Day 1: 22 July 2011 Finite Element Methods by S. Rajagopal Scientist

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NAFEMS INDIA Workshop on

Finite Element Methods and Practical Stress Analysis

Day 1: 22 July 2011

Finite Element Methods
S. Rajagopal
ADE, Bangalore
Day 1: Road Map

Time Contents
1000 – 1100 • Basic Introduction to FEM : General Introduction
• Revision Topics: Stiffness, Strength, FEM Software
Architecture, Properties of materials, Plane stress,
Plane strain, Stiffness method
1100 – 1115 Break – High Tea
1115 – 1245 • FEM Formulation
• Summary of basic method
• Basic Solution procedure
1245 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1430 • Illustration of 1D problem
Reference Books

• An introduction to Finite Element Methods By

JN Reddy
• Practical Finite Element Analysis by Nitin, S
Deshpande, et al .
• Concepts and Applications of Finite Element
Analysis By RD Cook
• Finite Element Analysis – Theory and
Programming By CS Krishnamoorthy
• Chandragupta and Belegundu
• FEM by P Seshu
• NAFEMS – Why do / How to series
• NAFEMS Benchmarks
Introduction to FEA

• What is FEM?
– The infinite DOF of a continuous problem is
reduced into a finite DOF problem using some
approximations. The complex continuum
region is discretized into number of finite
elements/shapes/domains called FINITE
Introduction to FEA

• What is DOF?
– The number of independent variables
required to describe the state of the system

• Stiffness
– Ability of the member to withstand
• Strength
– Ability of the member to withstand load
Six Steps in FEM
• Step 1 - Discretization: The problem domain is discretized into a
collection of simple shapes, or elements.
• Step 2 - Develop Element Equations: Developed using the
physics of the problem, and typically Galerkin’s Method or
variational principles.
• Step 3 - Assembly: The element equations for each element in
the FEM mesh are assembled into a set of global equations that
model the properties of the entire system.
• Step 4 - Application of Boundary Conditions: Solution cannot be
obtained unless boundary conditions are applied. They reflect
the known values for certain primary unknowns. Imposing the
boundary conditions modifies the global equations.
• Step 5 - Solve for Primary Unknowns: The modified global
equations are solved for the primary unknowns at the nodes.
• Step 6 - Calculate Derived Variables: Calculated using the nodal
values of the primary variables.
Process Flow
Problem Analysis and
Start Stop
Definition design decisions

• Generates
Pre-processor element shape • Prints or plots
functions contours of stress
• Reads or generates • Calculates master components.
nodes and elements element equations • Prints or plots
(ex: ANSYS) • Calculates contours of
• Reads or generates transformation displacements.
material property data. matrices • Evaluates and
• Reads or generates • Maps element prints error
boundary conditions equations into bounds.
(loads and global system
constraints.) • Assembles Step 6
element equations
• Introduces
Step 1, Step 4 conditions
• Performs solution Steps 2, 3, 5
FEM software Architecture

• Importance of material properties


• Plane Stress
– It is a problem of a thin plate which is loaded
in the plane of the sheet and uniformly across
the thickness
• Plane Strain
– It is a problem of a long prismatic bar of
uniform cross section, constrained at two
ends and loaded perpendicular to the length.
Loading has to be uniform across the length

• Stiffness Coefficient (kij) – It is the force at

coordinate i, due to a unit displacement at
coordinate j, keeping all other
displacements zero
• Flexibility Coefficient (aij) – It is the
displacement at coordinate i, due to a unit
force at coordinate j, keeping all other
forces zero
• Stiffness Method (Displacement Method) –
The compatibility conditions are satisfied
first and then the equilibrium equations are
set up and solved for the unknown
• Flexibility Method (Force Method) – The
equilibrium equations are satisfied first and then
the compatibility conditions are set up and
solved for the unknown forces
• Stiffness Matrix (K) – The jth column of kij
represent the load vectors to be applied at the
nodal DOF in order to maintain unit
displacement at jth DOF by keeping
displacement at all other DOF zero
• Properties of Stiffness Matrix
– Square Matrix, Diagonal Elements are positive,
– Singular if the structure is not supported
Day 1: Road Map

Time Contents
1000 – 1100 • Basic Introduction to FEM : General Introduction
• Revision Topics: Stiffness, Strength, FEM Software
Architecture, Properties of materials, Plane stress,
Plane strain, Stiffness method
1100 – 1115 Break – High Tea
1115 – 1245 • FEM Formulation
• Summary of basic method
• Basic Solution procedure
1245 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1430 • Illustration of 1D problem
Variational Formulation
• Variational Methods
– To define the weak form we
need to characterize two
class of functions namely
Trial Solution and Weighting Strong Form of BVP
Function / Variations Given f : Ω → R and g & h 
 
• Purpose of Weak Form  Find u : Ω → R such that 
S = 
– To convert the given GDE u
 , xx + f = 0 on Ω 
into a set of linear algebraic u (1) = 0 ; u (0) = h 
 ,x 
equations through some
• 3 Steps involved in
Variational Formulation

Step 1: Multiply the GDE by the weighting function and integrate

between the boundaries

∫ w{u }

, xx + f dx = 0

Step 2: Integrate the first term using Integration by parts

1 1 1
du dw du
w −∫ dx + ∫ wf dx = 0
dx 0 0 dx dx 0

Step 3: Identify/ Classify the Boundary Conditions as EBC & NBC

and Apply the Boundary Conditions
Variational Formulation

• Characteristics of Weak Form

– Requires weaker continuity of the
dependant variable and this form results in
set of linear algebraic equations
– The NBC is already in the weak form and
hence the trial solution requires only the
EBC to be satisfied
– For structural applications, weak form is
nothing but the Minimization of PE of the
system (Hence it is also sometimes called
Quadratic Functional)
Basic Solution Procedure

• Matrix Form (Galerkin’s Method)

– Assume the weighting function and trial
solution and substitute in the weak form
n n
w = ∑ CA N A ;u = ∑ d A N A
A= 0 A= 0

– N – Shape/ Interpolation / Basis Functions

– After the substitution, the resulting
equation can be written in matrix form as
kd = f
Choice of Trial Functions
• Completeness
– Approximations must be able to represent an arbitrary
rigid body motion and arbitrary constant strain rate
– For this, it demands that the lowest order admissible
terms should be included in the polynomial and no
series terms should be omitted
• Compatibility
– Ensures that there is no gap inside the element and
between the elements when system of elements are
• Geometric Isotropy
– Element should not show any preferred direction
• Completeness is a Necessary Condition for Convergence
while compatibility and geometric isotropy can be relaxed
Type of Elements

• One Dimensional Elements

– Linear Element
x − x2 x − x1
u = α 1 + α 2 x : N1 = : N2 =
x1 − x2 x2 − x1
• Number of constants represent the number of
• Shape Functions are written by C – Matrix
• Number of shape functions are also equal to
number of nodes. Each node characterize each
shape functions
– Quadratic Element
u = α 1 + α 2 x + α 3 x 2 : N1 =
(x − x2 )(x − x3 ) : N = (x − x1 )(x − x3 ) : N = (x − x1 )(x − x2 )
(x1 − x2 )(x1 − x3 ) 2 (x2 − x1 )(x2 − x3 ) 3 (x3 − x1 )(x3 − x2 )
Type of Elements

• Two Dimensional Elements

– 3 Node Triangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y
• Shape Functions can be written only by C – Matrix
– 6 Node Triangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y + α 4 x 2 + α 5 xy + α 6 y 2

• Check Completeness and Compatibility in each case

Type of Elements

• Two Dimensional Elements

– 4 Node Rectangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y + α 4 xy
• Shape Functions can be written by C – Matrix Method
/ Lagrangian formula (Lagrangian Element)
– 6 Node Rectangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y + α 4 x 2 + α 5 xy + α 6 x 2 y
– 9 Node Rectangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y + α 4 x 2 + α 5 xy + α 6 y 2 + α 7 x 2 y + α 8 xy 2 + α 9 x 2 y 2
– 8 Node Rectangular Element
u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y + α 4 x 2 + α 5 xy + α 6 y 2 + α 7 x 2 y + α 8 xy 2
FE Formulation of 1d Elements

Consider an axially loaded elastic bar (can have varying

cross section) with area of cross section A(x), Young’s
Modulus E(x), subjected to a body force b(x)
The strong form of GDE is
d  du  du
 AE  + b = 0 for 0 < x < 1 subject to u (0) = u0 ; AE =q
dx  dx  dx

The Weak form is

1 1 1
du dw du
w −∫ dx + ∫ wf dx = 0
dx 0 0 dx dx 0

Substitute the assumption for approximate solution and

n n
weighting function w = ∑ C A N A ; u = ∑ d A N A
A= 0 A= 0
FE Formulation of 1d Elements

dw n dN A n
du n
= ∑ CA = ∑ C A BA ; = ∑ d A BA
dx A=0 dx A= 0 dx A=0

( )
t L
N AE + ∫ N T bdx = ∫ B T AEBdx d
dx 0 0 0

Kd = f b + f l = f

Evaluate the expression for K (Elemental Stiffness) based on the

Shape function for a linear element
AE  1 − 1
L − 1 1 
Day 1: Road Map

Time Contents
1000 – 1100 • Basic Introduction to FEM : General Introduction
• Revision Topics: Stiffness, Strength, FEM Software
Architecture, Properties of materials, Plane stress,
Plane strain, Stiffness method
1100 – 1115 Break – High Tea
1115 – 1245 • FEM Formulation
• Summary of basic method
• Basic Solution procedure
1245 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1430 • Illustration of 1D problem

• Solve the following Bar Element by

discretizing into 2 and 3 elements
AE=50 150 KN Body Force = 100 KN/m
X=2 X=8 BCs
Ans - Disp at tip = 18

• Solve the following Bar Element by

discretizing into 2 Elements. The area of c/s
A =2A A =A 100 KN
is varying linearly 2
BCs Note – Kindly Solve both
the problems with ANSYS
X=2 q(x=2)=100
X=0 E=A=1
tool and verify results

Ans - Disp at tip = 137.143

Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Solution to Illustration
Isoparametric Element

• Why Isoparametric
– Restriction in quad and brick element that the
sides have to be parallel to the coordinate axes
in order to satisfy the compatibility. This
restriction is removed in Isoparametric Element
• What is Isoparametric
– The element (Global Element) is mapped on to a
new coordinate system (Parent Element)
(-1,1) (1,1) Y

(-1,-1) (1,-1) X
Sources of Error in the FEM

• The three main sources of error in a typical FEM solution are

discretization errors, formulation errors and numerical errors.
• Discretization error results from transforming the physical
system (continuum) into a finite element model, and can be
related to modeling the boundary shape, the boundary
conditions, etc.

Discretization error due to poor geometry Discretization error effectively eliminated.

Sources of Error in the FEM
• Formulation error results from the use of elements that don't precisely describe
the behavior of the physical problem.
• Elements which are used to model physical problems for which they are not
suited are sometimes referred to as ill-conditioned or mathematically unsuitable
• For example a particular finite element might be formulated on the assumption
that displacements vary in a linear manner over the domain. Such an element
will produce no formulation error when it is used to model a linearly varying
physical problem (linear varying displacement field in this example), but would
create a significant formulation error if it used to represent a quadratic or cubic
varying displacement field.
Sources of Error in FEM

• Since FEM is a numerical procedure,

Numerical Error is always associated with
it. Its sources are as follows,
– Assumption of trial solution
– Numerical Differentiation & Integration
– Matrix Inversion
– Isoparametric Transformation
• Best way to avoid this error is have more
number of elements
Colleagues of ADE & NAFEMS

Thank You

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