Age of The Universe

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Ancient Vedic texts calculate The Age of the universe in correspondence to

the life span of it’s creator – Lord Brahma

∴ Age of the Universe = Age of Lord Brahma
The Life span of Lord Brahma is of 100 (Brahma) years.
i.e. 100 years in the life of Lord Brahma.
But these 100 Brahma years are not the same like the solar years on earth.
Here we see Time Dilation.

In simple words - time runs at a slower rate for an object in motion as

compared to an object at rest. This glitch in time is known as Time Dilation !
In simple words, as you travel faster, time starts running slowly for you.

More simply put, TIME VARIES from World to World (Celestial planes).
Brahma’s Realm is called the “Brahma Lok”, also known as the “Satya Lok”.
Brahma’s Kingdom is the Brahma Lok / Satya Lok
We are on the 7th Realm – The Bhu Lok
Brahma Lok is 1.87 billion miles above us. It is the highest Realm.
Hence time runs really slowly High up at Brahma Lok.
In half a day of Lord Brahma many trillion years pass on earth
Age of Universe = 100 Brahma Years = How many earth years ?
Lets find out
Time on earth compared in years to the time on Celestial plane.
1 earth year = 360 earth days = 1 Celestial day
30 earth years = 10,800 earth days = 1 Celestial month (30 Celestial days)
360 earth years = 129,600 earth days = 1 Celestial year (360 Celestial days)
The time on earth is spread over a cyclical period called a Maha Yug (Great
1 Maha Yug (Great Era) comprises of 4 Yugs (Eras)
1st Era – Satya Yug = 4800 celestial years = 1,728,000 earth years
2nd Era – Treytaa Yug = 3600 celestial years = 1,296,000 earth years
3rd Era – DwApar Yug = 2400 celestial years = 864,000 earth years
4th Era – Kali Yug = 1200 celestial years = 432,000 earth years
∴ 1 Maha Yug (Great Era) = 4800 + 3600 + 2400 + 1200
= 12,000 celestial years = 4,320,000 earth years
∴ 1 Maha Yug (Great Era) = 4,320,000 earth years
1 Day of Brahma – is called A Kalp (Eon) (1st HALF of Brahma’s Day)
1 Night of Brahma – is also equal to 1 Kalp. (2nd HALF of Brahma’s Day)
∴ 1 day + 1 night of Brahma
i.e. 1 BRAHMA DAY = 2 KALPS (Eons)
1 year of Brahma = 360 Brahma days
∴ 360 Brahma days = (360 x 2) = 720 KALPS
∴ 100 Brahma Years = 72,000 KALPS
The Life Span of Lord Brahma is called
“Parardh”or “Maha Kalp” (Great Eon)
Each Kalp has 14 Manwantars (Intervals)
Every Kalp begins with a time period called “Adi Sandhi”
Every Manwantar is followed by a time period called “Sandhi Kaal”
Adi Sandhi has 4 Charans (Levels). Sandhi Kaal has 4 Charans (Levels)
∴ 1 Kalp = 1 Adi Sandhi + 14 Manwantars
= 4 Charans + 14 Manwantars + (14 x 4) 56 Charans
= 60 Charans + 14 Manwantars
4 Charans = 1,728,000 earth years [total time of 1 Satya Yug (1st Era)]
∴ 1 Charan = (1,728,000 ÷ 4)
= 4,32,000 earth years [total time of 1 Kali Yug (4th Era) ]
60 Charans = (6 x 10) Charans
= 6 x (4,320,000 earth years) [total time of 1 Maha Yug (1 Great Era)
∴60 Charans = 6 Maha Yugs
∴ 1 Kalp = 6 Maha Yugs + 14 Manwantars
1 Manwantar comprises of 71 Maha Yugs
∴1 Kalp = 6 Maha Yugs + (14 x 71) 994 Maha Yugs
= 1000 Maha Yugs
1 Kalp = 1000 Mahayugs
∴ 1 Kalp (1 half of Brahma’s Day) = 1000 Mahayugs
∴ 2 Kalps (1 Day + Night of Brahma) = 2000 Mahayugs
1 Maha Yug = 4,320,000 earth years
∴ 2000 Maha Yugs = 8,640,000,000 earth years
∴ 1 Day + Night of Brahma = 8,640,000,000 earth years
1 Brahma Year = 360 Brahma days = (360 x 8,640,000,000) earth years
∴ 1 Brahma Year = 3,110,400,000,000 earth years
∴ 100 Brahma years = 311,040,000,000,000 Earth Years
(311 Trillion 40 Billion earth years)
Modern Cosmology calculates the current age of the Universe around 13.8 billion years
(Current Age = Time Elapsed since the Big Bang)
As per our calculation this Universe may still have approximately 311,026,200,000,000
(311 Trillion 26 Billion earth years)

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