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Question 4

Everybody said that the plan would never work. It was far too risky but
yet, she still eager to get up and pushed herself to pursue her dream. Even
her mother and father told her to give up because their worries were firing
up in their mind. Her parents did not want the same accident to be
happened again in the future.

I have a friend who is a tough girl. She is a daughter of a newspapers

editor and a teacher. She likes to have a big dream as her father always
keeps telling her to do so. “My girl, in this long journey of your life, you need
to set up a big goal so that you will be able to be a hero for yourself”, said
her father. She merely remembered the advice was been told when she
and her father at the ice rink. That was her first time to skate. She fell many
times but she stood up and skated back. When she was 15 years old, she
won an international competition and managed to break the time record.
She was later absorbed into the national team.

The story started when in her third competition for year of 2015, she had
an accident. Her silly mistakes while doing a turn made her slipped.
Unfortunately, one of the competitors also slipped and the blade of her
shoe skate stabbed her right leg. In the blink of the eye, the snow white ice
rink turned into a bloody red pool. The accident was so tragic and because
of the accident, she was not be able to keep pursue her passion in ice
skating sport.
Everyone in her family kept telling her to change her passion. Even her
father who was introduced the ice skating to her also told her to stop
skating for her good too. She then obeyed her parents’ request. She
stopped ice skating for years. During her university life, she learnt to be an
independent and hardworking girl. Even though it has been years after the
accident, she still could not get rid of her passion towards ice skating. One
day, she skated in the university’s ice rink after the speed skating team
wrapped up their training. A coach saw her skated by accident. He was
attracted by the girl’s movement, speed and technique during skating.

He waited for the girl at the outside of the ice rink. He offered the girl to
train with the university’s speed skating team because he knew the girl got
potential to be successful skater due to her commitment and passion.
During training, she let out all of her feelings and trained hardly. Until some
point, she managed to beat her teammate time record. Thus, she succeed
to be absorbed into the university team

Her first competition after her injuries was in August 2019. She did not
tell her parents about the competition because he knew her father will not
agree to allow her to join the game. She planned to tell her father after the
competition. The first round ran smoothly. She and her teammate managed
to go to the final round. But then, in the final round, at the last lapse. She
slipped again at the turn and bumped the ice rink barrier. She was
speechless. She did not has anything to say. Then she stood up back, and
finished the last lapse with no spirit. Her spirit was gone. Again, she fell into
darkness. For a few days, she locked up herself in her room. Her
roommates tried to motivate her so that she can do again her best in the
next competition.
A few days later, she determined to fix her technique at the turn. She
asked for help from her senior at the international team. Her senior helped
her by sending video showing him doing the turn perfectly. He encouraged
the girl to wake up back and show her best version of herself. The girl’s
spirit woke up again. She determined to win the next competition with all of
her strength that she had. The conflict rose up. When she was training,
suddenly her parents came. She was shocked because she was not
prepared herself to tell her parents about her ice skating back. Her father
was so angry. He yelled loudly as the arena was echoing that time. Her
father was very disappointed with his daughter’s blunt decision. Her father
dragged the girl but she did not want to follow her father. Both of them
bickered in the arena. The coach in charged pursued her father to calm
down and asked the parents to have a proper discuss at the coaches’

The coach showed the father about the girl’s improvement graph along
her training with the speed skating team. He told the parents that their
daughter had a big potential to success as an ice skater. This is because,
her daughter showed her determination, desire, commitments, passion and
strengths towards speed skating. Fortunately, the coach managed to soften
the father’s heart to accept her daughter joining the speed skating team.
The girl was very happy as a lark because her father allowed her to skate
back. “I just want the best for yourself, dear. Please take care of yourself
and I do not want to see you hurt yourself anymore. Understand?”, her
father said. The girl hugged her parents tightly. She was grateful because
she has a mature father and a caring mother who understands herself and
cares about her.
The important day came. 11 November 2019 was an unforgettable date.
The competition held on that day was very vital for all the participants
because for those who showed the best performance will be absorbed into
national team. Every athlete’s dream is to be able to join the national team
because they can serve the country in sport arena. They may not have
abilities to serve the country by joining army or become a politician but they
have huge talent in sport to make their countries proud of them. The girl
was preparing herself. She was very nervous as this competition will be the
last if she did not manage to get gold medal. She prayed to God so He can
help her winning the championship smoothly.

The first round ran smoothly and also the second round. The girl qualified
to make herself competed in final round. She knew that was her last
chance to show her coach, her teammates, her friend and her family that
she can won the competition and she was qualified to join the national
team. The final round begun. The competition between the final participants
was very lit up the ice rink. For the first two laps, she was on third place but
in the third lap, she increased her speed and successfully intercepted a
participant in front of her. The rhythm of her movement and speed made
her trust that she can win the game. The final lap started. The bell rang by
the referees made all of the participants increased their speed towards the
finishing line. In the blink of eye, the girl was the first to reach the line. All of
her teammates cheered happily for the attractive winning. The girl was very
surprised. She cried happily because her dream to be a speed-skating
skater had been reached. All of the hard works had been repaid by the
achievement. The challenges taught her to be strong person. She now is a
national athlete of the country who has been made the country proud of

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