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California State University – East Bay

Environmental Geosciences, M.S.

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Environmental Geosciences, M.S. Program

Program Description
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers graduate study leading to the Master of
Science degree in Environmental Geosciences, focusing on near surface and environmental geology,
seismic hazards and Bay Area tectonics, and water and soil characterization and remediation.
This program is designed to prepare students for:
1. employment as geologists and environmental scientists in government (city, county, regional,
state, and federal) and private consulting firms (environmental, engineering, and geotechnical firms,
mining and oil companies, etc.);
2. professional licensing requirements;
3. doctoral study in environmental science, geology, geochemistry, and geophysics; and
4. teaching at the Community College level
The department also provides continuing education for professional geologists, engineers, planners, etc.
Our M.S. program is unique in the bay area in that many courses are offered in the evenings, and
augmented by field experiences. Graduate seminars address diverse subjects; for example, geochemical
evolution of groundwater, natural tracers of geologic processes, tectonic geomorphology, earthquake
hazards, bay area tectonics, near-surface geophysics, and modern depositional environments. We
maintain strong connections with East Bay Regional Parks, the California Environmental Protection
Agency, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, NASA Ames, the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park,
and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. 
Candidates for the M.S. degree will engage in significant, guided, individual research. Recent M.S. thesis
and project research topics include near surface geophysics, groundwater dating, groundwater nitrate
source identification, local catchment characterization, surface water-groundwater interaction, geologic
mapping, slope stability, geochemistry, Bay Area structural geology, engineering geology, and
neotectonics. Prospective candidates should determine whether their research interests coincide with
those of the faculty members before applying to the program. We invite interested persons to contact
the department faculty directly for more details on the program. The Graduate Coordinator provides
guidance that enables students to complete the requirements for advancement in the graduate program.

Career Opportunities
1. Scientist for federal, state, or local regulatory, governmental, or research agency
2. Project leader, geologist, or hydrogeologist at environmental consulting company
3. Geologist or geophysicist for energy company
4. Instructor at community college
5. Engineering geologist for consulting company or regulatory agency
6. Research scientist at National Laboratory

Admission Requirements
The M.S. degree program is open to any student in possession of a baccalaureate degree in Geology,
Environmental Science, or a closely related field, with coursework substantially equivalent to the core
requirements for the B.S. degree in Geology or Environmental Science at CSU East Bay. Students who do
not meet those requirements will be considered on an individual basis and accepted only after approval
by a majority of regular faculty members.
Students may be admitted with “Conditionally Classified Graduate” until the qualifications listed under
“Classified Graduate” status below are satisfied.
Applicants must have a GPA of at least 2.75 in all undergraduate work. Any undergraduate core course
with a “D” grade will have to be repeated. Students transferring from another graduate program must
have a GPA of at least 3.0 in all graduate geology or environmental science courses. (No more than 12
units may be transferred.)
Applications must be accompanied by two letters of recommendation from faculty members or work

Student Standing and Progress Toward the Degree

Conditionally Classified Graduate Status
Students who are otherwise qualified but have course deficiencies and/or have not satisfied the
University Writing Skills requirement, will be accepted as “Conditionally Classified Graduate” students.
Course deficiencies may be removed by enrolling on either a “CR/NC” or graded basis.

Classified Graduate Status

Students who fulfill all the requirements for admission to the program will be accorded “Classified
Graduate” status once they have satisfied the University Writing Skills requirement. All deficiencies have
to be removed, and the University Writing Skills requirement satisfied no later than the completion of 12
units of coursework applicable to the degree or the student may be disqualified.

Selection of Thesis/Project or Academic Advisor

Students should meet with an academic advisor upon enrollment. Students will choose a thesis or project
advisor based on their area of interest and faculty availability. Students should contact a prospective
research advisor prior to applying but research topics may change during the first year when the focus is
on coursework.

Advancement to Candidacy
In order to be Advanced to Candidacy, the student must have:
1. been accorded “Classified Graduate” status
2. been assigned a thesis or graduate project advisor; and
3. submitted to the department an acceptable Prospectus describing the thesis research or graduate
project work to be attempted (guidelines for preparation of the Prospectus may be obtained from the
department office). The research topic must be approved in advance by the advisor.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with an M.S. in Environmental Geosciences will:
Demonstrate advanced knowledge of geologic materials, processes & time (Knowledge)
1. Recognize and understand the fundamental geological processes, complex system interactions,
distribution of natural resources, the magnitude and importance of geologic time, and its role in geologic
processes and evolution.
2. Understand and apply principles of chemistry and physics to geologic and environmental issues.
3. Understand the fundamental principles and subjects that form the core topics of Earth Science.
Demonstrate proficiency in geological and environmental field, computing and laboratory applications 
1. Can identify and classify, in the field, basic geologic materials, including minerals, rocks, fossils,
structures, and landforms.
2. Can collect, describe and organize samples of geologic and environmental materials in support of
field investigations.
3. Can create basic types of geologic maps with standard geology symbols, using standard field
measurement techniques and equipment.
4. Can perform basic types of geologic analysis, such as lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic
correlation, map construction, geophysical and hydrogeological studies, and cross-section construction.
5. Can visualize and comprehend geological materials or structures in 3D based on 1D and 2D data
6. Is competent in basic computer tools and software, and Internet utilization, and can utilize
appropriate software for geological and environmental analysis.
Perform original research by integration and analysis of geologic and environmental information and
data sets (Research)
1. Can interpret geological terrains (local & regional) by synthesis of literature, field and laboratory
studies, to create maps, sections and reports that accurately and effectively illustrate the surficial
distribution and 3D geometry of geologic materials and structures (rock, faults, geo-fluids, hazardous
waste, etc.).
2. Can access, critically read and critique research literature and geologic datasets (2D and 3D) using
discipline-specific methods, techniques and equipment.
3. Can analyze, interpret, and integrate diverse datasets to address and solve geological and
scientific problems.
Demonstrate skills in effective oral and written communication in multiple contexts, including
collaborative work and professional settings (Communication)
1. Can effectively communicate orally using prepared presentations at the professional meeting level
2. Understands the importance of hearing, considering and integrating competing and/or contrary
points of view to the scientific process.
3. Can work responsibly as a member of a team, demonstrate professional levels of conduct, and
communicate effectively with team members through personal and electronic means.
Participate in an ethical community of scientists who recognize the importance of sustainability, the role
of science in society, and the value of life-long learning (Global)
1. Understands Earth’s place in the Universe, global-scale processes such as climate change, plate
tectonics, earth systems interactions and rates, and the forcing factors/feedbacks that control them.
2. Has the breadth of education necessary to understand the importance of the Earth Sciences and
technology in a global and societal context, and understands the effect of resource consumption on, and
the importance of local-to-global-scale sustainability efforts.
3. Applies knowledge of contemporary issues, such as sustainable resource development and the
prediction of geological hazards.
4. Carries out responsibilities in a professional and ethical manner.
Degree Requirements
Advancement to Candidacy
Satisfaction of university requirements described in the Graduate Degree Requirements, Policies, &
Other Information chapter in this catalog. These include the 22-unit residence requirement, the five-year
rule on currency of subject matter, the minimum number of units of 600-level courses, the 3.00 GPA, and
the University Writing Skills requirement. For information on meeting the University Writing Skills
Requirement, see the Testing Office website at
Completion of the 31-32 unit study plan outlined below.
Completion and defense of the University Thesis or completion (and defense, as required by the
department) of the graduate Project.

Environmental Geosciences Degree Requirements

(31 units)
Core Courses
A total of 15 units of core coursework is required as outlined:
The following 3 units are required:
GEOL 601 - Professional Ethics in Environmental Geosciences  Units: 1
GEOL 602 - Graduate Seminar Units: 2
Plus, one (1) course chosen from this group is required for 4 units:
GEOL 621 - Near Surface Geophysics Units: 4
GEOL 622 - Seismic Exploration Units: 4
GEOL 641 - Earthquake Geology Units: 4
Plus, one (1) course chosen from this group is required for 4 units:
ENSC 634 - Biogeochemistry Units: 4
GEOL 631 - Isotope Geochemistry Units: 4
GEOL 633 - The Science of Soils Units: 4
GEOL 646 - Quaternary Geology Units: 4
And, one (1) course chosen from this group is required for 4 units:
GEOL 632 - Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport  Units: 4
GEOL 643 - Tectonic Geomorphology Units: 4
GEOL 644 - Structural Styles of Plate Margins and Regions  Units: 4
GEOL 645 - Engineering Geology Units: 4
Elective Courses
Students who will complete their degree with a Thesis  (see capstone requirements) must complete 10
elective units chosen from the coursework outlined below.
Students who will complete their degree with a Project  (see capstone requirements) must complete 14
elective units chosen from the coursework outlined below.
Any 600-level GEOL course listed in the core that has NOT already been taken.
GEOL 602 - Graduate Seminar Units: 2 (course may be repeated for a maximum of 4
GEOL 650 - Professional Certification Preparation  Units: 3
GEOL 671 - Field Experience Units: 1-2
GEOL 690 - Independent Study Units: 1-3
Up to 9 units may be in approved courses from other STEM disciplines.

Capstone Requirements
Students must choose one (1) of the following capstone courses to complete their degree:
University Thesis (must be taken for a total of 6 units)
Students choosing the Thesis capstone experience must submit to the Thesis Committee, and defend
orally, an acceptable University Thesis. The University Thesis is a formal paper reporting the results of
original research. This research normally involves modeling, field, and/or laboratory investigation. The
thesis is submitted to the university in the format specified in the “University Thesis Writing
Guide,” The Thesis Committee comprises the faculty
thesis advisor plus either (1) two other faculty members from the Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences or other appropriate California State University East Bay faculty, or (2) one other
faculty member from the department and one or more qualified individuals from outside the university.

Graduate Project (must be taken for a total of 2 units)

Students choosing the Project capstone experience must submit to the department an abstract and
acceptable graduate project (for example: manuscript, map, computer model, education module). An
oral defense may be required.

GEOL 691 - University Thesis Units: 1-6

Note: Students may not register for more than 50% of the total units prior to starting
the writing of their thesis.
GEOL 693 - Project Units: 1-2
Other Graduate & Post-Baccalaureate Degree
In addition to departmental requirements, every student must also satisfy the University requirements
for graduation as described throughout this catalog. These include the 70%
unit residence requirement; the five-year rule on currency of subject matter; the minimum number of
units in 600-level courses; the “C” minimum grade for each graduate course; the 3.00 cumulative grade
point average; and the University Writing Skills Requirement.
Note: For information on meeting the University Writing Skills Requirement, see the Testing
Office website at or call (510) 885-3661.

Department Courses Listed by Course Type

Earth and Environmental Sciences Courses

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Science
•  ENSC 210 - Physical and Environmental Geology  Units: 4 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1, B3
•  ENSC 211 - Historical Geology Units: 4
•  ENSC 220 - Warming Planet, Rising Seas, and Global Change  Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area:
B1; Sustainability
•  ENSC 235 - Disasters on Earth and in Hollywood  Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1;
•  ENSC 240 - Environmental Biology Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B2; Sustainability
•  ENSC 241 - Environmental Biology Laboratory Units: 1 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B3
•  ENSC 250 - Oil, Water and Future Earth Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1; Sustainability
•  ENSC 260 - Introduction to GIS in Earth and Environmental Sciences  Units: 3 ;
G.E./G.R. Area: B1, B3
•  ENSC 280 - Humans and the Environment in California  Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1;
•  ENSC 297 - Introductory Field Experience Units: 1
•  ENSC 311 - Geomorphology Units: 3
•  ENSC 320 - The Science of Global Change Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6; Sustainability
•  ENSC 330 - Weather and the Atmosphere Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6; Sustainability
•  ENSC 340 - The Oceans Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6; Sustainability
•  ENSC 343 - Atmospheric Science Units: 3
•  ENSC 350 - Environmental Hydrology Units: 4 ; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability
•  ENSC 397 - Advanced Field Experience Units: 2
•  ENSC 410 - Geohealth Units: 3
•  ENSC 414 - Hazardous Waste Management Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability
•  ENSC 420 - Global Change Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability
•  ENSC 460 - Geographic Information Systems for Earth and Environmental
Sciences Units: 4
•  ENSC 490 - Independent Study Units: 1-4
•  ENSC 497 - Special Topics and Issues in Environmental Sciences  Units: 3
•  ENSC 499 - Capstone Seminar in Geosciences Units: 3
Environmental Science: Graduate
•  ENSC 601 - Professional Ethics in Environmental Geosciences  Units: 1
•  ENSC 631 - Isotope Geochemistry Units: 4
•  ENSC 632 - Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport  Units: 4
•  ENSC 634 - Biogeochemistry Units: 4
•  ENSC 671 - Field Experience Units: 1-2
•  ENSC 698 - Internship Units: 1-3
•  GEOL 100 - Earth Systems Science Units: 4 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1, B3; Sustainability
•  GEOL 101 - Introduction to the Earth Sciences Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1;
•  GEOL 102 - Earth Sciences Laboratory Units: 1 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B3
•  GEOL 120 - Introduction to Oceanography Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1; Sustainability
•  GEOL 210 - Physical and Environmental Geology  Units: 4 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1, B3
•  GEOL 211 - Historical Geology Units: 4
•  GEOL 230 - Natural Disasters Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1; Sustainability
•  GEOL 231 - Natural Hazards Units: 3
•  GEOL 235 - Disasters on Earth and in Hollywood Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B1;
•  GEOL 260 - Introduction to GIS in Earth and Environmental Sciences  Units: 3 ;
G.E./G.R. Area: B1, B3
•  GEOL 297 - Introductory Field Experience Units: 1
•  GEOL 301 - Earth Science Connections Units: 3
•  GEOL 302 - Earth Science Connections Laboratory Units: 1
•  GEOL 310 - Geology of the Western National Parks  Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6
•  GEOL 311 - Geomorphology Units: 3
•  GEOL 325 - Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6
•  GEOL 330 - Weather and the Atmosphere Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6; Sustainability
•  GEOL 340 - The Oceans Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: B6; Sustainability
•  GEOL 341 - General Oceanography Units: 4
•  GEOL 342 - Planetary Geology Units: 3
•  GEOL 343 - Atmospheric Science Units: 3
•  GEOL 350 - Environmental Hydrology Units: 4 ; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability
•  GEOL 360 - Mineralogy and Optical Crystallography Units: 4
•  GEOL 361 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology  Units: 4
•  GEOL 371 - Sedimentary Geology and Stratigraphy Units: 4
•  GEOL 381 - Structural Geology Units: 5
•  GEOL 397 - Advanced Field Experience Units: 2
•  GEOL 398 - Internship Units: 1-3
•  GEOL 410 - Geohealth Units: 3
•  GEOL 414 - Hazardous Waste Management Units: 3 ; G.E./G.R. Area: Sustainability
•  GEOL 431 - Applied Geophysics Units: 4
•  GEOL 432 - Hydrogeology Units: 4
•  GEOL 441 - Earthquake Geology Units: 3
•  GEOL 490 - Independent Study Units: 1-3
•  GEOL 497 - Issues in Geosciences Units: 3
•  GEOL 499 - Capstone Seminar in Geosciences Units: 3
Geology: Graduate
•  GEOL 601 - Professional Ethics in Environmental Geosciences  Units: 1
•  GEOL 602 - Graduate Seminar Units: 2
•  GEOL 621 - Near Surface Geophysics Units: 4
•  GEOL 622 - Seismic Exploration Units: 4
•  GEOL 631 - Isotope Geochemistry Units: 4
•  GEOL 632 - Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport  Units: 4
•  GEOL 633 - The Science of Soils Units: 4
•  GEOL 634 - Biogeochemistry Units: 4
•  GEOL 641 - Earthquake Geology Units: 4
•  GEOL 643 - Tectonic Geomorphology Units: 4
•  GEOL 644 - Structural Styles of Plate Margins and Regions  Units: 4
•  GEOL 645 - Engineering Geology Units: 4
•  GEOL 646 - Quaternary Geology Units: 4
•  GEOL 650 - Professional Certification Preparation  Units: 3
•  GEOL 671 - Field Experience Units: 1-2
•  GEOL 690 - Independent Study Units: 1-3
•  GEOL 691 - University Thesis Units: 1-6
•  GEOL 693 - Project Units: 1-2
•  GEOL 697 - Issues in Geosciences Units: 3
•  GEOL 698 - Internship Units: 1-3


2019-2020 Estimated Cost of Attendance

With Parents On-Campus Off-Campus

Graduate Tuition and Fees1 $8,274 $8,274 $8,274

Books and Supplies $1,972 $1,972 $1,972

Food and Housing2 $6,786 $14,558 $15,084

Transportation $1,134 $864 $1,278

Miscellaneous/Personal $3,564 $2,854 $3,996

With Parents On-Campus Off-Campus

Total $21,730 $28,522 $30,604

 Based on 2019-2020 resident tuition and fees for full-time enrollment of 6 or more units for two

semesters. Other expenses may vary. Amounts are subject to change without advance notice.
 In accordance with California Assembly Bill 990, CSU East Bay provides the typical market
costs of a one bedroom apartment in Hayward area.  The average cost of a 1 bedroom apartment
is: $2,022 per month. The room and Board expenses included in the off-campus cost of attendance
represent the typical costs students pay when enrolled a CSU East Bay.  Actual costs of room
and board will vary.  Many students living off-campus have roommates, which decreases their
housing costs. 
Graduate Business Degree Students
Graduate students pursing a business degree will have additional fees of $270 per unit basis (in
addition to basic tuition and system wide fees charged all students) for all campuses.  The total
graduate business degree tuition paid per term will be determined by the number of units taken. 
Non-resident Students (U.S. and Foreign)
Nonresident Tuition of $396 is paid on a per unit basis (in addition to basic tuition and system
wide fees charged all students) for all campuses.  The total nonresident tuition paid per term will
be determined by the number of units taken.
Note: Mandatory system wide tuition is waived for those individuals who qualify for such
exemption under the provisions of the California Education Code (see section on fee waivers).

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