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- Branch of Science that deals with:

Interpretation of data

I. Division of Statistics
1. Descriptive Statistics - deals with the collection, organization,
presentation and computation of data to describe the sample under investigation
2. Inferential Statistics - gives information, inferences and implications
regarding the population by studying its representative sample.

II. Definition of Terms

1. Data - Set of observation, values, elements or objects under consideration
2. Population - complete set of all possible observation or elements.
3. Sample - small representative cross-section of the population
4. Parameter - arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a

5. Sampling Method - process choosing a representative part of the population

6. Variable - Statistical quantity that is capable of assuming several values.

III. Kinds of Variables

1. Discrete - Variables whose values can be counted such as the number of
2. Continuous - variable on the other and may progess from one value to the
next without a break and may represented by a whole number or a fraction.
3. Independent and Dependent - two variables are independent, if the
occurrence of the first is not relative to the existence of the second.

IV. Level of Data measurement

1. Normal level - categorical data, frequency data, attribute data or
enumeration data ------
2. Ordinal level - involves data that may be arrange in some meaningful order.
3. Interval level (of measurements) - similar to ordinal level, but meaningful
amounts of differences or equality can be determined between data. This level may
lack an inherent zero starting point.
4. Ratio level (of measurements) - interval level modified to include the
inherent zero starting point.

V. Summation Notation

VI. Kinds of data according to Source

1. Internal data - taken from the company's own records of operation such as
sales, records, personnel records etc.
2. External data - comes from outside sources and not from the company's owns

VII. Method of Data Collection

1. Direct or Interview Method - method of person-to-person exchange between
the interviewer and interviewee.
2. Indirect or Questionnaire Method - Written responses are given to prepared
questions intended to elicit answer to the problem of a study.
3. Registration Method - Gathering information forced by a certain laws.
4. Experimental Method - used when the objective is to determine the cause and
effect relationship of certain phenomena under controlled condition.
5. Observation Method - Mostly used to observes the behavior of person
organizations and their outcome.

VIII. Measure of Central Tendency

Mode=Appears Most Frequently

A. Two Groups of Data

1. Ungrouped Data = data are NOT arranged in frequency distribution table
2. Group Data = data arranged in frequency distribution table
B. Ungrouped Data------

C. Types of Mode
1. Unimodal 1,2,3,3,4,5
2. Bimodal 1,1,2,3,4,4,5
3. Multimodal 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5

IX. Measure of Variation

1. Range - Simplest of the measure of spread or variability
2. Quantiles - is the natural extension of the median concept which divides a
set of data into equal parts
Quartiles - Divides the data into 4 equal parts
Deciles - Divides the data into 10 equal parts
Percentiles - Divides the data into 100 equal parts
3. Interquartile Range (IQR) - difference between the third and the first
4. Standard Variation - It is simply the square root of the variance.
5. Variance - the mean of the standard deviation from the mean

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