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Pipe Fitters Blue Book PIPE FITTERS BLUE BOOK revseo By W. V. GRAVES, LEE COLLEGE BAYTOWN, TEXAS ‘oRGER FROW: GRAVES PUBLISHING Co. P. 0. BOX 57324 WEBSTER, TEXAS 77598 (719) 480-2405 Publisher of The Pipe Fitters Bive Book land The Pipe Fabreatore Blue Book AN igs eserves nici te right to eproduce @W.V.GRAVES 1973 fs becky oss nanny ny fn PreraLe AND INSTRUCTIONS The at 1 nas included in this book the information and charts most often needed on piping jobs. The explanations and methods used have been made as simple as possible so that you should have little dificulty JInunderstanding them Many of the culs for fabrication ia this book are based fon the inside diemeter ot the rer or branch te be fitted onto the ouisice dlsmeter of the neader and should be cut radially with the torch cutting tip pointed toward the cen~ torotthepipeatetitimes, Alter cutting, the rismrs mey then be placed in position ‘on the neader tor marking thehoager cuttino. Miter cuts should be cut with the cutting tip pointed into theling es though youwere using asew cut. Pipe may be marked off in quarters, eighths, or sixtoantns by using the table in this book, or by folding @ piece of Peper that has been {ites around the circumference of the pipe so that theends of his paperusi meet ‘The wraparound should be ceretully fitted onto the pips and kept square £0 that you will have a true reference line. Note that the febrication chars are calculated for the use of stonderd weight and extra strong wall thickness pipe land sreaccurate or these wallthicknesses only = CONTENTS Common piping angles end their solutions . Known and unknown angles and angle chart Solving rolling atfeets Mitered pine cute Mulvipices mitered turns True "Y" layout 90" saddle on |19os)standare weight pipe Pipe circumference divided into eaual parts 90" saddle on (tees] extra strong pie 20° eccentric pine intersections 45" laterals Concentric and eccentric supports on 90° long radius elbows, 3 types. Angles between Dot holes of flanges Pipo template layout layout feduce” layout Eccentric reducer layout Laying out bolt holes in flanges Laying out ordinate lines and lengths . Tank coit layout ais Anale iron miter cuts and brackets Special offsets and solutions Slip or spectacle blind data Centers of eccentric reducars and ecantrie flanges ss... Genters of 18% 224°, 30° & GO burt weld elbows cut from 90° tong radius etbows . Pace 5a 810 wz 13.19 20.25 25 2729 30 3132 33.36 37-80 4181 52 5358 59.60 er8e 65.60 70 92 73-74 75:76 7782 - 8384 esas 87 Pipe thread daca Dimensions of weldolate on pipe Dimensions of rocket weld & serawed fittings Dimensions of flanges cast steel valves, Dimensions of flangec cast steel fittings ‘Commercial pipe sizes & wall thicknossos General dimensions of welding fttinas General dimensions of forged steel flanges Bolt, gasket, & ring joint number charts Wench sizes, Dil sizes for pine tape, & Tap drill size charts Bolt charts for orifice type flares uiside & inside diameters of pipe & flange bores Comparison chart for packing & gasket materiale Hand signals ‘or boom operated equipment, Hand signals for overhead & gantry eranes Useful informetion, Pipe expansion, Pipe bends Thecircia, inches & feet eonverted to rillimeere Conversion Constante seein Decimal equivalents, fractions & millimeters Safe loads For wire and manila rope charts Dacimate of 2 toot Minutes converted to decimals of a degree ‘end Trigonometrie formulas Trigonometry tables Pipe & water weight par line foot, & feat head of water to PS! a 29 90 31 92 93.04 95-100 101-108 yo8-115 16 nee no 120 121-122 yea 124 125 2128 127 128 128 13074 175 (en ANOLES ANU IHEIR SOLUTIONS NOTE THAT ALL NINE OF THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGS SHOW A RIGHT TRIANGLE, The pipe frter usually calls the Tangthe of their eides (SET), (RUN) ord (TRAVEL). These terme may be used te find the ergles es well os the lengths of the sides, by velering 12 pages ¥ end 10 SI this tock. DRAWING "1 shows a 30° fleet. The level run of pipe intersects the (TRAVEL) of 20° ansle. If the lensth of the (SET] fa known, the langthe of the [RUN] end (TRAVEL) may be found by referring re page 10 under (ANGLE KNOWN) in the 30° celui. These formulas may be used for eny angle nor ahown in this table by wan of the trigonemetty teblen in the beau of thie beck DRAWING *2 Shows the same triongle os belore however the pine now {s vertical and intersects the &0°angle, To find the lengths of the (RUN) ond (TRAVEL) refer v0 page 1D under (ANGLE KNOWN) in the 69° column, Note that when the (SET) side is longer, then the (RUN) side the engle will wlneys be ners thes:= 48° angles DRAWING #3 Shows o vessel with 9 nozzle thot is 30° over ftom @ reference lines If the dimension from the face of noasle to the centorline e! the vesze! 1 known you would add the laying length of « 30° weldell plus @ welding neck flange. See graning "8 for mathod of caleuletiag the loving length of 12 30° weldoll. These dimensions added together gives you the length of the (TRAVEL) aide. To find the (SET) and (RUN) sides refer to page 10 under (ANGLE KNOWN). DRAWING 84 Shown are tue 40° affeets se thet equal epecing will be taittsined ot al] cantertines of ‘ofthe pipes Nove that there are twe 30° triangles shown. FOR: MULA FOR STAGGERING OFFSETS = CENTER TO CENTER DISTANCE OF PIPE x TANGENT OF hh THE DEGREES OF thet are steggered COMMON MING ANGLES AND THEIR SOLUCRS STAGGERED OFFSETS Bu? = Krown x 30° - Known x 288 | aah = Kron nate 60" _ = Known» st Et 12] tee DRAWING #5 Shows the right iongle formed foro miter cuten pipe, The ongle of aut it /h of the cagrans of turn FORMULA FOR MITER CUT ON PIPE = 0.0. OF PIPE TANGENT OF ANGLE OF CUT. Usvelly o single wroperound mark is drawn on pipe and ¥ af the ebove dimension ix marked fll on each side of this I'he. Refer pages 13 theough 19 for cramples of layout end colevieted dimensien tebles DRAWING 6 shows a single piace of angle iron thet is cu fond thes bent te form ore piece twin. On this type mock off e centerline ond lapzel-s. cxthoth on cach aides thix lingo Showa. Tepe sbatn hag.n teen af TAS" ond fequlies two €7 cutbacks, FORMULA FOR CUTSACK = WIDTH MINUS ONE THICKNESS x TANGENT OF ANGLE OF CUT. Refer to tion brackets and tobles af eelculated dimensions for addi a information DRAWING "7 Shows o siece of engle iran thet is cut ecrose tive total wdths Tow piston ove required for a tum. FORMULA FOR CUTBACK = WIDTH x TANGENT OF ANGI. OF CUT. ‘The cutback fer ether types of steel may be found with theas formulas o° they con be merked off with e protector. DRAWING *8 Shows @ pipe twin of 80° and the two right triangles formed te de he the tediue te 9 and to center dimension con be solculoteds FORMULA RADIUS & TANGENT OF ' THE DEGREES OF FITTING AND. OR BEND. See table of calcuinted dimensions of long radius weeldells in thie book DRAWING *9 Shows a 50° weldell rolled over 45° with o 45° weldell added te run pipe level. The centers of these finsings edded together form the (TRAVEL) side cf a right rnglee The (SET) and {RUN} sides may be calculoted by faforring 10 page 10 under (ANGLE FMOWN). All types af tings or cembina'iens of firings that are rolled aver on cnales rey be solved by thie procedure. DRAWING #5 Shows the right iongle formed foro miter cuten pipe, The ongle of aut it /h of the cagrans of turn FORMULA FOR MITER CUT ON PIPE = 0.0. OF PIPE TANGENT OF ANGLE OF CUT. Usvelly o single wroperound mark is drawn on pipe and ¥ af the ebove dimension ix marked fll on each side of this I'he. Refer pages 13 theough 19 for cramples of layout end colevieted dimensien tebles DRAWING 6 shows a single piace of angle iron thet is cu fond thes bent te form ore piece twin. On this type mock off e centerline ond lapzel-s. cxthoth on cach aides thix lingo Showa. Tepe sbatn hag.n teen af TAS" ond fequlies two €7 cutbacks, FORMULA FOR CUTSACK = WIDTH MINUS ONE THICKNESS x TANGENT OF ANGLE OF CUT. Refer to tion brackets and tobles af eelculated dimensions for addi a information DRAWING "7 Shows o siece of engle iran thet is cut ecrose tive total wdths Tow piston ove required for a tum. FORMULA FOR CUTBACK = WIDTH x TANGENT OF ANGI. OF CUT. ‘The cutback fer ether types of steel may be found with theas formulas o° they con be merked off with e protector. DRAWING *8 Shows @ pipe twin of 80° and the two right triangles formed te de he the tediue te 9 and to center dimension con be solculoteds FORMULA RADIUS & TANGENT OF ' THE DEGREES OF FITTING AND. OR BEND. See table of calcuinted dimensions of long radius weeldells in thie book DRAWING *9 Shows a 50° weldell rolled over 45° with o 45° weldell added te run pipe level. The centers of these finsings edded together form the (TRAVEL) side cf a right rnglee The (SET) and {RUN} sides may be calculoted by faforring 10 page 10 under (ANGLE FMOWN). All types af tings or cembina'iens of firings that are rolled aver on cnales rey be solved by thie procedure. _ sourrow ar anaes ny nie vie oe | “Gaus GamicnTo tne ee Stree | Piping gales and tho lengthe of their sides may aati be Joundby using he Iclowing methods. These are based on 30% 158 nal Lore ERE erases ee aus gz GE82a8 2/718 ULE FOR FINDING AN UNKNOWN ANGLE Se breit |. 88/2 Oa Lene OFANUNKOWN SOE Se gir esn [e s[315 wonseneahae ne tSettind ont eff ffa525 (EL alga anpuand helenae otonede tp rises |e HOW To USE THe TRIGONOMETRY TABLES ee Gecese (28 BAe 1 Bee Be Senet Soe ger 288822 [4/8 2/2/3 minutes ofa degree trom ino top of menagadown, FSz Pay 2fe slale jaaniracagestonupiacn nations banais SE sow 50.PNo AN UicNowN AoLE Bebere | fy a3]: EXAMPLE: Refer to ihe piping offset an page 6 Wt the (SET) Fl a Jengin ig 20" and the |THAVED) lenght ig 20" what's Ine angle STRz otaer? Toe able 10. F NO" ANGLE wed and f snows le alals fhasthe GET) dundeg Sythe (HAVEL) = ne SINE of ue soci lz a] 812 ‘Bemiged sy 20> 500 rd 8f leaking forbs gure nthe SIME al eeermnel te naonorety abies oura tobe a 3 ane ‘he abies shew tal fre (TRAVEL| dances by he (SET}> a : tecOBeCAnTotineensla. gel |) ele z HOW 70 FIND THE LENGTH OF AN UNKNOWN SIDE 221/212) 218 Ihe oles apave has st sage ot 40" the (SET) i610" and a 2 el alg] 3] $1 8 te (TRAWTEL) 90" What ste aaginalthe RUN) sce? & 2] a] 8] §) 219) § SXAUPUE: Ruler fo Cw tats ANEILE NOW ang shows that gel -| turns, When this distance is found the offset is figured the samme 2s 2 simple olfsel. The easy way {o find Ins distance ‘Sto measure scross a sioat square al 10" and 21M4" as shown in drawing at (a). The figure of 25%" thal Is ‘tained is the true amount of (SET) and is shown again inteue wen at draming (b). To tind the amount of (TRAVEL) needed for any angle multiply this (SET) of 2014" x the COSECANT of the angle you are using. In the drawing at Ib)* angie is snown” Fora 45" angle multiply 231" x 114 = 33%". For a 30° angle multiply 23%," x2 000 = This distance of 2335", may also bo calculated by the use of square root; or may be calculated tthe angle formes by the 10" (SET) and 21% (AUN) 's found. Reler to the fable (TO FINO ANGLE) 214" aWviged by 10" = 2.1258 ‘This figure is the CONTANGENT of 25° 12" Now that the angle 1 known refer to the table [ANGLE KNOWN) anc fable that the TRAVEL = SET. X “COSEGANT or 10"'x 25406 = 23_"- This is the same figure tnat was abe {ained on the stocl square. Thie method can be vaad if the distances are greater than the length of s stee! square, In order to figure a rolling offset that will also hold toagven dimension es al (c) in drawing (a). This can be {done simply. “Assume that cimension (e) is 19 be ie reler to Wew (B) and note that 23%" is the (SET). Tho 16" sido Is the (FUN). Use the lengths of these 2 sides to figure the langle Reler to the table (TC FIND ANGLE). I!-shows thal he SET DIVIDED BY RUN = TANGENT or 231," aivided By 18" = 130855. The tng tables show this fo bs the Tangent of $2" 33". For practical purposes ‘all it 52°20" and-salculale the lengins of the (RUN) and_ (TRAVEL) Sides tor this degree. See table (ANGLE KNOWN). The “The (RUN) sige equals 29%" x .76/3 = 18". The(TRAYEL) Sige equals 254° 5.12005 =" 29" "When the (SET) side ig greater than the (RUN) side the angle will be more than 45* angle and the anciee in tho trig tablos aro road Fram the bottom ofthe oace uo. sens Colctaron N01 wa aasau nant 40 5334030 5% eb nea any An3 40 s334030 TI ] ] T 8 \sl=]<|2/£ | 1 i ln “| Be a z ee 2 38 el 5 | Hoe X #9 NOINAW SNOT ROHNAMIG Cen St E26 1 yo NOWNAN SivREE NOIMANG Cm BH 40°0'0x ind 40 uasoH St¥nbA NOIENSWG ¥"=N AN onnowvarim ——a [ron = 200 asm dausae nani 10 saavo3a (2 THROUGH 24" MITER CUTS MARK PIPE IN SIXTEENTHS W0.2_[_noc3 [hos Lae {om ae UT FoR No. | NO, 2 NO. 4 1% i v % i Be 2% 16 Pha se ™% 3% [_ 2 nm 2 % [| % | 5 or €UT FOR @ [size [wot [woz | nos | noe 2 % a ee m7 vi | me | | we | % x fom & [| 2 3 | em | Me x | [a | mm | Pa ™ Tm oe on, 80" shown, FORMULAS FOR MULTIPIECE TUANS TO FOAM RADIUS AND NUMBER OF DEGHEES DESIRED, ANGLE OF CUT EQUALS Degrove of turn divided By (number of welds times 2). LENGTH OF DIMENSION “ Equals radiue times Tangent of angle of cut LENGTH OF PIECES “A* EQUAL Dimension "B timoe 2, LENGTH “A° EQUALS RAOWS x 4142.2 RADIUS (Inches) LENGTH "A" [inches] [aon tate | 2 18 FUR as" TURNS EOUALS T1M® cus [RADIOS Gnchen)_] LENGTH "A" choad ve ns" Tuans Kouas @° Cuts ADIs Fe LENGTH AT (inehoe) SE 15° Tens touals re cuts ENGIN “A” EQUALS RADIUS X 1216 27 o = RADIUS (Feet) TENGTH “AT (Inches) WaAPAZOUND UNE 7 13% aa ‘ 18a 3 63 SHLHSI MI GadUYW Bete did LHDI3A aHYaNVIS No a-10a¥S .05 STANDARD WEIGHT PIPE | cree oe hae eee [he En ve Die ie bo i poe fae tae tae 3 fa poe a ¢ ps tet % a Rises a} | [S868 [i712 | ee : i eas ara oe | ia T] | [le [aees [27am [13% | Bar| 1“ =] | Hefoue_[ae pees pe Riser 3 12 [1275 | ade | 20% [10 | ' {0} ec ae : Co eT | le, ey | Gc ee ate / t ae) | aotearoa | iste = Sl Gane bee Tes 2» 2 La a 75¥ixz) 37716 | 18772 | ie 2] | Gecfepae aes 4 i ae eT 1 I Mie [ee [De [Nm | Pe | . 2 | W0'2) G04 | 25ue | 186 | 6902 3 Ta ee Pee fat | Tiss [ieee aioe [ie | Te] ue 3 { raitive| e5mme [30 [teva | im Le 3 -fisrass rae tro [ee ore : $0 SADDLE ON EXTRA STRONG RISERS MARK IN EIGHTH'S SIZE OF HEADER % |“ the % EXTRA STRONG RISERS HARI, 1 SIXTEENTHS SIZE OF HEADER [Tae Tie Tree Tie [ 20r [aae he | |e |e |e jie (ow ax Riser [Be Pie [24 [1% [ 1K Te ry we Riser e+ Riser 2 MARC SurEENTES | | NOE tit enki ain Orta dianmiai arate | | = Pie a 3 oh We 2%] 3 3s ft se DEGREE ECCENTRIC PIPE RISERS PESMpARG velenr ‘eisees NARRIK SICTEENTH Size oF HEADER eT Fee * (ae 4s: LATERALS | Ase LATERALS STANDARD WEIGHT RISERS STANDARD WEICHT RISERS MARK IN SICTEENTH'S MARE IN SIXTEE MTHS ‘SIZE OF HEADER ‘SIZE OF HEADER We ae 6 ee fa nl ne 3 eee Tae as a aa wor [9 “Tay Phe 6 te [8% CONE: r River Rie i Riner | | ue 4] | | Riser = Riser ‘| o| i z 2 7 4 z i 3 16 ia z Rises nx Ts | = 6 i z t sh is! CONCENTRIC SUPPORT ON BACK OF 90° L. R. ELBOK (TYPE #1) STANDARD WEIGHT PIPE ATNFE 31) STANDARD WRIGHT FIFE G/L OF SUPPORT LINES WITH C/L OF ELBOW I C/L OF SUPPORT LINES WITH C/A. OF ELBOW eens n ex oF 988 | ‘ep \umucn init 2UPPORT ON BACK OF 99° L. Re ELBOW | | SIZE OF EL80R ee pe ro Ts peo Bsn Petr iis [104 Te . Ci ia se La] z Ke 1 Dg, Teta Pie Pipe a a Team Ts wba i of oe 3 0 | * z i [Pee i lptse | —f $ He i Za t ia os ee tt ioe is : 18% 16 To aan ra : t Tos [13 “ “ 1 Tae Pine Foe FUROR T We LMS TPs SNTRIC SUPPORT OM BACK UF Wu Lom eLmun aie (TYPE 11) ¢720ARD VEIGHT IPC vee A) Sta weiowy mime efor suPr on OF 0, PLLINES NIFH OUTSIDE RADIUS OF ELBOW Size oF ELDOv ] SIZE OF ELBOW ea oe ee ope Te To x 0% o ! ae yi 0% [28% Gao ah H 4 14 0% 126 rae, 3 a] ea aig Tae . ae ee 3 a 7p aaa s eta tae tae i a eh aha ve Panga Danii Lam =| ine +h aa peas Tas ahs 2 eras iz _ Hest 3 Ba a ioe vam ah La rm Bf [= pasts aan z ae pa Ds 7 : ” Sem 7 y 25% | oe $ Pave it g z o —— 7 a q a « a 3 Pipe é = n t i 7 ‘ aoe Tt af ee bap Ie (TYPE #2) STANDARD VEIGHT PIPE fo ELLER mie SUrrUm) UN BALA UF Wy Le me cLbUR 5.0.7. LINES T/ITH OUTSIDE RADIUS OF Ct bo" | (TYPE +2) STANDARD WEIGHT FIPE SIZE OF ELBOW ) ~B.O.F: LINES WITH OUTSIOE RADIUS OF ELBOW ee Le = SIZE OF ELBOW Daa . Te ee ene Tay Tima Ta 1 Fa PY ET Bee 2a 2 38%, Tap T3343, ee Dae Tame Toone fai fast Taos 3 E17 Pa EP 20% [2041 19% | 30%¢ 138 [aa [a 394, |e | a fase Pive (aya, [arm aay Lara, Lape Lary [5 STP aS 1a [29% | 35h, [oe Las, so 8 [ase ark srk Tso Ts Tar 7 wie | si, se | eo | 2, J as pe 7 ea 7] ae se [ae he 1 26430 18 z 304 = a = 3 Pine | —+ 4 1s so 3 2% | re -— cat “ a s ee i : a0 soy [ar a5 = seh ent somes nl 23 | | 305 3a 1 ie = ante Pipe cy a z 7 + te fs + “e z z eae, [7 a c z E 1 ag [8 z t [1 7 = Bes 1 a z fa nl t a 5 5% —— | | ae ——F Ht 1 5%, z ‘ie 66 z Natee neails dr ekecy Gu eR Selaane velar nie 2.0.P, LNES Vin WADE BABI GF ELsoy notte lil CoENTRICWUnroRy oN BACK OF So" Lin cL" econ u TE oF HRW - Tne OF ELEO eee] | hee Z % r ee eB Tia ree i ce 7 Sree i ‘ Ha 7 reat ee Ls er me ° HT a 3 nn see] || a © mete] < meee tr] | e mete] | t / mi ne E a t = | | wets +7 7 a mete] || r wags = wipe] | 5 rasp pe 3 7 r 7 a eet oe z 10 + + Te | o = 7 z i s rs uy t sri aoa baa 1 ve = t Stpeabee le one = ite = aL SHOW Fe Sie il EL STTOH FE eb S310" 02 STT0H 91 $370H ti Ee oft STTOH Oe + NO $3 10H 108 we sT70H 35h SS TON F 240m 4 aala 40 | jane} aohaeg4 fanny aopauaaaal "YOO SIHL NI S378VL WO¥d SHLONST BLYMIGYO ONISN LNOAVT 3LYTdWAL did |.) core IC TEES 7 0 CENTER OF PIPE UMFERENCE OF BRAC! BRANCH TEMPLATE FOR SADDLE ON TEE a z a ‘ORANGE PEEL HEAD (inches) 2 Pipe | No.of | 8 Sue | arm} aA | 8 | ¢ [et | yt z 3 %_ [% [% = 5 % [an | % z S| Fe |e | Me | % | Me = 2 1M | Ae | he [The | 2 = S| 2h. Whe | 3s | Ke 5 * 5 | 3% 1% | 3 4 S| Fhe Phe | 5% | 1% 5 g 6 | 4% 2% | % | 2% B & TT Whe | ay [Re [Bie | Phe 5 & a] 5 14% [| % [10 | she 5 g gE g FORMULA USED A= CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE 0.0. DIVIDED BY NUMBER OF ARMS DIMENSION "A" x 875, DIMENSION "A" x 5 CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE 0.0. DIVIDED By 4 NUMBER OF ARMS = CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE 0.0. DIVIDED BY 5 FIVE ARMS TO BE MINIMUM USE A RADIAL CUT ORANGE PEEL HEAD Ben CONCENTRIC REDUCER LAYOUT Circumference of large pipe divided by No. of arm, Cireumterence ot small pipe divigedioy No. otarms Ditterenceotpipe 0. D’sx 1.3 Number of arms = citference of pipe 0.D's x 4.33. Minimums arms. Draw wraparound line on pipe equal to dimension“c", On this line mark off divisions por dimension “A”, Draw lines on pipehaltway between each dimension “A” on these lines at end of pipe Mare off dimension * wwith oneach sideotiine, Drew lines to connect points "B" to points at wrap- around line, Burn out sections between arms using a radial cut then bevelarms. TEMPLATE LAYOUT FOR CONCENTRIC REDUCER pea] CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE exer Foxe Pa Skat axa ox at axe [ex ar exo Hex or auy | ons soren | oct (Goubul] SUOIGRS OIINSONOD Elololelelole Te ie | PAL 7 s | yes | he s [Mixes | Ms ¢ | hixs s_[zxs | Ye s_| Yexs | We sexs a s_| vers S| pes s_ [ep sexe TE) zxy | xe [exe exp | Wr s_| Hex & co a a) v foron | dle youl) SHaDTOIH STMINGONOD TEMPLATE LAYOUT FOR AN ECCERTR S scsUCER ‘The use of # template for an ecconiric regueer is simpler fang more accurate than marking off the pips. Use sheet mete! or gaskel material about Yq" thick. The material should be slightly longer than the pipe circumference. The width should be about 4" more than dimension "E”. Cheek the material and be sure itis exactly square. Fit the material around the circumterence of the pipe and mark and cut it 50 that the onde of material just meet on the pipe. The stops Below should oe faliowoa, 1. Draw a base line on the template 3" up {rom the edge, 2. Draw a center line on the template in the exact center forarm#t. 2, A this eentertine on the base line mark otf Y_ circum ferences on each side of template START THESE STEPS AT THE LEFT SIDE OF ‘TEMPLATE AND REPEAT EACH STEP FOR THE RIGHT SIDE 1. At let cage of tempiate mark dimension “F” trom base ne. 2. AL this point mark off dimension ti, A for arm #4 2. Markoitdimension"B" 4. Markotf dimension A "forarm 3. 5. Markottdimension °C: 6. Markotfdimension"A "for arm#2 7. At centerline of template mark off Y% af dimension’ ‘on each side for arm it 8. Draw in lines for each arm to points marked on base line. Use a radial cut and bevel each arm after cutting. Heat fang shape the bottom arm first, then heat the remain: Ing arms so that they may be pulled down as welt as in “These eccentric recucers can be cut back for each larger size tpipeas required TEMPLATE LAYOUT. FOR ECCENTRIC REDUCERS ja CRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE. 8 —ECCENTWIE REDUCERS (re 2 (oe ae & g Ee 2 8 Sue sees PpeGreum= it" aig Ppa Creu Tae p33 1% Circum = 1%" YeCircum = We") a5 3 i 5 3 bs 3 z ECCENTRIC REDUCERS (chew) 5 | oe 32h 3 3 “he TA : % B= free 1 c= but ie i a I oh Ti | mae cs TAT Td | [Pipe Gireum= 14K" 5 Pipe Cireum = 1774" YGrcum= 1 %Gkcum = 7" ox [ECCENTRIC REDUCER (Inches) =| no OF HOLES LAYING OUT HOLES IN FLANGES FORMULA: For finding Dim, “A", muitialy the doit circle ‘iameter times the SINE of one half of the angle between thenoles. 45° minus 22%," shown. ‘BOLT CIRCLE DIAM x 2 1564 2 21305) a 0789 0671 HOW YO LAY QUT ORDINATE LINES AND LEKGTHS: FOR A CONCENTRIC OF A TANGENTIAL NOZZLE, ‘Set a pair of dividers to a radius that will equal the 1.0. ff the nozzle whan it is to be fitted to the outside wail of the vessel. Set dividers for the 0.D. of the nozzle if itisto tthe insice wall ofthe vessel With dividers correctly set scribe an arc of 180° on a plece of gasket material or sheet metal and draw a line across this halfcircle Draw lines #0.and #4 the length ot this material Use divigers to stop off each helf of the semi-circle into 4 equal sections of 22%,". At these points on halt circledraw thetines€1,#2, 2nd#3 as before On a table or other surface scribe an arc at a radius that will equal the ©.0. or the 1.0. of the vessel wall that you wilifitthe nozzie to. Place marked off material in exact position you want on this arc and make sure itis square with the vessel. if you are making a tangential type nozzle be sure that the ©.D. of the nozzle does not extend beyond the outside wall of the vessel Hold material in position and at high point of vessel wall draw a reference or wraparound line onto the mate- flal. Sometimes line #0 has a length so be sure you have the high point. Scribe the vessel radius ento the materi theordinates lengths on the material ‘The template layout for either of these types is shown inthe template layout section of this book | You now have \ wis 7 \ 4. } Ha ? . ORDINATE LINES AND LENGTHS ‘Spacing ordinate ines with dividers is recommended, how- ever these spacings can aiso be calculated. Line numbers below are from concentric type Line #4='% the L.D, oF the ©.D. of the pipe or nozzle. Line #1 = Dimension #4 « 3827 Line W2 = Dimension #4 x 707 Line #3 = Dimension #4 » 9239 = 860 ey = 360 ou __2 Ea ze a eee e ~ 9 Das @ : ¥ [we elton = ae [ 2 OF Na = 7 oo jo Spey = y ue) apysuy aauarerD = g uel jo sripe? apieuy = y N09 yo soypeu =u 0 WOUIEID = g 10 snipes apieing = NVA 3aISino NO Wn 301SNI WOO Lee = _ aN OH S109 HNVL sojo08 jo s9aiB3p 30)298 jo seaiGap, JO LNBONVL » 2 * sue 10 SNIS = 2 Ma Oe NOISNANIG HOS VINNOS icy NOISNBINIG HO4 VINWHOS INV AQISNI HOD Idle HNVL 3OISLNO 109 adid SPECIAL OFFSETS (ORANING #1) Special offsets when the degroe of rise & tern ere known. FORMULA: The cosine of degree of rise times the cosine of degree of turn equals the cosine of dex gree of elbow. Find the degree of the bottom elbow The cosine of 45° rise t= .707 times -866 the cosine of 300 twin equals 6120 the cosine of degree of elbow. From the trig tables the degree thot hes -6123 for its cosine v2 529-14. This is the degree of the bottom elbow The top elbow hoe a turn of 60° ond ie the complement of turn of the bottom elbow. The de- ‘gree of tise always is the some for both elbows. Find the degree of the top elbow: The cosine of 45° rise is 707 times -500 the cosine ef 60° twin equals .3935 the cosine of Gegroe of elbow. From the trig tables the degree thet hes -3535 for its cosine is S9°— 18. This is the degree of the top elbow Find the fengths ofthe sides ofthe 2 righ angle Use the 24° (SET) side of the 45° ond figure the remaining sides. See pages 9 & 10 of this book under (ANGLE KNOWN) for method. Note thet the (RUN) side of this engle is also the (TRAVEL) side of the 309 angle. ‘The (TRAVEL) side of the angle of tite is the tive length of the offset center te center. Find the cut length of pipe require Reter to peges 7 & 8 ef this book ond drawing *8 for method al calculating the end to center of stove 2 elbows, os these must be subtracted from the center to center of affect to give you the cut Tength required ALL SIMILAR OFFSETS MAY BE CALCULATED USING THis PROCEDURE. SPECIAL OFFSETS DRAWING = 1 Special ollsets when the degree of rise & tum are notknown, FORMUI of degree of tum equals the cosine of degree of elbow. ne cosine of degree of rise times the cosine In this example you Will nave to use the gimensione of the 2 right triangles to figure the angles of rise and ur. Feter to pages 9 & 10 of this book under “TO. FING ANGLE", You will find that the angle of rise is 30° ano the angle of turn is 22° 90°. Use table (ANGLE KNOWN) forlengthsotsides. Using the cosine times cosine equals cosine formula: The degresof the bottom elbow is 36°-§2° The degreeofthe top elbow is 60" Nota tat the top elbow Is the complement of rise of the bottom elbow. 90°30" = 60. The cegree of the top elbow. The (UN) side of the 90° angle is also the (TRAVEL) sice of tne22°-20" angle ‘The (TRAVEL) side of the angle of rise le the true length of the offset. Find te cut length of pipe required: Reler to pages 78 8 of this book drawing 48 for metho ‘of calculating the centers of the above 2 elbows as these ‘must be subtracted to give you the cut length required. All sinillar offsets may be calculated using this pro- cour, Note that any 2 cosines used willl eall for the same degree ofelbow regardiess ofthelrrelationship, SPECIAL OFFSETS DRAMING #2 Te, simslily the fbriction handing, ond instellotion off all special type affsers, Irie re= commended that ifat all possible lap joint flanges be installed ot each end and in between the 2el- Sows, in this way the fobricater con ignore the complex roll at wellasteving to match batt hole Onthe opposite page are shown6 various types cof special offsets with the degree of elbow needed for the bottom ond top. ‘The table below shows some stondard angle combinations with their cosines multisied to ive the degree of elbow required. Sate that the Results will be the some regerdiess of which ie the angle of rise and turn, ae satan 4" 60° ‘i “° 2h* aese | 45" 69-10 | 30° 60° | 2 aot 30" 5 61°. 8° 7420) ast 60° ot 2s" pea | 3° s0ra9 60° ore ON acai ons? SPECIAL OFFSETS SIX EXAMPLES. 459 TURN 450 Rise BOTTOM ELL asi TOP evi soe 602 TURN 450 Borrow ect aie TOR ELL 435 30°TURN — 45° RISE Borrow Ect $99) TOP But ase RISE 600 Tor UL gor 450TURN — 459 Borrow Et 20° RISE BOyTOm ELy 22339 229 20° TuaN_229 Tor euL a1 —24" 40 pice Lb ast 45° TURN horTom e1 TOP FLL 40? lxsrawia wane9 OL wNI> — Ber DIMENSIONS FOR CUT OF Feat MENTO LENGTH OF THREAD ON PIPE 90" LONG RADIUS WELDELLS M DEGREES OF TURN LENGTH OF THREAD OH PIPE FORWULA~ RADIUS x RAS ccasia THAT 18 SCREWED INTO VALVES OR DEGREES x.07748 fae SAADeg iOte FITTINGS TD MAKE A TIGHT JOINT TmsINSIDE RADIUS see ss eae (O-OUTSIDE RADIUS ars Stasi so =" e577 =f f F feewrzer wo] sooo Ce THREAD TAPER 1/16" PER INCH Ela[or{in]on| ml onfie RIPE] THREADS ] THREAD | CENGTA] - ae ; ee inca” | TENET ae | vole Tom Tone fal 1 | an [oe | i > “a awed 1m [ove | ase » a [rel are] aeme| oa | 2uve| am [ove |v brome | om w | ae val! 7 A ee = ee] 2m | rare] 3 [ere] om [ernel tne [rans] ine sae o 1% 7 He 1% Wi H he ew} a | oe] 4 | san [12ravef 195 | 24 | Save Graf Sok _ = seas % v7 Te he ofsn| © | s foun) me] re | 2 7 2 sue [ene | ren | om [ren | an | I ta ser] om] 11 | rome heovsf_av | a | 2m sas i | tar| er [roeue|_o [rex [sae] 26% | a so a 146 ore] rem | 14% | 20 | sorel sm | 7% fsa Pie Th 5 3 Te sun romeleoefrsrind ate] a.n) 6 | 3 frei —_ ae 1 wELOOLETS SCHEDULE 40 [ f MAKEUP — CENTER TO END | S126 OF RUN | 2 [eye | salsa tae iss jz z a ee e 5 1% fom [ome | oe Lex [5% z é [2 lem [ee fon [oe [om foe [7s 3 3 Bla [ax [an [one [se 7 fe | Z/E 2% Gia [x oi [7% [ow gis 5) 4 #[a o%. 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B [te | : — be | 2 a | 2 | m™ fa pw aa % et a a D sterderd wall thickoesse Derr snee neruetleseran General Dimensions for| | Welding Fittings € - Yr basi = nenugne CC) eae Nae EES Ea ib al ht = ele are hl Rly | |e ae ars ia | i Bla 1 ee eter at er ete EEE ne ee a eee fa | BB Hy | LB La | | ae Te ep va] 200 | ae | am a | te Rit "| EIE a1 : 4 18 | i | “Te ae eaca ete 5B B/S lr | u im | 2» | we | i we] Berg al | |B | ? elas | iB | it | we BLS ml Fe m/e) i BIE gy in tm | oe | hh Bye ls | & RAE i glk |B Tins Acne ASA B69 ASA 936.10 General Dimensions for Welding Fittings ef oce | ql fF = oe" en * ‘never 4 L_) 2/3 i eg) 8 a) 3 i BS | oa = i atte aha Biel e:|8 ae ; Age ee { Baye a | it j Sa A SUH |e: | (3 BB) |B aie EE a8 epet ete Sie ae a aie iale 3 #|| Aer = t Biel |e | a | set eu $00 | 236 g | =: E eae = it Stele General Dimensions for | Forged Steel Flanges ¥ SE! rt sk BIG. + ASA-BIOS cor (ose Biss err ae i Sa RT or 1 a rage tea] oe [EL fen] # |e vie i = (ape % f ea a - as Epa Poa a uF acum the a z ir va tah [ H : 2a zfs mp | H 3 % za PAL T eae t rs sory as) 5 ewe fe he 1K toe aa mp poepfi | “5a i Ta TET Po foes Pe five eI i 35 ST is [A fe | zt - [in a : 3h i ug + [ae amie fe pf . iit Ti Tia fie me pe Pe Be i ES ie fs ies [aL fo - us (cpa Fi fens fan We | Cae pennies Pane Te | chs ee Tafa i a appa S| Th Gee = ma NOTES GD) Alwoys specify bore whan ordering. igh ane sie, rae nr ie stat wii Sm @ includes ut retued face in 1302 £300 Dee Ton - Opel ltede Scat toe te W008 nd "eseb ge uhene eran gh at ponand psseadon wee reso | General Dimensions for | Forged Steel Flanges a z| ota ei Bast mae ie fs bio | mam Soracle aa ia 300 15 THT i [ioe ot] ay [2H eae fas 3 | wfc fie teat FTSCIITAEY [sig ie m0 as Pm eis es lefulal | ale \y bere when ordering. @ includes ht rained face in 150 8 3004 siandorde © Beeb M inchs Uae ace tn 4000 ond : F { General Dimensions for Forged Steel Flanges | so - Poe? t a Poet a co! fore I o a Co ee "iio ecru au cunanae | Tereseeo ance ‘unis une ee BT | TSA Bl6.s ST To5 Teena va 7 Seen i = wae) Wag =a foe : Ea i Te [as[ ar BN z 4 ae Li} Th a Cie oss |r ef te oa 3 pau as al [or ; wpe [a Te a am [oa tar 4 2 1 3 35am am Lie Taare hehe a [ioe [os [oe a [ast] aa me aie stn fo a [6] 39 ae fo Tn pe Teper ze af se a Toe cf Pere See iw fa [aK iy fiat ee ee ie a [ae Set fe ieee fon fam on Lae 5 Pane pa Pe ze Pere wpe fs fim Pe Te oe re [ese ipsa [ae ln pe pane te [ae fies Se fe [i [aa fe 1s Jon Pk [eo I 2 foe Peon ee espe Ec @ includes 4" rained fare in 1502 £3009 stndords, Bees NOT include "yalscd face in S00 set ecvier standard General Dimensions for | Forged Steel ‘Flanges o——— see) pate bs 5 pepe] Be - ee 35] het a hin [fen freretm fairies] GMa elite vecadeing fT} [a be faes Seeker Siam ae Hs, ze dle = r - SERINE EASE, SERIES 600 FLANGE STUD BOLT LENGTH [ stu sot Levers maLe & cent . MALE nuance | ane rire easeo] remace | rine fainc] anc rive | FLANcE fay mors { © wiseo| FEMALE | nine xine) einc se |_2 FACE [ronevEe sont] Wo. [ear fre {sous PARED! CEMALt [nina is inc ary] size GROOVE | — ata] x] os 5 sy fear] % % [3 [eu] x | t 3 [anf ea) s| | x] supra] — aa [a [ate e aH 3% | Rete | - efatal [oo fo [eas] - el js pe 1 abs Leo [= a wid O% om on) Rae] = {3% 4% | R23] My [an Te = 10 w] % ™ 7 my | R53) = 4% s- =] 7 _ s Ls im afl ml mlm |e [ao - fe : ipeon Te | uw} a] Mm 8 ™ ay} Rely = 2 £4. q 4 ox | ok = w |] 20] % By ax} Ros] = ™m | % 7 - oe = wlalal om] om fe [rol - ate = = a] 2 mw {alm [| xfernl - ae : nlululw | |wmlean| [0 = |? 1 Lk ml m«t {mw | n fevl] x Toe 2 y a [3 Te SERIES 900 FLANGE SERIES 1500 FLANGE STUD GOLT LeNoTA | stu poet cenctA MALE & { MALE & pipe| FLANGE Ieaiseo| FEMALE | RING] RING) RING pipe] FEANCE leaiseo] FEMALE |RinG | aiNG| aInc size FACE [TONGUE @|J01NT] NO. | GAP size |_ #0075 _|'pace lronaue alioivr| wo. | cae + | exoove ary |size GROOVE | y 4 % 4 a[ al se| | & | Slee wf a] x a [a [eel we os - L x] 4 wi feul alate p oe] ox | oxfeor) fo) Gi ri | [ere] 5 7 een ) Pets [ag ee = wm | om a [rar] - Ee 4 . j mia] oh s 5% ~ 6] 2] nas) -| | [a [a | i [se [oe % : | fatisjs [« | «x Dew = t[ 2 Lpeel =) Cs a eo] os D2 =] wife |e | fess) - sft mm] im [x : 1 [is Te Tax |e om fou | wmf mu] af om fi [esr) - @ [iz T ig Fo | ox Pix [eee | ) [a Tre 0 % [esol : wx | [ase] - we] tw | x] we | =| | [ho fe [os [a Teese [ wa] foe fo woe | ae f ews) - fj 6 i _| ish | esa ae al : ie | sk | ten | esa] % w | 20] m | x | ay [x R10! %e 16 wy | 18% | eo? 1% 1 | ax [eat al2 | 1 3% | wa Jarl - m. a. 2 1s | 2% mil a7s| xy ulwolawlw 1% Vive RB! mw low a nee Poel eT 4 TRENCH SEE SERIES 7500 FLANGE ety soy] WRENCH a aay LANG |_ Sia sibs | "Site MALE & % 3 FLANGE = i pwe lnaiseo] FEMALE [ain [rine [ame ; a site| 8941S _| pace Jroncueabom] no, | caP 7 3 : a a ary] size Groove # i | | f& = «f«[ al ato [ofan] w a iLL sizes FoR PIPE TAP: ai leteloe tela ORILL SIZES Fow PiPe TAPS Feet [pe of Star of | 0 of a : Tech| one, | PEM | Tasks rtel«l =|] = («feel - Bose | Pit | kscd | Bartek aR Pe m{ ata | m[ «fo fealty a [ei gy + a foe pe |e ve{« [me] os fo [on fraal - el era i | eae afe[s [|] o% [7 [aol - My | ome fw | os : m fom |g fs |e »| stat ml] om | - wie jk fs |e af a{ml] x |_| em |ea| - Derigen stenderé Geers) £4) 26 |e |e Seset [atrine | Sont’ | Saset [rec Ttelw lam) ae (ee teal z |e es ,hlt aq lca (oul en Th lene eye tat - wd | |G t ]2lz fo | om fo fest] = zr ey w fila [i | wx 2 feos|y a nobel se le & = mo Peed fs n la a | mx [2 [esol Sa we Paw dam fay % alr % % te me a te s Pats te i : za % ra ee Fe (shite “eh ooy won | a5isiso's00e| dames | Hoe t saonv Ts 3: rT oor_¥ “81 oot wos TNWND 1700 — on ~ SL5SNGONd NYBISVEMANO! 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