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Fidya : One day at Rasa Sayange Elementary school there were three students of the

Ministry Polytechnic of Health of Malang held counseling about clean and healthy
living behavior for elementary school children and they had obtained permission
from the Principal.
Mega : They preparing all materials and equipment that will be used for health education
activities at the elementary school. Then they entered the classroom, all students
prepared their tools and materials while all students sat in their respective places
in an orderly manner.
Intania : Good morning students!
All Stud : Good morning
Intania : How are you today?
All Stud : Fine, thanks.
Intania : I want to introduce my self and also my friends too, My name is Intan, and the boy
beside me is Dino, and the last is Ryan.
At this moment we will explain about clean and healthy life behavior, so now we
invite the presenters to inform the materials.
Aldino : I will start counseling about the behavior of clean and healthy living and how to
wash hands right and properly, so all of you will know about it and increase your
In here, I am with Ryan will explain about PHBS, and the first explanation will be
done by Ryan.
Ryan : Ok, thanks. Before I start this presentation, First, I want to ask you. Is there anyone
who know about PHBS?
All stud : No, we don’t know.
Ryan : Ok, we will start to explain about PHBS
Ryan : Any question?
Fidya : Why do we have to live clean and healthy?
Intania : We have to live clean and healthy to avoid disease
Mega : What kind of diseases sir?
Aldino : Like types, diarrhea, and etc. So that we become healthy, is it clear?
Mega & Fidya : Obviously.
Aldino : Oke students, now we will demonstrate about how to wash our hands properly
Fidya : Why do we have to wash our hands properly sir?
Ryan : We wash our hands properly to avoid illness, so is there a student who can practice
proper hand washing?
Mega : I can sir
Dino : Ok, please come here
Mega : (practicing), like this sir?, I am finish
Aldino : That’s not right student, okay, let me show you how to wash our hands properly.
Aldino : okay, Are you ready students? Oke, we start right now.
All stud : Okay sir.
Ryan : First wet your hands with water, then we take the soap and then spread the soap.
Rub the back of your hand alternately. Then wipe between your fingers like this.
Next lock like this then turn your thumb. Then we clean the nails and the last we
rub the wrists. Then we rinse with clean water.
Ryan : Could you do it students?
Fidya : There are so many steps, could you repeat it sir? I am still confused.
Ryan : Exactly, I will repeat the steps again, but you must follow the step.
All student following do the steps.
Aldino : How? Easy to do right? So, who want to come here and demonstrate like me? We
will give you a gift later
Fidya : Me, sir.
Mega : Me too.
Ryan : Okay, both of you are welcome to come in
Ryan : I count now, start form 1st steps, 2nd steps till 6th steps.
Aldino : Good, this is the gift for you the sweetest students.
Fadya & Mega : Thanks sir
Aldino : You are welcome
Intania : Any question students?
Fidya : Me, I want to ask you , could we use hand sanitizer?
Ryan : Yes we can, but better we wash our hand with water flowing water.
Mega : why should use the water flow?
Intania : To make the deck more clean, if we use water that is taken away it will not be
effective, besides that the soap marks in our hands will stick to the dipper, so it
must be washed with flowing water.
Mega : Okay
Aldino : now we already know how to wash our hands right and properly. Do you know
what time we must wash our hands?
Fidya : before and after eating
Aldino : Right, anyone else know what time?
Mega : After urinating and defecating.
Ryan : How smart you are. Now all of you are already understand and know hoe to wash
hands right and properly.
Aldino : Are there anyone want to repeat what is a healthy life behavior?
Fidya : Throw garbage in its place
Mega : Hand washing
Itanina : All of you are smart since we are here for 1 hour and you already know the
behavior of clean and healthy life. And now is the time to say good bye, thanks for
your attention
All stud : you are welcome
All college stud : Good afternoon students, assalamualaikum
All stud : Good afternoon, waalaikumsalam

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