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The Raikov Effect is all about how you can tap into the power of your mind, using
simple brain hacks that give you access to your creative potential.

Raikov was a Russian neuropsychologist. He hypnotized people into thinking and

acting like geniuses. He convinced one that she had the artistic ability of Raphael. He
convinced another that he could play the piano like Rachmaninoff.

By putting them into a deep trance, he helped the subjects “steal” the skills and talents
of people who were geniuses, experts in their field. His method became known as The
Raikov Effect.

The main Raikov course explains how the technique worked, in addition to several
other methods that go alongside it, including the placebo effect and the ‘as if’
technique. This sheet recaps the basics.

The Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect happens when a person thinks they're getting powerful medicine.

A placebo is a dud, a substance that has no active medicinal ingredient. It can take the
form of a pill, a liquid, a cream, or an injection. Or it could be a prayer, a spell, or
some other non-physical device. The person receiving the placebo believes it's real,
and that belief is often enough to make the substance work. So even though it's "fake
medicine" it can result in a positive outcome.

Some ways of activating the placebo effect are:

Fill an empty energy bottle with fizzy diet soda so you’ll think you’re
getting a kick from the real thing.

Label a bottle of mints as ‘Stress Reduction Pills’ (and take when needed)
so you’ll believe you’re receiving treatment.

Eat from smaller plates so you think you're eating more.

The As If Technique
The As If Technique is a way to act 'as if' you already have a quality you desire. So
just by acting 'as if' you're confident, you can become more confident. By acting 'as if'
you're successful, you can become more successful. By acting 'as if' you're determined,
you can become more determined.

When you act 'as if' you already feel a certain way, your brain gets the message that
you 'are' confident. It responds by sending out confidence-boosting chemicals like
serotonin, and you actually start to feel more confident.

Here’s how to activate the ‘as if’ technique:

a) To feel happier, smile and open your arms. (For at least 2 mins.)

b) To feel more determined, clench your hands into fists. (For at least 2 mins.)

c) To feel more confident, stand up straight with your hands on your hips. (For at
least 2 mins.)

d) To feel more important and successful, wear some really smart clothes.

The New Raikov Effect

The New Raikov Effect is based on Raikov's original method but updated for the
modern world. It combines several genius modeling methods, as well as techniques
such as ‘as if’. It's designed to help you "steal" the skill or talent of someone who's an
expert at what they do. You can practice this technique in your head, or use one of the
listen along audios.

Here's a summary of how it works:

Step 1 - Picture Your Genius
Imagine your genius in your mind.

Think of them as a separate person.

Get a big, bold, colorful picture of them in your head, doing what they do best.

Tip: If you have trouble visualizing, instead try describing details of the genius out loud,
including how they look and behave. This works in just the same way.

Step 2 - Swap Heads

See that person in front of you.

Keep focusing on the special talent this person has, and then put on their head.

To do that, simply lift their head off their shoulders, and place it over your own head,
so they merge together.

Or, you can simply imagine yourself stepping forward and merge into their body.

Step 3 – Act As-If

With their head on your shoulders, you start acting and thinking as if you are that
other person.

Change your body posture to match theirs. Smile, breath and think like they do.

Everything you see and do happens through their eyes and senses.

Imagine yourself performing their skill just as they would.

Step 4 - Anchor
You can feel the character trait you want getting stronger and stronger inside you.
When it reaches a peak, anchor it to your body and mind by pressing your thumb and
forefinger together.

Step 5 - Take Action

Go and use this powerful new skill or talent to do what you want to do, at your
earliest opportunity.

For a complete description of the process, check out the main Raikov Effect guide,
where you'll also find information about:

• How to make the most of the power of the mind

• How to maximize your creative potential

• How to swap heads with a genius

• How to use the placebo effect and 'as if' technique in your everyday life

• How NLP can help you prepare for any big event

• How to anchor a feeling of confidence on demand

• How to tailor the New Raikov Effect to improve any area of your life

• and much more!


© Inspire3, MMXVII

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