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Name : __________________________ kilometers (56 miles) above the surface of

BSECE 5-3 Earth. Temperature begins to decrease again in

this layer. The mesosphere’s lower
Atmospheric Radiation and Transfer
temperature results, in part, from the low
I. Introduction concentration of ozone, so little solar radiation
A. Earth’s Atmosphere is absorbed in this layer. The mesosphere is

Earth’s relatively thin atmosphere primarily dark, with air pressure so low that a human

consists of a mixture of nitrogen (78%) and could not survive in this layer.

oxygen (21%) gases. The remaining 1% Thermosphere

contains several inactive gases (i.e., argon, It extends approximately 600 kilometers (373
neon, helium, hydrogen, and xenon) and miles) beyond Earth’s surface. Temperature
several other gases that vary in concentration begins to increase again in the thermosphere.
(i.e., water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, The increase in temperature, or inversion, is
nitrous oxide, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons). due in part to the absorption of UV and x-ray

B. Different Layers of the Atmosphere radiation and the impact of the solar wind — a
continuous stream of protons and electrons
Troposphere given off by the sun. Low Earth orbit (LEO)
This layer makes up approximately 75% of the satellites — like the International Space Station
total mass of the atmosphere and contains — circle our planet in the thermosphere.
99% of the atmosphere’s water. The
troposphere extends up to approximately 11 Exosphere

kilometers (7 miles) from the surface and is The exosphere represents the outermost layer
the layer where atmospheric gases are most of Earth’s atmosphere. It extends from the top
concentrated. Nearly all weather happens in of the thermosphere to 10,000 kilometers
the troposphere. (6,214 miles) above Earth’s surface. In this

Stratosphere layer, atoms and molecules escape into space,

The next layer, extends from the troposphere and higher altitude satellites orbit our planet.

upward to approximately 50 kilometers (31 II. Atmospheric Radiation

miles) above Earth’s surface. In the A. Radiation
stratosphere, air temperature begins to
increase. The absorption of UV radiation in this Radiation is the mechanism by which solar

ozone layer causes temperature to increase, energy reaches Earth. When Earth absorbs the

creating what is known as a temperature sun’s energy (most of which arrives in the form

inversion — where air temperature increases of visible light), the energy changes into heat.

with height rather than decreases, as it does in Conduction

the troposphere. It is the direct spread of heat from a warmer

Mesosphere substance to a cooler substance (the

This layer stretches to approximately 90 atmosphere). Conduction occurs as molecules

transmit vibration (kinetic energy) to adjacent B. Absorption
molecules. It is different from scattering and reflection,
because absorption involves more than a
change in the direction of the radiation.
Heat is transferred vertically in the troposphere
Absorption of radiation involves the conversion
by convection. Convection is the spread of heat
of electromagnetic radiation into heat energy.
in a fluid, defined as a gas or liquid in which
C. Scattering
atoms and molecules are moving relatively
Scattering of solar radiation occurs when the
radiation strikes very small objects in Earth's
B. Radiation from the Sun and Earth atmosphere, such as air molecules, tiny water
droplets, ice crystals, or aerosols (tiny airborne
Solar Radiation/ Shortwave Radiation
particles), which disperse the solar radiation in
The sun and stars send a constant stream of
all directions.
cosmic radiation to Earth.

Terrestrial Radiation/ Longwave Radiation IV. Earth’s Global Radiation Balance

The Earth itself is a source of terrestrial Earth’s energy balance refers to the balance
radiation. Radioactive materials (including between the amount of incoming solar
uranium, thorium, and radium) exist naturally radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation. In
in soil and rock. a 1-year period, the overall average flow of
energy to and from Earth must balance, or the
C. The Greenhouse Effect
global mean (average) temperature of Earth
It is the problem caused by increased would change. The following describes how
quantities of gases such as carbon dioxide in incoming and outgoing radiation balance. The
the air. These gases trap the heat from the average amount of solar energy falling on one
sun, and cause a gradual rise in the square meter of level surface at the top of
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 342 watts. A watt
is a unit of power equal to 1 joule of energy
Examples of Greenhouse Gases
per second, so radiation intensity is the rate of
(Water vapor (H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), energy flow (joules per second) per square
Methane (CH4), Halocarbons, Nitrous oxide meter.
(N2O), Ozone (O3))

III. Processes of Transferring

Radiation on Earth
A. Reflection
Reflection of solar radiation occurs when the Prepared by: Rivera, Angelo A.
radiation is sent directly backward from a BSECE 5-3
surface. The fraction (or percentage) of
radiation reflected back is known as albedo.

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