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Instructor: Basher yeaseen jlamdeh

College: Civil defense college

Course No.:
Course Name: introduction
Program(s): Emt-paramedic
Text Book: Mosby-text books

1. Difficulty Level: 1 = Easy, 2 = Intermediate, 3 = Difficult.
2. Please shade the cell that contains the correct answer.

No. Question Text Details Diff.
Chapter Page Level

1. One of the following numbers is Negative: 1 15 1

a- 1
b- -2
c- 150
d- 9

No. Question Text Details Diff.
Chapter Page Level

1. Which of the following terms refers to the process by which a competent 1 11 1

authority provides a document verifying that the individual has met
predetermined qualifications to participate in an activity?
a- Licensure
b- Certification
c- Registration
d- Professionalism
2. Prehospital emergency care before the twentieth century has its roots from: 1 3 1
a- Civilian history
b- military history
c- American red cross
d- national highway traffic
3. The military effort to care for --------soldier during wars becomes the basis for 1 3 1
current emergency care:
a- good
b- wounded
c- bad
d- healthy
4. usually the first who are recognizing the need of emergencies service : 1 8 1
a- citizen
b- Paramedic
c- Medical direction
d- firs respond

24 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
5. The first who contact with those who need help and direct appropriate 1 8 1
agencies is:
a- Citizen
b- EMT-paramedic
c- Dispatcher
d- first responds
6. Physical contact with a person without consent and without legal justification 4 57 1
a- Abandonment
b- False imprisonment
c- Assault
d- Battery
7. :Verbal or written consent to the treatment is 4 63 1
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
8. The presumption that an unconscious or incompetent person would consent to 4 63 1
lifesaving care
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
9. Failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent EMS provider would use in - 4 58 1
similar circumstances
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
10. .adult patients have the right to refuse medical care--------------------- 3 46 1
a- Competent and informed
b- Good and bad
c- Civilian and solder
d- Adult ant young
11. The following consideration support the feasibility of EMS involvement in 3 46 1
community health and injury prevention EXCEPT
a- .EMS provider is considered authorities on injury and prevention
b- EMS provider is NOT welcome in homes, schools and other environment
c- EMS provider is high-profile role model
d- EMS provider are
12. Paramedics play important roles when managing crime and accident scenes 4 56 2
which is / are
a- providing patient care
B helping to preserve evidence at the scene when possible
c- Investigation of the crime
d- A+B
13. Personal safety is always the---- priority in any emergency response 3 48 1
a- First
b- second
14. In the scene safety consideration you should do what in the crime scene 3 41 2
24 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬
a- Do not approach the crime scene until it has been secured
b- Patient safety s the first priority
c- Don’t care to preserve evidence
d- all of the following
15. - Technique for reducing crisis-induced 2 36 2
a- Provide food and fluid replacement
b- increase exposure to the incident-
c- A+B
d- None of the above
16. In the stage of dying person the stage of __________ is reflected in a (yes, me, 2 38 2
but…..) frame of mind.
a- Anger
b- Depression-
c- Bargaining-
d- acceptance-
17. The following are recommended for communication to help a paramedic deal - 2 38 2
with dying patient
a- .answer the question honestly for the patient and family-
b- paramedic deal with dying patient
c- .you must falsely reassure the pt or family-
d- A+B
18. you must initiate the subject of dying and do not let it come from the patient or 2 38 2
a- Shouldn't
b- must
c- Have to
d- should
19. :Common exposure to infection in the prehospital includes 2 39 3
a- Blood
b- Needle sticks and broken or scraped skin -
c- Car accident -
d- Immunization booster
20. Factors that trigger the stress response: 2 34 1
a- Loss of something that is value
b- Poor health or nutrition
c- All of above
d- Injury or threat of injury
21. All of the following are Guideline when lifting and moving patient or 2 29 1
equipment except:
a- .move forward than backward
b- .take wide steps
c- .bend at the hips and knees-
d- lifted with leg, not the back
22. :What the following information consider confidential information 4 61 1
a- treatment rendered
b- Assessment finding-
c- Information related to a patient history -
d- All of the following

24 ‫ من‬3 ‫صفحة‬
23. ?Factors that play a major role in maintaining physical health, what are they - 2 23 2
a- Good nutrition, physical fitness, emotional health, and prevention of disease and injury
b- Good nutrition, physical fitness, adequate sleep and prevention of disease and injury -
c- emotional health, physical fitness, adequate sleep and prevention of disease and injury-
d- Emotional health, physical fitness, good nutrition and adequate sleep -
24. :An EMT respond to crime and violent scene, what should he do - 2 29 2
a- .carefully evaluate the scene for safety
b- .coordinate all activities with law enforcement -
c- .plan an entrance and escape route-
d- all of above
25. :cardiac rhythm interpretation is one of the functions of- 1 10 3
a- A- EMT-basic
b- B-EMT-intermediate
c- First responder
d- A+ B
26. process granted to practice a profession by competent authority To engage in 1 11 2
any business or activity
a- . Licensure
b- Certification
c- Registration
d- all of above
27. paramedic called for an emergency event, he calls the medical direction by 1 15 2
radio this is an example of:
a- Offline (direct) medical direction
b- online (indirect)
c- -offline (indirect) medical
d- online (direct) medical direction
28. when the paramedic treat the patient by using protocol and standing order 1 15
without using phone or radio what type of medical direction he use:
a- Online medical direction -
b- offline medical direction
c- Outline medical direction
d- inline medical direction
29. the well-being has two main component what are they ? 2 23 1
a- mental and emotional health and physical well-being
b- mental and emotional health and sport well-being
c- mental and brain health and physical well being
d- mental and phyisical health and sport health
30. factors that play a major role in maintaining physical health , what are they 2 23 1
a- good nutrition , physical fitness , emotional health , and prevention of disease and injury
b- good nutrition , physical fitness, adequate sleep and prevention of disease and injury -
c- emotional health, physical fitness, adequate sleep and prevention of disease and injury
d- emotional health, physical fitness, good nutrition and adequate sleep -
31. Cholesterol are manufacture in : 2 23 1
a- pancrease
b- Liver
c- Stomach
d- Brain
32. Carbohydrates are obtained primarily from: 2 23 1
24 ‫ من‬4 ‫صفحة‬
a- Plant foods
b- Fats
c- Proteins-.
d- Animal muscles-.
33. A paramedic eats a diet rich in cold-water fish and canola oil. If the paramedic 23 2 1
:continues this diet, she can expect
a- Lowering blood cholesterol from an abundance of saturated fats
b- b.-Lowering blood cholesterol from polyunsaturated fats
c- c.-Rising blood cholesterol from trans fats
d- d.-Rising blood cholesterol from unsaturated fats
34. 2 24 2
Fats found primarily in meat and dairy products that raise cholesterol levels in
:the blood are called
a- Saturated fats
b- Polyunsaturated fats
c- Monounsaturated fats
d- Omega-3 fatty acids
35. Which of the following is true of cholesterol? 2 23 2
a- Cholesterol is found in all foods of animal origin
b- Cholesterol is heavily concentrated in lean muscle
c- Cholesterol has no helpful purpose and should be eliminated from the body
d- Cholesterol forms in the pancreas
36. :Essential amino acids are 2 23 2
a- Produced in the body
b- Derived from carbohydrate sources
c- Obtained from food sources
d- Vitamins that can be ingested as tablets
37. Water-soluble vitamins: 2 24 1
a- Are stored in the liver and pancreas
b- Are inorganic substances
c- Include vitamins A, D, E, and K-.
d- Must be ingested through daily food intake-.
38. Antioxidants are also called: 2 24 3
a- Free-radical scavengers
b- Free radicals
c- Vitamine A
d- Carcinogens
39. ?Approximately what percentage of the human body is composed of water 2 26 1
a- 25%
b- 35% .
c- 45%
d- 55%
40. A paramedic is talking to a patient with newly identified heart disease. Which 2 29 2
of the following dietary guidelines provides good advice for this patient?
a- Eat one or two servings of fruits or vegetables daily
b- b.-Limit cholesterol to 200 mg a day
c- c.-Favor foods with trans fats over those with polyunsaturated fats
d- d.-Limit salt intake to about 12 grams (4800 mg sodium) daily

41. A paramedic beginning a new exercise program should aim to keep his or her 2 27 2
24 ‫ من‬5 ‫صفحة‬
heart rate in the target zone for _____ minutes to increase cardiovascular
a- 20
b- 40
c- 60
d- 80
42. During a routine physical, a paramedic’s BMI is calculated at 32. The 2 27 3
paramedic is:
a- Underweight
b- At a healthy weight
c- Moderately overweight
d- Severely overweight
43. Isometric exercises are exercises that 2 27 2
a- Move a joint through a range of motion
b- b.-Increase muscle bulk considerably
c- c.-Strengthen muscles at joint angles
d- d.-Use resistance to a movable object to create tension
A paramedic working 12-hour daylight shifts for 3 days followed by three 12- 2 28 1
44. :hour night shifts would expect to have disturbances in his or her
a- Solar day rhythm-.
b- b.-Circadian rhythm
c- c.-Lunar tide rhythm
d- d.-Circular rhythm
Periods of sleepiness and wakefulness are influenced by the 2 28 2
45. :level of
a- Melatonin and cortisol
b- Estrogen and progesterone
c- Insulin and cortisol-.
d- Melatonin and testosterone
46. :Most infectious diseases can be avoided by 2 29 2
a- Cooking foods thoroughly to kill bacteria
b- Drinking water that has been boiled for at least 10 minutes-.
c- Hand washing and following universal precautions -.
d- Asking patients to wear a mask
47. An apprehensive uneasiness or painful dread about an impending event is 2 31 1
known as:
a- Anxiety
b- b.-Depression
c- c.-Guilt
d- d.-Stress
48. :The positive stress that is considered to be protective is called 2 32 1
a- Distress
b- Eustress-.
c- Prostress
d- Antistress-.
49. The alarm reaction phase of a stress response is mediated by the . 2 3 2
a- Autonomic nervous system
b- Central nervous system-.
c- Peripheral nervous system-.

24 ‫ من‬6 ‫صفحة‬
d- Asomatic nervous system-.
50. During the alarm reaction phase of the stress response 2 33 2
a- he pupils constrict
b- Blood pressure drops-.
c- ACTH is released -.
d- The bronchial tree constricts-.
51. A veteran paramedic has been responding to emergency calls for 15 years. The 2 33 1
person has developed _____ to the alarm response
a- Desensitization
b- Resistance-.
c- Tolerance-.
d- Capacity-.

52. A paramedic has been exposed to repeated stressful emergency calls with no 2 31 2
stress relief. His or her home life is also stressful. The paramedic has begun to
lose concentration at work and is withdrawing from co-workers. This
paramedic is suffering from:
a- Depression
b- b.-Paranoia
c- c.-Chronic anxiety
d- d.-Delusions
53. The need to be liked is a type of: 2 31 2
a- Psychosocial stress
b- Environmental stress-.
c- Behavioral stress
d- Personality stress
54. An active process in which one gathers information and uses it to change or 2 34 2
adjust to a new situation is called:
a- Coping
b- b.-Mastery
c- c.-Defense mechanism
d- d.-Projection
55. Critical-incident stress management is designed to: 2 34 2
a- Allow emergency workers opportunities to vent their feelings
b- Look objectively at an emergency response and find what went wrong -
c- Determine the fault for the unsuccessful outcome of an emergency response
d- Give medical direction the opportunity to provide a learning example based on an emergency response -.
56. Critical-incident stress debriefings should be held: 2 34 2
a- Two weeks after an incident
b- After any situation in which workers are exposed to significant stress
c- When five or more rescuers have difficulty dealing with an incident
d- If a paramedic feels anxious when responding to emergency calls
57. .A “why me?” response in the grieving process is an example of: 2 34 1
a- Denial
b- Anger-.
c- Depression-.
d- Bargaining
58. Which of the following statements about unintentional injuries in the United 3 43 1
States is true?
a- The economic effect of unintentional injuries is about $1 million per year
24 ‫ من‬7 ‫صفحة‬
b- About 5% of all hospital ED visits are related to unintentional injuries -.
c- Unintentional injuries result in more potential life lost than any other cause -.
d- Unintentional injuries rarely result in death
59. EMS providers caring for a patient after he or she has been injured is an 3 44 3
example of:
a- Primary injury prevention
b- b.-Secondary injury prevention
c- c.-Tertiary injury prevention
d- d.-Final injury prevention
60. The Haddon matrix helps us to: 3 45 1
a- Predict the patient’s injuries
b- Understand the entire injury sequence
c- Control the scene and prevent rescuer injury-.
d- Remember the steps of patient assessment at trauma scenes -.
61. Complicated long-term consequences of a crash that are avoided because of 3 45 2
proper emergency care on the scene represents prevention in the
a- Pre-event phase-.
b- Event phase-.
c- Post-event phase-.
d- Final-event phase-.
62. The period after a patient has been injured during which he or she is 3 48 3
particularly receptive to injury-prevention tips is called the:
a- Teachable moment
b- Receptive opportunity-
c- Opportunity for prevention
d- Responsive moment-
63. :A prevention program that prevents a problem before it occurs is called a 3 52 2
a- Primary prevention program
b- b.-Secondary prevention program
c- c.-Tertiary prevention program
d- d.-Final prevention program
64. Medical liability is: 4 54 2
a- Rarely a problem for EMS providers
b- A problem reserved primarily for hospital staff -.
c- A valid concern for today’s EMS providers-.
d- Historically a problem for EMS providers -.
65. The paramedic has legal responsibilities to: 4 56 2
a- The patient and the employer
b- The patient, the employer, and the medical director -.
c- The patient, the medical director, and the public-.
d- The patient, the employer, the medical director, and the public
66. Responding with respect to the physical and emotional needs of the patient 4 55 3
and maintaining mastery of skills are examples of:
a- Legal responsibilities
b- Ethical responsibilities-.
c- Expanded responsibilities-.
d- Continuing responsibilities -.
67. If a paramedic fails to perform EMS duties appropriately, he or she is 4 55 2
susceptible to:
a- Disciplinary action by her employer only

24 ‫ من‬8 ‫صفحة‬
b- Civil liability only-.
c- Criminal liability only-.
d- Civil and criminal liability
68. Laws that are developed by a governmental agency to provide details about 4 56 2
the function and process of the law are called:
a- Administrative law
b- Common law
c- Criminal law
d- Administrative law
69. If a paramedic is sued by a patient for failing to treat him with the appropriate 4 56 2
respect and concern for his welfare, the paramedic has violated:
a- Legislative law
b- b.-Common law
c- c.-Criminal law
d- d.-Civil law
70. Negligence is best defined as failure to: 2 58 1
a- Improve the patient’s condition
b- Act as a reasonable prudent paramedic would act in similar circumstances
c- Administer the appropriate medication to the patient
d- Treat the patient with respect -.
71. Verbal or written consent to a treatment is called: 4 63 1
a- Expressed consent
b- Informed consent-.
c- Implied consent-.
d- Defined consent
72. Failure to operate emergency vehicles reasonably and prudently constitutes 4 59 3
a- Lack of duty to act
b- b.-Breach of duty to act
c- c.-Negligence
d- d.-Poor standard of care
73. Ensuring that a patient understands the risks and dangers of a treatment is 4 63 1
necessary for the patient to give:
a- Expressed consent
b- Informed consent-.
c- Implied consent-.
d- Defined consent-.
74. A paramedic renders emergency care to a patient with head trauma who is 4 63 2
confused and responding inappropriately. Consent is obtained for the patient
a- Expressed consent
b- Informed consent-.
c- Implied consent-.
d- Defined consent-.
75. Intentional and unjustifiable detention of a person is: 4 64 2
a- Assault
b- Battery-.
c- False imprisonment-.
d- Denied consent-.
76. Physical contact with a patient without his or her consent is: 4 64 1
a- Assault

24 ‫ من‬9 ‫صفحة‬
b- Battery-.
c- False imprisonment
d- Denied consent

77. a paramedic responds to a cardiac arrest. The patient has a valid DNR order, 4 66 3

but family members request resuscitation. The paramedic should:

a- Provide CPR and contact medical direction
b- Withhold CPR and honor the DNR-.
c- Provide CPR only but do not provide advanced care-.
d- Give other resuscitative measures but withhold CPR -.
78. A patient with no heartbeat can donate: 4 68 2
a- Heart
b- Liver-.
c- Pancreas -.
d- Corneas

79. How long after a patient’s death can nonvital tissue donation occur ? 4 68 2

a- Up to 2 hours
b- Up to 6 hours-.
c- Up to 12 hours-.
d- Up to 24 hours-.
80. In the scene the safety priority is first to: 4 69 1
a- Personal safety
b- Patient care
c- Preservation of evidence-.
d- Cooperation with the needs of police
81. Which of the following is the best description of the legal profession’s 4 57 2
belief about patient care records?
a- ”Write down subjective and objective findings“
b- ”Complete the patient care report within 2 days of the call“-.
c- ”If it isn’t written down, it wasn’t done“-.
d- Use medical abbreviations for clarity“-.
82. 136.A paramedic is called to the scene where a child has injuries, bruises, and 4 57 3
burns inconsistent with the history given by the parents. The paramedic
does not fear legal consequences associated with reporting this incident to
proper authorities because mandatory reporting statutes provide:
a- Informed consent
b- Immunity-.
c- Confidentiality-.
d- Liability-.
83. A standard for honorable behavior that has been designed by a group and 5 73 1
with which conformity is expected is called:
a- Ethics
b- Duty to act
c- Obligation-.
d- Systematic appraisal
84. ?Which of the following is true of ethics and the legal system . 5 75 2
a- Ethics is synonymous with the law
b- Any legal decision you make is also ethical -.
c- Ethics should take precedence when the law and ethics conflict -.
d- Ethical and legal issues are often entwined-.

24 ‫ من‬10 ‫صفحة‬
85. If a paramedic is confronted with a situation never before faced, decisions 5 76
should be guided by:
a- Emotion
b- Global protocols-.
c- Personal knowledge base-.
d- Medical direction or other resources -.
86. When considering the best decision to make in an Ethical Decision Making 5 76 2
scenario, you ask yourself, “Would I accept this action if I were in the patient’s
place?” Which ethical test are you applying?
a- Impartiality test
b- b.-Universalizability test
c- c.-Interpersonal justifiability test
d- d.-Moral code test
87. When considering the best decision to make in an Ethical Decision Making 5 76 2
scenario, you ask yourself, “Would I feel comfortable having this action
performed in all relevantly similar circumstances?” Which ethical test are you
a- Impartiality test
b- Universalizability test-.
c- Interpersonal justifiability test-.
d- Moral code test
88. When considering the best decision to make in an Ethical Decision Making 5 76 3
scenario, you ask yourself, “Am I able to provide good reasons to justify and
defend my actions to others?” Which ethical test are you applying ?
a- Impartiality test
b- Universalizability test-.
c- Interpersonal justifiability test-.
d- Moral code test-.
89. The impartiality test in ethical decision making is designed to correct: 5 77 3
a- Unjustifiable actions-
b- Faulty reasoning-.
c- Lack of knowledge-.
d- Personal bias-.
90. Care in futile situations: 4 3
a- Should be terminated immediately in all cases
b- Rarely pose a moral or ethical dilemma
c- Should be discussed with medical direction
d- Can be denied even if the family wishes care to be provided
91. :Prehospital emergency care before the twentieth century has its roots from 1 3 1
a- Civilian history
b- Military history
c- American red cross
d- National highway traffic safety and administration
92. - The military effort to care for wounded soldier during wars becomes the 1 3 1
basis for current emergency care:
a- -True
b- -False

24 ‫ من‬11 ‫صفحة‬
93. The first who contact with those who need help and direct appropriate 1 8 1
agencies is
a- Citizen
b- EMT-paramedic
c- Dispatcher
d- first responds

94. Physical contact with a person without consent and without legal justification 4 64 1
a- Abandonment
b- False imprisonment
c- Assault
d- Battery
95. Verbal or written consent to the treatment is 4 63 1
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
96. The presumption that an unconscious or incompetent person would consent to 4 63 1
lifesaving care
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
97. Failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent EMS provider would use in 4 58 1
similar circumstances
a- Implied consent
b- expressed consent
c- Informed consent
d- Negligence
98. .Competent and informed adult patients have the right to refuse medical care 4 63 1
a- True
b- False
99. The following consideration support the feasibility of EMS involvement in 3 46 1
community health and injury prevention EXCEPT :
a- .EMS provider is considered authorities on injury and prevention
b- EMS provider is NOT welcome in homes, schools and other environment
c- EMS provider is high-profile role model .
d- EMS provider are often consider as the champion of the customer
100. Paramedics play important roles when managing crime and accident scenes 4 69 2
which is / are:
a- providing patient care
b- B-helping to preserve evidence at the scene when possible
c- C- Investigation of the crime
d- D- A+B
101. Personal safety is always the 4 69 1
a- first priority in any emergency response
b- Second priority in any emergency response
24 ‫ من‬12 ‫صفحة‬
c- Third priority in any emergency response
d- Non of above
102. all of the following are component of the EMS system excep 1 7 1
a- training
b- trauma system
c- facilities
d- operation room
103. the first level of EMS provider is? 1 8 1
a- First responder
b- dispatcher
c- EMT-basic
d- EMT-paramedic
104. The fat-soluble vitamins is? 2 24 2
a- A-C-B
b- K-D-N-A
c- -K-E-D-A-B
d- non of above
105. all of the following arte example of primary responsibilities of the paramedic 1 13 1
? except
a- preparation
b- patient transfer
c- community involvement
d- documentation
106. all of the following are the component of EMS system except 1 7 1
a- mutual aid
b- Assurances provider
c- facilities
d- communication
107. usually the first who are recognizing the need of emergencies service : 1 8 1
a- citizen
b- paramedic
c- medical direction
d- -firs respond
108. the first who contact with those who need help and direct appropriate agencies 1 8 1
a- citizen
b- EMT-paramedic
c- dispatcher
d- first respond
109. all of the following are first respond function except: : 1 9 2
a- relay medical information
b- provide CPR
c- recognize the seriousness of patient condition
d- -assess vital sign
110. cardiac rhythm interpretation is one of the function of: 1 10 2
a- A- EMT-basic
b- EMT-intermediate
c- first responder

24 ‫ من‬13 ‫صفحة‬
d- A+ B
111. the person who are trained in all aspect of basic life support(BLS) and advance life 1 10 2
support (ALS) is :
a- EMT-basic
b- EMT –intermediate
c- EMT- paramedic
d- B +C
112. 1 10 2
- the person who are trained on patient assessment is:
a- EMT-basic
b- EMT –intermediate
c- EMT- paramedic
d- B+C
113. :Continue education provide away for all health care providers to 1 12 2
a- decrease the cost of the emergency care
b- public education
c- learn new or advanced skills and knowledge
d- all of above
114. processes by which the paramedic is granted permission to Practice his or her 1 11 2
a- Licensure
b- certification
c- registration
d- all of above
115. process granted to practice a profession by competent authority 1 12 2
a- Licensure
b- certification
c- registration
d- all of above
116. granted authority to an individual who has met predetermined Qualification 1 11 1
to participate in an activity
a- Licensure
b- certification
c- registration
d- medical direction
117. 1 11 1
- Is the act of enrolling one’s name in an register or book or record
a- A- Licensure
b- certification
c- registration
d- medical direction
118. the internal drive for excellence and self direction is: 1 11 2
a- empathy
b- self confidence
c- self motivation
d- integrity
119. 1 15 1
the two types of medical direction :
a- online and outline medical direction
b- online and offline medical direction

24 ‫ من‬14 ‫صفحة‬
c- inline and outline medical direction
d- inline and offline medical direction

120. a paramedic called for an emergency event , he call the medical direction by 1 15 2
:radio this is an example of
a- offline (direct) medical direction
b- online (indirect)medical direction
c- offline (indirect) medical direction
d- online (direct)medical direction
121. when the paramedic treat the patient by using protocol and standing order 1 15 2
without using phone or radio what type of medical direction does he use:
a- online medical direction
b- offline medical direction
c- outline medical direction
d- inline medical direction
122. the EMT who are trained in cardiac rhythm interpretation , defibrillation 1 10 1
,drug therapy , and airway management is:
a- EMT basic
b- EMT paramedic
c- first responder
d- all of above
123. The------effort to care for wounded soldier during wars become the basis for 1 7 1
current emergency care:
a- Military
b- civilian
c- global
d- Society agencies
124. the first who contact with those who need help and direct appropriate agencies 1 20 1
a- citizen
b- EMT-paramedic
c- first respond
d- non of above
125. Patient care education is the function of ………? 1 10 2
a- EMT- paramedic
b- EMT- basic
c- EMT- intermediate
d- all of above
126. cardiac rhythm interpretation is one of the function 1 10 2
a- EMT-paramedic
b- EMT-intermediate
c- EMT-basic
d- A+B
127. -…….. …Are classes that must be taken before or at the same time as the 1 13 1
paramedic program ?
a- prospective
b- retrospective
c- descriptive
d- prerequisites
128. all of the following are example of attributes of the paramedic except: 1 13 2

24 ‫ من‬15 ‫صفحة‬
a- patient advocacy
b- communication
c- response
d- respect
129. ? is essential to bulding body tissue during growth ..……- 2 24 1
a- fats
b- vitamins
c- Proteins
d- carbohydrate
130. period of sleepiness and wakefulness are influenced by the level of 2 28 1
a- adrenaline and noradrenalin
b- atropine and adenosine
c- melatonin and adenosine
d- cortisol and melatonin
131. all of the following is true about body mechanic during lifting and moving 2 29 1
patient except?
a- take short steps
b- move backward than forward-
c- bend at the hips and knees-
d- keep the load close to the body-
132. wellness has tow main component ? 2 23 1
a- physical well-being and physical fitness
b- mental and emotional health
c- physical well-being and mental _emotional health
d- mental _emotional health and good nutrition
133. ……… is ability of muscle to exert force for a brief period ? 2 24 1
a- Muscle strength
b- Muscle endurance
c- Isometric exercise
d- Isotonic
134. in the research format the ……… section provide answers to study questions 1 28 1
and data?
a- discussion section
b- method section
c- result section
d- introduction
refer to the way in which a person follow s stander Of conduct 1 13 1
135. ? and performance established by the profession
a- Profession

b- Professionalism
c- EMS-research
d- continuous quality improvement
136. all of the following are component of the EMS system except? 1 7 2
a- training
b- trauma system
c- facilities
d- operation room
137. -the first level of EMS provider is? 1 8 1
a- First responder

24 ‫ من‬16 ‫صفحة‬
b- dispatcher
c- EMT-basic
d- EMT-paramedic
138. Prehospital emergency care before the twentieth century has its roots from: 1 3 1
a- Civilian history
b- military history
c- American red cross
d- national highway traffic safety and administration
139. Common exposure to infection in the prehospital includes: 2 39 2
a- Blood
b- Needle sticks and broken or scraped skin
c- Car accident
d- Immunization booster
140. A network of services coordinated to provide aid and medical assistance from 1 6 1
primary response to definitive care is referred to as which of the following?
a- EMS system
b- Health maintenance organization
c- Advanced life support
d- d.-Medical transportation system
141. Which of the following characteristics differentiates EMT-paramedics from 1 10 2
other recognized levels of EMS training?
a- Advanced training in emergency vehicle operations
b- b.-Advanced training in medical incident command
c- c.-Advanced training in drug therapy
d- d.-Advanced training in injury prevention
142. Which of the following best describes the paramedic when he or she is acting 1 10 2
as a health care professional?
a- Judges patients based on personal experiences
b- Works well with one of four teammates
c- Unconcerned with personal hygiene
d- Displays honesty in all actions .
143. Which of the following actions by a paramedic best demonstrates the 1 13 2
characteristic of personal hygiene
a- Maintaining hair length above the collar
b- Ensuring that uniforms are clean
c- Avoiding dangling earrings while on duty
d- Wearing gloves while performing patient care
144. Encouraging citizens’ involvement in the EMS system achieves which of the 1 8 3
?following goals
a- Creating informed and independent advocates
b- Encouraging the use of emergency resources for routine care-.
c- Allowing for more effective disaster response
d- Increasing positive media coverage
145. A paramedic participates in a study in which all patients over the age of 55 are 1 17 2
asked if they take an aspirin daily. This type of research is called
a- Descriptive research
b- Experimental research-.
c- Retrospective research-.
d- Manipulative research -.
146. An EMS system is considering a new medication for inclusion in its protocols.
24 ‫ من‬17 ‫صفحة‬
The medication is tested for the next 3 months and then its benefits are
?evaluated. What type of research is being conducted

a- Observational
b- Prospective
c- Retrospective
d- Descriptive-
147. The treatment protocols for an EMS system require consultation with a 1 17 3
physician at the base hospital prior to the administration of certain
medications. This requirement is an example of :
a- On-line medical direction-.
b- On-scene medical direction
c- Standing orders-.
d- Retrospective off-line medical direction
148. Which of the following responsibilities would be considered a primary 1 15 2
responsibility of the paramedic?
a- Documentation
b- Advocating citizen involvement
c- Support of primary care
d- Professional development
149. Technique for reducing crisis-induced stress 2 36 1
a- Provide food and fluid replacement
b- increase exposure to the incident-
c- A+B
d- None of the above
150. Research design in which the specific question, hypothesis, and data collection 1 18 3
are defined before the study begins
a- Descriptive<observational>
b- experimental
c- prospective
d- retrospective
151. :Two main components of wellness are physical well-being and 2 23 1
a- Adequate nutrition
b- Prevention of disease
c- Physical fitness
d- Mental and emotional health
152. Carbohydrates are obtained primarily from: 2 23 1
a- Plant foods
b- Fats
c- Proteins
d- Animal muscles
153. When lifting and moving patients, which of the following principles help to 2 29 1
prevent injury?
a- Move backward rather than forward when possible
b- Move backward rather than forward when possible
c- Take long steps if walking
d- Bend at the waist, not at the knees
154. A paramedic has been exposed to repeated stressful emergency calls with no 2 31 2
stress relief. His or her home life is also stressful. The paramedic has begun to
lose concentration at work and is withdrawing from co-workers. This
24 ‫ من‬18 ‫صفحة‬
paramedic is suffering from:
a- Depression
b- Paranoia
c- Chronic anxiety
d- Delusions
155. A “why me?” response in the grieving process is an example of: 2 37 1
a- Denial
b- Anger .
c- Depression
d- Bargaining
156. An 80-year-old woman has just died in her home. Her anxious family members 2 38 2
ask you how she is doing. Which of the following responses is most
a- ”.She has passed on“
b- ”.b.-“She is no longer with us
c- ”.c.-“She is gone
d- ”.d.-“She has died
157. If a person does not speed while driving so as to avoid an expensive traffic 3 45 2
ticket, the driver is responding to which of the three Es of injury prevention?
a- Education
b- Enforcement-
c- Engineering-
d- Enhancement
158. A person escaping injury during a vehicle crash because the air bags deployed 3 45 2
has benefited from which of the three Es of injury prevention?
a- Education
b- Enforcement-
c- Engineering-
d- Enhancement
159. Primary injury data include: 3 43 2
a- The mechanism of injury
b- On-scene education provided
c- Patients’ vital signs
d- On-scene time
160. Laws that are developed by a governmental agency to provide details 4 56 3
about the function and process of the law are called:
a- Legislative law
b- Administrative law
c- Common law
d- Criminal law
161. Judge-made law or case law is also called: 4 56 3
a- Legislative law
b- Administrative law
c- Common law
4 d- Criminal law
162. If a paramedic is sued by a patient for failing to treat him with the 4 56 3
appropriate respect and concern for his welfare, the paramedic has
a- Legislative law
b- Common law

24 ‫ من‬19 ‫صفحة‬
c- Criminal law
d- Civil law
163. 137.Which of the following provisions is part of the Ryan White Act? 4 63 3
a- a.-Emergency workers must be informed when they have been exposed to an infectious disease
b- Emergency workers have mandatory reporting requirements when interacting with patients with suspected
infectious diseases
c- Employers must cover the expenses of long-term medical treatment for emergency workers exposed to
infectious diseases
d- Employers must designate an officer to care for emergency workers exposed to infectious diseases
164. Negligence is best defined as failure to 2 58 1
a- Improve the patient’s condition
b- Act as a reasonable prudent paramedic would act in similar circumstances -
c- Administer the appropriate medication to the patient
d- Treat the patient with respect
165. Failure to operate emergency vehicles reasonably and prudently 4 59 2
a- Lack of duty to act
b- Breach of duty to act
c- Negligence
d- Poor standard of care
166. The standard of care is used to: 9 59 2
a- Decide what skills are in a paramedic’s protocols
b- Delegate care from the physician to the paramedic
c- Measure the competence of a professional
d- Prove breach of duty-
167. While caring for a patient in cardiac arrest, a paramedic fails to identify 4 59 2
that the end tracheal tube she or he placed is actually in the patient’s
esophagus. This constitutes:
a- Malfeasance
b- Misfeasance
c- Nonfeasance
d- Defeasance
168. Paramedics respond to a motor vehicle crash and transport the patient to 4 59 3
the emergency department without protecting the cervical spine. The
patient has no spinal injuries. The paramedics are protected from a
negligence lawsuit because there was no:
a- Duty to act
b- Breach of duty-
c- Damage to the patient
d- Responsibility to the patient-
169. The best defense for a paramedic against a negligence lawsuit is: 4 59 2
a- Good Samaritan laws
b- Governmental immunity-.
c- Statute of limitations-.
d- Competent patient care skills-
170. Malpractice insurance carried by an employer to cover on-duty 4 60 2
employees is called a(n):
a- Umbrella policy
b- Primary policy-.
c- Coverage policy
d- Addendum policy
171. A paramedic is called to treat a local politician’s child for a broken arm. 4 52 3
24 ‫ من‬20 ‫صفحة‬
The paramedic suspects that the injury was caused by abuse. Reporters
are on the scene at the hospital and request an interview with the
paramedic. In a written release to the media, the paramedic states that
the politician is a child abuser. The paramedic could be sued for:
a- Malicious character statements
b- Libel
c- Release without consent .
d- Privacy corruption
172. Verbal or written consent to a treatment is called: 4 63 1
a- Expressed consent

b- Informed consent

c- Implied consent

d- Defined consent

173. Ensuring that a patient understands the risks and dangers of a treatment is 4 63 1
necessary for the patient to give:
a- Expressed consent
b- Informed consent-.
c- Implied consent
d- Defined consent .
174. A paramedic renders emergency care to a patient with head trauma who 4 163 1
is confused and responding inappropriately. Consent is obtained for the
patient by:
a- Expressed consent
b- Informed consent-
c- Implied consent-.
d- Defined consent
175. 138.A married 16-year-old who is supporting herself is refusing care following 4 63 3
an injury. She is alert and oriented and in no apparent distress. The
paramedic should:
a- Honor her decision after explaining the risks of refusing treatment
b- Contact her parents to obtain consent; she is not capable of making this decision
c- Transport her against her will; she is a minor-
d- Contact police to assist in transporting the patient against her will
176. A mentally competent adult is refusing medical care for a life-threatening 4 63 2
medical emergency. The paramedic should:
a- Honor the patient’s decision after explaining the risks of refusing treatment
b- Contact the patient’s private physician to authorize treatment without consent -
c- Transport the patient against his or her will-
d- Contact police to assist in transporting the patient against his or her will
177. Intentional and unjustifiable detention of a person is: 4 64 1
a- Assault
b- Battery-
c- False imprisonment
d- Denied consent
178. Physical contact with a patient without his or her consent is: 4 64 1
a- Assault
b- Battery-.
c- False imprisonment-
d- Denied consent-.
179. Unless the patient’s condition dictates otherwise, the patient should generally 4 65 2
be transported to the
a- Closest hospital
24 ‫ من‬21 ‫صفحة‬
b- Next hospital on the rotation
c- Hospital that accepts the patient’s insurance
d- Hospital of the patient’s choice
180. A paramedic responds to a cardiac arrest. The patient has a valid DNR 4 64 3
order, but family members request resuscitation. The paramedic should:
a- Provide CPR and contact medical direction
b- Withhold CPR and honor the DNR
c- Provide CPR only but do not provide advanced care-
d- Give other resuscitative measures but withhold CPR
181. A terminal cancer patient has a signed valid DNR. The patient’s family 4 68 3
requests transport to the hospital and comfort measures such as IV fluid
administration and pain medication. The paramedic should:
a- Provide no care but transport the patient; the DNR takes precedence
b- Provide only BLS care-.
c- Provide appropriate care; DNR orders do not interfere with nonresuscitative care -.
d- Provide no care and do not transport the patient; the DNR takes precedence -.
182. Resuscitative measures can possibly be terminated in the field if the 4 67 2
a- Does not respond to 5 cycles of CPR
b- Has refractory ventricular fibrillation
c- Has an unsecured airway
d- Does not respond to appropriate medications and counter shocks
183. Advance directives are: 4 66 3
a- The same as no-CPR orders
b- Legally binding even if the patient or family change their minds
c- Interpreted by a physician and formulated into a treatment plan
d- Beyond the scope of prehospital providers and cannot be honored
184. What role should EMS providers play in organ donation? 4 68 2
a- Stop resuscitative efforts for identified organ donors
b- Do not provide medications to potential organ donors
c- Talk to next of kin about a patient’s intent to donate organs -
d- EMS providers play no role in organ donation-.
185. A patient with no heartbeat can donate: 4 68 1
a- Heart
b- Liver-
c- Pancreas
d- Corneas-
186. How long after a patient’s death can nonvital tissue donation occur 4 68 1
a- Up to 2 hours
b- Up to 6 hours
c- Up to 12 hours
d- Up to 24 hours
187. The priority when responding to a crime scene is: 4 69 2
a- Personal safety
b- Patient care -.
c- Preservation of evidence
d- Cooperation with the needs of police
188. Which of the following is the best description of the legal profession’s 4 57 2
belief about patient care records?
a- ”Write down subjective and objective findings“

24 ‫ من‬22 ‫صفحة‬
b- ”Complete the patient care report within 2 days of the call“ .
c- ”If it isn’t written down, it wasn’t done“
d- ”Use medical abbreviations for clarity“
189. A paramedic is called to the scene where a child has injuries, bruises, and 4 57 2
burns inconsistent with the history given by the parents. The paramedic does
not fear legal consequences associated with reporting this incident to proper
authorities because mandatory reporting statutes provide
a- Informed consent
b- Immunity
c- Confidentiality
d- Liability
190. Testimony that is taken under oath outside a courtroom is called a: 4 85 2
a- Deposition
b- Transcript-
c- Summons-.
d- Complaint-.
191. A description of the conduct that is expected of an individual in a given 4 95 2
situation and that is a measure against which one's conduct is compared
to that of a similarly trained individual is referred to as:
a- Medical liability

b- The standard of care

c- Medical malpractice-

d- Legislative law

192. You are called to the scene of a three-vehicle crash. You are en route to 4 64 2
the hospital with the most seriously injured patient, who appears to have
experienced significant chest trauma. Upon arrival at the hospital you
find the emergency department overflowing with patients. You can find
no physician or nurse available to listen to your patient report. You ask
an emergency department registration clerk to sign your prehospital care
report, and you return to service. Your actions are an example of:
a- Refusal of prehospital care
b- Proximate cause
c- Abandonment
d- Gross negligence
193. : The fundamental question in ethical tests in health care is 5 76 3
a- .-“What can be justified?”
b- .-“What is in the patient’s best interest?”
c- What is the legally acceptable treatment?”
d- ”?What does the patient want“
194. The role of the public in resolving ethical conflicts includes 5 76 2
a- Establishing standards of care
b- Making retrospective reviews of decisions-.
c- Creating laws-
d- Providing research and treatment protocols-.
195. Another word for autonomy is: 5 77 2
a- .-Self-determination
b- -Morals
c- Ethics
d- Decision making
196. Which of the following are components of autonomy? 5 77 2
a- Agency, independence, and rationality

24 ‫ من‬23 ‫صفحة‬
b- Agency, beneficence, and confidentiality-.
c- Confidentiality, nonmaleficence, and integrity-.
d- Nonmaleficence, integrity, and rationality-.
197. A duty to confer benefits or do good deeds is called: 5 77 2
a- Nonmaleficence
b- Integrity-.
c- Beneficence-.
d- Autonomy-
198. Promoting patient access to reliable health care, promoting equality in health 5 78 3
care systems, and informing patients of health care reform initiatives are all
examples of acting as a patient:
a- Surrogate
b- Advocate
c- Delegate
d- Designate
199. a common symptom of stress is 2 31 2
a- anger
b- fear
c- anxiety
d- difficulty breathing
200. the involuntary attempt to keep certain feeling or memories from reaching 2 38 2
conscious awareness is
a- repression
b- denial
c- substitution
d- compensation

24 ‫ من‬24 ‫صفحة‬

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