Tutor c2 Bio310

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Tutorial Cardiovascular System

1. What part of the intrinsic conduction system starts the heart beat?
A. The atrioventricular node
B. The Bundle of His
C. The Perkinje fibers
D. The sinoatrial node

2. The muscular layer of the heart that is responsible for pumping is the
A. Endocardium
B. Epicardium
C. Myocardium

3. This chamber of the heart is much thicker than the others because it pumps to the entire
A. Right atrium
B. Right ventricle
C. Left atrium
D. Left ventricle

4. Why is the mitral valve different from the other three valves of the heart?
A. It only has 1 flap
B. It only has 2 flaps
C. It only has 3 flaps

5. The correct pathway that an erythrocyte would travel during systemic circulation is
A. Arteriole--aorta--vein--venule--capillary
B. Capillary--venule--vein--artery--aorta
C. Aorta--arteriole--capillary--venule--vein
D. Venule--vein--capillary--arteriole—aorta

6. The softer "dupp" sound of the heart is from

A. The closing of the atrioventricular valve
B. The closing of the semilunar valve
C. The opening of the semilunar valve

7. The umbilical cord has a vein that carries

A. Nutrients and oxygen rich blood to the baby
B. Wastes from the mom
C. Carbon dioxide and metabolic materials to the baby

8. You can check the pulse n your neck using the

A. Brachial artery B. Jugular vein
C. Carotid artery D. Popliteal vein

9. Which would be indicative of hypotension?

A. 120/80 B. 170/120 C. 80/65
10. All the veins of the systemic circulation drain into the:
A. Superior vena cava
B. Inferior vena cava
C. Coronary sinus
D. Superior and inferior vena cava
E. Superior and inferior vena cava and coronary sinus

11. The left atrium receives blood from the:

A. Systemic circulation B. Kidneys
C. Liver D. Lungs

12. The left atrium receives blood from the:

A. Systemic circulation
B. Kidneys
C. Liver
D. Lungs

13. This part of the heart can initiate a contraction and can set a constant heart rate of
about 100 beats per minute.
A. Cardiac accelerator nerves
B. Chemoreceptors
C. Cardiovascular center
D. Sinoatrial node
E. Proprioceptors

14. Where can pulse not be felt?

A. Arteries
B. Capillaries
C. Arterioles
D. Arteries and arterioles
E. None of the above

15. As blood leaves the right ventricle, it passes through/by the:

A. Tricuspid valve
B. Bicuspid valve
C. Pulmonary valve
D. Aortic valve
E. Pulmonary vein

16. Which contains Oxygenated blood

A. A Pulmonary artery
B. B Right ventricle
C. C Left Ventricle
D. D Venules

17. Which contains de-oxygenated blood

A. A Left ventricle
B. B Bicuspuid valve
C. C Pulmonary vein
D. D Aorta

18. In the circulatory system, which is correct

A. A Right ventricle, Semi-lunar valve, Pulmonary artery, Lungs
B. B Left ventricle, Semi-lunar valve, Pulmonary artery, Lungs
C. C Right ventricle, Semi-lunar valve, Pulmonary Vein, Lungs
D. D Left ventricle, Semi-lunar valve, Pulmonary Vein, Lung

19. If individual has Heart rate of 60, Stroke rate of 150ml Cardiac output is
A. A 900ml
B. B 9000ml
C. C 2.5ml
D. D 25ml

20. Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
A. Veins
B. Arteries
C. Capillaries
D. Arteries, veins and capillaries

22. The pulse is a direct reflection of the

A. cardiac output.
B. blood pressure.
C. venous return.
D. heart beat.

23. Which of the following increase(s) blood pressure?

A. increased cardiac rate
B. increased peripheral resistance
C. increased blood volume
D. All of the above.

24. Blood pressure is highest in the

A. arteries.
B. arterioles.
C. veins.
D. capillaries.

25. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called
A. arteries.
B. veins.
C. capillaries.
D. All of the above.
26The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the
A. tricuspid valve.
B. bicuspid valve.
C. mitral valve.
D. semilunar valve.

27The valve between the left ventricle and the blood vessel leaving the left ventricle is the
A. bicuspid valve.
B. tricuspid valve.
C. pulmonary semilunar valve.
D. aortic semilunar valve.

28. Blood transported by the pulmonary veins returns to the

A. left atrium.
B. right atrium.
C. right ventricle.
D. left ventricle.

SAQ Question

1. By the aid of illustration of heart, explain the blood flow in the human heart from lung
and tissue.

2. Describe the concept ‘venous return mechanism’.

3. Please refer this table below

a) The rate of blood flow to the ‘entire body’ increases significantly during exercise.
Explain briefly how the heart achieves this.

4. Blood pressure is quoted as two numbers. An example would be resting values of 120/80
mmHg. Explain what each of these numbers refer to.

5. Explain the cardiac cycle.

6. Describe how the sounds of heartbeat are produced in normal people that can be listened
through stethoscope.
7. Explain how the signal from the brain can be triggered the heartbeat.

8. Describe about cardiac output

9. Define heartrate, stroke volume, hear and venous return.

10. Explain the factors can affect the heartrate

11. Discuss the factors can increase the blood pressure.

12. Explain the blood pressure in all blood vessels

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