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Jean Yim

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.” - Unknown

My desire for cosmetology is to bring out the beauty within every individual, no matter skin

color or cultural background. As a minority myself, I am conscious of creating equity, inclusion,

and diversity in my classroom. As a tutor for the Cosmetology at Fullerton Community College, I

assist a diverse population of students with English as a second language. To ensure they

understand their assignments and exams, I speak slowly and clearly, and spend more time

explaining and demonstrating. I encourage group activities, and make myself available to assist

where needed. To accommodate visual and kinesthetic learners, I teach by drawing, showing a

picture, or use my hands-on tools such as a doll head to demonstrate. My teaching techniques

have been successful for a wide range of Cosmetology students.

Recently, I attended a workshop for “Racial Microaggressions and Mental Health in Higher

Education Institutes.” I learned how subtle actions, mannerisms, and put downs over time can

affect a student’s self-esteem which can hinder their potential in becoming successful. To be

self-aware, I have educated myself by reading more articles and watched numerous TED Talks

about diversity, equity, and inclusion. I personally connect with these topics and recognize the

importance of teamwork, and establishing an environment of support. It is my objective to

create opportunities for each individual to meet their full potential to be conscience of how the

curriculum is structured to provide equity for all.

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