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References Size of openings/RWDP Spacing

Australian Standard AS5100.1 Cl. 14 ≥ 100mm dia Not specified Drainage outlets shall be of rigid, ultraviolet as well as corrosion-resistant materials. Drainage outlets shall be provided with cleanouts.
NSW Australia practice (based on Road and 100mm dia scupper pipe, 225mm dia as calculated Stormwater drainage is designed for 10 year ARI storm
Maritime Services NSW projects) longitudinal/carrier pipe in NSW, it is acceptable for drainage flow to be contained within road shoulder
All pipework for structural drainage must be resistant to fire and corrosion and to all commonly occurring chemical spillage
AASHTO LRFD Article 150mm min Not specified The number of deck drains should be kept to minimum consistent with hydraullic requirements
200mm min where ice accretion on For bridges where the highway design speed is less than 75km/h, the size and number of deck drains should be such that the spread of deck drainage does
bridge deck is expected not encroach on more than one-half the width of any designated traffic lane
For bridges where the highway design speed is not less than 75 km/h, the spread of deck drainage should not encroach on any portion of the designated
traffic lanes

Design of Bridge Deck Drainage, Hydraullic 6 to 8 inches minimum Not specified, Drains located adjacent to piers. If piping is exposed, it should be parallel to existing lines of the structure and painted to match general color of the bridge.
Engineering Circular 21, FHWA spacings based on Encased piping poses serious maintenance consideration.
calculation The fewer inlets, the easier to maintain them. Inlets must be adequately sized and spaced to remove rainfall-generated runoff from the bridge deck before it
encroaches onto traveled roadway to the limit of design spread.
SCDOT (South Carolina Dept. of 6 in (for open drainage system) and 8 as calculated water spread within shoulder and 1/2 driving lane allowed depending on type of roads, design speed.
Transportation) Bridge Design Manual - in (for closed drainage system)
Chapter 18 Bridge Deck Drainage
BD47/99 Waterproofing and Surfacing of As calculated Systems for drainage of water from bridges shall be so detailed that water is not allowed to fall freely from the bridge deck. Closed drainage system shall be
Concrete Bridge decks provided, and these system shall be fully provided with facilities for rodding and other necessary maintenance.

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