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Current treatment strategies are directed towards reducing the amount of solid waste that needs

to be landfilled, as well as recovering and utilizing the materials present in the discarded wastes
as a resource to the largest possible extent. Different methods are used for treatment of solid
waste and the choice of proper method depends upon refuse characteristics, land area available
and disposal cost they are as follows

The waste is compacted or compressed. It also breaks up large or fragile items of waste.
This process is conspicuous in the feed at the back end of many garbage collection vehicles.
Deposit refuse at bottom of slope for best compaction and control of blowing litter.(US
Environmental protection Agency 2009)

U.S. Environment Protection Agency. 2009. Proposed Revision to Definition of solid waste-
frequentQuestions. Retrieved July17, 2009

Impacts of Solid waste on human health, and environment

There are potential risks to environment and health from improper handling of solid
wastes. Direct health risks concern mainly the workers in this field, who need to be protected, as
far as possible, from contact with wastes. There are also specific risks in handling wastes from
hospitals and clinics. For the general public, the main risks to health are indirect and arise from
the breeding of disease vectors, primarily flies and rats. The problem is again compounded by
the issues associated with rapid urbanization and major environmental concern is gas release by
decomposing garbage. Methane is a by-product of the anaerobic respiration of bacteria, and these
bacteria thrive in landfills with high amounts of moisture. Methane concentrations can reach up
to 50% of the composition of landfill gas at maximum anaerobic decomposition . Also, another
problem with these gasses is their contribution to the enhanced greenhouse gas effect and climate

Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. 10th Report tackling pollution—experience and prospects
London: HMSO; 1984. Feb
Municipal solid waste - Waste generated in households, commercial establishments,
institutions, and businesses. It inc1udes used paper, discarded cans and bottles, food
scraps, yard and street garbage, and other items. Industrial process wastes, agricultural
wastes, mining wastes and sewage sludge are not municipal solid waste.

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U.S. EPA (1989). Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Part 259.
Forbes, R.M., Peter, R.W., Marian, F., Peter, H., 2001. Integrated solid waste management: a life
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Meidiana C, & Gamse T. 2010. Development of waste management practices in Indonesia.
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Marmolejo Rebellon (Ed.), Waste management—an integrated vision. [Online]Available:
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G. DAVIDSON: Waste Management Practices: Literature Review Dalhousie University—Office

of Sustainability. Available online:
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Saeed MO, Hassan MN, Mujeebu MA. 2009. Assessment of municipal solid waste generation
and recyclable materials potential in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Waste Manage. 29(7), 2209-2213

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The League of Women Voters. 1993.“The Garbage Primer”. New York:

Walker T. 2018. “Chinas ban on imported plastic waste could be a game changer”. Nature:
Okot-Okumu J, Nyenje R. 2011. "Municipal solid waste management under decentralisation in
Uganda." Habitat International 35, pp. 537 543.

Awuyo-Vitor D, Ishak S, Jasaw JS. 2013. Urban Households' Willingness to Pay for Improved
Solid Waste Disposal Services in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Urban Studies Research.
Bhat RA, Nazir R, Ashraf S, Ali M, Bandh SA, Kamili AN. 2014. Municipal solid waste generation
rates and its management at Yusmarg forest ecosystem, a tourist resort in Kashmir. Waste
Manage. Res. 32(2): 165-169.
Bosmans A. Vanderreydt I. Geysen D. Helsen L. 2013. The crucial role of Waste-to-Energy
technologies in enhanced landfill mining: A technology review. J. Clean. Prod.
Ghazali MFE, Syafaini S, Noor MS. 2014. Public Perception of the Current Solid Waste
Management System in Malaysia: A Comparative Study of Matang Landfill and Bukit Tagar
Sanitary Landfill (BTSL). World Applied Sciences Journal. 32(5): 872-883.
Kaplowitz MD, Yeboah FK, Wilson AM. 2009. Garnering Input for Recycling Communication
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Marmolejo LF, Diaz LF, Torres P, Garcia M. 2012. Perspective for Sustainable Resource Recovery
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Sironi S, Botta D. 2001. Biofilter Efficiency in Odour Abatement at Composting.
Smyth SP, Fredeen AL, Booth AL. 2010. Reducing Solid Waste in Higher Education: The First
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Recycling. 54(11):1007-1016.
Virgen QA, Gonzales PT, Benitez SO. 2012. Seasonal Analysis of the Generation and Composition
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Zurbrugg C. 2003. Urban solid waste management in low-income countries of Asia-how to cope
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Zurbrügg C, Gfrerer M, Ashadi H, Brenner W, & Küper D. 2014. Determinants of sustainability in
solid waste management – The Gianyar Waste Recovery Project in Indonesia. Waste
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[KEMEN PU] Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. 2006. Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional
Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Persampahan (KSNP-SPP) Nomor 21 tahun 2006.
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[SNI] Standar Nasional Indonesia. 1994. Metode Pengambilan dan Pengukuran Contoh Timbulan
Sampah dan Komposisi Sampah Perkotaan SNI No. 19-3964-1994. Jakarta: Badan
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No. 19-7030-2004. Jakarta: Badan Standardisasi Nasional.

2.1 Do you think it is useful to separate waste before discharging?

(1) Yes
(2) No
If Yes, Why?
(1) Reduce amount of waste
(2) Landfill can last longer
(C) Easy for collector
2.2 If the company has waste separation program, are you willing to participate?
(1) Yes
(2) No
2.36 What are the advantages in term of waste sorting? (Answer can be more than one)
(1) Reduce amount of waste
(2) Earn extra money
(3) Protect Environment
(3) Conserve natural resources
2.3 Do you make waste sorting before disposal from your home?
1. Yes
2. No

2.4 If yes, what kind of items do you make sorting for selling? (Answer can be more than
(1) Aluminum cans (2) bottles (3) paper (4) metals (5) plastic bag
(6) Textiles (
2.5 How often do you dispose off your waste from your home?
1. Everyday
2. Every two days
3. Every three days
No notice
2.6 How often is the waste collected?
(1) Everyday (2) Every two days (3) Every 3 days (4) Every 4 days
(5) Every 5 days (6) Every week (7) I do not know
2.7 Are you satisfied with the current correction frequency and time?
1. Yes
2. No
2.8 If No, what is the most suitable time and frequency of collection?
A. (1) 5:00-7:00 am (2) 7:00-9:00am (3) 12:00-1:00pm (4) 4:00-6:00pm
(5) 6:00-9:00pm (6) Other ________________________
(1) twice per day
2.1 What time is your waste collected?
(1) in the morning (2) in the afternoon (3) irregular (4) in the evening
(5) at night (6) I do not know
2.9 What is the estimated amount of waste produced by your home daily?
(1) 0.5-1Kg (2) 1-1.5Kg (3) 1.5-2Kg (4) 2-2.5Kg (5) 2.5-3Kg
(6) 3.5-4Kg (7) 4-4.5Kg (8) 4.5-5Kg (9) 5-5.5Kg (10) 5.5-6Kg
(11) 6-6.5Kg (12) 6.5-7Kg (13) over 7Kg
2.10Are you interested in any environmental issues?
1. Yes
2. No
If Yes, please check the following problems.
(1) Water Pollution (2) Air Pollution (3) Solid Waste


This study was undertaken to assess the management strategies of solid

waste in the University of Calabar. In order to guide the study, six (6)
objectives were identified and one hypothesis formulated. Several literatures
were reviewed and data was collected through structured questionnaires.
Collected data was analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation
and the student t-test. Findings revealed that there is efficient waste
management in the University of Calabar. Meaningful recommendations
were suggested to create awareness of the need for a clean environment for
man’s habitation.


Table 4.1 Sex distribution of the respondents in the study area

Table 4.2 Distribution of educational status of respondents in the study area

Table 4.3 Age distribution of respondents in the study area

Table 4.4 Occupation of respondents in the study area

Table 4.5 Major components of waste generated in the study area

Table 4.6 Pattern of waste disposal in the study area

Table 4.7 Method of waste collection

Table 4.8 Pattern of waste collection

Table 4.9 Health/environmental impact of indiscriminate waste dumping

Table 4.10 Causes of solid waste littering the study area

Table 4.11 Factors responsible for the increase in waste volume in the study

Table 4.12 Efficiency of waste management in the study area

Table 4.13 Recommendation for effective waste management

Table 4.14 Correlation between method of waste collection and efficiency of

waste management in the study area


FIGURE 1: Map of the University of Calabar


PLATE 1: Final disposal site behind University of Calabar Library

PLATE 2: Burning of waste behind University of Calabar Library

PLATE 3: Waste littered behind MBA hall, main campus, University of Calabar


1.1 Background of study
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, waste is any item that is longer in
use or cannot be used for any good purpose. Solid waste has been defined as
any useless, unwanted or discarded material (American Public Work
Association, 1975) with insufficient liquid content to be free-flowing. Solid
waste is sticky and weighty in nature and therefore has the capacity of
accumulating and defacing the physical environment if not well managed
(Sada and Odemoerho, 1988).

Solid waste is any moveable solid object which the owner wishes to dispose if
it is no longer useful to the immediate owner. Solid wastes are non-soluble
materials ranging from municipal garbage to industrial wastes containing
complex and sometimes hazardous substances. Man’s activities today
generates tons of thousands of refuse which are seen littered everywhere
causing diverse environmental problems. This calls for urgent expertise in
waste management as the importance of a healthy environment for
meaningful and productive work is tied to proper waste management. Waste
is everybody’s business as we all generate waste in nearly everything we do.
In the past, waste was considered as a resources. This was because the
waste that was generated was mainly agricultural and was bio-degradable
and as such disposal was not a problem as the volume product was low and
these agricultural wastes helped to enrich the soil. This is not the situation
today as waste is a major problem that needs to be solved as urgently as
possible rather than been considered as a resource.

Over the years, studies have shown that rapid population growth and the
growth of urban centres which followed the oil boom in the 1970s and
industrialization came with a change in waste stream in Nigeria. This was as
a result of increased use of goods to satisfy and meet the need of the
teeming population resulting in the substantial increase in the amount of
wastes generated. It is therefore important to note that waste generation
and population growth work hand-in-hand.

In Nigerian towns and cities, solid wastes of different kinds are generated
and disposed off indiscriminately causing lots of environmental and health
hazards. A good example of such cities include Lagos, Kano, Calabar, Port
Harcourt, Uyo, Aba, Yenagoa, etc. David (1985) noted that the issue of solid
waste is not only familiar but assumed a global dimension in recent years
causing series of environmental problems ranging from environmental
degradation to pollution and imbalance, flooding, epidemics of infectious
increase and decline in urban quality.

Solid waste can be classified into two broad categories – biodegradable solid
waste and non-biodegradable solid waste. Biodegradable wastes are those
wastes that can be easily decomposed by natural process ranging from food
remnants to leaves from trees, cotton wool, clothes, banana peels, papers,
etc. On the other hand, non-biodegradable wastes are those wastes that
cannot be broken down or decomposed by natural processes. They can
however be recycled or reused. Such wastes include bottles, glasses,
plastics, cans and wrappings of all kinds, nylon bags, metals, needles and
syringes, woods, etc. Solid wastes can also be classified based on their level
of environmental contamination that is whether they are hazardous or non-
hazardous to both man and the environment.

The sources from which wastes are generated ranges from municipal (street
sweeping, sewage treatment plants, schools etc) to residential (flood wastes,
plastics, vehicles, wood, glass etc), industrial (demolition materials, ashes
etc) agricultural sources (spoiled food waste, pesticides, etc).

Solid waste disposal can be carried out using several options but before any
of these options can be adopted, three vital factors should be considered.
Firstly, the physical characteristics of the locality as regards the topography
of the area where waste management activities are to be carried out
because waste disposal often requires a large parcel of land for an efficient
operation especially of sanitary landfill is to be adopted; secondly, the
character, quality and quantity of waste to be disposed of. The quantity and
nature of household refuse varies greatly from region to region and thirdly,
the financial allocation available as adequate budget any allocation must be
available for capital outlay and running cost. Various waste management
authorities requires different types of extensive refuse vehicles that cost a
lot to maintain at the commencement of the operations and these vehicles
do not often remain serviceable for long due to poor operation, maintenance
and non-availability of spare parts.

Solid waste disposal in the final placement, destruction of radioactive

surplus, banned pesticides and chemicals, polluted soils and drums
containing hazardous materials using approved methods. Several methods
exist for the disposal of solid wastes and these range from open dumping to
ocean/sea dumping, sanitary land filling composting, incineration,
encapsulation, underground disposal and a more systematic method of
waste management that includes recycling, reuse, recovery, segregation and

Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal,

managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to
materials produced by human activity and the process is generally
undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environmental or aesthetics.

This research work focuses mainly on the management strategies of solid

waste using the waste generated in the University of Calabar (UNICAL) as a
case study. Solid waste in the institution and its management can be said to
be as old as the institution itself since its birth in 1975. Waste management
in the institution started in 1975 under the health and with 8 staffs. In 1995,
it was made a unit and named the “Environmental Sanitation and Protection
Unit” with a staff strength of over 64 persons. A present, the unit has a staff
strength of over 200 persons, 9 supervisors and 1 unit head. The
management practice in place in the University of Calabar is daily collection
and disposal with waste bins being posted at strategic points across the main
campus, library, hostel and staff quarter areas. These bins are being emptied
and disposed off when they become full.

Wastes do not only threaten the beauty and aesthetics of the institution but
also the very health of its inhabitants. The intention of this research is to
examine the strategies that are adopted in the management of solid waste in
the University of Calabar.

1.2 Statement of the problem

One of the major problems man faces today is that of solid waste disposal
and management as waste is seen littered and scattered everywhere
defacing the physical environment. Nobody likes to think of waste but the
fact remains that solid waste is a pressing concern of our modern society.
Over the years, the amount of the waste generated has grown steadily in
part because of increasing population and more so because of changing life-
styles and the increasing use of disposal materials. The challenges posed by
this waste is that it is generated at a pace much faster than available means
to manage it. The increasing rate at which waste is generated is 70% as
compared to 30% of effective management and disposal methods. The
problem of waste management in the University of Calabar is worsened by
the ever-increasing population in the institution which results in an increase
in the use of writing papers, pens and other materials.

The smell of offensive odours cannot be taken for granted. This problem is
further compounded by hawkers who dump their waste indiscriminately
everywhere. The indiscriminate littering of solid waste in our campus has
reached an alarming rate. Evidence shows that the indiscriminate disposal of
solid waste has a multiplicity effect on the environment. This greatly
degrades the environment of its aesthetics and even causes diseases. The
increased use of disposable plastics, cups and polythene materials for
packaging goods have given rise to new waste disposal problems. Some of
these materials are non-biodegradable and when burnt gives rise to air

The rapid growth of population in the University as people go in pursuit of

higher/learning and exposure for a better tomorrow is posing a serious
problem as regards waste generation. Dumping of refuse along street
corners around the campus and their nearness to hostels, offices, lecture
rooms and halls and the time lag in evacuating them constitutes another
serious environmental health hazard in the study area. These refuse dumps
serve as home for vermins such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other
vectors of infectious disease.

One of the greatest problems facing humanity today is that of waste

management. In all cities and rural areas, waste disposed poses the greatest
environmental problem. The rate in which waste is generated, surpasses the
rate at which it is evacuated. Upon this premises, one tends to wonder what
could actually be responsible for this environmentally unfriendly character. Is
it the orientation or the psychology of the people lack of central waste
dumps or is it a deliberate attempt of polluting the environment or perhaps
the various authorities responsible for waste disposal cannot cope with the
volume of waste been generated.

Another problem of solid waste management is the diversity of the waste

being generated which results in a variety of potential health and welfare
effects, the treatment of which is complicated by the fact that each type of
waste often demands specific and yet different methods of disposal and
management. Waste is an age-mate of mankind and part of the normal
working system of man’s activity on the face of the earth. Though it is an
integral constituent of all human activity, its presence today is becoming
unbearable causing serious problems in the environment. Waste in ancient
times was biodegradable and non-toxic and could hardly cause hazards.
Today, copious waste generation pollutes many quarters even in rural areas.
Every facet of man’s endeavour now face the danger of reckless thro-away;
he wastes food, clothes, money, time, shoes, utensils, furniture, paper,
machines, metals etc. It has now come to a point where solid waste stands
face to face and side by side with man. The reason is man’s technology to
master and conquer his world (environment).

Even though the environmental sanitation and protection unit in the

University of Calabar is trying to maintain environmental sanitation, more
needs to be done to manage the wastes been generated. The introduction of
disposal containers and bins is a right step in solving or reducing this
problem. However, these containers are often left to fill and spill garbage on
the ground causing a very unpleasant sight. This results in irritation not to
mention the offensive odours coming from such garbage area with the
infestation of rats, cockroaches, insects, flies and other disease vectors and
rodents. The need for this study arises as an urgency to update waste
management strategies and also educate students on their attitude towards
waste disposal especially those around the hostels.
1.3 Aims and objectives of study
The main aim of this work was to assess the problems of improper solid
waste disposal. To guide the research, the following objectives were put in

i. To determine the major components of waste generated.

ii. To assess the efficiency of waste management in the study area.
iii. To examine the patterns of waste disposal and collection in the study area
iv. To assess the methods of waste disposal in the University of Calabar
v. To assess the health and environmental impacts of improper waste
disposal in the study area.
vi. To make recommendations that would help in the management of waste
in the study area.

1.4 Significance of the study

Sequel to recent trends in the demand for the useful information as regards
solid waste management, this research comes as an information pack that
will be very useful to the general public as well as the authorities of the
University of Calabar as he problems of waste generation and management
roots itself to everybody.

This research will be of immense benefit to the environmental sanitation and

protection unit of the University of Calabar, researchers and policy makers
who may wish to carryout more research on the same problem.

1.5 Research hypothesis

For the purpose of this study, the following hypothesis was formulated and it
stated thus;

Ho: There is efficient waste management in the study area.

Hi: Is there efficient waste management in the university of Calabar?

This hypothesis will be further tested in the process of this research work.

1.6 Study area

This study was carried out in the University of Calabar, Nigeria.

The University of Calabar is located in Calabar, the capital of Cross River
State, an ancient metropolitan centre in Nigeria. It was founded in 1975. The
University of Calabar is located on latitude 4054N and longitude 8019E. The
already developed area of the University covers an area of about 17 hectares
site but there is still about 350 hectares of dry land on the east bank.

Land use pattern

The land use pattern of the University of Calabar includes the existing main
campus which is made up of the faculty of agriculture, social sciences,
education, lecture halls, registrar’s office and the former vice-chancellor’s
office. There is also a computer centre (AfriHub), the administrative unit of
the school, post office, security houses, medical centre and the open

There is also the University library area (new academic campuses) on a 50

hectares site which is closely integrated with the already existing main
campus also on the west bank which houses the school library, faculties of
arts, sciences, management sciences, medical college, law, institute of
oceanography, laboratory and lecture halls/pavilions. The University of
Calabar also has the students hostels (halls, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9), the post
graduate hostels and the school staff quarters.

For the purpose of this research, much attention will be given to the waste
generated in the main campus, the new library area and the students’


The University of Calabar has a population of between 32,543- 35,000 people

comprising of both students, staffs (both academic and non-academic staffs
and businessmen and women).

The topography of the study area is slightly sloppy and soil texture is a
mixture of sand and loam with a temperature ranging from between 22 to 29
degrees Celsius.

Socio-economic activities

Most of the staff of the institution are civil servants since the institution is
owned by the Federal Government. Varieties of businesses take place within
the school which generates income for both the school, government and
other individuals. Some of these businesses include the school business
centre (AfriHub), the filling station, commercial stores around the hostels and
staff quarters, open spaces within the campus where writing materials (pens,
pencils, books, erasers, etc) and other items are being sold such as pure
water, biscuit, soft drinks etc. Also there are bus drivers who convey
students from one point within the campus to the other. All these activities
take place within the campus and generated income for the school because
these business men and women pay some amount of money to the school
for the space in which they ate given to run their business.

All these activities produce large amounts of waste daily and will help to
provide useful data in the course of this research.

1.7 Scope of study

This work is limited to the confines of the University of Calabar with
particular emphasis around the hostels, main campus and library area
because of the large concentration of people around these areas. This
research shall focus mainly on the “management strategies of social waste”
using the waste generated in the University of Calabar as a case study.
Recommendations will be made based on the findings and results obtained.


2.1 Introduction
Over the years, much literature has been devoted to the problem of solid
waste generation, its disposal methods and its management strategies both
in developing and developed countries. Recently in Nigeria, these have
become a major issue of concern to both government and individuals.

There are today many features of social waste management and disposal on
our radio, television and newspapers in form of debates, talks, suggestion
and enlightenment programmes.

2.2 Conceptual framework

Solid waste is defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
as “useless, unwanted or discarded material with insufficient liquid content
to be free flowing”. Sewell (1975) defined solid waste as man’s unwanted
material that cannot flow directly into streams or rise immediately into the
air. Encyclopedia international (1977) define solid waste as any superfluous
or rejected solid material consisting of garbage, rubbish, ashes, street
sweeping, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, industrial wastes,
demolition and construction materials, agricultural waste and mining
industrial waste that do not decompose.
Solid waste are the non-liquid, non-gaseous residue of our manufacturing,
construction, cooking, recreation, agriculture and other activities that are
been used and discarded. They are found any where man is found from
marines, to stores, homes, offices, factories, hospitals, streets, and even the
primitive camps of traditional nomads (Berry Horton, 1974).

The problem of solid waste is as old as the first man on earth and the history
of disposal can be traced to the early man as he gathered for his sustenance
from farming and hunting and discarded the unwanted materials from his
everyday routine which resulted in building up of filth (Sewell, 1975).
According to Lindsay (1970), we are suffering from the mistakes of decades
that until recently we have hardly seemed to notice what Bourton (1973)
views as “new ways of solving old problems”.

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