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2 magazine ideas

1. A story to do with getting out of quarantine.

E.G. 'ten places to visit in the UK once lockdown is over'

• It has strong relation to a current affair

• It suits my target audience as younger people are desperate to get out of lockdown

• Front cover will have a central image of one of the more exciting looking areas to draw the
audience to buying the magazine

• Make sure the featured article stands out so readers know what they are buying

• The places mentioned in the article will be relevant to the target audience meaning mention
places that a 16 – 25 year old will enjoy
2. A story on a current affair that 16 – 25 year olds are concerned about
E.G. 'How Covid-19 has positively affected our environment'

• Has a strong relation to two a current affairs that

• Suits my target audience as young people are concerned about the environment and seeing
positive press will encourage them to pick up the magazine during this time

• Front cover could have a before and after photo about the polluted air inproving
What may my website look like?
I will design a wwebsite similar to those of GQ and Vogue which I have studied.

The website will have a simple layout and an easy to use navigation bar.

Being part of my target audience, I know that simplisity is aesthetically pleasing and a simple
website is more attractive than a complex one

Use lots of photos and videos. Younger people would watch and view news and information

Language used should be more informal than formal. Use of slang as well to draw in my target

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