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You are on page 1of 13 2013 PosTAL ASSISTANTS PAPER CODE : SW108 Name of the Gandidate (in capital letters) ; - red et a: Candidate's Signature wee S weTE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING ANYTHING ON THs BOOKLET [4] tetore commencing to anewer, check tht fe Gueston Boose | T a oe wet ae gow @ |! ' has 100 queton. The Question Baotet wil bein fur sess (A ‘R ge 100 se Bi we gfe || || | a’ and 0s You mat write comet Guection Booklet Series | | (A.8,.68-0) 1 Fate 8 Re eB ORR Sat ee |! $] | en your GMMR Answer Sheet. Further there are Your pats (A. BG ah ses es Fates from Bi pe get fio Sore er |! 4 ‘and O} i the question booklet and sach part cary minimum oie te ae wea & Spe ais Prats |i || | qusttyng marta. Therefore attempt af te four pars. Further qa teh at ex ech mr rem th pe oF ot oem |! {) | eneek that tere ia no misprinting, cverprinting andtor any TR a Ber eek rem ea Reet ot A tft Br at |! i) | target nee aye te | fo ee aw ces fr a veg | q Saewrmeapapirtes ont noe hcheruet No coment eB a Ger et ere we AE rere oe eT aE || |] | ttt rogerd she be eat at ny Mr stage. a4 me a ie oe t 1/2 | Uae BiuatBiack Bal Point Pen for fing boxes on the OW) 2 | NaNO. ow Cat i au a we @ RR aaa a |) [seein |S Wee Tea i 2 =e « = ; |] | Ammer Shectonyt prthe rattle geen andere | | OM SO 8 RR Aa gar an Ber P|; the Question Booklet et geet At re, 2. | BONOT scribble or do rough wort or maki any iray mars |S | SOC Gt a Ot oe em Sta A ate Ret wer wt Ree ‘onthe Answer Sheet: D0 NOT wrinke or foid br arable i. aa aot a “| Use of Cakustors, Side rules, Mobies caizuatorwatcnes or | | rgiet, GTN, Sink, aegict eal ‘any Such devices 209 ay cer studyoseetce aleral & NOT i i i i ae 2 i a ‘Bowed raid the examnabo Rall eg ewe Sls @ a 7 a a ‘Question Bootie, not On the OMA Anawer Shout. Nother | | ga fer ac otf ot op sat a ah Ped sa EG 1] | Rough wort i to be dene the. bank space proved te | 5 Fever a Ra eee ea 7 ear oar ah OME ' sea Te {|__| paparwit be atowecipovited fr ch wor ey {6 [MOST WMPORTANT= Tre -maver shes covans mato] 8 | waive weme- ae Gar GA aa AES wae den Bie |" i] [sown agen et etmcncaterat oman | | et Boe ected wh es | |] | tet and eves copy Of ORI ot enone shetio ne | | SOME BEL 8 ced Gs ar SG a a te | a inagiimor before jeaving the examination hat. Mt you fal © gt sobre hy) we Pros am vom wer | |] | Rnd over bolt copie to the Invite mec afer || RS OUTS CT aa wl ow Brow: wt ge at ee, | {|__| comple ct etminaton, your cancastre watt oven |__| Stared src Pret & sab i |] | Ose at willbe sworded foreach corect answer. Thowisna [7 [eC WA ont & fet ew of Re Gta we ow @ Re {] | gre mang fo wong anewor: Take creat you mack ony || mer abe am aR, FC we be ww ATE ‘| | ont mer reach quoson. mee thn ove srower is ver || ied, ex & aie au ve oer wat ae nl Re fT Rae tn te soe ke emt || arm ee 8 Mg en oon et A eR |] <|.cetingleverarting the answers. are not allowed. Further i ‘queation paper i bilingual (vendvEngtsh). in case of any en on feeds (et sei oft) 3 hy Labuokl {| | Saran fn traaletod Hind! werton, Engl version wil be | | PER Yar Me Seon Fre tb eer 2 ae : iste i ve ‘eter alte 2 cee one ores serge Gor wed | % 2013 PART-A (GENERAL KN@WLEDSE): Who was adjudged player of the tournament by 1 ‘coring most number of runs in the tournament in Women's World cup cricket held recerty () Anya Shrubsole (8) Megon Schutt (©) Jess Cameron (©) Suzie Bates Who wom the Inaugural Hockey India League ended in 2. Ranchi recentiy: (A) Doin: Wave Riders (8) Ranchi Rhinos (©) Utiar Pradesh Wieards (0) Mumbai mag.aans FIFA-2014 world cups proposed to be hel in: a (®) Spain (8) Braz (C) Qatar (0) Russia \Wanchoo committee Dealt with: 4 (A) Agricuture Prices (8) Direct Tanes (©) Rightto information Reforms (©) Panamentry Feforms Kyoto Protocal is: s (A) An intemational agreement to reduce green house gases (8) An intematonal agreement for extradition of foregn (An "Worwement describing formula for Conversion a foreign exchange (©) An inlemational agreement to deal with Intemational ‘Temonsts organization India successfully completed its 101" space mission /6. bby launching indo ~ French satellite SARAL. recently: ‘This satellite is for: (A) Oceanographic study (@) Preperation of a detailed and complete mar? of Antarctica (C) Study the climate on Mars (0) None of these is true ‘Government of nda ham recerity granted "Maharatna” 7. ‘Status to two mony Naveatna publ wector enterprises. ‘Which are the these new companies joining the club of Maharaine public sector undertakings: 1A) Indian Oi Corpetalion and Coal india Limited (8) Bharat Heavy siocticat Lid and Gas authonty of india Lnited (C) Steet authonty of india Limited and National Thermal -Powar sarpora.on Limits (©) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and Ol and Natural 968 corporation ‘India’ ewy buit and tested missile ‘Astra'is meantfor, 8. (A) Surfabe to Air Strike (8) Surtace to surace sirke (©) Arto Arsinke (0) Airto surge Stake * wee fe sre fbr. Rb, A TT ah ter front “yl Regt ter fe vo: 2) sn gees © (0) a Sor ©) Gh ago we 08 ws a RE ea Al (Ay Rot te © oo Reta {) aor te Pork (0) seat Roe FiFA-2014 Feet sat ordi a Fg wets ae 10) a) (0) sa os sry od Pert eater Ow oe (@) Beare (6) gen Sader 8 ger (0) Hee gare std tee tee ; { 4 a i i i fen dt wera sees eee eter Peat wb: (A) Steer atten ates ci ar sie Fatt: (8) sree Ba gAfizer BRAT ee he orate ote eee aie (©) Fae ort: ote Gee Bikes ud ert hy ee arias Ieee (©) wer Ba eeitpaer Pate ot ten Gd Ager by artes are ree cet eer Fear re Pree “oe PF (a) ge 8 oa A re wR © pa 2 gol cea a ae (© ara ema ae ae (0) er 8 eh came eh ae 2. The Govemor General who adopted a polley-of :bic arremireet Aaocmd Europeanization of Bureaucracy and an exclusion of Indian from higher posts: (A) Commas (B) Waren Hosting (©) Wetesiey (©) Dahousie Binnie wich movemerit Sat Gangedhar Tish was hen the opliet Lokmanya and Gandhi oie the ogen ‘ewan ine year” reepectivey- (A) Gut india Movement and Ci Disobedience Mavorent {®) Home ule Movement and Non Cooperation Maverent (©) Swadeshi Movement and Dandi March (©) Khlatat Movement and Civi Disobecience Movement Recently dargah Muinuddin Chiat at Ajmer was in news due to visit of Pakistani Prime Ministor. Dargah Muinucidin Chieti at Ajmer was built by: (®) futmish (8) Qutubusdin Atak (©) Alaudcin Kn () Kes Khan 1". 12. Baur sa oe (Lead (©) Aum (© Bre (0) copper Wich on of the following i the land sf inthe creme soul of nia? (2) Cope Commican—_(@) Rameshwarah (C) indies Point (D) Puducherry” The oxo layer las ine: 1A) Stratosphere (©) Trpomphere {©) Trepopoune {) None of ee “ * PNoluntary Comptiance was launehed by Goverment of India. This scheme is related to: (4) Income tox (8) Service Tax (©) Commacty fcensacton Tax (©) Secuscs Tronsaction Tex Econofite Survey 2012413 states that Non Performing Asséls ol increased from 236% to 3.57% in ‘September, 2012, The description of Non performing Aasela was with reference lo which sector: (A) Diland Gas Sector (6) Telecom Sector (C) Human Resource sector (0) Banking Sector 18, am (a) 4“ a2. % 1“ 48. 2013 qitect ot waht @ cer a 0c er 88 8 Ae AL AT: nee a . © ah Hes © ae © ‘ie arr AR MRE RE cA ay eae oh Tew eR aU wr eM IT Mor A) re rrr ee Tate TTT © arenas oo matters © Rea wad me (0) Pens sae et rare are ee BF ore ht eet Ree eB a @ rer eee la ee A cewek Ret ‘Prats eer sear 0 ee ® (©) seat Fresh (Oy, Bre wir ‘Grade fone cs at ay ay ther (8) Thre 1c) er Ow refers tS Aer he rca & af shee are AT an act (@) There (0) ea cake 0) aga aa et at Ret Bn (ay er tet (6) ews (o) etveten 3 (0) wa Bea aE eS ere 2013-14 Flos wee seer do Te ‘ee UT a hae eT Pea wa (ay are (8) Faw © Tq Bt (0) ager aaa nfs 4 2012-13 ae hr wor B fe he Praer ont wafer Ree 2012 7 236% 8 aver 357% Bh Ae Pret ant eed eet fe OS ied Ao y deat fa ae (0) dats (C) rea wees a (0) Sm as 17. fs. 19. m = ‘This is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India 17. boroem mony from commercial banks: (A) Repo rate (B), Reverse Repo rate (0) Stateory Liquidity rato {D) Cash reserve rato ‘Ax per slection commission of India, how many recognized xationel palitical parties are there in india? wr @ 6 (C)2 (0) None of ese ‘The present deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha is elected member of Partiament from which State of India? 1) Keeats (©) Tominadu {G) Andtea Pradesn (0) Karnataka ‘The constitution of india was adopted on: 4) 26" Novernber, 1949 1B) 28" Janvary, 1980 (C) 15" August, 1947 8. (0) 26" Jarwary, 1951 Tho Prosaet strength of Rajya Sabha members is (24 Tali Sabet whic ‘are representatives of ‘sates and union terttiries of Delhi and Puducherry Nd ne: 9F8 nominated by president: (a) 248,233, 12 (@) 250,238, 12 (G) 247, 235,42 40) 248,236, 12 ‘Which of the following glands produce’ insulin in 22, hanian body? 9) iver () Peecraas, (G) Spleen (OE Phaatay Which of he following i food poisoning erganiem: = 23. (A) Lectn beciins (8) Clostridium botutnurh (C) Sreptomyces fecats, (©) None ofthese: Developmen of poltre {Enlarged thyroid gland) is malin uo to deficiency of: (A) todine, (B) Calcium (©) Seciurd (©) tron "The emisston of which causes global warming? (A) Nitrogen () Carbon dioside (©) Carbon monoxide (©) Hycrocarson Pe 2 2013 eared Bi oc Feat 8s ats dear ag BA ar at ay RO. (oy Red tate j (0) RaPrs ere (0) 9 BR SIU eree & go ome orga ren #62 a a ea wT ms (2 (0) eA ae oa 8 atere cao es Pw Ter a he ie anh: (e) steery 7 (©) sree (0) ew ome sree Gite Bo ETE eT: (a) 25 wee, 1949 (8) 2858, 1980 (©) 18 same, 19807 (0) 2694, 1959 (A) 245,229, 12 (8) 250,238, 12 (©) 247,235, 12 (0) 248, 238, 12 seg 8 the eggs Beis fer athe ara tar B: om ©) va ©) Pet (© Page es re Aa ee Ear ery : te ar Bese (3h Gf oetET Pe) gore Reem A () sue © arr (C) wae (0) te Rowe arts & etree ait aren der b: @ ier (@) Sls nt onents (C) ads ato: (0) wefgieits 2013 PART-8 (MATHEMATICS) DIREGTIONS: (Question No. 29 & 27) Answer the following ‘questions on the basis ofthe information given below LT and 8 are traveling on the sare rote heading towords the same destination. Train 6 has. already ‘covered a distance 20 km before the ain stated 4, The to tains meet each othor after 1f hours after stan of rain“ Hind the tains een traveling towards each other (hem Getance of 220 km) they would ave me fr one hour. 26. What ls the peed of traing ‘Bin kmh: (ay 100 1B) 160 omits 4D) None of hese ‘27. Whatis the speed of trains ‘A’ in kmph: (ay s02 @) 999 (me (0) None of these DIRECTIONS: What approximate (you are not expected to calcuste the exact valve) value wal come in piace of the ‘question mark: (7) in folowing equation? 7B, 384.906 x 18.001 + 4489 = 7 9 5280 @) S820 (©) 5000 (2) S420 28, Thes man or sight Bays can do a piace of work in 17 % PrdayaHew many days will two men and six boys Aogethwetaka to fidah the same work? 1) tH days (@) 17 gaye (©) t2daye (0) None of these, \Valbhay got a monthly Increment of 12 percont of Pushpa’s monthly salary. Pushpa's monthiy salacy 30. bis increment? #) 26,180 (8) E35. 4B0 (© Gr.180 (0).None ofthese 31, The ratio of two numbers 15°4:5) When the frat is Increased bby 20% and the aacond Is decreasad by 20%, the ratio of the resuiting numbers ts: wy) 08 woe (C) 58 ©) 48 32,1 tho numerstor fa fraction be increased by 12% and ite denominator decreased by 2%, the value of the fraction becomes 6/7. Thus, the original fraction is: 78 ©) 49 (orem (@} None of these 33,/What Spproximate valus will come in place of tho: question mark (2) inthe following equation? 238.99 + 8.0001 x 9.99= 7 (a) 400 (© 380 (8) 260 (0) 300 Pte: (rer dow 25 ef 2PNE Rit me geet Boome ee ‘Prieta wet et oer a RA 8 ge & ot wR em ee ate 5r oft Be 8 OR w 220 Rea a gh yet ae A fasten AS orem wR 11 SS wee MTD OF ight & at a AAR (220 Rearer oe BS ae Pet AA Bae eo (#102 By 905, cone 40) GA a Fade: Prete paler A rma Reg ere oe eer er Sy ARSE we Ere a ra a 20, 384996 x 18.001 + 44998 7 a S280 (@) 5820 ey 5080 (0) 5420 ey ats oes ome Reet ord ah 17 fee we at ‘af Gl we ope Go ore ot aed @ ge ST Reo RT an ty 1 Ba (©) 12 (A) €95,480 (®) £35,100 (©) 837,180) (0) ae aa at 24. 2 dont sw aga 45 8 at oer? 20K Se nt B eel gat 2 20% werer er 8, oh toe: warn i wy 68 © 54 © 58 45 32,8 fan ote 12 em Ret oer Book go er fe an, Rt at mr 67 TOT ea BT A fer oa . A) 28 (6) 43 © Mm (0) eR 8 OE aR 33. Praia eeteet 7 orreres Rew (7) 8 oe err FT an at 239.98 + 8.0001 9.99=7 400 ©) 360 (8) 280 (0) 200 = a ‘Tarun tenance of 24 fn at ke, anather Antunes ofan ath ands tr tae of 2 feet bony Wn mvergh epee tor he wns Journey {in Kani) ts: we wet @s or Rohidrtedeia $40,800 In Four parte. If he gots 6% Inaerest on ©2000, 71% on 4606 and etn on F400. ‘What percent of interest musthe get for the remainder nis average annual intrest 8.43%? wy 0% ©) oe (©) 10% (©) None ofthese ‘A nolid piece of iron is in the form of 2 cuboid of ‘dimensions (49m x 33cm x 2tem} Es melted and ‘moulded to form a solid sphere. The radius of the ‘sphere is: () tem (© zen ® aon ©) 250m Twalve salld spheres of the same size are made by melting 2 eolld metalic cylinder of base diameter 2 em and sight 16 em. The dlamater of each sphere is: W) 2em © 3em ©) 4am (©) cm Perimeter of a circle is equal to the perimeter of. = ‘Square whose area is 484 cm®. What is the-radius of the circle? Wom (®) tem (C) 14cm (©) t6.0n Punseta borrowed from Rees certain turn) for two ‘years at simple interest. Punesta Jont this sym to Venus at the same rate for two years compound interest. At the end of two years she received £110 as compound Intorost but paid € 100 a8 simple interest. Find the sum and rate of Interest: (A) £250, se 10% per omar (©) © 280, rate 20% per enum (©) €250, rae 25% per animus (©) None of these 13 chaira and Sables were bought for & 8280. Ifthe average cost of the table will be € 1227, what is the average cost of a chair? ws E185 (oye asas, (©) None ofthese A msn goes uphill with an average speed of 24 kmph ‘and-comes down with an average speed of 36 kmph. ‘The ilatance travelled in both the cases being the same, ‘The average speed (in nih) for the entire journey is: @ 258 (@) a6 © 308 (0) None of these a 2013 3A, a Dear BO 6 RebterA Bec TO STD ‘of ort ar Reiter a ats Rabb xe ot ‘trot 24 Rant 12 RET ee CR oT ‘108 08 crt eer a tr (Roh tet: we ‘ore 2 © et o7 38. Mer 10,000. Sere at ee Ree AUN eae Fe 8%, Rand0r. we rim ee MiMoor ee od mr Froen Bi at are eer ot Pree fe ower mits Sher au = 843% BF (n) 8% (a 9 ©) 10% Oa 36. Aww ae ep oe a aT Ee Pow ore (49 BM, sea9 Wh. 26 OR.) ET ew ate AT ‘ve oa Br ee B: 19a @ 21 aA () 20.8 (0) 25 8. 37 ne TC aes Peery, reer anere are 2 aa. ot See 18 bb heer oy A rae 12 che 8 ee ee Sime ofa ae ae ay? A. oat (0) 48. (0) 6 tA 3 HE D2 Bree A ow A team os AEA AE front 8 98 @ Boa wa ET (a) 7a, @ 2%. (0) 14 ©) 16 94. 30, gtr te 2 Pen ces 2 ad Se are oe ee ‘re Rey gen at a wt aA Ce at eG He vane at oc fen ed & ore we st 110 5. eg mer Soft A AA 100 F. Mee a {Gree em a rT BT eT CTE ¢ (@) 250 5., 6 10% afte (©) 250 8, ee 20% sed (©) 250 5, 50 25% sft ©) pea at ae 40, 13 gftel ot 5 ie t.200 AT wh i at 8 she cre € 1227 8, gt 8 ater res er et: 8) 165 (0) SF ae a Set east A ae Bag gf ae Bs ots oe (fetter set) wept a & fae wy 28 @) 28 (©) 308 (0) TT 8 att et oA «. 2013 40% of tha emnptoyeet Of 8 certain company are men, 42. GS Be S 40%, writ gen Fae 75% Ger 2,000 ‘and 78% of the men eam more tham 25,000 per year. 4% of the company’s employees sam more than ‘725,000 per year, what fraction of tre women employed by the company earn £28,000 per year or less? a 18 oo ©) m4 oan ‘A sum of money invested at compound interest ‘amounts in 3 years to £800 and in 4 years to 840, ‘What the pertantige rate of interest? a) 4% © o% ©) O% Om Hf the difference between simple and compound intereet an some principal amount at 20% per annum for three years is £48, then the principal amount is: (a) tas @ «375 (c) #300 (©) Nove ofthese | rational number between 1/2 and 315 is: (®) 2 @ as (© 47 (0) None ofthese ‘The curved surface of a cylinder is 264 m*, tx volume is 824 m?. Tho height ofthe liner must be: “am @ 6m © em (©) None af tmese If by aolting 410 apples, the cost price of 420 apples i realised. The gain %is? 1 w otK @O os% 18 man oF 12 women Ean do 2 piece ot Work im 25 days, in how many dae can the same work be done ‘by €imen and 11 women? A) 12days (©) 18¢ays (8/13. dave (oy 8 days Pujara has 4 certain average of runs for his 8 matches In Border Gavaskar Trophy. in the ninth match he ‘seoroe 100 rune sd thdraby increases his average by ‘runs. His newiawarage of runs is: (2 (@) 2 © 2 (0) 92 gate RE te photocopy a sheet of paper: However, 12% discount is allowed on all photocopies: done alter ‘ipst-1000 sheets. How much wil i:cost to photocopy 000 stsets of paper? wy. 4020 (@) ¢3920 (©) 84900, (0) €9980 rm [8] a ates sitet wnt fi at wot 4 49% ehetcas000 svat & sere ent a eet ere Pres tn ofba ‘Se-ar Reear £25,000 sted ye our BP) wi eu (op 14 (2m Tos 6 coors wee ee 3 wt BARC eH00 cr Bak a dF cosy sree cer ates et WF 4% © 5 (2) 6% O% vem ek ga mar ee PRE ee aL A 20 sir eR sear t4 8, BY eer Ree? & e450 By e378, (©) 13390 (©) Fa aE 2 et 98 F wer ofthe ton a BP 1) 218 @ 36 © ur (0) Ra me sp Fehr ge aT a 264 Bets 924 mi? apace @ Sat So ae 4 @ 6m 4) Sm ©) waa at a 440 Bat ewe, 120 aT ares AE RE AT or Bat orm 4 br ay rite w np @ ote @ of 1 ©) 0R% ate Rea gor 12 ote ft ed 25 RF oT wee, a af Ss yore 1 eae ot RY Ree eam 8: (a) 42 @ ul Pe (19h (0 10 er sede erat ere gare wr 8 Ra 8 ws tte she ate eu ot Ay 4 BY 100 or re ate ae er chon Tag em oe TH a ate vat 20 (2 om (Ose ge wet & ge} a Bae wa Ai 5. wre eee 1000 SP a MAN wet Sa I GEE we A ‘ated oc Pre over br ot s000 teeth wed Heer ern re? @ t4920 (@) ¢ 3920 (©) 84900 (©) €3980 www. id 2013 DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is similar cr mosl nserty sila in meaning 38 the word given in bok! anid mark your answer. 51. Sagecious: (A) Obetinate 1) Song evans (6) Clever (0) Ridiculous é ‘52, Gurty: (A) Franky (8) rudely 8 KC) Sadly (©) Mapoay 52. Abbraviate; (A) Conctude (@) Abridge IC) Extend (©) Theat DIRECTIONS: Choose the word whichis oppagite in meaning as the word given in bold anid mark yeu? answer 54. Indiference: (A) Newry (©) Dinerent (©) Responsivensss (©) Sophisticanor 55, Exceptional (0) Nocmat (@) Newel ©) Formal (©) Tradtignst 96. Tragic: ©) Lane oh Faiey {C) Humorous (0) Come DIRECTIONS: nthe folowing questions, identity he corect ported 57. He-said, “1 must go home at once. (A) He sais that he must have gona home at onc (©) He said met he must go home then and there. (©) He said that ne ad fo go home then {(D) He said that he had to go home at once Migs Ragin! sald to mo, “Put these pencil shaviis in the dustbin.*: (A) Miss Ragin acked me to put those pene) shivngs inthe dustbin, {B) Mis Fag said to me to pu these pene! shavings kn the dustin, (©) Mis Ragin’ ordered me to put these panei shavings inthe dustbin (D) Mis. Ragin tad me to put hove penci shavings inthe dustbin. ‘Sho suid , “oh dear! | have just ised the bus.” (A) She ragrotied that she jut missed the bus. (6) ‘She said with rogret that she nad just missed the bus, (C) She excisimed that she has just missed the bus. (D) She narrated shal she jst missed the bus, DIRECTIONS: Fat inthe blank with correct preposition 60, He invite ail hie tence To (©) 99 61. Rita drove . WFroin cin Dintribute the swoots equally .. (A) Between (©) Among, a red light: four children. (8) For ©) (8) Through (0) Among ® in (0) Through 2013 63, deity the adver in the following sentence. i He spoke wel at the meeting ast ight A) Wer” (2) Meating (©) Last night (©) Avot ese 4. Identity which not adverb fram among following undefined words inthe glven sentences. ‘She sings patie wel ido my work carefully. He le wise enough to understand the rick. The flower arb uaa: (A) Prety (@) Coretuty i (©) Enough (©) Sweet 65. Given below i the sentence in active voce. Choose the corect sentence given in passive voice amin ie steratoes. ‘Ought you not to reveal the truth now? (A) Ought the uth aot tobe revealed by you then? (B) Ought the truth not fo be reveled by you now? {(C) Should he truth need not be vealed by you nen? (0) Ought he truth need not be revealed by you now? 68. Choose the incorrect sentence among the following: (A) Attia time lomorrow we wil be watching a fen (©) By re Oscaeer we shalhave been hing hare fr sx years (©) (have been witing fourier sine morning (©) Nave beer sansing here for hours, 67. Given below ate four substitutions for the underlined part. Choose: the. carrsct alternative to mate the sentence rammatically correct. Make haste lest you should not be caught in the storm: (A) You should be ©) Yoseaua be (©) Youmight be (©) Otherwise you can be DIRECTIONS: In ths section aach sentence has thes parts indicated ty (A) (6) and (C). Read each sentence to find out whether there is an eror. f you find an error in any one of the parts (A), (Bh, (G).insicate your response by blackening the letter related 10 that part in the OMR sheet provided. 4 Sentence N38 no errerincinate this by blackening “D” whieh stand. for no eror. Errors ‘may belong to grammar, usage. 158. Seldom we have been treated (AV it such 8 rude inarinar {8} by the police personnel (CV No error (0) 169, Some men are bom groat (AV somo achiéve (reatnesis (BY and some had greatness thrust an them (GV! No error (0) 70, Beware of (Aaa weather tend (8) whois nether a fend n need nor «rend ince (CY No ero {D) n Weta art cmoinaton eter prt ngs mn ce Gan you come? He seked (A) He asked me whether I ean soit, (© Hoackes melt coud come (©) He asked me to come (D) He asked me wheiner| might come 72 Identity the nouns used both fs Singular and plural form: (a) Aes © Wott (©) Sheep (©) Gost DIRECTIONS: Fil the correct article 173, Ramesh's father io \_M.P and Suresh's father's _ Member of Legialative Assembly: Ay A An (B) Ann (© ana (0) An, The DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence comecty. ‘74. Ram is 80 proud of his position that he bis subordinates: (4) Looks. down upon (8) Looks into (0), Léoks for (0) Looks after ‘DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence wih comect adversative conjunction, 75. Shruti ranfast___ she missed the train: (Ay Yet (8) Nevertheless (©) But (©) Nonetheless a [A-10] 2013 PART-D (REASONING AND AMALYTICAL ABILITY) 76. Ina cartain code language ‘PROPORTION! is written a ‘PORPROROIT. How is ‘CONVERSION’ written in that 76.6 Pies ‘PROPORTION’ 2 PORPRONONT® Tear ‘aan 8 at ah shy rer “contverenion” oh Ot Pratt? (@) YNOCERONIS_) YNGORENOS (A WIRRERONIS: (8) WNCORENGIS: (©) VNOCRENOrS ” (0) VNOCREIONS: (@.YYOCRENQIS —_—_—(0) VNOGREIONS 77. WARE! means ‘Ainthe father of B.A @B'means'k 77. RATA aM EA Bar Ret, ea wot A {the mother of 8 'A1B' means ‘A ie the wie of ot wnt, ara wath Aa at Art, tft then which of the following means "Tie Fa torr aE RR TU Both Gronememer of 7 TeRtyiu err@etury @ T@RTyU @Testury (© T@RIS!u (ORT A ae ©) T@Risiu {0} None ofthese ‘7. Five students participated in an examination and each 78. dhe Praia ee har a feet ote te 3 en ats scored diffrent marks. Naina scored higher than aftr Rem fat Qatar eure ate his fem rer ® Meena. Kamia scored lower than praveen but higher thr & at Gey for'8 ora ate hfe fom aye oF ote than Naina. Anu'e score wat betwen Mesna andy ate Sin. gata a en Pct ft ier et Naina, Which of the following pairs represents the sex orem cd ARN ts afer pean ieeamenneastiodd (a) 3, 3 @ ts, at . {®) Praveen, Neha) Naina Proveon (6) it, (0) 38%, fer (©) Praveen, Any (0) Praveen, Meena 178, A sat of figures carrying certain numbers ia glen. 79. RATS ce agus F Pier wom Ga Bi oe ‘Assuming that the numbers In each figure follow = ‘Sinitae pater, the easing number (2) is: a fay 7 a z a at os eae 0) 82 £20. How many tiangles dows the Follawing fore eortain? 80, wie oe @ 13 (O)-Hone-cl fiese DIRECTIONS: (Question No, 81 A 92) Seven players were ‘avaiable to De sent to Sydray Olympics fer taking part in ‘events. Government approved sensing only four. Ram. Shyam. ‘Kumar, Sita, Geeta, Rita Arita are the possibles. Two males and te females were $0.99, Dua to kes & disikes, Shyam ean not go if Sta goes, Kumar cannot go iF Anita goes, Sta can not soit Rta goes. 81, If Rita in Selected and Shyam ie rofected, the team wil consist of: (Ram, Koma, Sita, Rta (8) Ram, Kumar, Geeta, Rts AG) Rom, Kumar, App ita (0) Ram, Gpeta, Ania, Gita {Sita goes, which other players are aiso on the team: A) Ram, Shyam, Fita (8) Flam, Kumar, Geeta KC) Ram, Kumar, Rta (0) Ram, Kumar, Ant @13 ©) ae oe fete: (wer wie Bt cE 62) Reet aes ated § er at = fg ws Raed at ar ety ace on? & Rey dae ae ans apts Rea oH, eae, Bae, de, te, te ct Pet see yee et feet omer dae ef ara cee em 8) 8 ee A een mete Ho we cate a er ft ar a fhe oe ot fe te rr dtr af cory orgs dn Fo a sare et: A) 7 BT oy, ef ter ©) 0 Fre my, Gt Om gr am ht (0) 0%, Aen, artes, ef tree ch dor ae Bt ter & get Rerenpt cr 7 at: women, fn Gn gre te (C) 1, Sr tr (Dy 08, Be, arte se fAR11) DIRECTIONS: (Quesion 083 to Bf) Rese the ftlwing passage carey and snmerhe questions give below A group of seven Bonde de Vinod, Suit ip, nie, Foe fd Gauray work as Engheer, Accountant, IT foe, Teco, Ck, Posetharapat nd Revs Anat for companer L, MNP. and S bit rot necessary he fame ort. Sumit works for company "Nt and is nether a Reeares Anda nor 2 nae an fer ond wore fr camoany 7 Art werk a8 Phyamareps nd aes not war fr cempany | oF. Tha ane whe Is Bn Acs wort fr company M. The one who works fr company k works ab a techni. Fiee make tor company. Gr Gautbv Works, Sor company a8 Reseach Anais ip tan Accountant. £3. Who amonget the doliowing works 22 accountant? WeVinos (8) Avid (©) Fro (0) Dip 84, What is the profession of Sumit? 4h) Technician (8) Clerk (©) Engineer (0) None of these 85. Forwhich company dows Dilip work? wo (rR oe (ON 88 Which of the following combinations of person, profession and company is correct? (A) Anil=Physiotherapist M(B) Firor Clerk ~@ + (©) Vinod -Accounlant-R (0) None of these 87, Thare are five books A, B, C, D and &. Cs. above 0, E is bolow A; D ia above A; and B is below E-Which ie the battommost book? as ®eE oc md ‘The second and the third digits. cf. the following numbers are interchanged and sath interchanged number is writen in reverss onder, Now, if they are arranged in the ascending ore, whieh of the original ‘umbers will be fourth in that order? ‘582, 987, 176, 468, 718, 308 ww 48 By 1r6 (© 987 (0) 719 Rajesh walked 3 ken towards ast. Then he tumed to his eft and walked 6 km. He again turned to his right ‘and walked) 3 ken. After that he turned to his: right and ‘walked $ km: At last he turned to his right and walked C km. Atwhst distance is he from the starting point anim which direction? (A) bkm South (8) thm Nort (©) km South (0) 3km Now Inthe following number series only one number is ‘wrong, Find out the wrong number. Cea oy a5 27 (0) 48669 a Pee ze a ot, Raat wait we aie sat fee et evte fe art wah 88. Reiten A eG ee 8 a oe ard er (A) Rete 48) PRT (© fom 10) fata 4 goth (a) 2th © wet (© Fata (0) Wo ae al 85. Peeths oe sew A ard erer 87 8 eR ov (oN 86. wR, Car ed SR ser HN tahoe eae BP JA) Pie -ReReeRIARIE- M(B) Radu ~ weet - 0 (© Pre -aaee-R (0) EA a ae deh eco ge Hc 0 Samba’ WEALD NR RR Oe ea D ae aa fe we we @c 9 e 88, Preah eeomralt eer carer et rer ates reeset Rear 1 tts weet gd deen ah geen dfn orm hs to are orth wer arafter Peet ore at ated ates te te om Aha eT HA (592,967,176, 468, 718, 398 er. 488 ©) 176 (©) 987 © 719 89, we 3 Pet, gt St vee sem oF oF at at 8 Feat. cer ae ge UR? aye RA, cers oes eee 1 ORT GpEC DAA. Ue are: OF ABT BHHT BS. B. sven areers fiey & ae Fowet gt ox cat fee fer a A? (a) 2 fe. cre 1A. om - (©.3 ea. chem (0) 3 Rat oer 90, Prefer om ger at gs ct es Ber ci es 1,427, 256, 9125, 45660 (ay 3125 © 256 (ar (©) 40000 me (A12) DIRECTIONS: (Quesson no. £3 to 86) Read the ‘oftaing patsoge careful and answer he questons gen Betow A grep of seven fiends Ar, Vinod, Sumit, Dil, Idea, For ‘and Gaurav work as Engneer Accouriant iT Oficr Tecmician, Ck, Physiotherapist and Resdirch Anais for companies MN, P,Q, and § but not Recessary in tho same order Sum works for company ‘Wand is nether @ FRowearch Analyt nox a clerk. fa an TT ticer and works compen Ani work me Phytera and dowe not wer fr ‘camany {or Q. Th one who i an Accountant works for ‘company Mt The one who works fOr company WoRS as twcmrican, Fee works fer esmpary. 0 Gaurd Berks. for omeany P as Research Analyst. Dips 98 an Accooriant 83. Who amongst the following works as accountant? (Vinod © Anil (©) Firoz ©) Die ‘84. What is the profession of Sumit? 4A) Technician (8) Clerk (©) Enginewe (©) None of these 185, For which company does Dilip work? wa @R we ON 86. Which of the following combinations of person, profession and company is correct? (A) Anil-Physiotherapist M(B) Fire2 Clerk -O (©) Vinod -Accountant RO) None of nese, ‘There are five books A, B, C, D and E. C Fe above'D, E is below A: O ls above A; and B is below E Which ie a. ‘the bottommost book? we @e we oo ‘Tho second and the third digits. of-the following cumbers sro interchanged and cach interchanged ‘number is writen in reverys. order, Now, if they are srranged in the aucending order, whieh af the eriginal ‘umbbors wil be fourth in that order? 592, 967,176, 488, 719, 388 wae ers () 07 0) 719 88, Rajech walked’ ken towards East. Then he tumed to his loft and wathed?6-4m. He again turned ta his right and walked’3 kr. After that he turned to his right and ‘walked 9'km.\At last he turmad to his right and walked: 6 km, At. what distance is he from the starting point and fn which direction? 48). km South (8) tm Noah 4G) 3 hm Soutn (@) 94m North in the following number series only one number is ‘wrong, Find out the wrong number. 4B, ae.st8, tT Eo aso om (0) 6069 ore AZ) fete (oe om 89 8 06) Prien seers wats tt fag wet @ gee Bs Be Pad wee oR othe, Re, git, Rees, Re fre get LW Po ead § Rte care ant.G. Ser, Seite, ad, Pitre oy Red ott & pel sfee bill ale var tier tba ect nS Rrcard we Boag 7 at ae Pont tae meee Oe A. orm Ee we RS RE eB sibes iti: & og od went tee wets fee ort wey 8) cee ee Me fe ae eee hy wot & fie tact rer B oe bres Wi Fon ooh & feet seer By tee set pe Peet ire 8 oe oe eet weer by Rey cere aa 8 83. Previa @ tem Gates oe oT at wre BP 1A) Baie 46) ahve (C) Rete (0) Rete a4, pts wd t? (A) Denier 6) we (©) rae 0) HA a 85, Reig, feet Ferd eecer BF ae wR @e ON Be ae, eon et wh a ee eaters an 7 Ja) foe febtite mt (@) Batt - ad - 0 (0) te caste -R (0) PALA att ae or. du Ret A. 8,6,0 et EH ‘CO Samet shee We de OAS ork i eee AR Ae oat Rea, as Be oc 0 %. a8. Peaiehen somal oe gra ct there ate sear 1 cl wits wet gd tent gers @ fen ot hy oe ora xT atten Rout ome at A aE oT mii wo eta Te HA 192, 967,176, 468,719, 396 a 488 © 178 (C) 967 @ 19 68. whe 8 RA. Gd ce en Oe ee ed eM FETE Feah. wan ae GF: GA YET 3 RAN. eM GES ORT see chet psc 8 Pe, om aro: oF alt PRT 6 fh fh cram Sree fy Be Peer fhe ot Pe Ren A? A) 2068. ater @1%.a. a (©) 3 Pea, err (©) 3.4. ar 90. Freee eon geren 9 Ger es fern reer By eT Goer 4,4, 27, 256, 3125, 46669 9125 oz (©) 290 (0) 46689 DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 91 & 92) Sudy the folowing Fite: (rer ele o1 et 92) Front Information earetuly and anewer the questions given Below. Five persons are traveling in a train A. B,C, Oand E Ais the mother of C who is the wife of E.D is he brother ofA and Bis the husband A 91, Howe B related to E 2 @) Father (C) Bethe in aw How is 4 related to £7 1A) Sister (©) Mother in aw (B) Motheriniaw,. ~~ (D) Fatherinlow * 82, (8) Mother (O) Nece 93, A= 28,SUN=27 then GAT=? WW) 24 ©) 97 © = (D) None of these MWA= 4, FAT=27 then FAINT = 7 wy 44 (@ 42 0 (D) None of these 35, Thore are some gis and buffolos ata place. ota! umber of heads ls 45 and toll numberof legs i 46, then how meny girs and how many bulalos are there? ‘W) 8 gla ond 7 butialos (@} 8 ges and 6 bas (©) Ts and@butalos (0) 6 ge and 8 buaos th the following Question pick tho choice that ‘establishes the togice! relationship: ADBECE? 1@) 0G (©) Fo {8 boys sat in 3 row. Raju is immediate right oF Rakesh ‘and immediate left of Shekhar. Shyammia siting after 3 boys on the right of Shekhar. How mary boys were there between Raju and Shyam: a3 we ) 5 (Oj: Nie olese ‘Given two positions of the dice as being. cD ‘When 2 is atthe bottom which number is atthe top: we (4 or Os na lies) examination the average marks in ‘mathematics by Girls was 80% and by Boys 60%. Itis logical to tanclude: * 1A) All ges are more imtotigent than boys. (©), Diboys are weaker at mathe than gis {G)\ Some gis are better than boys in maths XO). None ofthese 100. Pick the odd one out, A) Tiger (C) Leopard @ EC © co 3. 88, 2013 wet font HR me wet GT BL a : i ae 2 x PO ESP SRT SE o: Swe eo ame oN aka eam (©) an O mes 2 awed Tor (ser se (C) oa 10) et 93. WR A=26,SUNH27 CATs? B (A) 24 (6) 57. ~ (©) 88 (©) aa at ae 94, aR A= FAT=27 99 FAINT™ 7° wae oa (er (0) aa a ae 95. ETT BS aed AN a a a ge lem 1s ote den as @ dh ert pe ot fet 2 A) Sos et 7 ae) o aah tg Ae (C7 aaRed BAR (0) 6 Be TT RT 96 PRA mer A ae Rey a gT A aS ere ear ‘ear insexea =

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