Articol IJO Agnozia

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ISSN 0971-7749

Vol 23 / Issue 1 / January - March 2017

Indian Journal of Otology

Indian Journal of Otology • Volume 23 • Issue 1 • January-March 2011 • Pages 1-00**
 An Indexed International Journal
 Indexed in Scopus

Dr. M. K. Taneja
Case Report

Prelingual Auditory Verbal Agnosia, A Rare Condition

Violeta Necula, Cristina Mirela Stamate, Krishna Luchoo, Marcel Cosgarea
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj‑Napoca, Romania

Auditory agnosia, agnosia for speech is a rare condition, caused mostly by stroke, in adults, while in children it is often a sequel of herpes
simplex encephalitis or is associated with epilepsy, in Landau–Kleffner syndrome. This article presents a rare case of verbal auditory agnosia
as a result of meningoencephalitis, caused probably by herpes simplex virus. The patient’s developed encephalitis at the age of 1 year and
4 months. After her recovery, the family noticed the absence of language development. She was initially diagnosed with profound hearing
loss, and the hearing aids did not help her. The speech therapy developed her lip‑reading skills with a hard‑to‑understand pronunciation. Later,
audiometry showed a nearly normal peripheral auditory system and magnetic resonance imaging revealed the characteristic brain lesions in
both the temporal lobes, explaining the patient’s evolution. Assessment of children with delayed speech development must consider the central
hearing disorders as a differential diagnosis.

Key words: Auditory verbal agnosia, central deafness, herpes encephalitis

Introduction for bacteria or mycoplasma. After this episode, the family

noticed a decline in speech perception and production. She
Auditory agnosia is a rare auditory deficit due to bilateral
was able to recognize some environmental sounds such as
lesions of the primary auditory cortex or acoustic radiations.
doorbell, telephone, door knock, or the noise of fallen object.
It is divided into four categories: general auditory agnosia,
agnosia for speech, for environmental sounds and music.[1,2] She was trained intermittently by speech therapists developing
Auditory verbal agnosia is specific for speech sounds and visual skills like lip‑reading and the language in some manner.
represent the inability to comprehend speech. Nonverbal
sounds are heard and comprehended.[1] Clinical examination did not reveal any pathologiec aspect
except the delay in speech development and lack of speech
In adults, the most common causes of auditory agnosia are perception. Audiological assessment is presented in Figure 1.
cerebrovascular accident, dementia[3] or tumor within the third
ventricle, meanwhile, in children, possible causes include Taking into considerations the audiological results with a
herpes simplex encephalitis and Landau–Kleffner syndrome.[4] history of encephalitis and the absence of speech perception
the patient was suspected of central hearing loss of auditory
agnosia. The patient underwent a magnetic resonance
Case Report imaging  (MRI) examination, and bilateral temporal lobe
A 24‑year‑old female patient presented to our clinic for lesions were detected, predominantly on the right side
audiological assessment with complaints of speech perception [Figures 2 and 3].
impairment and difficulties in speech production. In childhood,
she was diagnosed with profound hearing loss, as a result of
which she started using hearing aids; however, she discontinued
them because they bothered her. Address for correspondence: Dr. Violeta Necula,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine
After a normal early development, at the age of 1 year and and Pharmacy, 8th Babes Street, Cluj‑Napoca, Romania.
4  months, she was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis of
unknown etiology. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures were negative
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Access this article online Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
Quick Response Code: and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
Website: new creations are licensed under the identical terms. For reprints contact:

DOI: How to cite this article: Necula V, Stamate CM, Luchoo K,

10.4103/0971-7749.199499 Cosgarea M. Prelingual auditory verbal agnosia, A rare condition. Indian
J Otol 2017;23:46-8.

46 © 2017 Indian Journal of Otology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Necula, et al.: Prelingual Auditory Verbal Agnosia

Figure 1: Puretone audiogram ‑ medium sensorineural hearing loss; auditory steady state response ‑ thresholds on 30–40 dB HL; auditory brainstem
response ‑ normal configurations and thresholds; Type A tympanogram; acoustic reflex present ipsi‑ and contralateral; distortion products otoacoustic
emissions with responses on both ears.

Neurological examination did not reveal any additional is one case/250,000 population/year in the USA and
impairment. 2.5/1,000,000 population/year in Sweden.[6] In the absence of
therapy, mortality exceeds 70%, and only 2.5% of surviving
For a better communication, the patient continued to work
individuals return to normal neurological function.[7] Herpes
with a speech therapist, attempting to improve her lip‑reading
simplex encephalitis is characterized by acute focal, necrotizing
and pronunciation.
brain lesions, particularly in the temporal and orbitofrontal
region. Our patient had bilateral lesions of temporal region,
Discussion more pronounced on the right, similar to the cases submitted
This is a rare case of prelingual verbal auditory agnosia in a by Kaga et al.[8]
young patient with severe speech production and perception
If the injury occurs before the language development, the lack
disorders, which occurred after an episode of encephalitis at
of auditory feedback prevents the speech development and
the age of 1 year and 4 months. The early onset of the disease
the communication mainly relies on visual cues. Word‑deaf
had severe repercussions in subsequent language evolution
children are mute, and only few of them succeed to acquiring
because of lack of auditory feedback, necessary for speech
adequate language.[9]
production. Unclear pronunciation, similar to a deaf person,
and childhood pure tone thresholds, which showed severe Clinical manifestations, in this case, were similar to
to profound hearing impairment, enabled the patient to be deaf‑mute and the voice quality was also affected. The
considered deaf–mute. The current audiological assessment initial diagnosis was severe to profound hearing loss,
showed a medium hearing loss in contrast to the lack of based on the child’s lack of response to sounds on puretone
speech perception and a normal peripheral auditory system. audiogram; however, this was arrived without making a
MRI confirmed brain lesions in both superior temporal gyri, complete objective assessment. Hearing aids did not help
more pronounced on the right side. the patient, which is understandable now when we found
that she could hear environmental sounds but could not
In children, auditory agnosia is due to herpes encephalitis
understand speech.
or is associated with epilepsy in Landau–Kleffner
syndrome.[4] Herpes simplex is the most common cause of The patient was able to acquire only a poor language and
acute sporadic encephalitis in children[5] and its incidence developed lip‑reading with the help of speech therapists. She

Indian Journal of Otology  ¦  Volume 23  ¦  Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017 47

Necula, et al.: Prelingual Auditory Verbal Agnosia

Figure 2: Fluid‑attenuated inversion recovery‑type acquisitions on Figure 3: The fluid‑attenuated inversion recovery‑type acquisition in
coronal plan: Sequelar pathological hypersignal on gyriform and sagital plan reveals a peripheral hypersignal, gyriform but also junctional,
cortico‑subcortical junctional areas, in the posterosuperior temporal cortico‑subcortical, in posterosuperior temporal gyrus, more obvious
gyrus, with an atrophic appearance (extremely thin cortex, linear), more on the right side; quite obvious the atrophic, very thin appearance of
visible on the right side, secondary of inflammatory disease. involved cortex.

attended mainstream school, and she learnt to read and write; Financial support and sponsorship
however, her academic performances were poor. Nil.
Similar cases were presented by Kaga et al.[10] In one of the
Conflicts of interest
reported cases, the onset was at 1  year and 2  months with
There are no conflicts of interest.
bilateral temporal lobe lesions, like in our case. Language
acquisition was difficult, communication was performed using
sign language, and the patient attended a special school for References
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48 Indian Journal of Otology  ¦  Volume 23  ¦  Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017

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