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Name: Martina Chantal B.

Laxamana Section: BSMT-2C


Guide Questions

1] What type of standard solutions are used for neutralization titration?

- Standard solutions used for neutralization titrations are usually solutions of strong acids or bases. The
most frequently used acids are HCl and H2SO4, either of which is suitable for use as a permanent
reference standard. Solutions of sodium, potassium and barium hydroxides are the most frequently
used as basic standard solutions. Neutralization titrations depend on the analyte’s chemical reaction
with the standard reagent. For titration of a strong acid with a strong base, HCl or H 2SO4 with NaOH is
used. In titration of a weak acid with a strong base, acetic acid or lactic acid with NaOH is used. Titration
of a weak base with strong acid sodium cyanide or sodium salicylate with HCl is used.

2] How are standard solutions of acid prepared in the laboratory?

- Acid standard solutions are prepared by diluting concentrated HCl, H 2SO4 or HClO4.

3] How are standard solutions of base prepared in the laboratory?

- Base standard solutions are prepared from solid NAOH, KOH, and sometimes Ba(OH) 2.

4] What type of acids and bases are indicators used for neutralization titration?

- Strong acids and strong bases are indicators used in neutralization titration because its substances
react more completely with the analyte and produce sharper end points.

5] Why are weak acids and bases not used as titrants?

- Because the weak acid and bases does not react completely and produce sharper points than the
strong acids and bases. If both are of equal strength, then the equivalence pH will be neutral. However,
weak acids are not often titrated against weak bases because the colour change shown with the
indicator is often quick, and therefore very difficult for the observer to see the change of colour.
6] Explain the difference between the titration curve of a strong acid titrated with a strong base and the
titration curve of a weak acid titrated with a strong base.

- The curve is steep and the equivalence point is in pH 7 which means it is neutral. The pH increases
slowly until we near the equivalence point, where the pH increases dramatically with a small increase in
the volume of base added. Passing the equivalence point by adding more base initially increases the pH
dramatically and eventually slopes off. In the weak acid titrated with strong base, there is a gradual
changes until the half-neutralization because half of the acid has been neutralized. The equivalence
point the pH is 7 it indicates that all of the acid has been converted to its conjugate. The steep portion of
the curve prior to the equivalence point is short. The titration curve of strong acid titrated with strong
titrated with strong base has higher equivalence point than the weak acid titrated acid with a strong

7] What is the significance of the half-titration point in the titration of a weak acid with a strong base?

- It means that concentration of weak acid is equal to the concentration of its conjugate base because
half of the acid has been neutralized. This is the point at which the pH of the solution is equal to the
dissociation constant (pKa) of the acid.

Practice Exercises

1] A 50.00 mL aliquot of 0.1000 M NaOH is titrated with 0.1000 M HCl. Calculate the pH of the solution
after the addition of:

a) 0.00 mL HCl

NaOH H2O Na+ H2O

BEFORE 0.1000 - 0.00 0.00
AFTER -0.1000 - +0.1000 +0.1000

pOH = -log [0.1000]= 1

pH= 14-pOH


pH= 13
b) 10.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 10.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/mL = 1.00 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 10.00mL = 60.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 1.00 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -1.00 mmol -1.00 mmol +1.00 mmol +1.00mmol
After 4.00 mmol 0.00 1.00 mmol 1.00 mmol

The concentration of unreacted NaOH:

4.00 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0667 M
60.00 mL

[OH-] = 0.0667 M

pOH = -log(0.0667) = 1.176

pH = 14-pOH

= 14-1.176


c) 25.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 25.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 2.50 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 25.00mL = 75.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 2.50 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -2.50 mmol -2.50 mmol +2.50 mmol +2.50mmol
After 2.50 mmol 0.00 2.50 mmol 2.50 mmol

The concentration of unreacted NaOH:

2.50 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0333 M
75.00 mL
[OH-] = 0.0333 M

pOH = -log(0.0333) = 1.478

pH = 14-pOH

= 14-1.478


d) 40.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 40.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 4.00 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 40.00mL = 90.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 4.00 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -4.00 mmol -4.00 mmol +4.00 mmol +4.00mmol
After 1.00 mmol 0.00 4.00 mmol 4.00 mmol

The concentration of unreacted NaOH:

1.00 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0111 M
90.00 mL

[OH-] = 0.0111 M

pOH = -log(0.0333) = 1.955

pH = 14-pOH

= 14-1.955


e) 45.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 45.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 4.50 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 45.00mL = 95.00 mL

Initial 5.00 mmol 4.50 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -4.50 mmol -4.50 mmol +4.50 mmol +4.50mmol
After 0.50 mmol 0.00 4.50 mmol 4.50 mmol

The concentration of unreacted NaOH:

0.50 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0053 M
95.00 mL

[OH-] = 0.0053 M

pOH = -log(0.0053) = 2.276

pH = 14-pOH

= 14-2.275


f) 49.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 49.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 4.90 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 49.00mL = 99.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 4.90 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -4.90 mmol -4.90 mmol +4.90 mmol +4.90mmol
After 0.10 mmol 0.00 4.90 mmol 4.90 mmol

The concentration of unreacted NaOH:

0.10 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0010 M
99.00 mL

[OH-] = 0.0010 M

pOH = -log(0.0010) = 3

pH = 14-pOH
= 14-3


g) 50.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 5.00 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 40.00mL = 90.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 4.00 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -5.00 mmol -4.00 mmol +5.00 mmol +5.00mmol
After 0.00 0.00 5.00 mmol 5.00 mmol

At the equivalence point, no unreacted NaOH remains in the solution and the pH of the solution is based
on the dissociation of the water:


Kw = [H3O+] [OH-]

[H3O+] = [OH-]

[H3O+] = √ K w = √ 1.00 x 10−14 = 1.00 x 10-7

pH = -log(1.00 x 10-7)

pH= 7.00

h) 51.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 51.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 5.10 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 51.00mL = 101.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 5.10 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -5.00 mmol -5.00 mmol +5.00 mmol +5.00mmol
After 0.00 mmol 0.10 mmol 5.00 mmol 5.00 mmol
Post-equivalence, no unreached NaOH remains in the solution contains excess HCl

0.10 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0010 M
101.00 mL

[H+] = 0.0010 M

pH = -log(0.0010)

pH = 3

i) 55.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 55.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 5.50 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 55.00mL = 105.00 mL


Initial 5.00 mmol 5.50 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -5.00 mmol -5.00 mmol +5.00 mmol +5.00mmol
After 0.00 mmol 0.50 mmol 5.00 mmol 5.00 mmol

Post-equivalence, no unreached NaOH remains in the solution contains excess HCl

0.50 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0048 M
105.00 mL

[H+] = 0.0048 M

pH = -log(0.0048)

pH = 2.32

j) 60.00 mL HCl

Total mmol NaOH = M x V= 50.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL = 5.00 mmol

Total mmol HCl = M x V = 60.00mL x 0.1000 mmol/ mL= 6.00 mmol

Vtotal = 50.00mL + 60.00mL = 110.00 mL

Initial 5.00 mmol 6.00 mmol 0.00 0.00
Change -5.00 mmol -5.00 mmol +5.00 mmol +5.00mmol
After 0.00 mmol 1.00 mmol 5.00 mmol 5.00 mmol

Post-equivalence, no unreached NaOH remains in the solution contains excess HCl

1.00 mmol
[NaOH] = = 0.0091 M
110.00 mL

[H+] = 0.0091 M

pH = -log(0.0091)

pH = 2.04

2] Using Excel, prepare a titration curve from the data. Plot pH vs titrant volume.

Titrant Volume pH
0.00 mL 13.00
10.00 mL 12.82
25.00 mL 12.52
40.00 mL 12.05
45.00 mL 11.72
49.00 mL 11.00
50.00 mL 7.00
51.00 mL 3.00
55.00 mL 2.32
59.00 mL 2.04
pH vs. Titrant volume







0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00


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