Earth’s tectonics. a matter of debate. In this study, we find that a divergent plate
Subduction initiation has been addressed primarily through nu- boundary, where two plates move apart, was forcefully and
merical modeling (2–9). These studies have demonstrated the need rapidly turned into a convergent boundary where one plate
for a weak zone in the lithosphere to facilitate subduction. Based on eventually began subducting. This finding is surprising because,
this, subduction has been proposed to initiate in a variety of settings although the plate material at a divergent boundary is weak, it is
such as transform faults or fracture zones (10), passive continental also buoyant and resists subduction. This study suggests that
margins (6, 11), oceanic detachment faults (12), and oceanic buoyant, but weak, plate material at a divergent boundary can
spreading centers (13). Spreading centers have been the least fa- be forced to converge until eventually older and denser plate
vored, however, because the lithosphere there is positively buoyant. material enters the nascent subduction zone, which then
Two contrasting ideas regarding the dynamics (i.e., the forces) of becomes self-sustaining.
subduction initiation have been explored. In “spontaneous” sub-
Author contributions: T.E.K. and J.E. designed research; T.E.K., J.E., R.B., D.F., J.M., C.R.,
duction initiation, a plate’s increasing density with age may even- and P.B.L. performed research; R.B. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; T.E.K., J.E.,
tually cause it to sink into the underlying asthenosphere (10, 14), R.B., D.F., J.M., and C.R. analyzed data; J.E., D.F., C.R., and P.B.L. performed fieldwork;
whereas in forced subduction initiation, external plate forces are and T.E.K., J.E., and R.B. wrote the paper.
required to initiate subduction (3, 5, 15). Oceanic plates that are at The authors declare no conflict of interest.
least ∼10 My old are negatively buoyant (16) and may undergo This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
either forced or spontaneous subduction initiation. Subduction 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
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initiation within very young lithosphere near a spreading center, This article contains supporting information online at
however, can only be forced because the plate is still positively 1073/pnas.1609999113/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS | Published online November 7, 2016 | E7359–E7366

crust (17). These high-temperature “metamorphic soles” that form (iv) underthrusting of young lithosphere at a spreading center (13)
during the initiation of subduction (18, 19) are found at the base of (Fig. 1). Without the age of the initially subducted plate, it may not
ophiolites—sections of oceanic lithosphere now on land—that are be possible to differentiate between these models.
often thought to represent the trapped forearc (i.e., the upper plate) The geochemical affinities of the ophiolite-sole pairs could vary
of subduction zones (20, 21). The high-temperature (>700 °C) depending on where, and how, the subducting and overriding
amphibolite-granulite facies rocks preserved in metamorphic soles plates were generated. Thus, the geochemistry of the sole and
(18, 22, 23) indicate that they formed during the very early stages overlying ophiolite could be similar or different and may provide
of subduction, before the development of depressed isotherms some constraint on the different models outlined in Fig. 1. Al-
that produce typical blueschist facies rocks during more mature though geochemical investigations of sole-ophiolite pairs may
subduction (24). Also important, the high pressures (∼10 kbar) prove useful, the age relationships discussed above can provide
(18, 22, 23) associated with the formation of some metamorphic further tests on the subduction initiation scenarios. Although all
soles indicate that they formed at oceanic mantle depths during four scenarios listed above predict similar ages for the initiation of
subduction initiation rather than by some other process like oce- subduction (i.e., the metamorphic age of the sole) and the over-
anic core complex formation or intraoceanic thrusting unrelated lying ophiolite, each case predicts a different age relationship be-
to subduction initiation. tween the initially subducted crust (i.e., the metamorphic sole’s
Metamorphic soles commonly have metamorphic cooling ages protolith age) and subduction initiation. A determination of the
that are similar to the igneous crystallization ages of their overlying igneous crystallization age of the protolith of the high temperature
ophiolites (19, 25, 26), implying that the overlying ophiolite was still metamorphic sole has been the missing piece of information in all
very young or formed during or shortly after subduction initiated. previous studies of subophiolitic metamorphic soles and is key to
However, because these cooling ages reflect the time of meta- testing the various models of subduction initiation.
morphic cooling and not necessarily the time when the original ig-
neous crust formed, the similarity in ages between the metamorphic Cenozoic Subduction and Collision in Palawan
sole and overlying ophiolite may be interpreted in several ways: We applied the foregoing test to the metamorphic sole of an
(i) subduction initiation between older lithospheric plates followed ophiolite associated with a young, short-lived subduction zone in
by rapid slab rollback and seafloor spreading that generates the Palawan, western Philippines (Fig. 2). The central Palawan
ophiolite eventually preserved with the sole (10); (ii) subduction ophiolite was trapped in the forearc of the subduction zone that
initiation of variably older lithosphere beneath an already active generated the Cagayan arc (18). Subduction began at ∼34 Ma and
spreading center (27, 28); (iii) subduction initiation along weak lasted for ∼20 My before it was terminated by microcontinent-arc
detachment faults at some distance from a spreading center (12), or collision (18, 29, 33). The subduction zone’s relatively young age

TF/FZ detachment fault


? ?

Mantle upwelling

Metamorphic sole Metamorphic sole Metamorphic sole

protolith significantly protolith significantly protolith older than
older than both the older than both the the sole and slightly
sole and the sole and the older than the
ophiolite ophiolite ophiolite

Crust Igneous crystallization

of ophiolite
34.1 ± 0.1 Ma
Mantle Cooling of the

metamorphic sole
through 550-400°C
34.2 ± 0.6 Ma
Metamorphic sole Igneous crystallization
protolith age similar to of sole protoliths
(or indistinguishable) or 35.25 ± 0.15 Ma
from the sole and the Subducting Plate
35.242 ± 0.062 Ma
ophiolite ages Ages are compatible 35.862 ± 0.048 Ma
with Model (D)

Fig. 1. Models of subduction initiation that explain similar ages between the formation of metamorphic soles and associated ophiolites (in cross-section and
map view). The high temperature metamorphic sole (shown as a thick, black line) is generated from the crust of the subducting plate during subduction
initiation. It may then be preserved at the base of the upper plate (future ophiolite, shown in cross-hatched pattern). Each model predicts a different age
relation between the initially subducted crust, the overlying ophiolite, and the time of subduction initiation. Plate ages are schematically shown with darker
shades representing older lithosphere. White arrows on subducting plate indicate relative plate motion. (A) Sinking of the subducting plate along a transform
fault (TF) or fracture zone (FZ) drives extension in the upper plate, generating the future ophiolite (10). (B) Subduction initiation of distinctly older lithosphere
near an active spreading center (27, 28). (C) Subduction initiation along an oceanic detachment fault near a spreading center (12). (D) Subduction initiation
very close to or at a spreading center axis (13). Hacker et al. (25) proposed a variant of this in which subduction initiates across a transform or fracture zone
with underthrusting directed parallel to an active spreading center axis. Both options are shown in map view. (E) Schematic of the Palawan ophiolite, its
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metamorphic sole, and the dated lensoid pods preserved within the sole. U-Pb zircon ages of the pods and ophiolite obtained from this study are displayed
along with the metamorphic cooling age of the sole (18).

E7360 | Keenan et al.

and short duration make it an ideal site to study subduction initi- interpreted as a downwarped segment of the southern edge of the
ation because it was terminated before a potentially complicated NPCT and contiguous proto-SCSB that is underthrust beneath the
history might have ensued. Palawan ophiolite (35, 36). The proto-SCSB is Cretaceous oceanic
The island of Palawan flanks the southern margin of the South lithosphere that existed south of the NPCT–southeast China pas-
China Sea (Fig. 2). Its geology consists of ophiolite-related rocks sive margin before opening of the SCSB (29). Allochthonous
(31, 32) and continental crust [the North Palawan continental remnants of this older Cretaceous ophiolite are found in tectonic
terrane (NPCT)] that rifted from southeast China during the windows beneath the ∼34 My old (see below) Palawan ophiolite
opening of the South China Sea Basin (SCSB) (29, 34). The (18, 31, 36). Gravity data are consistent with the younger Central
Cagayan Ridge is located to the southeast of, and trends parallel Palawan ophiolite being rooted in the south (37) and thrust
to, Palawan. It is composed of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks (33) and northward on to the continental crust of the NPCT (Fig. 2D) (32)
is the volcanic arc associated with the subduction zone whose in- in a manner similar to Tethyan ophiolites (20).
ception is preserved on Palawan (18, 29, 33, 34). To the northwest In summary, all of the available evidence (onshore geologic and
of central and southwest Palawan is the Palawan trough (Fig. 2), a offshore drill hole, seismic, and gravity data) from Palawan and
linear depression that, based on seismic reflection observations, is the surrounding areas is consistent with a south-southeast dipping

A 110° 120°
Palawan Ophiolite
B 118°00’
metamorphic sole
China Taiwan 10°15’
submerged Eurasian (panel C)
continental crust Foliated flyschoid
oceanic crust of margin of metasediments; some
Ulugan Bay
marginal basins NPCT pillow basalts (L. Cretaceous
spreading axis to E. Eocene) Penacosa
20° NW limit of Palawan Point
thrust wedge Sediments (plagiogranite)

Normal fault (Upper Eocene? - Miocene)


Clastics and Carbonates Sagasa Point


Philippine (Miocene)
Luzon Alluvium/ River Deposits
South Sea
Red River- 9°45’ (Pliocene - Recent)
China Puerto
shear zone Reverse Fault



Indo- South Inferred Fault

china Basin China


10° ?

NPCT Aborlan 15 km






Sea Basalt / Diabase



Basin Palawan



Sulu Peridotite
Borneo Sea Basin Sea

C 1- Epidote amphibolite D
2- Amphibolite gneiss
4 with hornblendite lenses PALAWAN
3- Garnet amphibolite TROUGH
5 ophiolite
B 4- Hornblendite, quartzite,
kyanite schist peridotite
5- Mantle peridotite klippe OPHIOLITE
Inferred contact metamorphic (eroded)
Inferred fault sole
ULUGAN Location of photos clastic rocks
BAY in Figure 3


? ?
N 2

100 m 1 C 10 km
E,F Dalrymple Point
D Schematic NW-SE section across Ulugan Bay area (see panel “b”)

Fig. 2. (A) Present tectonic setting of Palawan island, Philippines (18, 29, 30). Rectangle outlines the area shown in B. (B) General geology of central Palawan
showing locations of sample sites. The general structure consists of an ∼34-Ma ophiolite (the Central Palawan ophiolite) thrust over deformed Cretaceous-
Eocene turbiditic sedimentary rocks of the NPCT. Remnants of the older Early Cretaceous proto-SCSB ophiolite are found as occasional pillow lavas in tectonic
windows in the younger Palawan ophiolite (geology from our field observations and refs. 18 and 31). (C) Geologic map of the metamorphic sole at Dalrymple
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Point. See B for location. Background image from Google Earth (Digital Globe, CNES/Astrium). Apparent metamorphic grade decreases away from the mantle
peridotite. (D) Schematic NW-SE cross section of Palawan in the Ulugan Bay area after ref. 32.

Keenan et al. PNAS | Published online November 7, 2016 | E7361

subduction zone that formed the Cagayan arc, which places the The metamorphic sole of the ophiolite is exposed in the Dal-
Palawan ophiolite in the forearc. This subduction zone was ter- rymple Point area and is composed of ductiley strained garnet
minated when the southern edge of the rifted margin of China amphibolites, hornblendites, amphibolites, epidote amphibolites,
(the NPCT) jammed the trench in the Middle Miocene (33), quartzites, and kyanite schists with isoclinal folds and a distinct,
causing obduction of the Palawan ophiolite. The question of how penetrative mineral lineation in most rocks (Fig. 2). These rocks
subduction initiated in Palawan is unresolved. Mitchell et al. (32) represent metamorphosed igneous, basaltic oceanic crust and as-
speculated that subduction may have initiated at a spreading sociated sediments (cherts and mudstone). As in other meta-
center, whereas the model of Encarnación et al. (18) shows initi- morphic soles, the higher temperature garnet amphibolites and
ation at a transform fault or fracture zone. Both of these proposals hornblendites are located closer to the basal mantle harzburgites,
lack the necessary age data to properly test these models. whereas lower temperature epidote amphibolites tend to be
structurally lower. At several locations, more highly strained sole
Age and Geochemistry of the Palawan Ophiolite and Its Sole rocks enclose less deformed (or isotropic) and more competent,
The central Palawan ophiolite is a relatively coherent section of irregularly shaped lensoid pods of epidote amphibolite (decimeter-
oceanic lithosphere consisting of pillowed and massive lavas, diabase meter scale) and smaller lensoid pods of amphibolite (a few mil-
dikes, plagiogranite, gabbro, troctolite, and mantle harzburgite (31, limeters to centimeters in thickness and several centimeters to
32) (Fig. 2). Samples of pillow lavas, dikes, and gabbroic intrusions, decimeters in diameter) (Fig. 3). Thermobarometric determina-
as well as felsic intrusions (plagiogranite) (Fig. 3) collected from tions show that the garnet amphibolites of the sole reached peak
the ophiolite, show slight light rare earth element (LREE) de- metamorphic temperatures of 700–760 °C and pressures exceeding
pletions and relatively flat middle REE and heavy REE patterns, 9 kbar (∼27 km depth in the mantle) (18), conditions consistent
about 10 times chondritic values, consistent with midocean ridge with those that the crust of a subducting plate would be subject to
(MORB)-like magma (Fig. 4A). A similar MORB to transitional during the earliest stages of subduction (23). Critical to this study,
MORB-island arc basalt (IAB) or suprasubduction zone signature previous work (18) has constrained the minimum age for sub-
is evident in other multielement plots. Tectonic discrimination duction initiation by determining 40Ar-39Ar cooling ages on two
diagrams that use robust statistical tests (38) assign the data within hornblende samples and one white mica sample (from garnet
the MORB field (Fig. 4B) or to a transitional MORB-IAB field amphibolite, amphibolite, and kyanite schist, respectively) in the
(Fig. 4C), consistent with a backarc basin basalt (BABB)-type sole. These ages are indistinguishable at 34.2 ± 0.5, 34.2 ± 0.6, and
geochemistry (39) and consistent with many other ophiolites (40) 34.25 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively (Fig. 1) (corrected for new revised
formed at oceanic divergent-type boundaries. ages of the neutron flux monitors) (41), and indicate rapid cooling
Based on zircon U-Pb geochronology from a plagiogranite of the sole to 550–400 °C after reaching peak metamorphic tem-
sampled near Penacosa Point (Fig. 2), the best estimate for the peratures (18). Lower grade, altered greenstones, and pillow lavas
age of the ophiolite is 34.1 ± 0.1 Ma (Fig. 1 and Table S1). The structurally beneath the metamorphic sole are exposed further
regional distribution of rock types (Fig. 2) shows that the outcrops south in the Sagasa Point area (Figs. 2 and 3). These rocks are less
of gabbroic and tonalitic intrusives in the Penacosa Point area are metamorphosed oceanic components underthrust beneath the
located in the upper levels of the main gabbroic crustal section Palawan ophiolite and its sole sometime after the initial un-
transitional to the extrusive section of the ophiolite. The Penacosa derthrusting associated with subduction initiation.
Point plagiogranite exhibits field relations that are consistent with Overall, metabasite samples from the metamorphic sole are
the felsic magma being comagmatic with the dominant mafic geochemically similar to the ophiolite in that they plot in the
magmas comprising the bulk of the oceanic crustal section here MORB-like to transitional MORB-IAB fields (Fig. 4). Several
(Fig. 3). In addition, the geochemistry of the plagiogranite is samples of the epidote amphibolite pods are depleted (∼2–3 times
consistent with simple fractional crystallization from the dominant chondritic values) relative to the MORB-like samples and have
basaltic magma (Fig. 4A). positive Eu anomalies, indicating they were probably cumulate



50 um 100 um 100 um 100 um 100 um 100 um

Fig. 3. Photographs of outcrops from the central Palawan ophiolite (A) and its metamorphic sole (B–F) and cathodoluminescence images of extracted zircons
from selected samples (G–L). (A) Magma-mingling structures exhibited by light-colored tonalite (plagiogranite) and diorite-gabbro (darker) at Penacosa Point.
The tonalite yielded zircons with a crystallization age of 34 Ma. Pencil for scale. (B) Layered chert/quartzite and amphibolite showing sheath folds.
(C) Amphibolite gneiss with hornblendite domains exhibiting isoclinal folding. (D) Foliated and lineated epidote amphibolite, looking ∼west; mountains
across Ulugan Bay are mantle harzburgite of the Palawan ophiolite structurally overlying metamorphic sole rocks; strike and dip symbol indicates foliation.
(E) Smaller, foliation-parallel, light-colored lensoid pods of amphibolite (sample PL-14-07). (F) Competent, light-colored pod of epidote amphibolite (with
cumulate gabbro-like REE signatures; sample PL-14-05) enclosed within the strongly foliated amphibolite. These pods yielded zircons with crystallization ages
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of 35.242 Ma. Hammer for scale. (G and H, I and J, and K and L) Cathodoluminescence images of zircons, showing magmatic oscillatory zoning (samples PL-14-
05, PL-14-06, and PL-14-07, respectively).

E7362 | Keenan et al.

- Metamorphic Sole (dated samples) zircons from sample PL-14-06 yielded internally and externally
A 100
- Metamorphic Sole concordant ages with a mean of 35.862 ± 0.048 Ma (Fig. 1, Table
- Palawan ophiolite (dated sample) S2, and Fig. S1). Three externally discordant but internally con-
- Palawan ophiolite PW-00-18 cordant ages of 37.00 ± 0.16, 35.97 ± 0.11, and 35.25 ± 0.15 Ma
(34.1 Ma)
Sample / Chondrite

(Fig. 1, Table S2, and Fig. S1) were obtained from the smaller pod.
The age of the youngest zircon, 35.25 ± 0.15 Ma, is taken as the
best estimate of the final crystallization age of the protolith of this
PL-14-07 sample. The small spread in ages seen in this sample is similar to
10 (35.25 Ma) those revealed by high precision U-Pb geochronology in the
Samail ophiolite (44) and may be due to prolonged zircon crys-
PL-14-06 tallization in a replenished magma chamber or assimilation of
(35.862 Ma) slightly older wall rock.
Establishing that these zircons are igneous, and not meta-
(35.242 Ma) morphic, is critical because the age of metamorphic zircons would
merely represent the age of metamorphic sole formation (sub-
1 duction initiation) instead of the crystallization age of the meta-
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu morphic sole protoliths. Although metamorphic zircon growth has
been shown to occur under amphibolite facies conditions (45),
Ti / 50 Ti / 50 cathodoluminescence imaging shows no evidence of metamorphic
B C overgrowths in these zircons. Instead, they are euhedral, prismatic,
- Metamorphic Sole and have distinct, fine, oscillatory zoning, a feature that is char-
- Palawan ophiolite acteristic and unique to magmatic zircons (46) (Fig. 3). Even
OIB though Th/U ratios are not completely reliable indicators of
magmatic vs. metamorphic zircon, we note that the Th/U ratios in
OIB these zircons (>0.1) are consistent with many magmatic zircons
MO (47). We are therefore confident that these zircons are igneous and
RB that their ages reflect the original igneous crystallization age of the
oceanic crust that was underthrust, and then metamorphosed, at
50 * Sm V V 5 * Sc the onset of subduction.

Forced Subduction of Young, Buoyant Lithosphere


Fig. 4. Geochemical data on samples from the central Palawan ophiolite

and its metamorphic sole. Palawan ophiolite samples plotted in A–C include
As discussed earlier, a critical test to constrain the tectonic setting
pillow lavas, mafic dikes, gabbroic intrusions, and (A) felsic intrusions (pla-
giogranite). Metamorphic sole samples plotted in A–C include amphibolites,
of subduction initiation is a comparison of the igneous ages of the
epidote amphibolites, and garnet amphibolites. (A) Chondrite normalized underthrust and overriding lithosphere in relation to the time of
REE concentrations in the samples. Samples that were selected for U-Pb subduction initiation. A positive test for subduction initiation at an
zircon geochronology are symbolized by diamonds and their ages are in- active spreading center is to find all three events very close in age.
dicated next to the data. The majority of samples have REE patterns re- We find that the age differences between the upper plate (the
sembling MORB and possible differentiates of MORB. Two samples (PL-14-06 Palawan ophiolite), the subducting plate (protoliths of the sole),
and PL-14-05) display positive Eu anomalies indicating cumulate plagioclase and metamorphism of the sole are less than ∼1 My (Fig. 1). The
in the samples. The geochemistry of the plagiogranite (PW-00-18) is consis- very small age difference between formation of the sole protolith
tent with simple fractional crystallization from the MORB-like basaltic
and its metamorphism during subduction initiation leads us to re-
magmas. (B) Ti-V-Sm and (C) Ti-V-Sc tectonic discrimination diagrams (38).
Basaltic samples from the ophiolite and sole are similar and plot as MORB or
ject outright the models shown in Fig. 1 A and B. Furthermore, the
transitional MORB-IAB. model shown in Fig. 1C is rejected for subduction initiation at
detachment faults that are far from the spreading center. We
therefore conclude that subduction must have initiated in very
rocks (gabbros, based on major element chemistry) of the mid- close proximity to, or at, a spreading center (Fig. 1D). Our age data
lower crust. One of the smaller pods of amphibolite displays a do not differentiate between the ridge parallel and ridge normal
negative Eu anomaly and is slightly more enriched than the larger subduction initiation scenarios in Fig. 1D in cases where the ridge-
epidote amphibolite pods. This sample may have crystallized from transform fault segments in the right-hand scenario are very short.
a magma following the extraction of plagioclase. The rocks of the The similarity in the geochemistry of the sole and overlying
sole are therefore not geochemically unlike the overlying ophiolite ophiolite also supports subduction initiation close to a spreading
and probably formed in a similar petro-tectonic setting. center, where the eventual upper plate and lower plate (meta-
Based on their geochemistry and geologic context within the morphic sole) are not expected to be geochemically different.
Our data show that oceanic crust was formed at 35.24 Ma and
high temperature sole, we interpret the more competent pods to
was then underthrust/subducted almost immediately, reaching
be middle- to lower-level crustal rocks of the leading edge of the
∼27 km depth, metamorphosed to amphibolite, and subsequently
subducted plate. During the period of underthrusting to sub- cooled to ∼400 °C by 34.25 Ma, a remarkably short interval be-
duction, the underthrust crust was sheared, thinned, and ductiley tween crust formation and subduction. Assuming a slab dip con-
folded, resulting in the transposition of middle to lower crustal trolled by an ∼30° dipping lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary,
gabbroic rocks with upper crustal basaltic rocks, both of which this underthrusting would require a convergence rate on the order
were subject to the high temperature and high pressure meta- of 5 cm/y.
morphism that formed the metamorphic sole (Fig. 1). In cases where the detachment fault (Fig. 1C) is located very
Zircons from two of the larger pods (PL-14-05 and PL-14-06) close to, or at the spreading center, the models shown in Fig. 1 C
and one smaller pod (PL-14-07) from the high temperature and D become indistinguishable using age data alone. The weak-
metamorphic sole were extracted for U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS geo- ness at which subduction initiated could have been a detachment
chronology. The four analyzed zircons from sample PL-14-05 fault very near the spreading center axis or at the spreading center
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yielded internally and externally concordant ages with an error- axis itself. Although the exact nature of the weak zone could be
weighted mean age of 35.242 ± 0.062. Three of five analyzed debated, the high-precision age data from our sample site tightly

Keenan et al. PNAS | Published online November 7, 2016 | E7363

constrains subduction initiation at, or very close to the spreading also compatible with initiation of subduction in Palawan south of
axis. If a detachment fault was the weakness, it would have to have the NPCT (18) and southward convergence of the NPCT with the
been located very close to the ridge where nascent oceanic crust Palawan subduction zone–Cagayan arc.
was generated and then underthrust and metamorphosed at a If the reconstruction of Fig. 5 is correct, the initiation of sub-
depth of ∼27 km less than 1 My later. duction at the Palawan spreading center, forced by the extrusion of
The much younger age of the Palawan ophiolite compared with Indochina, supports the results of numerical modeling (1), which
the Cretaceous proto-SCSB suggests that subduction was initiated predict that the thin lithosphere at oceanic spreading centers re-
within a young marginal oceanic basin hosted in older Cretaceous quires less force to converge compared with areas of thicker lith-
proto-SCSB (Fig. 5). Because of the positive buoyancy of young osphere. Several potential weak zones existed in the area: (i) the
oceanic lithosphere, subduction initiation must have been forced southeast China passive margin, (ii) the contact between the older
in this case. Following forced underthrusting of the young, buoy- Cretaceous proto-SCSB lithosphere and the much younger Pala-
ant lithosphere, the old, cold, and dense Cretaceous lithosphere of wan marginal basin, and (iii) the spreading center of the Palawan
the proto-SCSB would have eventually entered the trench and ophiolite. Despite the presence of older and denser oceanic litho-
enabled the transition to self-sustained subduction until the NPCT sphere, our results indicate that subduction nucleated within the
collided with the trench, caused obduction of the Palawan young, buoyant, but weaker Palawan marginal basin. Presumably,
ophiolite and its sole, and terminated subduction. after the eventual underthrusting of the older Cretaceous litho-
Regionally, the origin of the force that converted a divergent sphere and an additional critical convergence of 100–130 km,
boundary to a convergent boundary was probably the collision of subduction became self-sustaining (1).
India with Asia. Tapponnier et al. (49) proposed that this collision There is currently no known modern analog for subduction
resulted in the extrusion of fairly rigid continental lithospheric initiation exploiting an active oceanic spreading center. Intra-
blocks from the southeast margin of Asia along large strike-slip oceanic subduction appears to be initiating along several sections
faults, such as the Red River shear zone (Fig. 2). The timing of the of the Australian–Pacific plate boundary south of New Zealand,
onset of strike-slip movement along the Red River shear zone exploiting weaknesses associated with extinct spreading centers
has been estimated by U-Pb ages on monazite included in shear- and/or fracture zones undergoing transpressional deformation (50–
related rotated garnets at ∼34 Ma (48). This age coincides well 52). However, unlike the case in Palawan where deep un-
with the timing of the initiation of subduction in Palawan. Seafloor derthrusting occurred within 1 My of oceanic crust formation,
spreading in the South China Sea, which accompanied the south- spreading at the boundary south of New Zealand had ceased and
ward motion of the NPCT, began around 32–30 Ma (30), a time was followed by strike-slip deformation several million years before

A Onset of Red River

shear zone (~34 Ma)

A Break-up rifting.
Indochina Seafloor spreading starts in
South China Sea at 32-30 Ma

Eurasian NP

Pa ing

us er
law ce

ceo sph )
an nte

eta tho SB
Cr ic li -SC
ea oto
oc (pr

ocean hio
boundary op
la wa A’
Detachment of Palawan ophiolite
at the spreading center and forced
initiation of subduction (~35-34 Ma)
due to extrusion of Indochina
B Rifting Extinct fault or Spreading Center
Passive margin ‘intrusive’ boundary
A A’

Cretaceous oceanic lithosphere

SE China (Proto-SCSB)
Detachment of Palawan ophiolite at
ridge and initiation of subduction

Fig. 5. Subduction initiation (∼34–35 Ma) at the spreading center that generated the Palawan ophiolite. (A) Schematic map view of the area showing the
timing of initial strike-slip movement on the Red River shear zone (48), seafloor spreading in the South China Sea (30), and initiation of subduction at the
Palawan ophiolite spreading center. Palawan ophiolite (yet to be obducted onto the rifted continental crust) shown in cross-hatched pattern. (B) Cross-
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sectional schematic view of the area along A-A′ during the onset of subduction. Weak zones where subduction had the potential to initiate, but did not, are
also shown.

E7364 | Keenan et al.

incipient subduction. It should be noted that there are only a few plasma (ICP) methods for major elements abundances and inductively coupled
locations where subduction initiation might be happening (ref. 1 plasma MS (ICP-MS) methods for trace elements abundances. The analyses were
and references therein), and therefore it is unlikely that these done at Activation Laboratories (Ontario, Canada) (ACTLAB). A detailed de-
scription of sample preparation methods is given on the ACTLAB Website
represent the full range of potential mechanisms for intraoceanic
subduction initiation. The process of subduction initiation may last
on the order of only 2–3 My (assuming a convergence rate of U-Pb Zircon Geochronology. All reported ages are 206Pb/238U error-weighted
∼5 cm/y) (1), a small fraction of the lifetime of a subduction zone, mean ages, because the uncertainty of 235U/207Pb ages are pronouncedly large
and is therefore unlikely to be captured by present day observa- due to the very young and low 235U content of these zircons. They are cor-
tions. Ophiolites that have similar crystallization ages to the rected for initial Th/U disequilibrium, and errors are reported as 2σ.
metamorphic age of their sole, like the Palawan ophiolite, are not Twelve zircon grains from the epidote amphibolite pods (PL-14-05, PL-14-06,
uncommon (19, 25, 26). These other examples, however, lack dates and PL-14-07) were analyzed by chemical abrasion thermal ionization MS
for the protolith of the sole. Dating these protoliths may show that (CA-TIMS) at the radiogenic isotope laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of
subduction initiation at spreading centers has been more pervasive Technology. Samples PL-14-05 and PL-14-06 yielded weighted mean ages of
than currently recognized. 35.242 ± 0.062 and 35.862 ± 0.048 Ma, respectively, whereas sample PL-14-07
The subduction zone that existed in Palawan and the nascent displays three distinct ages of 37.00 ± 0.16, 35.25 ± 0.15, and 35.97 ± 0.11 Ma.
For sample PL-14-06, the youngest cluster of zircon ages was used for the
Puysegur trench (50) are possibly the only well-constrained geo-
weighted mean age because this best approximates the timing of magma
logic examples that address the dynamics of subduction initiation. crystallization (54).
In both of these examples, a forced initiation has been inferred. Three zircon fractions from the plagiogranite (PW-00-18) were analyzed by
Although spontaneous subduction has been simulated by numer- conventional TIMS at the University of California, Santa Barbara. One fraction
ical models (9), corresponding geologic tests have been questioned was analyzed as is, whereas the other two were air abraded to remove any
(53). Our study suggests that subduction initiation in the modern exterior zones with possible Pb-loss. The unabraded fraction is only slightly
day plate tectonic regime requires extant subduction, the main younger than the two abraded fractions that give a mean age of 34.1 ± 0.1 Ma.
driver of plate motion, to force new subduction. Furthermore, it Additional zircon fractions were analyzed using the stepwise chemical abra-
appears that forces generated in the interior of major continental sion technique (55), and all analyzed fractions after the first few steps yielded
collisions zones can be transmitted out to the oceanic realm, identical 34.1 ± 0.1 Ma ages.
rapidly causing diverging plates at a spreading center to converge
and lead to incipient subduction in less than ∼1 My. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank John Spray and two anonymous reviewers
for helpful and constructive comments. Freddie Dela Cruz provided excellent
boatmanship in Ulugan Bay. This work was supported, in part, by Saint Louis
Methods University and the Geological Society of America. The geochronology
Geochemical Analysis. Whole rock powders were analyzed by a combination of laboratories at University of California Santa Barbara and Massachusetts


a lithium metaborate/tetraborate fusion followed by inductively coupled Institute of Technology are supported by the National Science Foundation.

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