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increases; in times of depleted resources the

presence of territoriality increases. The

presence of territoriality often forces less fit
animals to live in sub optimal habitats, thus
reducing their reproductive success.
Though territoriality offers immense
reproductive and nutritional benefits, it also
comes at a cost. Defending territory is not
Animal Behavior / easy. Territoriality cost time and energy and
Territoriality can often interfere with other fundamental
activities as parenting, feeding, courting, and
mating. For these reasons territoriality may
not be seen as a benefit in all animals.
Animals must be able to reap the fruits of
territoriality, while expending the least
amount of energy. For these reasons if
resources are abundant and predictable it
would be disadvantageous to defend the
territory. On the other hand, if resources are
scarce and undependable it would be
advantageous to exhibit territoriality.
In selecting a territory the size and
the quality play a crucial role in determining
an animals habitat. Territory size generally
tends to be no larger than the organism than
Territoriality is a type of
requires to survive, because with an increase
intraspecific or interspecific competition that
in territory comes an increased in energy
results from the behavioral exclusion of
expenditure. For some animals the territory
others from a specific space that is defended
size is not the most important aspect of
as territory. This well-defined behavior is
territoriality, but rather the quality of
exhibited through songs and calls,
defended territory. The quality is considered
intimidation behavior, attack and chase, and
to be fundamentally important due to
marking with scents. This form of defense
amount of food availability and superior
proves to be very costly for animals. So one
nesting sights. Animals depend on these
is forced to ask, Why do animals take part in
features to ensure their superior fitness.
such interspecific competition?
Animals invest a lot of time and
In order to understand this question
energy in defending their territories, and for
one must take a cost-benefit approach to
this reason they fight vigorously to defend
territoriality. The proximate reasons for such
their territory at all cost. Researchers suggest
defense vary. For some animals the reason
for this reason that when a rival challenges a
for participating in such elaborate protective
territory holder, the owner almost always
behavior is to acquire and protect food
wins the contest. This phenomenon could be
sources, nesting sites, mating areas, or to
attributed to an evolutionary stable strategy
simply attract a mate. The ultimate cause of
which assets that rules for behavior is
this behavior may be attributed to the
controlled by an inherited proximate
increased probability of survival and
mechanism such that the differences
reproductive successes. In defending a
between individuals in their strategies are
territory an animal is ultimately securing that
liked to differences in their genes. Territory
it will have an habitat in which to forage for
plays an important role as a mechanism of
food and to successfully reproduce, thus
population regulation, insuring the success
increasing the animal's overall fitness. This
of fit animals, and aiding in the eradication
ultimate theory is strengthened when one
of less fit animals. Territorially also plays a
considers the instances in which territoriality
fundamental role as an indicator of carrying
capacity; it also serves as an indicator of
how much habitat is necessary to support
viable populations. For these reasons
researchers continue to examine the well-
developed behavior of territoriality.

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