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Noun-тай (-тэй, -той)

This suffixes express ‘’have’’ in English. Example:

Би хоёр ахтай. I have two brothers.

Negative form is expressed by the suffix –“гүй”

Vowels Suffixes Example

а, у, я -тай Ажилтай have work
Устай have water
э, и, ө, ү -тэй Сүүтэй have milk
Мөнгөтэй have money
о, ё Той Номтой have book
Охинтой have daughter


Ганаа: Чи гэрлэсэн үү?

Сараа: Гэрлэсэн.

Ганаа: Хүүхэдтэй юү?

Сараа: Хүүхэдтэй.

Ганаа: Хэдэн хүүхэдтэй вэ?

Сараа: Хоёр хүүхэдтэй.

Ганаа: Хүүтэй юү, охинтой юу?

Сараа: 2 хүүтэй. Охингүй. Чи?

Ганаа: гэрлээгүй.

Husband Нөхөр

Wife Эхнэр

Child Хүүхэд

Son Хүү

Daughter Охин

Married Гэрлэсэн

Not married Гэрлээгүй

Single Ганц бие

Divorced Салсан
Boyfriend Найз залуу

Girlfriend Найз охин

Father аав

Mother ээж

Grandfather өвөө

Grandmother эмээ

Older brother ах

Older sister эгч

Younger brother эрэгтэй дүү

Younger sister эмэтэй дүү

Add the -òàé, -òýé, -òîé гүй with the words

ààâ íîì

ýýæ äýâòýð

ä¿¿ áàë

ýã÷ ìàøèí

àõ ãàð óòàñ
íºõºð ìºíãº

ýõíýð õàðàíäàà

íàéç çàëóó ö¿íõ

íàéç îõèí





ìîíãîë íàéç
-тай (-тэй, -той) suffixes also express the meaning of “with” or “together”. Example:

Чи хэнтэй кино үзсэн бэ? Who did you watch the movie with?
Би найзтайгаа үзсэн. I watched it with my friend.

Би Надтай
Та Тантай
Чи Чамтай
Тэр Түүнтэй
Бид нар Бид нартай
Та нар Та нартай
Тэд нар Тэд нартай
Translate into Mongolian.

1. Who did you meet last Saturday? __________________________________________

2. I met a Mongolian. __________________________________________

3. I talked with him. __________________________________________

4. Who did you go with on Friday? __________________________________________

5. Who do you live with? __________________________________________

6. Did you come with your sister? __________________________________________

7. I work with Americans. __________________________________________

8. Come with your passport. __________________________________________

9. I will meet you at the airport. __________________________________________

10. If you have time, come with us. __________________________________________

11. Can you stay here for a while with me? ________________________________________

12. I play with my friends when I am at school. ____________________________________

13. I will finish my work and talk with you. _______________________________________

14. Let`s go to the mall with them. __________________________________________

15. I want to see her. __________________________________________

Complete the sentences

1. Би /миний найз/__________________ хамт амьдардаг.

2. Би Японд байхдаа /тэр/______________________ хамт ажилладаг байсан.
3. Тэр өчигдөр /би/ ______________________ хамт манайд байсан.
4. Тэр /би/ __________________ бүжиглэсэн.
5. Тэр /түүний найзын дүү/ ______________________________ гэрлэсэн.
6. Би /тэд нар/ ___________________ маргамаалгүй байсан.
7. Монголчууд /танихгүй хүн/ _______________________ мэндэлдэггүй.
8. Би нар /Япончууд/ ____________________ өрсөлдсөн.
9. Би /дарга/ ________________________ уулзах хэрэгтэй байна.
10. Би /эхнэр/ ______________________ анх найзынхаа төрсөн өдөр дээр танилцсан.
11. Чамд ямар нэгэн асуудал гарвал /би/ ______________________ ярилцаарай.

Make sentences using the verbs.

1. Танилц ________________________________________________________

2. Уулз _____________________________________________________

3. Амьдар ________________________________________________________

4. Марга ________________________________________________________

5. Ярь ________________________________________________________

6. Гэрлэ ________________________________________________________

7. Ажилла ________________________________________________________

8. Мэндэл ________________________________________________________

Би хоёр хөөрхөн хүүтэй...................................................................................................................

Тэр гоё, хар машинтай.....................................................................................................................

Тэр олон найзтай..............................................................................................................................

Манай улс үзэсгэлэнтэй сайхан орон.............................................................................................

Манай найз ажилсаг бас хөгжилтэй...............................................................................................

Би хуучин цүнхтэй..........................................................................................................................

Манай найз олон хүүхэдтэй............................................................................................................

Монгол улс цөөн хүнтэй.................................................................................................................

Өвөл маш хүйтэн..............................................................................................................................

Зун маш халуун...............................................................................................................................

Хүнсний ногоо маш хямд...............................................................................................................

Жимс маш үнэтэй............................................................................................................................

Write 6 adjectives and make sentences with it.

For example: Зузаан - Багш маш зузаан номтой.








Translate this to Mongolian.

Mary's family

Mary is ten years old. She is from Dorset. Her hair is long and brown. She has got brown eyes.
She has got a cat and a dog. Their names are Pat and Fluffy. Pat, the dog has got a small house in
the garden. Mary's cat, Fluffy is 3 years old.

  Mary's mother is Jane. She is a teacher. She's thirty-six years old. Her husband is Nick. He is
thirty-eight. He's a bus driver. He has got brown hair and blue eyes. Jane's hair is blonde and her
eyes are brown. They have got three children Mary, Sean and Peter.

Sean is six and Peter is twelve years old. The children are pupils. Sean's hair is blonde, Peter's
hair is brown. The boys have got blue eyes.

Jane hasn't got a pet. She has a friend. Her name is Laura.

Nick has got a horse. Its name is Lightning. Nick's friends are bus drivers. They are Tom,
Charles and John.

Peter's pet is a hamster. Its name is Tiny. She is so small. Sean has got a goldfish. Its name's

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