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stroke. These effects may mean that

Inside this issue Stroke you must change, relearn or redefine
how you live.
HEALTH TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Curbing your appetite. rehabilitation The goals of rehabilitation are to
build strength, capability and confi-
NEWS AND OUR VIEWS . . . . 4 Helping achieve dence so that you can continue your
Annual flu vaccination improves independence daily activities despite possible im-
odds for older adults. Rethinking pairments. New discoveries and tech-
early bone loss treatment. Your sister had a stroke a few days nologies may enhance the recovery
ago. Her doctors say that it may be process. In the future, these advances
JOINT INFECTIONS . . . . . . . 4 several days before they know the full may even allow for the repair or
Early and aggressive treatment is replacement of damaged brain cells.
extent of her impairment. But even
so, they’ve already begun planning
SLEEP AND AGING . . . . . . . . 6 a rehabilitation program for her. In the brain
Getting the rest you need. Stroke is the third-leading cause Stroke occurs when the supply of
of death and the leading cause of blood that normally nourishes the
BRUXISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 long-term disability in the United brain is reduced. It can happen in
Breaking the teeth-grinding habit. States. Approximately 4 million Amer- two ways — when blood flow to
icans are living with the effects of brain tissue is blocked, or if blood
SECOND OPINION . . . . . . . . 8
Can I take my thyroid medication
at the same time that I take my cal-
cium supplement? What’s the dif-
ference between seborrhea and

Coming in October

Recognize the early warning signs.

Make them diet regulars.

Troublesome, but treatable.

Treating severe anemia.

Stroke occurs when the supply of blood that normally nourishes the brain is reduced. Stroke
affects brain cells that send signals controlling almost every function in the body, including
those listed in this illustration. In addition, stroke on the right side of the brain often affects
functions on the left side of the body, while a stroke on the left side of the brain often affects
functions on the right side of the body.

leaks into the brain or into tissues understanding what you read or learning to self-propel a wheelchair,
surrounding the brain. what people say. balance skills, and maximizing the
Stroke affects brain cells that ■ Psychological — Stroke can range of motion in your joints.
send signals controlling almost every affect you by damaging an area of Rehabilitation may also involve
function in the body. When brain your brain that’s involved in pro- relearning self-care skills — includ-
tissue is damaged, it can have far- ducing emotions. You may feel help- ing eating, grooming, bathing and
ranging effects, including: less, frustrated and uninterested in dressing — or learning to adapt how
■ Physical — Paralysis, stiffness, activities you once enjoyed. You may you perform these tasks to com-
weakness, a loss of feeling or lack cry or laugh more easily or have pensate for disability. Addressing
of coordination may affect your face, sudden mood swings for no appar- cognitive skills, including memory
an arm or a leg, or an entire side ent reason. Depression, grief, irri- and problem solving, and commu-
of your body. You also may have bal- tability and fatigue sometimes occur. nication and social skills also are
ance problems, visual problems, important parts of rehabilitation (see
including partial blindness in one What’s involved “Speech therapy” in our July 2004
or both eyes, or trouble speaking or The purpose of rehabilitation is issue). You may also learn how to
swallowing. to reach the highest possible level reorganize your living space to make
■ Cognitive — The way in which of independence. What you do in it safer and more accessible.
you think, remember, interact with rehabilitation depends on what skills Because numerous impairments
others or perceive the world around you need to become independent. may be involved, rehabilitation is
you may be affected. Perceptual A major part of rehabilitation is often facilitated by a diverse team, which
changes may make it hard for you physical training and therapy. This may include doctors specializing in
to understand what you feel, see or may involve training with mobility
hear. You may also have difficulty skills, such as relearning to walk or MAYO CLINIC HEALTH LETTER
Managing Editor Medical Editor
Aleta Capelle Robert Sheeler, M.D.
The road to recovery after stroke Associate Editors Associate Medical Editor
Carol Gunderson David Williams, M.D.
The outlook for stroke reha- ■ Its intensity and frequen- Jennifer Jacobson
Editorial Research
Joey Keillor
bilitation is better today than cy — Studies suggest that Deirdre Herman
Medical Illustration Shelly Hewlett
ever before. After a stroke, greater intensity and frequency Michael King
some people experience a of therapy improves functional Customer Service Miranda Attlesey
Manager Donna Hanson
complete or nearly complete outcomes. Even if rehabilitation Ann Allen
Administrative Assistant
recovery. Still, approximately sessions are scheduled only a Jill Thompson-Riese
half of stroke survivors will be few times a week, therapeutic EDITORIAL BOARD
left with some kind of perma- exercises should be done on a Shreyasee Amin, M.D., Rheumatology; Amindra
nent disability. daily basis. Arora, M.D., Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Brent
Bauer, M.D., Internal Medicine; Julie Bjoraker, M.D.,
The success of rehabilitation ■ Your outlook and attitude Internal Medicine; Diane Dahm, M.D., Orthopedics;
depends on many factors, — Motivation and a positive Timothy Daley, M.D., Internal Medicine; Mark Davis,
M.D., Dermatology; Bobbie Gostout, M.D., Gyneco-
including: attitude are key to obtaining an logic Surgery; Timothy Hobday, M.D., Oncology;
Todd Johnson, Pharm.D., Pharmacy; Frank Kennedy,
■ Its timing — The earlier optimal level of recovery. Reha- M.D., Endocrinology and Metabolism; Suzanne
rehabilitation begins, the more bilitation requires a willingness Norby, M.D., Nephrology; Steve Ommen, M.D.,
Cardiology; Robert Sheeler, M.D., Family Medicine;
likely you are to regain lost to work hard. Phillip Sheridan, D.D.S., Periodontics; Peter Southorn,
M.D., Anesthesiology; David Williams, M.D.,
abilities and skills. ■ The cooperation of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; Mark
■ The extent of brain injury friends and family — Com- Williams, M.D., Psychiatry; Aleta Capelle, Health
Information. Ex-officio: Carol Gunderson, Jennifer
— People with milder injuries panionship and emotional Jacobson and Joey Keillor.
are likely to benefit the most. support are essential to reha-
Mayo Clinic Health Letter (ISSN 0741-6245) is published
But even with slight improve- bilitation. Caregivers also play monthly by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and
ment, rehabilitation can mean an important role in assisting Research, a subsidiary of Mayo Foundation, 200 First St.
S.W., Rochester, MN 55905. Subscription price is $27
the difference between return- with rehabilitation exercises a year, which includes a cumulative index published in
December. Periodicals postage paid at Rochester, Minn.,
ing to your home or staying in a and therapies and helping you and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send
care facility. maintain improvement. address changes to Mayo Clinic Health Letter,
Subscription Services, P.O. Box 9302, Big Sandy, TX

physical medicine and rehabilita- therapists or caregivers manually

tion (physiatrists), rehabilitation nurs-
es, physical therapists, occupation-
assist with thousands of movement
repetitions to help the injured brain Health tips
al therapists, recreation therapists, relearn how to accomplish tasks
speech-language pathologists, social with an impaired limb. Researchers Curbing your appetite
workers, psychologists and chap- are exploring the use of robots to
lains. Although each team member assist with these movements. You know you should cut back
lends particular expertise, the team ■ Electrical stimulation and bio- on the amount you eat to shed
works together to help recovery. feedback — Functional electrical a few extra pounds, but some-
stimulation involves the use of elec- times it’s just so hard.
Advances tricity to stimulate muscles weak- Here are a few tips that
The brain was once thought to ened or paralyzed by stroke to cause may help you curb your appe-
be a static organ — brain cells could them to contract. In biofeedback, a tite and avoid overeating.
die, but not be repaired or regained. sensor is placed over a target mus- ■ Don’t skip breakfast —
In recent years, due to research stud- cle, and when that muscle is suc- If you make breakfast a high-
ies and advances in brain-imaging cessfully moved, the electrical activ- fiber cereal, whole-grain bread
techniques, doctors and researchers ity generated by that muscle is or fresh fruit, you’ll be less like-
are gaining a new understanding of picked up by the sensor and used to ly to overeat at lunch.
how brain systems adapt after stroke provide feedback to the individual. ■ Eat slowly — Savor each
to regain function (brain plasticity). The goal is to help a stroke survivor flavor and texture and remem-
After injury, efforts are geared become more aware of the means ber it takes about 20 minutes
toward maximizing function in spite to move the target muscle and for your brain to receive the
of the damaged brain. In some achieve this movement more easi- signal that you’re full.
research models, scientists observed ly. Some rehabilitation facilities ■ Think small — If you
that brain cells surrounding a dam- combine these two methods to always eat everything that’s on
aged area undergo changes in func- speed muscle and nerve retraining. your plate, start with half the
tion and shape that allow them to ■ Cortical stimulation — With amount of food you usually
take on the functions of the dam- this technique, an electrical current eat. And, to make less food
aged cells. Results indicate that sim- is used to stimulate the motor cor- seem like more, have your
ilar changes occur in human brains tex in the brain. Studies have shown main course on a salad or
after stroke and other trauma. that it improves the performance of dessert plate.
Researchers have hypothesized a paralyzed limb. However, it has- ■ Eat only when you’re
that stem cells one day may enable n’t yet been approved for clinical hungry — Stop and ask your-
damaged brain areas to recover their use in the United States. self whether you’re stressed or
function. Other therapies to encour- In addition to these therapies, bored — or just hungry. Then
age the regeneration of damaged pioneering work is being done in act accordingly.
brain cells are also being explored. the area of virtual reality. These sim- ■ Ride out the urge —
Many other recent advances ulations and training methods en- Cravings generally pass with-
may play a role in retraining injured courage the brain to reorganize to in seconds or minutes. Engage
areas of the brain and helping to compensate for damage. They’re in an activity unrelated to food
stimulate use of paralyzed or weak- designed to improve range of mo- until the desire to eat passes.
ened areas of the body. tion, balance, stepping and other Exercise is an especially good
Other advances include: measures of motor function. — and healthy — distraction.
■ Constraint-induced therapy However, none of these treat- ■ Allow an occasional
— This therapy involves restricting ment methods has been shown to splurge — If you’re really com-
the use of an unaffected or less- be significantly better than willful, mitted to eating less, an occa-
affected limb while intensively train- task-specific practice of a motor sional lapse is fine. In the long
ing the more-affected limb. This behavior. A willingness to work run, it will have little impact
helps improve limb function. toward improvement is one of the on your lifetime plan for con-
■ Forced-use therapy — With most important ingredients of suc- trolling your appetite. ❒
conventional forced-use therapy, cessful treatment. ❒

Joint infections
News and our views
Early and aggressive
Annual flu vaccination improves odds for older adults treatment is vital
Receiving a flu vaccination can significantly reduce hospitaliza-
tions and deaths among high-risk older adults. However, the pro- You’ve never experienced pain like
tection provided by a flu vaccine is good for only a year due to chang- this before. Over the course of an
ing influenza strains. An annual revaccination is crucial in order to hour — and for no apparent reason
continue receiving these benefits. — the slightest movement of your
A study in the Nov. 3, 2004, Journal of the American Medical knee causes excruciating pain. The
Association looked at the effects of flu vaccination among older adults. skin looks red and is warm to the
Researchers found that the first flu vaccination reduced the risk of touch. Your doctor says it looks like
death in men and women age 65 and older by 10 percent. Those who an acute infection has settled in your
were revaccinated in following years reduced their risk of death by knee joint.
an additional 15 percent to 28 percent. Those whose vaccine series As surprising as it may seem,
was interrupted experienced a strong increase in mortality risk. joints are subject to infection. Prompt
However, restarting vaccination after an interruption led to a risk treatment for bacterial infections of
reduction similar to that found following revaccination. Overall, one a joint typically involves surgery and
death was prevented for every 302 vaccinations. Other studies have antibiotics. This is done in an effort
found an average of 50 percent reduction in deaths among older adults to stop the infection before it severe-
who receive a flu vaccine. ly damages the affected joint. Joint
Mayo Clinic doctors recommend an annual flu shot for all adults infections from other types of germs
over 50, for those with medical conditions such as heart disease may require antibiotics alone or —
and diabetes, and for all others at high risk of complications. ❒ in the case of some viruses — treat-
ment may not be required.
Rethinking early bone-loss treatment
A medication typically used to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal Behind the infection
women may also help prevent fractures of the spine (vertebral frac- The cause of infections in joints
tures) in women with early bone loss (osteopenia). can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and
Osteopenia is a condition in which your bone density lies some- other germs. These organisms can
where between normal levels and levels that indicate the presence of reach a joint in a couple of ways.
the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, but you haven’t yet experi- One way occurs when infection
enced complications such as fractures. Unlike osteoporosis, first-line located elsewhere in your body —
therapy for osteopenia typically hasn’t included the use of prescrip- such as pneumonia in your lungs or
tion medications that prevent bone loss. a urinary tract infection —is trans-
But a review of data from a multicenter study done in the 1990s ported through your blood and set-
found that postmenopausal women with osteopenia who took the bis- tles in a joint. Another means of
phosphonate drug alendronate (Fosamax) experienced a 60 percent introducing infection to a joint is
reduction in vertebral fractures. The findings, published in the March through a direct injury.
2005 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, also showed that alendronate’s A joint infection — referred to
benefit was measurable early on in the three years of treatment. as septic or infectious arthritis —
Mayo Clinic doctors say the findings suggest an expanded role for is most commonly caused by the
oral bisphosphonate drugs — such as alendronate — which prevent staphylococcus bacterium often car-
bone loss (resorption). Another drug in this class of medications — ried on the skin. Joint infections can
risedronate (Actonel) — has also proved helpful in managing early also be caused by other germs, such
bone loss. Mayo doctors say it’s too soon to conclude that all women as tuberculosis, the sexually trans-
with osteopenia should take bisphosphonate drugs. However, in all mitted bacterium gonorrhea and the
likelihood, it will be women with osteopenia who also have addi- germ that causes Lyme disease.
tional risk factors for bone loss that may benefit the most. ❒ Various factors may put you at
greater risk of developing a joint

infection due to bacteria. Older

adults are more susceptible. The
Joint replacements
same is true of people who are
chronically ill or have weakened and infections
immune systems. Joint infection is an especial-
If you have osteoarthritis, rheu- ly serious concern in an
matoid arthritis or other joint dis- artificial (prosthetic) joint.
eases, you’re also at increased risk Bacteria can adhere to and
of joint infections. Some other fac- multiply on the surfaces of a
tors that may increase risk include prosthetic joint. Infections in
having diabetes or having a foreign artificial joints may occur
material — such as artificial joints, shortly after joint replace-
plates or screws — in your body. One factor that may increase your risk of ment or may crop up
joint infection is having foreign material,
months, or even years, later.
such as an artificial joint, in your body.
Spotting the problem In some circumstances
Some joints — particularly the after joint replacement sur-
cell count or elevated markers of
knee, hip and shoulder joints — are gery, it may be important to
inflammation, which are indicators
more likely than are others to be- take antibiotics when you
of infection.
come infected. Signs and symptoms have a procedure that could
■ Diagnostic imaging — Imag-
of infectious arthritis vary, depend- result in bacteria entering the
ing techniques such as computer-
ing on where the infection occurs, bloodstream. Such proce-
ized tomography (CT), magnetic res-
its cause and how far along it is. You dures may include dental
onance imaging (MRI), bone scan
may experience: work and minor surgery.
and ultrasound may be used to bet-
■ Sudden, often intense joint Infections that occur in
ter image the joint structures, to
pain, especially pain that occurs artificial hip or knee joints
locate anything that may suggest
when the area is touched or the joint within the first weeks after
infection and to determine the
is bent replacement may respond to
extent of any damage.
■ Diminished range of motion antibiotic treatment along
in a joint Surgery is likely with surgery to clean the
■ Red, warm, tender skin over Typically, surgery is needed to joint area and the surfaces of
the affected area treat joint infection due to bacteria. the joint replacement.
■ Fever or chills A surgeon may open the joint to Later infections in re-
■ Overall weakness remove infected and damaged tis- placed joints tend to be
Immediate medical care for joint sues. This can sometimes be done chronic and may require
infection is critical due to the risk of through several small incisions using two-stage surgery along with
joint destruction and the possibili- an arthroscope. weeks of intravenous antibi-
ty of septic shock, which is a poten- If the infection is bacterial, intra- otics. The first stage involves
tially fatal condition. Several tests venous antibiotics generally are pre- cleaning the area and remov-
are typically done to help determine scribed according to the type of bac- ing the implanted prosthesis.
the extent of the infection and what’s teria and where the infection is Weeks later, the joint area is
causing it. These may include: located. These can often be given opened again, cleaned and a
■ Arthrocentesis (ahr-thro-sen- outside the hospital. Oral antibiotics second prosthetic joint is
TE-sis) — This involves withdraw- may also be given. It may also be installed. Success rates are
ing joint fluid (synovial fluid) with necessary to immobilize the joint about 90 percent for two-
a needle. The synovial fluid is then with a splint while it recuperates stage reimplantations of knee
analyzed and cultures are done in from infection. and hip joints.
a laboratory to confirm and help Outcomes following joint infec-
identify the cause. tion vary. Physical therapy may be result in permanent joint changes,
■ Blood tests — These may be helpful in regaining muscle strength including osteoarthritis in the joint.
done in addition to arthrocentesis and mobility in the joint. Unfor- In severe cases, joint replacement
to check for an elevated white blood tunately, joint infection may also surgery may be an option. ❒

Sleep-related disorders, such as

Sleep Sleep solutions sleep apnea and restless legs syn-
drome, also become more common
and aging In some cases, simple
changes in your daily and
with age. There’s also evidence that
some breathing problems can dis-
nightly habits may result in rupt sleep. Certain medications are
Getting the rest you need better sleep. This may mean also a cause of insomnia, and nico-
finding ways to unwind and tine and alcohol can disrupt sleep.
You’ve always been a bit of an early
relax, limiting the time you
bird, but lately, “early” has been
spend in bed to when you
taken to a new extreme. No mat- Why it’s important
are sleeping, and avoiding or
ter what time you go to bed, you Lost sleep may sap your moti-
limiting caffeine, nicotine
wake up well before the sun rises. vation and make it difficult to con-
and alcohol. Regular exer-
Is this your body’s way of saying you centrate. Long-term deprivation can
cise enhances sleep, but
don’t need as much sleep as you affect both your physical and men-
avoid exercising too close to
used to? tal health. Sleep helps bolster your
bedtime. Also try to avoid
With age, changes in your sleep immune system. And, people with
naps or limit them to less
patterns, health and lifestyle may chronic insomnia have an increased
than 30 minutes. Long naps
contribute to sleep difficulties. Even risk of subsequent depression com-
may make it harder to fall
so, you still require about the same pared with those who get adequate
asleep at night.
amount of sleep as you did in the sleep. However, it’s not clear if in-
Your doctor can help you
past. Identifying and treating the somnia is a cause of depression, or
overcome the obstacles
causes of your sleepless or restless if treating insomnia reduces the inci-
keeping you from getting
nights may help you get the amount dence of depression.
enough sleep. This may
and quality of sleep that you need. A recent study linked sleep dep-
involve getting treatment for
The amount of sleep needed rivation to obesity. People who are
sleep disorders and other
each night varies from person to per- sleep deprived experience hormonal
son. Between seven and eight hours disruptions that result in increased
of sleep is about average. Some hunger and appetite.
need more, while others do fine with resist the temptation to go to sleep
less. The most important measure is earlier by going outside in the How much is too much?
how you feel during the day. If evening. The bright light you absorb Needing too much sleep can be
you’re alert, functioning well and in the evening helps you to main- a problem, too. In recent years, stud-
don’t feel tired, you’re probably get- tain your clock. ies have found that the optimal
ting enough. However, if you’re ■ Changes in activity — De- amount of sleep for most people is
fatigued or struggling with concen- creases in your physical or social seven hours. Compared with those
tration and your daily tasks, it’s time activity may play a role in your sleep who sleep this amount, people who
to take action to reclaim a good patterns, since activity helps pro- sleep eight hours or more a night
night’s sleep. mote a good night’s sleep. have been shown to have a higher
■ Changes in health — Chronic mortality rate. Many experts believe
Changes with age pain associated with conditions such that needing excessive amounts of
As you get older, three types of as arthritis or back problems can sleep is likely a sign of underlying
changes often occur that may affect interfere with sleep. So can depres- health problems. People who regu-
your sleep. These include: sion, anxiety and ongoing stress. larly sleep less than seven hours a
■ Normal changes in sleep pat- Older men often develop noncan- night also have a higher than nor-
terns — As you age, you spend more cerous enlargement of the prostate mal mortality rate.
time in lighter sleep stages and less gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia, Remember, the most important
time in deep sleep. In addition, the or BPH). This may be associated gauge of how much sleep you need
clock in your brain speeds up, cre- with the need to urinate more fre- is how you feel during the day. Once
ating the desire to go to bed earli- quently during the night. In women, you’ve determined that, you can
er and earlier. Consequently, you hot flashes associated with meno- either sleep easy or take steps to get
may wake up earlier, as well. Try to pause can be disruptive to sleep. a better night’s sleep. ❒

Once you recognize bruxism

Bruxism Finding the neutral may be the reason for mouth-relat-
ed discomfort or tooth damage,
Breaking the mouth position there are steps you can take to inter-
teeth-grinding habit Whenever you find yourself fere with or even stop this habit.
clenching or grinding your These include:
Since your last dental check you’ve teeth during the day, stop for ■ Use of a splint or mouth guard
developed cracks in three different a moment and make these — These dental prostheses can be
teeth. Judging by the wear on your simple adjustments to relax worn on the upper or lower teeth,
teeth, your dentist suspects the your jaw: usually on an ongoing basis. You
cracks may be the result of clench- ■ Note the placement of may opt to have your dentist make
ing or grinding your teeth. your tongue when you say a custom-fitted splint for your teeth.
The medical term for grinding, the letter “n” Another option is to purchase a
gnashing or clenching your teeth ■ Lightly place your mouth guard from a sporting goods
is bruxism. For most people, brux- tongue in that position just store. These are less expensive, but
ism is only a mild, occasional prob- behind your upper front they also may not be as comfortable
lem of little consequence. But for teeth as a splint that is made specifically
some, it can be a real problem. ■ Separate your teeth just for your teeth.
slightly ■ Behavior modification — There
Behind the grind Repeatedly relaxing your are steps you can take to change
Some people grind their teeth at jaw in this manner can help your behavior and break the day-
night, others do so during the day. break the bruxism habit. time habit of bruxism. Practice put-
There are others who grind during ting your mouth in a neutral posi-
the day and the night. also may be a symptom of certain tion. (See “Finding the neutral mouth
The causes of bruxism aren’t inflammatory conditions of the position.”) Use stickers or visual cues
completely understood. In the past, blood vessels. in your home, place of work or car
it was thought that abnormal align- Bruxism may also be an uncom- to remind you to relax your jaw.
ment (malocclusion) of the upper mon side effect of some antide- Over time, being attentive to these
and lower teeth contributed to the pressant medications, particularly visual cues and repeatedly placing
problem. But studies have clearly the selective serotonin reuptake your mouth in a neutral position will
demonstrated that isn’t the case. inhibitors (SSRIs). Some of these help discourage habitual clenching
The tendency to clench or grind include citalopram (Celexa), esci- and grinding during the day.
your teeth during the daytime is talopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Pro- ■ Medication — If you wake up
increasingly being viewed as a hab- zac), paroxetine (Paxil) and sertra- with pain from clenching or grind-
it, nothing more. It’s also a com- line (Zoloft). In addition, any sort of ing, certain drugs can be effective
monly held belief that bruxism may stimulant — such as caffeine — may in managing sleep-related bruxism.
be related to — but not necessari- contribute to bruxism. These include the benzodiazepine
ly caused by — stress and anxiety. drug clonazepam (Klonopin, others)
During episodes of stress, peo- Telltale signs and tricyclic antidepressants, such
ple commonly clench or grind their Aside from actual clenching or as nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor,
teeth without being aware they are grinding that may occur in the night others). If you take an SSRI, your
doing so. On the other hand, early or during the day, there are other doctor may suggest decreasing the
morning jaw pain — including tem- signs and symptoms of bruxism. SSRI dosage or possibly taking the
poromandibular joint pain — may These may include: anti-anxiety drug buspirone (BuSpar,
be related to bruxism that occurs ■ Flattened, chipped or worn others) in addition to your SSRI.
during the night. Evidence suggests teeth — although it’s normal to have In some instances, it may be
there may be a relationship between some age-related tooth wear determined that bruxism is strong-
bruxism and ongoing jaw muscle ■ Unusual sensitivity of teeth ly related to psychological stressors.
pain or temporomandibular joint ■ Dull, aching jaw pain If that’s considered the case, focused
pain — temporomandibular joint ■ Chewed tissue on the inside cognitive behavior therapy may help
(TMJ) disorders. Painful jaw muscles of your cheek in your mouth reverse a bruxism habit. ❒

Second opinion
Questions and our answers totally disabling for others. Psoriasis
affects the life cycle of skin cells,
Q: I have an underactive thyroid resulting in the rapid accumulation
and take the thyroid drug levothy- of cells that form dry, red patches of
roxine. I also take a calcium sup- skin covered with silvery scales. The
plement to help prevent osteo- inflammation usually affects the el-
Seborrhea most commonly affects the scalp,
porosis. I’ve heard that I should take nose, eyebrows, area behind the ears and
bows, knees, trunk and scalp. Psor-
these two at different times of the the chest. iasis tends to flare periodically and
day. Is this true? then subside for a time, but it almost
always returns. Scalp psoriasis and
A: Yes it is. scalp seborrhea can be hard to dif-
In some people, taking a calci- ferentiate. Sometimes the diseases
um supplement has been shown to overlap. Fortunately, treatments for
interfere with the body’s ability to both are similar.
absorb levothyroxine (Levothroid, Psoriasis usually affects the elbows, knees, Like seborrhea, psoriasis is be-
Levoxyl, Synthroid), thus reducing
trunk and scalp. lieved to be an inherited disorder.
thyroid levels to below what the Although psoriasis can’t be cured,
the skin. It most commonly affects
body requires. However, this effect treatments are usually effective but
the scalp, nose, eyebrows, area be-
appears to occur only when the must be tailored to each person,
hind the ears and the chest.
medication and supplement are especially in more severe cases. In
Seborrhea tends to run in fami-
taken at the same time. mild cases, nonprescription soaps,
lies. In the scalp, it causes dandruff,
If you take a calcium supple- shampoos or ointments may suffice.
which can be associated with an
ment — as many people do for gen- Otherwise, prescription ointments,
itchy scalp. In infants, it may appear
eral osteoporosis prevention — Mayo prescription oral medications or
as crusty, scaly skin on the scalp
Clinic doctors say that the thyroid phototherapy may be necessary. ❒
called cradle cap.
drug and the supplement should be Treatment for seborrhea gener- Have a question or comment?
taken at least four hours apart so that ally can help keep it under control. We appreciate every letter sent to Second
your body can properly absorb your If dandruff is the problem, daily Opinion but cannot publish an answer to each
thyroid medication. It’s also best to shampooing and careful rinsing may question or respond to requests for consultation
take thyroid medications each morn- on individual medical conditions. Editorial
help. Your doctor may recommend comments can be directed to:
ing before eating. ❒ using a nonprescription medicat- Managing Editor, Mayo Clinic Health Letter,
ed shampoo containing ketocona- 200 First St. S.W., Rochester, MN 55905, or
Q: Please explain the difference zole, tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium send e-mail to
For information about Mayo Clinic services,
between seborrhea and psoriasis. sulfide or salicylic acid. Creams or you may telephone any of our three facilities:
solutions containing hydrocortisone Rochester, Minn., (507) 284-2511;
A: Seborrhea, also called seborrheic or ketoconazole cream may help Jacksonville, Fla., (904) 953-2000;
dermatitis, is a common, generally treat other affected areas. Scottsdale, Ariz., (480) 301-8000 or visit
mild skin disorder. It’s characterized Psoriasis is also a common skin
by greasy scaling, itchiness and a disorder but ranges from being a Check out Mayo Clinic Health Information’s
somewhat reddened appearance of mild nuisance for some to being Web site, at

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