Astm D4437

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yp Designation: D 4437-99 ‘Standard Practice for Determining the Integrity of Field Seams Used in Joining Flexible Polymeric Sheet Geomembranes' “Te manda In! wader he Sud algun D 47: he mumde amen fobowing he devine ities eye of gad oon leet fern he ya fa von, Anabel nines te yar a ax appa A spre prc (0 facts ux oa bags vnc he at vison oe spp 1. Scope Ua This practice is intended for use as a summary of destructive and noadestructive quality conzo rest methods for determining the integrity of field seams used in the joining of exible sheet materials in a geotechnical application. Teis pracdce outlines the test procedures available for determining the quality of boaded seams. Any one or combination of the test methods oulined in this practice ean be incorporated into 1 project specification for quality control. These test methods are applicable to manufactured flexible polymeric membrane lings that are scrim reinforced or nonseinforced. 12 The typor of field coams covered by this practice inclade the following: 121 Thermally Bonded Seams: V2 Hor AinA team produced by applying high- temperaure air or gas between two polymeric sheet surfaces, hut melting the surfaces, at which time pressure is applied to form » homogeneous bond between the two membrane sus faces, 12.1.2 Hot Wedge (07 Knife) A seam produced by melting the two intimate surfaces by ranning a hot metal wedge Derween the surfaces followed immediately by pressure to form 't homogeecous bond. 1213 Exruston—A bonded seam produced by extruding rmolica parent material between of at the edge of two over- Tapped polymer sheet materials to effet a homogeneous melt between the two sheets 19 be joined. 1.22 Solvent Bonded Seams—A solvent is used ro soften the ‘urfaces to bo bonded, followed by pressure to form a ‘homogencous bond, 123 Bodied Solvent Bonded Seoms—The parent Uning polymer matcrial is dissolved in a solvent that is then applied in Whe same manner as a straight solvent, tus effecting a ‘homogencous bond. 1.24 Adhesive Bonded or Cemented Seams— An adhesive system is used to bond two polymeric surfaces together. This system forms an adhesive bood between the sheet materials, ‘is pct ater ation of ASTM Commi tant be doch copniy of Swscomiaes DSO ca Gear ‘Cua don appoves March 1, WOR Posh pblsiogesD 407-4, Duca etary 19H ad aad ae Dasha {Eo peri eidon D798 (1080. oor OATH 00 He ib, i Catan PARSE, td Sa 1.2.5 Taped Seamt—An adhesivebased tape is placed be- tween two polymer sheet materials forming 2 surfsce boo 126 Waterproafed Sev Seoms—Seam fabewed by me chanical sewing ofthe overlapped eheet materials and teal with aa approprisie ceslant us recommended by the theet manufacturer 1.3 The values seed in inehepound units arto be regarded 25 the standard, 14 This stondard may involve hazardous materials, opera tions, and egulpmant. This stodard docs not purport 10 address all ofthe safey concerns, if any, cxsocited with its tse, Ie is the responsibiliy ofthe user of this standard 10 ‘sablish oppropriate sofey and health proctces and dete talne the appicebiliy of regulaory limitations prior we. 2. Referenced Documenté 2 ASTM Standards: D413 Text Methods fie Rubber Property—Adhesion 10 Flexible Substrate ‘D618 Practice for Comitioning Plastics for Testing” DBI6 Methods of Testing Rubber Cemems* 3, Significance and Use 3.1 The increased use of geomembrancs as barrier materials to restic liquid migration from ene location to another in soil and rock, and the large number of seam methods and typet used in joining these geomembrane sheets, has created a need for standard tests by which the various seams can be compared and the quality of the seam systems can be evaluaied, This practice is intended to meet such a need. 4. Materials and Manufucture 4.1 The geomembrane sheet material shall be formulated ‘rom the appropriate polymers and earnpounding ingredients to form a plastic or elastomer shect material that mects all specified requirements for te end use of the product. The sheet ‘material (reinforced or nonseinforced) shal be capable of being. bonded to itself by one of the methods described in 1.2 in accordance with the sheet manufscmurer’s recommendations and instructions, anal bask of ASTH Stare, O80. * haat Boat of AST Sra 4D. Gh ass7- . 5, Sampling for Destructive Test Methods ‘SA Field Fabricated Startup Sean— The Sostallation con racor shall provide a representative seam fabricated from the tame sheet mutecial and using the vame seaming methods 33 those recommended by the geomembeane shect manufactures ‘The startup seam shal be no Tess than 10 ft (3 m) in length end shail be provided at the stat of each day's or shit's seaming. Cot random samples for shear and pec] testing from the starup trou, Allow the seam to eure oc age properly before testing ia ‘accordance with manufaure?s directions, $2 Field Cuow—For a minimam of one sample per seuming crew per day, cut a 2ft (0.61-m) long section of the Fabricated seam from the installed lining. The cutout section ‘hull be wide enough to accommodate peel and shear testing ss in 6.2 and 63. ot random specimens for peel and shear testiog, trom the sample, The frequency of cutouts can be determined by the size of the geomembrane iastallation and may requite only ene or two cutouts. Patch the resulting hole with an Ovalhaped plece of sheet material and seam in accordance coith the manufacturer's instructions. Before testing, allow the Ghrout seam 19 cute or age properly in accordance with rmanufacrucer’s directions. 6, Destructive Test Methods 6.1 These tet methods are applicable only a sites where acess vo a vesting laboratory is rely nvallable, where project Scheduling will low oftitz tasting, or whers a parable (ext laboratory is avaliable. 162 Poel Tesing-—Follow Test Methods D413, Method A, or Methods D816, Method C, usiog a minimum of five Hin, {Gsemm) wide specimens, » gage length of | ia, 25.4 mm) {eips pridoned ¥ in, (13.0 min) on citer side ofthe start of Slate fond), and a consant machine crosshead speed of 2 invmin (51 camfoin), The scar overlap length shall be 28 fabricated in the field. Folly support the txt specimen within the gee across the widen ofthe apeeimen. 5 Shear Testing Follow Methods D816, Meitod B, slog a minimum of five In. (25rmam) wide specimens for atinorced sheet mateials, For reinforced shect material the following procedure shal be used: Prepare a minimum of five 2, (Sita) wide specimens for ceinforeed sheet mate- Bs wk the Feld seam at the center of the tex specimen and ‘Perpendicular io the cetetine. Grip separaon shall be 2 in UGtrmm) pls the width of the seam with the seam center esween the grips Crosshead speed ball be 2 in/min (St Tnfn) The seam overap shal be as fobiated in the field Fully support the test specimen within che grips across the width of the specimen. 7, Nondestructive Test Methods 7.1 For all test methods lsd below, any and all flava ia seam conscuction that ae detected under a given test proce- ‘Gar sll be repaired All nondestructive text methods sted Sire not necessuly applicable to all polymesie geomersbrenc mansials. 72 Air Lance Teat—lospect all field zeams for unbonded reas using an sr nozne dcectd on the upper Seam edge and urface yo detect loose edge, rifles indicating unbonded areas within the seam, or othe undesirable seam conditions, Check sl bonded scame using x minima 50 pai (345 LPs) (gage) aie supply dircted through & ¥is in. (48 ram) (ypical) nozzle, held not more than 2 in. (51 mm) from the seam edge and direcrod atthe seam edge. 73 Vacuum Bor Tering—Inspect all Geld seams for un- bonded areas by applying a vacuom to a sosped tection of seam. The vacuum shall be applied by a vacuam bex equipped with a vacuum gage, a clear glass view panel in the top, anda soft mubber gasket on the periphery of the open bottom. ‘Thoroughly soap a section ofthe seam and place the inspection box over the reaped seam section and te gutke sealed to the liner Apply a vacuum between 4 and § in. (122 and 244 mm) ‘of meray (Fig) fo the box by use of a gusoline or eleeaie-

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