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In 2019, Armenia's GDP grew by 7.6% - the highest rate in all of Europe.

Foreign business
owners and investors appreciate the pace of the economic reforms, Armenia's safety, freedom
and openness. Many prefer to visit Armenia in person and register a business as a first step to
enter the market. 

Reasons for a Company in Armenia:

1. Ultra-Fast and Easy Registration

Company registration can be done in a single day if you are physically
present in Armenia and choose to use sample registration documents. If the
documents are customized or in case of remote registration (with a power of
attorney) the process takes one to three business days. Setting up a
corporate bank account normally takes one day. Only minimum documents
are required, such as the passports of the shareholders and directors. You
will get a registration certificate with a taxpayer ID number, ready to start
operating immediately. 

2. Low Cost of Registration and Maintenance

There are no minimum capital requirements. The company's paid-up capital
can be as low as $1. There are no government fees for registering or
renewing the registration of a company. The company can be in good
standing without paying recurring fees of filing reports.  Inactive (dormant)
companies do not pay taxes and do not file tax returns. There are no
requirements to rent an office, hire local people (directors, officers,
secretaries, accountants, etc.), open a bank account, etc.

3. No Restrictions on Foreign Ownership

Foreigners can own 100% of an Armenian company. No local partners or
agents are required. No restrictions apply to the citizenship or residency of
the shareholders. All the directors and employees of an Armenian company
can be foreigners. They are not required to reside in Armenia or have a local
address. A foreigner can be the only director and the 100% owner of a
5. Low Taxes
Zero-tax status is available to micro-businesses, IT start-ups, companies
operating in free economic zones, industrial zones, certain border towns and
villages. Other small businesses with annual sales of less than $240,000 are
subject to sales (turnover) tax of only 1.5-5%. Dividends are generally taxed
at 5% but this rate can be lower due to multiple double-tax treaties Armenia
has signed. Armenia generally does not tax capital gains on the sale of
securities, real estate or other assets. Insurance and pension payment are
also exempt from taxes. There are no taxes on gifts, inheritance, net worth,
Sursă :

În Armenia susţinerea businessului mic şi mijlociu s-a intensificat odată cu amplele schimbări
politice din anul 2018. În prezent scopul principal al politicii economice este de a mări numărul
antreprenorilor, de a crea locuri de muncă bine plătite, de a micşora exodul forţei de muncă.
Printre reformele care vin în întâmpinarea acestor obiective sunt :

1. Simplificarea procedurii de înregistrare a firmei, metoda Ultra-Fast and Easy Registration

permite înregistrarea firmei timp de 1 zi. În aceiaşi zi antreprenorul primeşte numărul
fiscal şi poate începe activitatea.
2. Costurile pentru înregistrare şi întreţinere sunt foarte mici, capitalul minim 1$. Nu
există taxe pentru înregistrare. Nu se cere ca firma să aibă oficiu închiriat,
directori,manageri, secretari, cont bancar.
3. Microbiznesul este scutit de impozite.
4. Startup-urile în IT şi inginerie sunt scutite de impozite pe 5 ani. (Для сравнения:
если в 2014 году в  Армении  открылось 16 новых ИТ-компаний, то в 2015 – 59, в 2016 –
98, в 2017 – 272. В этих компаниях было создано 2 400 новых рабочих мест со средней
зарплатой в 3 – 3,5 миллиона драмов в год)

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