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Supply Chain Activities of Polar Ice Cream
Supply Chain Activities of Polar Ice Cream
Course Name: Network Relationship and Supply Chain
Management Course Code: MKT 4205

Prepared for

Jannatul Mawa Nupur 

Assistant Professor in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
 Northern University Bangladesh
House 54, Road-4/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209

Prepared by

Md Showkat Ali ID: BBA080302856

Md Towhidul Alam ID BBA110103944
Department of Business Administration
 Northern University Bangladesh

Section: A
Date of Submission: Sunday, April 08, 2012

Letter of Transmittal

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Jannatul Mawa Nupur 
Assistant Professor in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Subject: Report on Supply Chain Activities of Polar Ice Cream

Dear Sir,
I am pleased to submit the report on Supply chain activities of Polar Ice Cream to you as
assigned as a requirement for fulfillment of the course Network Relationship and Supply Chain
Management (MKT 4205). This report has been tried best to analyses the supply chain activities
and distribution channel of Ice Cream. I wish the methods that have been used in this report
would provide a clear picture about the supply chain on Polar Ice Cream. I believe that this
report has enriched both my knowledge and experience.

I will be very glad if the report can serve its actual purpose and I am ready to explain anything to
you if you feel necessary.

Sincerely Yours,

Md Showkat Ali
ID: BBA 080302856


Expressing one's appreciation should never be a meaningless task but, rather, a moment filled
with heartfelt sincerity. I have been throughout the topic, and especially during the stages
of thesis writing, fortunate to have been surrounded by individuals who have supported me on
multiple levels. I also used lot of information from many websites and reports. I would be remiss
if I did not express our gratitude to each of them.

I would like to express our deepest gratitude to Allah for everything He has done to me. Then,
thanks towards Jannatul Mawa Nupur who encouraged my interest in this study. In addition to
the support she gave personally and academically. I also give thanks to the authority of Northern
University Bangladesh for offering us such a good environment of education where I am not
only learning but also expressing my feelings and expanding my knowledge through different
types of assignments, practical works and researches.

Last but not least, I must send my deepest gratitude to my parents who never cease to inspire me.

Executive Summary

Dhaka Ice Cream Industries limited pioneered in the first hygienically produced and packed Ice
Cream in Bangladesh, with the important ingredients mostly from renowned manufacturer
of Australia, European etc. Prime concern of Polar ice cream is the food safety to the valued
consumers. It gives the clear understanding to Polar Ice Cream and the overall supply chain of this
 product. The base of this report is the external environment of Polar Ice Cream. The report has been
developed basically on secondary data.

Table of Contents
Title Page No:

Acknowledgement Ι

Executive Summary ΙΙ

Chapter 1

1.0 Introduction 2

1.1 Company Profile 3

1.2 Mission values 3

Chapter 2

2.0 Supply chain activities of Polar Ice Cream 4-6

2.1 Products 7

2.2 Food Safety & Quality Policy 7

Chapter 3

3.0 SWOT Analysis 9

Chapter 4

4.0 Recommendation & Conclusion 10

Chapter – 1

Introduction of the



The best performing company will be the one that can generate the greatest customer value and
sustain it.

1. Widening the product range.

2. Seeking faster market growth.
3. Exploiting new market segments.


Polar Ice Cream classifies its threats according to their seriousness and probability of occurrence.
Hence, threats can be viewed as challenges posed by unfavorable trends or developments that
would lead, in the absence of defensive marketing action, to deterioration in sales or profits. The
major threats for Polar Ice Cream identify:

Increase in domestic competition – Threats can come in the form of competitors, but according to
Polar Ice Cream, they do not view other ice cream companies as their competitors but as mere

Chapter – 4

Competitors are an important component of the task environment. Polar Ice Cream should pay
heed to its potential competitors rather than treating them as mere counterparts.

Polar Ice Cream should involve in backward vertical integration to lower the costs of value
creation and lessen its reliance on foreign suppliers. For instance, incidence such as 11th
September may hinder the flow of supplies in the production process when there is excessive
dependence on foreign inputs.

From an extensive marketing analysis of the ideas and marketing concepts at work in the operation
of Polar Ice Cream, it is possible to obtain an insight to the essential marketing practices adopted
 by the company.

Evidently by virtue of its unique product attributes, high quality, exquisite and mouth- watering
varieties of ice creams, attractive and distinct packaging, Polar Ice Cream has been able to
ensure marketing excellence and enhance its competitiveness.




 Personal interview


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